Writing java docs - showing an output example - java

I'm asking myself how to show an example of an output in java docs.
See here...
* Returns the app's version-info (e.g.: "App 1.2").
public static String getAppVersionInfo() {
return getAppName() + " " + getVersionName();
How to express the 'e.g.' in a convenient way?

As far as I know, Javadoc doesn't have a special tag for example values.
The closest thing to what you are describing that I remember encountering would be examples of hashing algorithms in MessageDigest#getAlgorithm(). In that case the authors simply say
... The name should be a standard Java Security name (such as "SHA", "MD5", and so on). ...
There is also the Javadoc HowTo, which specifically discourages using "e.g.":
Avoid Latin
use "also known as" instead of "aka", use "that is" or "to be specific" instead of "i.e.", use "for example" instead of "e.g.", and use "in other words" or "namely" instead of "viz."
Other than that, I'm not aware of any rules or best practices applicable to your situation.


How can i add variables inside Java 15 text block feature? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to have placeholder for variable value in Java Text Block?
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
Just came across a new feature in Java 15 i.e. "TEXT BLOCKS". I can assume that a variable can be added inside a text block by concatenating with a "+" operator as below:
String html = """
<p>Hello, """+strA+"""</p>
But are they providing any way so that we can add variables the way which is becoming popular among many other languages as below:
String html = """
<p>Hello, ${strA}</p>
This question might sound silly but it may be useful in certain scenario.
Java 15 does not support interpolation directly within text blocks nor plain string literals.
The solution in Java 15 is to use String.formatted() method:
String html = """
<p>Hello, %s</p>
From the spec for text blocks:
Text blocks do not directly support string interpolation.
Interpolation may be considered in a future JEP.
"String interpolation" meaning
evaluating a string literal containing one or more placeholders,
yielding a result in which the placeholders are replaced with their
corresponding values
from Wikipedia
As stated above, maybe we'll get it in the future. Though it is difficult to say how they could possibly implement that without breaking backwards compatibility -- what happens if my string contains ${}, for example? The Java language designers rarely add anything that is likely to break backwards compatibility.
It seems to me that they would be better off either supporting it immediately, or never.
Maybe it would be possible with a new kind of text block. Rather than the delimiter being """, they could use ''' to denote a parameterized text block, for example.
As already discussed, this is not possible in JDK15 and you cannot change that fact.
But, I suppose you are trying to suggest a thing like this in C# language.
Although this is just a syntax sugar thing over string.Format() method in C# (which is a counterpart of String.format() in Java), apparently it is nice if we can have this in Java. This is an extension to the existing way of describing string literal in the language syntax, but of course this can be easily adapted onto text block specification as well.
If this is what you have in your mind, you can make a proposal to Java Community Process to expand Java Language Specification. This is very much lighter syntax/semantics enhancement than adding full-featured template engine in Java Compiler/Runtime specification, and it is possible that they would agree with you.
As user #Michael mentioned: No. 'they' (team Project Amber, who are implementing JEP 368) are not providing any way to interpolate the string in the text block.
Note that I somewhat doubt it'll ever happen. For starters, there is the backwards compatibility issue; any such attempt to introduce interpolation requires some marker so that any existing text blocks aren't all of a sudden going to change in what it means depending on which version of javac to invoke.
But more to the point, you yourself, asking the question, can't even come up with a valid example, which is perhaps indicative that this feature is less useful than it sounds. It looks like you came up with a valid use case, but that's not actually true: If what you wrote would compile and work, then you just wrote a webapp with a rather serious XSS security leak in it!
The point is, what you really want is 'templating', and whilst templating sounds real simple (just evaluate this expression then shove the result into the string right where I typed the expression, please!) - it just isn't. Escaping is a large reason for that. But you can't blanket-apply the rule that ${strA} in a text block means: Evaluate expression strA, then HTML escape that, then put it in, for two reasons: Who says that the string you're interpolating things into is HTML and not, say, JSON or TOML or CSV or whatnot, and who says that the interpolation I desire requires escaping in the first place? What if I want to dynamically inject <em> or not, and I don't want this to turn into <em>?
Either we update the langspec to cater to all these cases and now we're inventing an entire templating system and shoving that into a lang spec which seems like a job far better suited to a dedicated library, or we don't, and the feature seems quite useful but is in fact niche: Either you rarely use it, or you have security and other bugs all over your code base - any lang feature that invites abuse is, and I'd hope one would agree with me on this - not a great feature.
Yes, many languages have this, but the current folks who get to decide what java language features make it into future versions of the language seem to be in the phase that they acknowledge such features exist and will learn lessons from it, but won't add features to java 'just because all these other languages all have it' - some thought and use cases are always considered first, and any such analysis of interpolation on string literals probably leads to: "Eh, probably not a worthwhile addition to the language".

How to store mathematical formula in MS SQL Server DB and interpret it using JAVA?

I have to give the user the option to enter in a text field a mathematical formula and then save it in the DB as a String. That is easy enough, but I also need to retrieve it and use it to do calculations.
For example, assume I allow someone to specify the formula of employee salary calculation which I must save in String format in the DB.
Assume that terms such as GROSS_PAY, BASIC_SALARY are known to us and we can make out what they evaluate to. The real issue is we can't predict which combinations of such terms (e.g. GROSS_PAY etc.) and other mathematical operators the user may choose to enter (not just the +, -, ×, / but also the radical sigh - indicating roots - and powers etc. etc.). So how do we interpret this formula in string format once where have retrieved it from DB, so we can do calculations based on the composition of the formula.
Building an expression evaluator is actually fairly easy.
See my SO answer on how to write a parser. With a BNF for the range of expression operators and operands you exactly want, you can follow this process to build a parser for exactly those expressions, directly in Java.
The answer links to a second answer that discusses how to evaluate the expression as you parse it.
So, you read the string from the database, collect the set of possible variables that can occur in the expression, and then parse/evaluate the string. If you don't know the variables in advance (seems like you must), you can parse the expression twice, the first time just to get the variable names.
as of Evaluating a math expression given in string form there is a JavaScript Engine in Java which can execute a String functionality with operators.
Hope this helps.
You could build a string representation of a class that effectively wraps your expression and compile it using the system JavaCompiler — it requires a file system. You can evaluate strings directly using javaScript or groovy. In each case, you need to figure out a way to bind variables. One approach would be to use regex to find and replace known variable names with a call to a binding function:
getValue("BASIC_SALARY") - getValue("NO_PAY") + getValue("TOTAL_OT") + getValue("ALLOWANCE_TOTAL")
This approach, however, exposes you to all kinds of injection type security bugs; so, it would not be appropriate if security was required. The approach is also weak when it comes to error diagnostics. How will you tell the user why their expression is broken?
An alternative is to use something like ANTLR to generate a parser in java. It's not too hard and there are a lot of examples. This approach will provide both security (users can't inject malicious code because it won't parse) and diagnostics.

Java concatenate to build string or format

I'm writing a MUD (text based game) at the moment using java. One of the major aspects of a MUD is formatting strings and sending it back to the user. How would this best be accomplished?
Say I wanted to send the following string:
You say to Someone "Hello!" - where "Someone", "say" and "Hello!" are all variables. Which would be best performance wise?
"You " + verb + " to " + user + " \"" + text + "\""
String.format("You %1$s to %2$s \"%3$s\"", verb, user, text)
or some other option?
I'm not sure which is going to be easier to use in the end (which is important because it'll be everywhere), but I'm thinking about it at this point because concatenating with +'s is getting a bit confusing with some of the bigger lines. I feel that using StringBuilder in this case will simply make it even less readable.
Any suggestion here?
If the strings are built using a single concatenation expression; e.g.
String s = "You " + verb + " to " + user + " \"" + text + "\"";
then this is more or less equivalent to the more long winded:
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(" to ");
sb.append(" \"");
sb.append(text );
String s = sb.toString();
In fact, a classic Java compiler will compile the former into the latter ... almost. In Java 9, they implemented JEP 280 which replaces the sequence of constructor and method calls in the bytecodes with a single invokedynamic bytecode. The runtime system then optimizes this1.
The efficiency issues arise when you start creating intermediate strings, or building strings using += and so on. At that point, StringBuilder becomes more efficient because you reduce the number of intermediate strings that get created and then thrown away.
Now when you use String.format(), it should be using a StringBuilder under the hood. However, format also has to parse the format String each time you make the call, and that is an overhead you don't have if you do the string building optimally.
Having said this, My Advice would be to write the code in the way that is most readable. Only worry about the most efficient way to build strings if profiling tells you that this is a real performance concern. (Right now, you are spending time thinking about ways to address a performance issue that may turn out to be insignificant or irrelevant.)
Another answer mentions that using a format string may simplify support for multiple languages. This is true, though there are limits as to what you can do with respect to such things as plurals, genders, and so on.
1 - As a consequence, hand optimization as per the example above might actually have negative consequences, for Java 9 or later. But this is a risk you take whenever you micro-optimize.
I think that concatenation with + is more readable than using String.format.
String.format is good when you need to format number and dates.
Concateneting with plus, the compilet can transforms the code in performatic way. With string format i don t know.
I prefer cocatenation with plus, i think that is easer to undersand.
The key to keeping it simple is to never look at it. Here is what I mean:
Joiner join = Joiner.on(" ");
public void constructMessage(StringBuilder sb, Iterable<String> words) {
join.appendTo(sb, words);
I'm using the Guava Joiner class to make readability a non-issue. What could be clearer than "join"? All the nasty bits regarding concatenation are nicely hidden away. By using Iterable, I can use this method with all sorts of data structures, Lists being the most obvious.
Here is an example of a call using a Guava ImmutableList (which is more efficient than a regular list, since any methods that modify the list just throw exceptions, and correctly represents the fact that constructMessage() cannot change the list of words, just consume it):
StringBuilder outputMessage = new StringBuilder();
new ImmutableList.Builder<String>()
.add("You", verb, "to", user, "\"", text, "\"")
I will be honest and suggest that you take the first one if you want less typing, or the latter one if you are looking for a more C-style way of doing it.
I sat here for a minute or two pondering the idea of what could be a problem, but I think it comes down to how much you want to type.
Anyone else have an idea?
Assuming you are going to reuse base strings often Store your templates like
String mystring = "You $1 to $2 \"$3\""
Then just get a copy and do a replace $X with what you want.
This would work really well for a resource file too.
I think String.format looks cleaner.
However you can use StringBuilder and use append function to create the string you want
The best, performance-wise, would probably be to use a StringBuffer.

Java API for plural forms of English words

Are there any Java API(s) which will provide plural form of English words (e.g. cacti for cactus)?
Check Evo Inflector which implements English pluralization algorithm based on Damian Conway paper "An Algorithmic Approach to English Pluralization".
The library is tested against data from Wiktionary and reports 100% success rate for 1000 most used English words and 70% success rate for all the words listed in Wiktionary.
If you want even more accuracy you can take Wiktionary dump and parse it to create the database of singular to plural mappings. Take into account that due to the open nature of Wiktionary some data there might by incorrect.
Example Usage:
English.plural("Facility", 1)); // == "Facility"
English.plural("Facility", 2)); // == "Facilities"
jibx-tools provides a convenient pluralizer/depluralizer.
Groovy test:
NameConverter nameTools = new DefaultNameConverter();
assert nameTools.depluralize("apples") == "apple"
nameTools.pluralize("apple") == "apples"
I know there is simple pluralize() function in Ruby on Rails, maybe you could get that through JRuby. The problem really isn't easy, I saw pages of rules on how to pluralize and it wasn't even complete. Some rules are not algorithmic - they depend on stem origin etc. which isn't easily obtained. So you have to decide how perfect you want to be.
considering java, have a look at modeshapes Inflector-Class as member of the package org.modeshape.common.text. Or google for "inflector" and "randall hauch".
Its hard to find this kind of API. rather you need to find out some websservice which can serve your purpose. Check this. I am not sure if this can help you..
(I tried to put word cacti and got cactus somewhere in the response).
If you can harness javascript, I created a lightweight (7.19 KB) javascript for this. Or you could port my script over to Java. Very easy to use:
pluralizer.run('goose') --> 'geese'
pluralizer.run('deer') --> 'deer'
pluralizer.run('can') --> 'cans'
BTW: It looks like cacti to cactus is a super special conversion (most ppl are going to say '1 cactus' anyway). Easy to add that if you want to. The source code is easy to read / update.
Wolfram|Alpha return a list of inflection forms for a given word.
See this as an example:
And here is their API:

Benefits of MessageFormat in Java

In a certain Java class for a Struts2 web application, I have this line of code:
try {
user = findByUsername(username);
} catch (NoResultException e) {
throw new UsernameNotFoundException("Username '" + username + "' not found!");
My teacher wants me to change the throw statement into something like this:
static final String ex = "Username '{0}' not found!" ;
// ...
throw new UsernameNotFoundException(MessageFormat.format(ex, new Object[] {username}));
But I don't see the point of using MessageFormat in this situation. What makes this better than simple string concatenation? As the JDK API for MessageFormat says:
MessageFormat provides a means to produce concatenated messages in language-neutral way. Use this to construct messages displayed for end users.
I doubt that the end users would see this exception since it would only be displayed by the application logs anyway and I have a custom error page for the web application.
Should I change the line of code or stick with the current?
Should I change the line of code or stick with the current?
According to your teacher your should.
Perhaps he wants you to learn different approaches for the same thing.
While in the sample you provided it doesn't make much sense, it would be useful when using other types of messages or for i18n
Think about this:
String message = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages").getString("user.notfound");
throw new UsernameNotFoundException(MessageFormat.format( message , new Object[] {username}));
You could have a messages_en.properties file and a messages_es.properties
The first with the string:
user.notfound=Username '{0}' not found!
And the second with:
user.notfound=¡Usuario '{0}' no encontrado!
Then it would make sense.
Another use of the MessageFormat is described in the doc
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat("The disk \"{1}\" contains {0}.");
double[] filelimits = {0,1,2};
String[] filepart = {"no files","one file","{0,number} files"};
ChoiceFormat fileform = new ChoiceFormat(filelimits, filepart);
form.setFormatByArgumentIndex(0, fileform);
int fileCount = 1273;
String diskName = "MyDisk";
Object[] testArgs = {new Long(fileCount), diskName};
The output with different values for fileCount:
The disk "MyDisk" contains no files.
The disk "MyDisk" contains one file.
The disk "MyDisk" contains 1,273 files.
So perhaps your teacher is letting you know the possibilities you have.
Teachers way allows for easier localisation as you can extract a single string rather than several little bits.
But I don't see the point of using
MessageFormat in this situation
In that specific situation it doesn't buy you much. In general, using MessageFormat allows you to externalize those messages in a file. This allows you to:
localize the messages by language
edit the messages outside without
modifying source code
Personally, I would stick with the concatenation way, but it's just a matter of preference. Some people think it's cleaner to write a string with variables as one string, and then pass the params as a list after the string. The more variables you have in the string, the more sense using MessageFormat makes, but you only have one, so it's not a big difference.
Of course if you don't need internationalization, it is overhead, but basically the code as the teach wants it is more "internationalizable" (although not actually internationalized as the string is still hard coded).
Since this is a teaching situation, though he may be doing it just to show you how to use those classes rather than as the best way to program for this specific example.
In terms of the best way to program, if internationalization is a requirement, then you need to code for it, if not then don't. I just adds overhead and time (to write the code) for no reason.
Pace the other answers, the importance of MessageFormat for internationalizion is not just that it makes it easier to make an external file. In other languages the location of the parameter may be different in the sentence structure of the messages, so using MessageFormat allows you to change that per language, something that string concatenation would not.
One advantage that I see in using MessageFormat is that when you decide to externalize your strings, it would be much easier to build the message and also, it makes more sense to see "Username '{0}' not found!" in your resource file as one string accessed by only one ID.
