How does getClass in Java work - java

Here is what JavaDoc says:
public final Class <?> getClass()
Returns the runtime class of this Object. The returned Class object is the object that is locked by static synchronized methods of the represented class.
The actual result type is Class<? extends |X|> where |X| is the erasure of the static type of the expression on which getClass is called. For example, no cast is required in this code fragment:
Number n = 0;
Class<? extends Number> c = n.getClass();
The Class object that represents the runtime class of this object.
Now , I understand it is a native method , so it is is implemented in platform-dependent code. But what about the return type of this method.
public final Class<?> getClass()
Also , consider the code:
class Dog
public String toString()
return "cat";
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
Dog d= new Dog();
//Class<Dog> dd = new Dog(); Compile time error
class Dog
So, my query lies in :
Return type of this method
toString method is not called . A similar post on this topic is :
Java. getClass() returns a class, how come I can get a string too?
The commented code which otherwise give compile time error.

The data for each object contains a reference to an object of class java.lang.Class, and this is returned by the method getClass. There is also one java.lang.Class object describing java.lang.Class.
Think of a Class object as the "blueprint" describing a certain class from which objects are being made. It stands to reason that blueprints also need a blueprint of their own (or else how would engineers know how to make blueprints).
These statements try to illustrate this.
Integer integer = 1;
Class<?> clazzInteger = integer.getClass();
System.out.println( "class of integer=" + clazzInteger );
Class<?> clazzClazzInteger = clazzInteger.getClass();
System.out.println( "class of class Integer's class=" + clazzClazzInteger );
String string = "x";
Class<?> clazzString = string.getClass();
System.out.println( "class of string=" + clazzString );
Class<?> clazzClazzString = clazzString.getClass();
System.out.println( "class of class String's class=" + clazzClazzString );
class of integer=class java.lang.Integer
class of class Integer's class=class java.lang.Class
class of string=class java.lang.String
class of class String's class=class java.lang.Class
A class has a name, just like anything described by a blueprint has a name which is not to be confused with the blueprint itself. If a class object appears in a certain context, its toString() method is called implicitly, and this returns the class' name. If you'd like to print all the nitty-gritty details of a class (akin to printing the blueprint itself) you'd have to write a lot of code - just look at the javadoc for java.lang.Class: there's an awful lot of information to be retrieved (as befits a blueprint).

At this point, we need to differentiate between a type and an instance of the type. Lets explain it with an example.
public class A {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Class<A> typeInformation = A.class; //Type information associated with type `A`
A instanceOfA = new A(); //actual instance of type `A`
The reference 'typeInformation' in the above code is of the type Class keeping aside the generics for a while. This information will typically be residing in non-heap memory section. Following information is store against each of the type jvm loads :
The fully qualified name of the type
The fully qualified name of the type's direct superclass (unless the type is an interface or class java.lang.Object, neither of which have a superclass)
Whether or not the type is a class or an interface
The type's modifiers ( some subset of` public, abstract, final)
An ordered list of the fully qualified names of any direct superinterfaces
instaneOfA is a reference to the actual instance of the type A which points to an address in the heap memory.
Return type of getClass() is a generic Class type. Like many other types available in java - String, Integer etc, Class is also a type representing the type information associated.
toString() method is associated and invoked on an instance of the Dog class, not on the Dog type itself.
//Class<Dog> dd = new Dog(); Compile time error
This is due to Type mismatch occuring while assigning the result of expression in the right hand side to the Left Hand Side, which is not of the same type.
Class dd refers to a reference of Class type.
Dog is a different type altogether, and a new Dog() can be assigned to a reference of the type 'Dog'.
This link will help you understand the design aspects of java runtime environment

I have an answer for your Question 3,
This gives compile time error because
Reason 1: For a Class instance, You can only assign class object that represents the Dog class, but you can't assign the Dog class object directly.
For example: Class dd=Dog.class or Class dd=Class.forName("Dog");
is correct syntax.
Reason 2: The class Class is a final class but not a super class for Dog class. You go back to the concept of dynamic method dispatch in java,where you can only assign subclass objects to a superclass variable.


Which java.lang.Class method generates the right input for Class.forName()?

I would like to write some code like this:
Object o = ...;
String oTypeName = o.getClass().getName();
//on the other side of the wire:
Class<?> oClass = Class.forName(oTypeName);
Object oAgain = oClass.newInstance();
However, it's not clear from the javadoc which method I should use to initialize oTypeName, i.e. which method will produce the expected input to Class.forName():
getCanonicalName(): "Returns the canonical name of the underlying class as defined by the Java Language Specification. Returns null if the underlying class does not have a canonical name (i.e., if it is a local or anonymous class or an array whose component type does not have a canonical name)."
getName(): "Returns the name of the entity (class, interface, array class, primitive type, or void) represented by this Class object, as a String. If this class object represents a reference type that is not an array type then the binary name of the class is returned, as specified by The Java™ Language Specification."
getTypeName(): "Return an informative string for the name of this type."
It's fairly obvious that I don't want either of these:
getSimpleName(): "Returns the simple name of the underlying class as given in the source code."
toString(): "The string representation is the string "class" or "interface", followed by a space, and then by the fully qualified name of the class in the format returned by getName"
I don't expect this to work for primitive types. It's okay if it won't work for arrays. The main thing I'm concerned about is nested classes and Foo.Bar vs. Foo$Bar.
The definite answer is getName(). Although a bit hidden, this is specified in the Javadoc of the overload of forName(className, initialize, loader):
Given the fully qualified name for a class or interface (in the same format returned by getName) this method attempts to locate, load, and link the class or interface.
And it is also specified that calling forName(className) is equivalent to calling this overload, with default values:
Invoking this method is equivalent to:
Class.forName(className, true, currentLoader)
where currentLoader denotes the defining class loader of the current class.
Here's a sample code showing that it works for nested classes, local classes, anonymous class, primitive or object arrays. It won't work for primitives because Class.forName doesn't handle primitive classes.
public class Main {
public static void main(String... args) throws ClassNotFoundException {
class LocalClass {}
System.out.println(Class.forName(name(StaticNestedClass.class))); //static nested class
System.out.println(Class.forName(name(InnerClass.class))); // inner class
System.out.println(Class.forName(name(Integer[].class))); // object array
System.out.println(Class.forName(name(int[].class))); // primitive array
System.out.println(Class.forName(name(List.class))); // interface
System.out.println(Class.forName(name(LocalClass.class))); // local class
System.out.println(Class.forName(name(new Object(){}.getClass()))); // anonymous class
private static String name(Class<?> clazz) {
return clazz.getName();
public static class StaticNestedClass {}
public class InnerClass {}
It looks like either getName() or getTypeName() works, at least in the simple case:
public final class ForNameTest{
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
Object o = new Foo();
System.out.println("class is: " + o.getClass());
for(String getterMethodName : Arrays.asList("getName", "getTypeName", "getCanonicalName")){
Method m = Class.class.getMethod(getterMethodName);
String oTypeName = m.invoke(o.getClass()).toString();
System.out.println(getterMethodName + " yields " + oTypeName);
Class<?> oType = Class.forName(oTypeName);
Object oAgain = oType.newInstance();
System.out.println(" ... and it works: " + oAgain);
} catch (Exception e){
System.err.println(" ... and it fails: " + e);
public static class Foo{}
The output produced is:
class is: class ForNameTest$Foo
getName yields ForNameTest$Foo
... and it works: ForNameTest$Foo#4554617c
getTypeName yields ForNameTest$Foo
... and it works: ForNameTest$Foo#74a14482
getCanonicalName yields ForNameTest.Foo
... and it fails: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ForNameTest.Foo
I always use getCanonicalName() Internal objects (like your Foo$Bar If static public vs inline implementation) will be able to be constructed as well.
Also you can make it work w/ primitives .. 'int.class' for example does exist. However you'll probably have to do a check on the primitives classes, and make the Object instance (Integer vs int) then call the accessor like intValue(). Because of this i use a lot of Object instances vs primitive, but that's just my preference I guess.
Object oAgain = oClass.newInstance();
No Matter which method(getName(), getCanonicalName(), etc..) you cannot use newInstance() method to create an object for a non static inner class
If you are creating an object using newInstance(), then it is mandatory that the underlying class contains a no arg constructor. Even if we explicitly insert one no argument constructor, the compiler will convert it to a constructor with some arguments(Only in case of a non static inner class)
Below is the link for brief code that i found. It demonstrates the explanation above.

Are generic type parameters converted to Object for raw types?

Consider this piece of code:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Cat<Integer> cat = new Cat();
Integer i= cat.meow();
cat.var = 6;
public class Cat<E> {
public E var;
public E meow() {
return null;
As per my understanding since I've not specified the type parameter on LHS, it would be taken as Object. And Cat should become Cat<Object> because for the variable declaration to make any sense T must translate to a Class/Interface reference. Is this a correct understanding of how it works? How is type parameter T handled in case of raw types?
I've discussed this on chat and got following explanation which is way over my head:
Generics works because types are erased. Consider T an erasure of
#0-capture-of-Object. When T isn't specified (rawtyped), it is #0-capture-of-(nothing)
What does #0-capture-of-(nothing) mean?
Side note: since generic types are implemented as compile time transformations it would be easier to understand them if one could see the final translated code. Does anyone know a way to see the translated code (not byte code) for a class?
raw types are not as if they are paramterized with Object, nor are they like wildcard types (<?>).
For raw types, generics are turned off.
This code is compiles (with warnings):
Cat c1 = new Cat<String>();
Cat<Integer> c2 = c1;
This code does not:
Cat<? extends Object> c1 = new Cat<String>(); // btw: this is the same as Cat<?>
Cat<Integer> c2 = c1; // error
neither does this:
Cat<Object> c1 = new Cat();
Cat<Integer> c2 = c1; // error
As for the type of var:
the type of the field after compilation is whatever the upper-bound of the parameter is (Object if none is specified). But what does the compiler do if we access var?
Cat<String> c1 = ...
String c1Var = c1.var;
This code compiles without error, but what the compiler will actually compile is this:
Cat c1 = ...
String c1Var = (String) c1.var;
As you can see, var is always treated as a field of type Object, but with generics, the compiler automatically inserts type-safe casts. That's all. If you use raw types, you have to do it yourself. Either way, when you put a Cat that stores an integer in a Cat<String> variable, you will only get a runtime exception if you try to read var.
A quiz
Now look at the declaration of Collections.max. Why do you think the parameter is defined as T extends Object & Comparable<? super T>?
Answer encoded in rot13:
Fb gung nsgre pbzcvyngvba gur erghea glcr vf Bowrpg, abg Pbzcnenoyr. Guvf vf arrqrq sbe onpxjneqf pbzcngvovyvgl (gur zrgubq vgfrys vf byqre guna trarevpf).
Here is another good example that I just stumbled upon:
class Foo<T> {
public <V> V bar(V v) { return v; }
Foo<Object> foo = new Foo<Object>();
Integer i =;
Foo<?> foo = new Foo<String>();
Integer i =;
// fails
Foo foo = new Foo();
Integer i =; // error: Object cannot be converted to Integer
Using no parameters disables generics entirely.
This code is valid:
Cat c = new Cat<Integer>();
c is now of the Raw Type Cat.
This is not valid:
Cat<Object> c = new Cat<Integer>(); // Compiler error
So, it's not exactly the same. Though you can, after the first line, do things like:
c.var = 5;
c.var = 1;
c.var = "test";
#Cephalopod has provided the correct answer, however I'd like to expand on that with some of my own explanation.
for the variable declaration to make any sense T must translate to a Class/Interface reference.
That is correct. Generics are a compile time transformation. Runtime system has no notion of abstract types. So before the class is loaded into memory the abstract type T must be replaced by an actual type reference.
Run the following code:
The output is:
class java.lang.Object
class java.lang.Object
The formal type parameter E has been replaced with Object.
Cat should become Cat<Object>
Wrong. Cat will stay Cat. Why? Look at the decompiled class file for Main:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Cat cat = new Cat();
Integer i = (Integer)cat.meow();
cat.var = Integer.valueOf(6);
The purpose of specifying formal type parameter with <> is to enable compiler to generate explicit casts.
When you say new Cat() it doesn't have to turn into anything, the compiler simply won't generate a cast and the method call would look like:
Integer i = cat.meow(); // No cast at all
Are generic type parameters converted to Object for raw types?
To clarify what is being asked here, the above questions means: Is E replaced with java.lang.Object if I don't specify anything when instantiating Cat.
Actually E would be replaced with java.lang.Object even if you specified <Integer> when instantiating Cat. The replacement/transformation is done at compile time while the instantiation is at runtime. How you use the type isn't going to change its class definition.
Generic types defined in objects like the
Cat c = new Cat<Integer>();
are only intended to provide the compiler with the chance to check that the types will match at runtime.
Generic types assigned in class definitions are retained in the compiled class.
public class Cat<T extends Number>{}
public class Intcat extends Cat<Integer>{}
The runtime knows that the generic argument is bound by Number in the first case and is Integer in the first case.
I have no links to back this up, but I'd rather assume that c becomes raw type Cat, not Cat<Object>.
Raw types don't handle parameter T, which is why they are prone to errors.
javadoc says: A raw type is the name of a generic class or interface without any type arguments.
That chat log seems to mean exactly that, but in a confusing manner.
I actually Do not know How it is actually implemented in the bytecode But from my understanding Cat c = new Cat<Integer>(); Stores the new instance of Cat created by new Cat<Integer>() in the variable c. Now if you query c to know what is the type of var it will reply Integer and not Object because the instance that was created has a type of Integer.
Now If you execute c.var = "Text"; and query c to know what is the type of var. It would reply String. This does not means that by default it is converting <T> to Object. It means that c does not know what is the type of var.
I feel that is why the <?> wild card is used. Cat<?> c = new Cat<Integer>(); it would always convert <T> to Object. That is the reason why it is always advised not the use raw types for generics.
I think Cat c is a RAW type and could be considered as a "wildcard type" like Cat<?>. Since Cat<?> is the supertype of each type of Cat including Cat<Integer>, Cat c may take a new Cat<Integer> object.
This is also mentioned here: Interoperating with Legacy Code
"Most people's first instinct is that Collection really means Collection. However, as we saw earlier, it isn't safe to pass a Collection in a place where a Collection is required. It's more accurate to say that the type Collection denotes a collection of some unknown type, just like Collection."
"So raw types are very much like wildcard types, but they are not typechecked as stringently. This is a deliberate design decision, to allow generics to interoperate with pre-existing legacy code."

What is the class type of a superclass ref pointing to a subclass object?

I have the following codes:
1. public class Tester
2. {
3. public static void main(String[] args)
4. {
5. A a = new B();
6. System.out.println(a.getClass()); //Prints class B
7. System.out.println(a instanceof A); //Prints true
8. System.out.println(a instanceof B); //Prints true
9. System.out.println(a.valA); //Prints 1
10. System.out.println(a.valB); //Compilation error
12. }
13. }
15. class A
16. {
17. int valA=1;
18. }
20. class B extends A
21. {
22. int valB=2;
23. }
At line 6 it shows that a is of type class B. However when it reaches line 10, the compiler produces an error: location: variable a of type A.
So my question is: What exactly is the class type of a now? Why getClass() shows that it is of type class B, yet the compiler complains it as type A during compilation?
Further more, since a instanceof B is true, why can't I access valB?
To make things clearer:
EDIT: I ran this statement: System.out.println(a); and the output was B#36d98810 which somehow proves that the toString() method of class B was executed. Since variable a can access the toString() method within class B, why can't it access valB which also resides in class B?
Professor Jonathan Shewchuk from UC Berkley explains about shadowing over here. Start at 18 minutes. (If the link changes just google search for CS 61B Lecture 15: More Java)
To answer your question in short there are two types for a variable, static type and dynamic type.
Static type is its Type at compile time
Dynamic type is its Type at run time.
In your example
A a = new B();
The static type of a is A and the dynamic type of a is B.
In Java a variable gets its non static methods from dynamic type
(if the method exists in both the parent and child class)
its fields and static methods from the static type.
This is true in C# only if the method is overridden in the sub class
The line
a instanceof A
tells you whether the dynamic type of a is of type A OR a subclass of A
Update 2:
AN example that illustrates this
public class PlayGround {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Animal a = new Dog();
System.out.print(;// displays animal
a.MakeStaticSound();// displays static animal sound
a.MakeSound();// displays bow wow
class Animal {
public String name = "animal";
public void MakeSound() {
System.out.print("animal sound");
public static void MakeStaticSound() {
System.out.print("static animal sound");
class Dog extends Animal {
public String name = "dog";
public void MakeSound() {
System.out.print("bow wow");
public static void MakeStaticSound() {
System.out.print("static bow wow");
Please note that the more readable and preferred way to call a.MakeStaticSound() is Animal.MakeStaticSound()
a is not an object. It's a variable.
The type of the variable is A. The type of the object that the value of the variable refers to at execution time is B.
The compiler resolves everything against the compile-time type of the expressions involved - the variable in this case. When trying to resolve the name valB within the compile-time type of A, it fails to find anything - hence the error.
You need to keep in mind that compilation and execution are two different processes that happen at different times and have different kinds of information available to them. The compiler has to predict the future -- it has to decide whether it can guarantee that your code will make sense in the future, at runtime. It does this by analyzing the types of the objects in your code. The runtime, on the other hand, just has to inspect the current state of things.
When you read the line A a = new B(), you are inferring more information about the a local variable than the compiler is. The compiler basically just sees this as A a = <some expression>. It does not take note of the contents of the expression that's used to produce the value for a.
The fact that you've said A a = ... is you telling the compiler: "hey, this a thing I'm going to deal with in the rest of my program, it's just an A, don't assume anything more about it." If you had instead said B a = ..., then you're telling the compiler that it's a B (and the compiler also sees B extends A elsewhere in your code, so it knows it's also an A).
The subsequent expressions a instanceof A, a instanceof B, a.getClass(), and a.toString() are legal, from the compiler's point of view, regardless of the type of a: the instanceof operator and the getClass() and toString() methods are defined for all Objects. (The compiler does not need to predict what value those expressions will produce at runtime, just that they will produce either true or false, some Class<?>, and some String, respectively.)
But then when you come to a.valA and a.valB, the compiler actually has to do some real work. It needs to prove or guarantee that the a object will have a valA and a valB field at runtime. But since you've explicitly told it earlier to just assume that a is an A, it can not prove that it will have a valB field at runtime.
Now, later on, at execution time, the JVM has more information. When it evaluates a.getClass(), it actually looks up the concrete class that's "under the hood" of a and returns it. Similarly for instanceof B -- it looks up the concrete class and thus the result of that expression is true.
a.toString() works similarly. At runtime, the JVM knows that the thing referenced by a is actually a B, so it executes B's toString method.
This is a fundamental property of class inheritance, interfaces, etc.
Class "A" does not have a variable "valB".
If you want to use the variable "valB" in class "B" either, you should first cast Class "A" to "B"
Try :
You should know the difference between object type and instance type. First is determined at compile type and at runtime it's doing the best to keep that type safe. Instance type is a class which object is instantiated.
A a; //this is an object type
new B(); //this is an instance type
A a = new B(); //all together, but a is of type A, having instance of type B.

Why are we able to assign arrays to reference of type Object in Java?

As part of learning, here is the pathological example below that am trying to understand,
class C{}; interface I{}; class S extends C implements I{};
class B{};
With these declarations, I can say that, class C class B are immediate subclass of Object class and can access all methods of Object class from within those classes. But,
1) When i declare interface I{}; How is interface I related to Object class?
In continuation, Below are some assignment to array types, followed by subclass to super class assignment and vice-verse.
C[] c = new C[4];
S[] s = new S[6];
I[] i = new S[0];
B[] b = new B[2];
//i = new C[2]; Compile error
i =s; c=s; s = (S[])c; i = (I[])c;
i = (I[])b; //Run-time error
I learnt that arrays are 'first class objects' and immediate subclass of Object class,
Object o = c; // i mean `I i = c;` will not work `I[] i =c;` works
2) With respect to above definition(syntax), What is the meaning of 'arrays are first class objects'?Because Object[] oa = c; make sense to me as class C is immediate subclass of Object class.
When i declare interface I{}; How is interface I related to Object class?
From the Java Language Specification:
If an interface has no direct superinterfaces, then the interface implicitly declares a public abstract member method m with signature s, return type r, and throws clause t corresponding to each public instance method m with signature s, return type r, and throws clause t declared in Object, unless a method with the same signature, same return type, and a compatible throws clause is explicitly declared by the interface.
How would i consider reference variable o pointing to array c
As stated in the comments, the array is itself a subclass of Object, so the following assignment is valid:
Object o = c;
The relevant part from the Java Language Specification says:
In the Java programming language, arrays are objects (§4.3.1), are dynamically created, and may be assigned to variables of type Object (§4.3.2).
This is also what is meant by "arrays are first class objects". In Java, an array is not a special type or some special construct - it is essentially a sub class of Object with additional fields (in particular length) (and some additional compiler support to be able to syntactically describe and initialize an array).

Why isn't this method chosen based on the runtime-type of its object?

Consider this:
class A {
int x =5;
class B extends A{
int x =6;
public class CovariantTest {
public A getObject() {
return new A();
* #param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO code application logic here
CovariantTest c1 = new SubCovariantTest();
class SubCovariantTest extends CovariantTest {
public B getObject(){
return new B();
As far as I know, the JVM chooses a method based on the true type of its object. Here the true type is SubCovariantTest, which has defined an overriding method getObject.
The program prints 5, instead of 6. Why?
The method is indeed chosen by the runtime type of the object. What is not chosen by the runtime type is the integer field x. Two copies of x exist for the B object, one for A.x and one for B.x. You are statically choosing the field from A class, as the compile-time type of the object returned by getObject is A. This fact can be verified by adding a method to A and B:
class A {
public String print() {
return "A";
class B extends A {
public String print() {
return "B";
and changing the test expression to:
Unless I'm mistaken, methods are virtual in java by default, so you're overriding the method properly. Fields however (like 'x') are not virtual and can't be overriden. When you declare "int x" in B, you are actually creating a totally new variable.
Polymorphism doesn't go into effect for fields, so when you try and retrieve x on an object casted to type A, you will get 5, if the object is casted to type B, you will get 6.
When fields in super and subclasses have the same names it is referred to as "hiding". Besides the problems mentioned in the question and answer there are other aspects which may give rise to subtle problems:
Within a class, a field that has the
same name as a field in the superclass
hides the superclass's field, even if
their types are different. Within the
subclass, the field in the superclass
cannot be referenced by its simple
name. Instead, the field must be
accessed through super, which is
covered in the next section. Generally
speaking, we don't recommend hiding
fields as it makes code difficult to
Some compilers will warn against hiding variables
