How to set TOPOLOGY_MAX_SPOUT_PENDING parameter - java

In my topology, I read trigger messages from a Kafka queue. On receiving the trigger message, I need to emit around 4096 messages to a bolt. In the bolt, after some processing it will publish to another Kafka queue (another topology will consume this later).
I'm trying to set TOPOLOGY_MAX_SPOUT_PENDING parameter to throttle the number of messages going to bolt. But I see it is having no effect. Is it because I'm emitting all the tuples in one nextTuple() method? If so, what should be the work around?

If you are reading from kafka, you should use the KafkaSpout that comes packed with storm. Don't try to implement your own spout, trust me, I use the KafkaSpout in production and it works very smoothly. Each Kafka message generates exactly one tuple.
And as you can see on this nice page from the manual, you can set the topology.max.spout.pending like this:
Config conf = new Config();
StormSubmitter.submitTopology("mytopology", conf, topology);
The topology.max.spout.pending is set per spout, if you have four spouts you will have a maximum of non-complete tuples inside your topology equal to the number of spouts * topology.max.spout.pending.
Another tip, is that you should use the storm UI to see if the topology.max.spout.pending was set properly.
Remember the topology.max.spout.pending is only the number of tuples not unprocessed inside the topology, the topology will never stop consume messages from kafka, at least on a production system... If you want to consume batches of 4096 you need to implement caching logic on your bolts, or use something else than storm (something micro batch oriented).

To make TOPOLOGY_MAX_SPOUT_PENDING you need to enable fault-tolerance mechanism (ie, assigning message IDs in Spouts and anchor and ack in Bolts). Furthermore, if you emit more than one tuple per call to Spout.nextTuple() TOPOLOGY_MAX_SPOUT_PENDING will not work as expected.
It is actually bad practice for some more reasons so emit more than a single tuple per Spout.nextTuple() call (see Why should I not loop or block in Spout.nextTuple() for more details).


How to handle session timeout while processing Kafka messages?

I am processing messages from Kafka in a standard processing loop:
while (true) {
ConsumerRecords<String, String> records = consumer.poll(Duration.ofMillis(100));
for (ConsumerRecord<String, String> record : records) {
What should I do if my Kafka Consumer gets into a timeout while processing the records? I mean the timeout controlled by the property
When this happens, my consumer should stop processing the records, because it would lose its partitions and the records that it processes could be already processed by another consumer. If the original consumer writes some processing results into a database, it could overwrite the records produced by the "new" consumer that got the partitions after my original consumer timed out.
I know about the ConsumerRebalanceListener, but from my understanding its method onPartitionsLost would only be called after I call the poll method from the consumer. Therefore this doesn't help me to stop the processing loop of the batch of records that I received from the previous poll.
I would expect that the heartbeat thread could notify me that it was not able to contact the broker and that we have a session timeout in the consumer, but there doesn't seem to be anything like that...
Am I missing something?
Adding this as an answer as it would be too long in a comment.
Kafka has a few ways that can be used to process messages
At most once;
At least once; and
Exactly once.
You are describing that you would like to use kafka as exactly once semantics (which by the way is the least common way of using kafka). Also producers need to play nicely as by default kafka can produce the same message more than once.
It's a lot more common to build services that use the at least once mechanism, in this way you can receive (or process) the same message more than once but you need to have a way to deduplicate them (it's the same idea behind idempotency on http APIs). You'll need to have something in the message that is unique and have register that that id has been processed already. If the payload has nothing you can use to deduplicate them, you can add a header on the message and use that.
This is also useful in the scenario that you have to reset the offset, so the service can go through old messages without breaking.
I would suggest you to google a bit for details on how to implement the above.
Here's a blog post from confluent about developing exactly once semantics Improved Robustness and Usability of Exactly-Once Semantics in Apache Kafka and the Kafka docs explaining the different semantics.
About the point of the ConsumerRebalanceListener, you don't need to do anything if you follow the solution of using idempotency in the consumer. Rebalances also happen when an app crashes, and in that scenario the service might have processed some records, but not committed them yet to Kafka.
A mini tip I give to everyone who is starting with Kafka. Kafka looks simple from the outside but it's a complex technology. Don't use it in production until you know the nitty gritty details of how it works including have done some good amount of negative testing (unless you are ok with losing data).

Issue with multiple threads in Apache Camel

I'm trying to realize a stress test in a Camel project that receives a key to decrypt some query parameters. However, when I add multiple vusers, the sequence of threads seems to lose the order.
The thread 7 enter in the middle of the sequence of thread 4, is there anyway to control this? In these cases where the sequence is broken, I can't decrypt data cause in the thread I have other key to open.
I'm using direct: in my route, I've tried to use seda with no concurrentConsumers and the process become to slow, utilizando concurrentConsumers parameter the same error.
I solved using SEDA component and multiple consumers, apparently this component controls the various consumers and only starts consumption when the previous consumer is finished.
My route:

Apache Kafka Message broadcasting

I am studying Apache-kafka and have some confusion. Please help me to understand the following scenario.
I have a topic with 5 partitions and 5 brokers in a Kafka cluster. I am maintaining my message order in Partition 1(say P1).I want to broadcast the messages of P1 to 10 consumers.
So my question is; how do these 10 consumers interact with topic partition p1.
This is probably not how you want to use Kafka.
Unless you're being explicit with how you set your keys, you can't really control which partition your messages end up in when producing to a topic. Partitions in Kafka are designed to be more like low-level plumbing, something that exists, but you don't usually have to interact with. On the consumer side, you will be assigned partitions based on how many consumers are active for a particular consumer group at any one time.
One way to get around this is to define a topic to have only a single partition, in which case, of course, all messages will go to that partition. This is not ideal, since Kafka won't be able to parallelize data ingestion or serving, but it is possible.
So, having said that, let's assume that you did manage to put all your messages in partition 1 of a specific topic. When you fire up a consumer of that topic with consumer group id of consumer1, it will be assigned all the partitions for that topic, since that consumer is the only active one for that particular group id. If there is only one partition for that topic, like explained above, then that consumer will get all the data. If you then fire up a second consumer with the same group id, Kafka will notice there's a second consumer for that specific group id, but since there's only one partition, it can't assign any partitions to it, so that consumer will never get any data.
On the other hand, if you fire up a third consumer with a different consumer group id, say consumer2, that consumer will now get all the data, and it won't interfere at all with consumer1 message consumption, since Kafka keeps track of their consuming offsets separately. Kafka keeps track of which offset each particular ConsumerGroupId is at on each partition, so it won't get confused if one of them starts consuming slowly or stops for a while and restarts consuming later that day.
Much more detailed information here on how Kafka works here:
And more information on how to use the Kafka consumer at this link:
#mjuarez's answer is absolutely correct - just for brevity I would reduce it to the following;
Don't try and read only from a single partition because it's a low level construct and it somewhat undermines the parallelism of Kafka. You're much better off just creating more topics if you need finer separation of data.
I would also add that most of the time a consumer needn't know which partition a message came from, in the same way that I don't eat a sandwich differently depending on which store it came from.
#mjuarez is actually not correct and I am not sure why his comment is being falsely confirmed by the OP. You can absolutely explicitly tell Kafka which partition a producer record pertains to using the following:
java.lang.String topic,
java.lang.Integer partition, // <--------- !!!
java.lang.Long timestamp,
K key,
V value)
So most of what was said after that becomes irrelevant.
Now to address the OP question directly: you want to accomplish a broadcast. To have a message sent once and read more than once you would have to have a different consumer group for each reader.
And that use case is an absolutely valid Kafka usage paradigm.
You can accomplish that using RabbitMQ too:
... but the way it is done is not ideal because multiple out-of-process queues are involved.

Kafka KStreams - processing timeouts

I am attempting to use <KStream>.process() with a TimeWindows.of("name", 30000) to batch up some KTable values and send them on. It seems that 30 seconds exceeds the consumer timeout interval after which Kafka considers said consumer to be defunct and releases the partition.
I've tried upping the frequency of poll and commit interval to avoid this:
config.put(StreamsConfig.COMMIT_INTERVAL_MS_CONFIG, "5000");
config.put(StreamsConfig.POLL_MS_CONFIG, "5000");
Unfortunately these errors are still occurring:
(lots of these)
ERROR o.a.k.s.p.internals.RecordCollector - Error sending record to topic kafka_test1-write_aggregate2-changelog
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Batch containing 1 record(s) expired due to timeout while requesting metadata from brokers for kafka_test1-write_aggregate2-changelog-0
Followed by these:
INFO o.a.k.c.c.i.AbstractCoordinator - Marking the coordinator (id: 2147483547 rack: null) dead for group kafka_test1
WARN o.a.k.s.p.internals.StreamThread - Failed to commit StreamTask #0_0 in thread [StreamThread-1]:
org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.CommitFailedException: Commit cannot be completed since the group has already rebalanced and assigned the partitions to another member. This means that the time between subsequent calls to poll() was longer than the configured, which typically implies that the poll loop is spending too much time message processing. You can address this either by increasing the session timeout or by reducing the maximum size of batches returned in poll() with max.poll.records.
at org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler.handle(
Clearly I need to be sending heartbeats back to the server more often. How?
My topology is:
KStreamBuilder kStreamBuilder = new KStreamBuilder();
KStream<String, String> lines =;
KTable<Windowed<String>, String> kt = lines.aggregateByKey(
new DBAggregateInit(),
new DBAggregate(),
TimeWindows.of("write_aggregate2", 30000));
DBProcessorSupplier dbProcessorSupplier = new DBProcessorSupplier();
KafkaStreams kafkaStreams = new KafkaStreams(kStreamBuilder, streamsConfig);
The KTable is grouping values by key every 30 seconds. In Processor.init() I call context.schedule(30000).
DBProcessorSupplier provides an instance of DBProcessor. This is an implementation of AbstractProcessor where all the overrides have been provided. All they do is LOG so I know when each is being hit.
It's a pretty simple topology but it's clear I'm missing a step somewhere.
I get that I can adjust this on the server side but Im hoping there is a client-side solution. I like the notion of partitions being made available pretty quickly when a client exits / dies.
In an attempt to simplify the problem I removed the aggregation step from the graph. It's now just consumer->processor(). (If I send the consumer directly to .print() it works v quickly so I know it's ok). (Similarly If I output the aggregation (KTable) via .print() it seems ok too).
What I found was that the .process() - which should be calling .punctuate() every 30 seconds is actually blocking for variable lengths of time and outputting somewhat randomly (if at all).
Main program
Debug output
Processor Supplier
I set the debug level to 'debug' and reran. Im seeing lots of messages:
DEBUG o.a.k.s.p.internals.StreamTask - Start processing one record [ConsumerRecord <info>
but a breakpoint in the .punctuate() function isn't getting hit. So it's doing lots of work but not giving me a chance to use it.
A few clarifications:
StreamsConfig.COMMIT_INTERVAL_MS_CONFIG is a lower bound on the commit interval, ie, after a commit, the next commit happens not before this time passed. Basically, Kafka Stream tries to commit ASAP after this time passed, but there is no guarantee whatsoever how long it will actually take to do the next commit.
StreamsConfig.POLL_MS_CONFIG is used for the internal KafkaConsumer#poll() call, to specify the maximum blocking time of the poll() call.
Thus, both values are not helpful to heartbeat more often.
Kafka Streams follows a "depth-first" strategy when processing record. This means, that after a poll() for each record all operators of the topology are executed. Let's assume you have three consecutive maps, than all three maps will be called for the first record, before the next/second record will get processed.
Thus, the next poll() call will be made, after all record of the first poll() got fully processed. If you want to heartbeat more often, you need to make sure, that a single poll() call fetches less records, such that processing all records takes less time and the next poll() will be triggered earlier.
You can use configuration parameters for KafkaConsumer that you can specify via StreamsConfig to get this done (see
streamConfig.put(ConsumerConfig.XXX, VALUE);
max.poll.records: if you decrease this value, less record will be polled if you increase this value, there is more time for processing data (adding this for completeness because it is actually a client setting and not a server/broker side configuration -- even if you are aware of this solution and do not like it :))
As of Kafka 0.10.1 it is possible (and recommended) to prefix consumer and procuder configs within streams config. This avoids parameter conflicts as some parameter names are used for consumer and producer and cannot be distinguiesh otherwise (and would be applied to consumer and producer at the same time).
To prefix a parameter you can use StreamsConfig#consumerPrefix() or StreamsConfig#producerPrefix(), respectively. For example:
streamsConfig.put(StreamsConfig.consumerPrefix(ConsumerConfig.PARAMETER), VALUE);
One more thing to add: The scenario described in this question is a known issue and there is already KIP-62 that introduces a background thread for KafkaConsumer that send heartbeats, thus decoupling heartbeats from poll() calls. Kafka Streams will leverage this new feature in upcoming releases.

Mule Aggregator - Streaming Aggregation

The collection aggregator used in the Mule 2.0 framework works a bit like this:
An inbound router takes a collection of messages and splits it up into a number of smaller messages - each smaller message get stamped with a correlation id corresponding to the parent message
These messages flow through various services
Finally these messages arrive at an inbound aggregator that collects up the messages based on the correlation id of the parent message and the number of expected messages. Once all of the expected messages have been received then the aggregation function is called and the result is returned.
Now this works fine when the number of messages in a group is reasonably small. However once the number of messages in a group becomes huge ~100k then a lot of memory is tied up holding onto the group of messages waiting for the later messages to arrive. This is made worse if there are multiple groups being aggregated at the same time.
A way around this issue would be to implement a streaming aggregator. In my use case I am essentially summing up the various messages based on a key and this could be done without having to see all of the messages in the group at the same time. I'd only want to know that all of the messages had been received before forwarding the result onto the endpoint.
Does this sound like a reasonable solution to the problem?
Is this already implemented somewhere in Mule?
Are there better ways of doing this?
This seems like a reasonable approach (I'm not a Mule expert by any means), and I have read all of the Mule documentation and don't think there is something like this out there (the streaming support is limited to a few connectors and transformers - it's pretty simple in that it just passes around an InputStream). Only a few things in Mule stream, so you may need to have other modified transformers (if you use them) that stream. You would just implement the aggregator the provides an InputStream and starts streaming as soon as it got some consecutive sequence of messages.
However one sentence in your description "... all of the messages had been received before forwarding the results to the endpoint" could be troubling. This by it's very nature defeats the purpose of streaming, unless you mean that you (in your service component presumably) will keep track that you got everything before forwarding the (presumably much smaller) processed result onwards.
