CSV and Big Values - java

I have string value.
The value is :
I want to write this value to csv file from java.I use OpenCSV for this.
Here is the code.
String csv = "D:\\denemehttp\\dene.csv";
CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(new FileWriter(csv));
String [] country = "India#China#United States#12345.1234567890123456".split("#");
But when I open the csv the value is :
But it must be:
And note that when I open the csv file with Notepad++ it show the true value:
So what is the problem?
Edit:I found the solution.I try Apache POI and it works.You can set the cell type with APACHE POI and excell doesn't see the value as a number and doesn't format it.It writes the value as a string completely.

You mention that you opened up the CSV in two different applications. The first one either clips it or formats it so you don't see the true value (eg. Excel). Your program is correct.
If the application you are using is Excel which you are using to open, you need to enclose the value in double quotes (") before you write it.
The csv should look like:
"India","China","United States","12345.1234567890123456"
This is because Excel does not recognize the number with this amount of precision, it needs to be treated as a string.


while Parsing TXT to CSV using JAVA long numbers are getting converted to exponential

I have big txt file which needs to converted to CSV format using JAVA ,
I am parsing the file but file is having some long nos in a column which is getting converted to exponential .
like :89148000006119921953 ->8.9148E
I need to parse the txt to csv in such a way so what csv opens with excel doesn't not convert to exponentials values
Please find the below code :
public static String converter(String filename) throws Exception {
FileWriter writer = null;
if (filename.toString().endsWith("TXT")) {
File file = new File("C:\\convertertool\\inputFiles\\" + filename + "");
Scanner scan = new Scanner(file);
filename = filename.replace("TXT", "CSV");
File file2 = new File("C:\\convertertool\\ParsedFiles\\" + filename + "");
writer = new FileWriter(file2);
while (scan.hasNext()) {
String csv = scan.nextLine().replace("|", ",");
return filename;
Double.parseDouble("891413E")//or BigDecimal.parse...
Can help you
The assumptions are:
(1) You want to open the CSV file (e.g. test.csv) in Excel by double-clicking on the file, so that the data is displayed as a sequence of digits (instead of using scientific notation).
(2) You do not want to perform any manual formatting on the Excel file, after it has been opened (so, for example you do not want to have to change the Excel cell formatting).
(3) You do not want to use the Excel manual import wizard.
The only way I know of doing this is to write an Excel formula to the CSV file, instead of writing the actual, unadulterated numeric value. You can use any Excel formula which converts the number to a string.
For example, if the numeric value is this:
then the CSV file needs to contain the following (I added field one just for this demo):
field one,"=TEXT(89148000006119921953,""#"")"
You can try this for yourself by pasting the above into a test.csv file, and seeing what happens when you double-click on it.
The result in Excel is this:
In this case the Excel formula (if created directly in Excel) would be this:
So in the CSV file, we have to surround the field in double quotes, and we have to escape the double quotes inside the formula by doubling them.
There are some disadvantages to doing this:
(a) The text file no longer contains the pure, unchanged data. It contains an Excel formula instead. So it is more-or-less useless outside of Excel.
(b) The value in Excel is a text formula not a number (so you can't perform arithmetic on it).
(c) The Excel column widths will not auto-resize, so if there is any data in cell C1, then cell B1's display will be truncated (but the full text will still be there).
(d) Now you almost certainly do need a proper Java CSV parsing library to make sure you generate valid CSV data.
Final thought: If the end result needs to be viewed in Excel (and only in Excel), then maybe you should generate an actual Excel file (e.g. using Apache POI) instead of generating a CSV file.

printing the Decimal Value from table to CSV File

//Java Code to export as CSV the using FileWriter.
Java Code :
FileWriter fileWriterForCsv;
// Content of the CSV File Exported mentioned below
Generated CSV
Actual Result : 4.5,Mani,March
Expected Result : 4.500,Mani,March
Please let me know whether i need to change the java code?? or how to proceed to get the expected result as above mentioned
Also tried to change the column type as text in CSV template. Not getting the expected result.
Try formatting the number output. This should write the whole line with a CRLF at the end.
fileWriterForCsv.format("%.3f,%s,%s%n", 4.5, "Mani", "March");

How to convert exponents in a csv file from Java

I am printing some data into a CSV file using Apache Commns CSV. One of the fields contains 15 digit number and is of type String. This field prints as exponential number in CSV instead of a complete number. I know Excel does that but is there a way in java to print it as a complete number.
I am not doing anything special. Initially I thought that Commons CSV will take care of it.
public void createCSV(){
inputStream = new FileInputStream("fileName");
fileWriter = new FileWriter("fileName");
csvFileFormat = CSVFormat.Excel.withHeader("header1", "header2");
csvFilePrinter = new CSVPrinter(fileWriter, csvFileFormat);
for(List<UiIntegrationDTO dto: myList>){
String csvData = dto.getPolicyNumber();
Prepend apostrophe
As far as I understand from the discussion in comments, it is a question about Excel interpretation of CSV file, but the file itself contains all necessary data.
I think, csvFilePrinter.PrintRecord("'" + csvData); should help. Apostrophe requires Excel to interpret a field as a string, not as a number.

CSV Generation, Date and Long number formats

I am generating a CSV file on the fly/runtime with JSF and the code is as follows
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
HttpServletResponse response = HttpServletResponse)context.getExternalContext().getResponse();
int read = 0;
byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];
response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=\"" + fileName + "\"");
ServletOutputStream os = null;
StringBuffer stringBuffer1 = new StringBuffer("");
stringBuffer1.append("Disconnect Time");
stringBuffer1.append("Calling Number");
stringBuffer1.append("01/06/2010 01:00:35 AM");
stringBuffer1.append(", ");
ByteArrayInputStream bis1;
try {
bis1 = new ByteArrayInputStream(stringBuffer1.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"));
os = response.getOutputStream();
while ((read = bis1.read(bytes)) != -1) {
os.write(bytes, 0, read);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
and below is the content of the file when opened
Disconnect Time Calling Number
1/6/2010 1:00 4.47744E+11
The Actual expected result will be complete date format w.r.t AM/PM and number in complete length.
I have already tried example of double quotes as given Excel CSV - Number cell format and some other of adding blank space but they did not worked. Also the user will be performing arithmetic operation on the number columns.
Thanks in advance.
I'm no JSF expert but this seems entirely related to how Excel reads this information.
I tried playing a bit with the data, but could not make it do what you want it to do in CSV.
I created a sample CSV file with this content (using Nopepad++):
Disconnect Time, Calling Number
01/06/2010 01:00:35 AM,447744369900
And when I viewed it using Excel it gave me the same output you got - so the question you are facing is related to showing CSV in Excel - and not JSF.
You've mentioned that you're generating the file dynamically. If you are exporting data from a dataTable you might want to consider using the p:dataExporter component from PrimeFaces (you'll have to use a p:dataTable though). It may save you programatically creating the excel file if it's already in the correct structure in your dataTable.
Then it's as easy as attaching p:dataExporter to a link, and pointing it to your dataTable (tbl in this case).
<p:graphicImage value="/images/excel.png" />
<p:dataExporter type="xls" target="tbl" fileName="cars" />
It also supports CSV and PDF by the way.
RonK is right. There is no way you can tell Excel how to format the data when using a CSV file. Excel just uses a best guess as to what the data in the CSV columns are and then applies the default format for that type of data.
It is very likely that Excel still has the correct data (i.e. still has the seconds of your time column) and it is just an issue with formatting in Excel.
Have you tried applying a different format in Excel?
You will either have to tell the users how to format the data correctly in Excel or you have to create an Excel file directly (e.g. using Apache POI) and applying the correct format that way.
Sorry, looks like a bug ("feature", "deficit") in Excel.
It assumes anything that looks like a number is a number (and loses precision when reading it).
The simplest way probably is to ensure that the phone numbers do not look like numbers.
For example by including ( and similar characters.
Remeber that in Excel you are sometimes expected to write '=123+456 if you don't want it to compute the equation. Try this, too.
Date is probably just formatting, try formatting the column to include seconds.
To show correct format for dates and numbers in CSV I used =("447744369900") approach. The disadvantage is this that we cannot perform arithmetic operations on the cell. Now as Discussed with RonK and Turismo I am now shifted to Apache Excel library that allows you to define the format of the Excel file and create a XLS file instead of CSV. It is little slower than CSV but fulfills my requirements. See API to write huge excel files using java
Thanks again RonK and Turismo
After you open the CSV in excel, you can change the format of the "calling number" cells as Number. Select column -> Format Cells -> Change to Number

writing to an excel file template does not follow defined cell data formats

i have an excel file whose cells have different data formats from simple currency formats $#,##0.00 ($1,200.00) to more complex ones.
the problem is that when i write to these cells, the formats are not followed. so if i enter a value to a currency-formatted cell, the value shows up without the formatting:
i entered 1234. what i expect is $1,234.00 (as defined in the excel cell). what i get is still 1234
during my attempts i even tried to apply the cell's own format to itself
this is the code im using:
ServletContext context = getServletContext();
InputStream inp = context.getResourceAsStream("/WEB-INF/MyExcel.xlsx");
Workbook wbTemp = new XSSFWorkbook(inp);
Sheet wbTempSheet = wbTemp.getSheetAt(0);
Cell targetCell = wbTempSheet.getRow(0).getCell(0);
//i even tried reapplying the cell's own format to itself
CellStyle cs = targetCell.getCellStyle();
String df = cs.getDataFormatString();
upon checking the excel file i noticed that the formats were indeed implemented. however i needed to press tab per cell to see it take effect. is there an alternative or at least a way to simulate the tab action so that the cells are formatted upon opening?
found what's wrong. its this line:
it should be:
targetCell.setCellValue(Double.parseDouble (request.getParameter("myNumber") ));
forgot that numeric excel cells to be properly formatted as must be passed doubles.
