I am having challenges changing Project Build Target on Eclipse - java

I am running Eclipse on Windows and I am having challenges changing/adding Project Build Target on my project's properties. It is set to Android 4.4W by default, and there are no other options.
It is my understanding that Android Wear supports EditText, which I am trying to add on the app that I am building. Unless, of course, I am wrong about AW's support for EditText.
May I please be assisted with this.
A screenshot of my project's properties


How to convert a specific android project built with ant to gradle?

I am using this framework for one of my projects and i have problems keeping it up to date. It is a little old, uses ant to build the components and is meant for eclipse. I usually use android studio and use gradle to build from interface(not command line).
The project has a host and plugins that are loaded from a server. The plugins are compiled from the command line cmd from windows using "tools/update.sh workspace" and "ant release" commands.
What i succeded so far:
I manually copyed the files from the host component and succeded without too much stroogle to do an android studio project and build it with no errors. And it succesfully loading the plugins.
On the plugin side I have to projects: for every new plugin i do a special android studio project and after everything is ok I adapt the code and copy it to a special template like eclipse project(i edit it with notepad++ no need for eclipse) and i build it with "ant release". That apk then i move it to server.
You see now that it is a little strange but somehow I made it to work. Problem is I'm always on the edge, I almost make it every time with little hacks to pass the build process. I think it is because i work in a mixed situation. I want to port everything on android studio and gradle. And hopefully build everything from the android studio command line.
The host builds in a jar file and is used in the plugin build.
I will put the new source code on request, till then you can see it in action here
To be more specific, the impassable bug appeared when i used MediaPlayer on the plugin. I had to move the wav files on the host witch is opposed to the framework design. But this is anyway the tip of the iceberg. So i would like to port everything from ant to gradle, and eclipse to android studio.
Thanks for your help.
If you have any existing project open in your Android Studio then just close that project. After your project is closed, it will show you a Welcome screen popup, there you can select Import Project option and it will automatically convert your project into Android Studio Project.
Here is what it will look like

Android app project in eclipse has many package errors, how do I fix this?

I was working on an app about a year ago, and kinda forgot about it for some time. I want to get back into it, but every import has an error. I feel like I am just forgetting something simple, but I dont know what it is.
standard java projects (non-android) work fine, but anything android related has errors. I tried updating to the newest sdk (23.0.2), but that did not fix the problems.
here is a screenshot of what is going on.
Edit: I also just insalled the newest build tools, and all the extras in the android sdk manager. This did not fix the problem.
edit 2: It seems that if I go to the Library build paths, the JRE System Library can't be added. If I added, the name of it changes to "Unable to get system library for this project" This only happens with android projects, and not with non-android projects.
Final edit: the problem was fixed by changing the android target version
The following steps could help:
Right-click on project » Properties » Java Build Path
Select Libraries tab
Find the JRE System Library and remove it
Click Add Library... button at right side » Add the JRE System Library (Workspace default JRE)
After this clean your project.

Stuck with first time java for android

guys, with my friend started working on a school project - developing a java app for android. He started it, now it's my turn to do my job, so i got the code he already has, set up Android SDK for Eclipse and downloaded all the neccessary files and packages, but it still gives me errors and I can't even run the project.
One of the errors (the main one, I think) is that it can't import android.support.v7.app.ActionBarActivity
If anyone knows what can I do (I've tried all kinds of solutions from the internet, but none work) I would be very grateful.
Here is a screenshot of the code
See if you have imported the ActionBar project to your Eclipse workspace, also, right click on your project->properties->android and check that you have referenced/linked the ActionBar project there.
If you are using a repository without the proper ignore files it is possible that you have imported your partners configurations and then have the references to the auxiliary projects broken (you just need to update that).
Hope it helps.
android.support.v7.app.ActionBarActivity is a support library. This allows older versions of Android (before native support for an action bar was available) to use the action bar.
Since you are having difficulty importing it, I'd assume you do not have the support library installed.
Full instructions are available here:
A snippet for adding support libraries to Eclipse:
Make sure you have downloaded the Android Support Library using the SDK Manager.
Create a libs/ directory in the root of your application project.
Copy the JAR file from your Android SDK installation directory (e.g., /extras/android/support/v4/android-support-v4.jar) into your application's project libs/ directory.
Right click the JAR file and select Build Path > Add to Build Path.

Running Android Support v4 Library Demo Programs

I'm interested in running the Android Support library demo projects for the v4 library.
Using the Android SDK manager I've installed the Eclipse plugins, and APIs from 2.2 to 4.0.1. There are several issues involved, and the sample project as provided is far from running on my configuration, as downloaded.
To reproduce this error:
Install SDK and Eclipse Juno
Import the sample v4 compatibility project using File --> New --> New Project and choose "from existing code", targeting, for example, the Support4Demos folder in <Android-sdk-path>/extras/android/support
Open the file AccessibilityManagerSupportActivity.java. The following errors appear.
Open res/values-v11/styles.xml. The following errors occur.
How do I get rid of these errors? I'd also like to understand why they are appearing so I can fix them in the future.
Clean solution is to:
Right-click your project.
Choose "Android Tools"
Choose "Add support library".
Install the appropriate support library (the newest)
I can't really answer you on the why this problem happens, but I'm guessing the Android team doesn't supply the Android support library, because it's changing all the time, so not to get stuck on some older version, they want us to supply it on our own.
If errors still persists or new errors come up, right-click the project again and choose "Android tool" -> "Fix project properties"
Update: In conjuction to my answer, the way to remove the rest of the errors is to import the project another way than you did.
Select File -> New -> Other
Click Next
Write Android Sample
Select Android sample Project and click Next
Now add the Android support librarys as described above.
You will get errors still however. To fix these, do the following:
Right-click your project and select "Properties"
Select Android
Select an SDK version equal to 3.0 or above
Select Ok and clean the project from the project menu.
All done ;-)
Now you won't be able to run the sample project on devices lower than Android 3.0.
The reason is because of some dependencies on some themes and settings, that wasn't added before Android 3.0 apparently.
It doesn't make sense why Google did this, but they did. You could try to remove the SDK +11 (Android 3.0) specific dependencies, but it will take some time - there are more errors than you actually see - especially in the XML files.
You have to add the v4 support library.
In order to do that , please follow these steps :
Select your project.
Click on Project from the menu.
Select Properties.
Click on Java Build Path.
Select the Libraries tab.
Click on Add External JARs.
Select the main directory of the Android SDK that you installed, then go to extras -> android -> support -> v4 , and then select android-support-v4.jar and click on Open.
Click OK.
This should remove the errors.
Please check your libs folder has android-support-v4.jar is present or not. if not add this jar file in libs folder.Just copy the android-support-v4.jar from any project and paste it to the libs folder of your project
I spent a whole night on this but can not solve this problem.
I finally solved the by accident: change some file in the demo and save, then change it back, this cleared all the errors. I think when you change some file and save, eclipse build the project and generate the R.java.

How to run maven project on google app engine

I follow this tutorial: http://software.danielwatrous.com/wordpress-plugin-licensing-wicket-on-google-app-engine/. I add google app engine library to this project and then I want to check google app engine on. But when I do this eclipse has this problem:
The App Engine SDK '/home/hudi/program/git/tournamenSystem/tournament-system/
on the project's build path is not valid (SDK location '/home/hudi/program/git/
lib/appengine-api-1.0-sdk-1.7.1.jar' is not a directory)
I dont understand it. Jar isnt directory so why it want to some directory ? When I want use quick fix then I can just use another SDK. I try to use older version 1.6... but still same problem. How I can fix it ? Please help
Possible solution is that, you should add appengine through app engine settings in eclipse and make sure that the sdk added by appengine setting appear before the one mentioned (i.e. /home/hudi/program/git/tournamenSystem/tournament-system/tournament-system-web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/appengine-api-1.0-sdk-1.7.1.jar) in your build path. In this way your application would refer the appengine sdk from google plugin and not for the path which is giving error.
I had same issue where I was getting error for the sdk jar included from maven dependency.Hope it will help.
You may want to take a look at the Maven GAE Plugin
This plugin has goals to run, debug, deploy, etc. your GAE application.
On my computer with Ubuntu 12.04 and Eclipse Juno SR1
I just move all maven dependencies to the button of the list of Java build path.
For open Java build path window right click on the project
- preferences
- Java build path
- Order and Export
- select all row with M2_REPO(or some thing else) and press button "Bottom"
- Refresh project.
This need help.
Thank you!
