Getting Spring MVC to work with JodaModule - java

This is a little frustrating... I had this working before in my previous projects, but unable to get it working in my new project after debugging for several hours.
Let's assume I have a simple Rest controller that returns Joda's LocalDate:-
#RequestMapping(value = "/api")
public final class ApiController {
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity<LocalDate> main() {
return new ResponseEntity<LocalDate>(, HttpStatus.OK);
By default, when I call http://app/api, I get [2015,10,13]. What I really want is 2015-10-13.
To solve this in my previous project, I got it working with this configuration in spring-servlet.xml:-
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans ...>
<context:component-scan base-package="test.controller"/>
<mvc:resources location="/resources/" mapping="/resources/**"/>
<bean id="viewResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver">
<property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/jsp/"/>
<property name="suffix" value=".jsp"/>
<bean id="objectMapper"
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.MethodInvokingFactoryBean"
<property name="arguments">
<bean class="com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.joda.JodaModule"/>
<bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter">
<property name="objectMapper" ref="objectMapper"/>
But, when I do the same thing in my new project, I'm getting [2015,10,13] again instead of 2015-10-13.
I did upgrade some dependencies and I also make sure there's no additional ObjectMapper being loaded.
Here's my current dependency tree... I removed all the things that I don't need:-
How do I configure Spring MVC to return the correct date format in JSON?
Thank you very much.

You declared <mvc:annotation-driven> twice. Try removing the first declaration (empty, default config). Probably the message converter you configured in the second <mvc:annotation-driven> is getting overriden by the first declaration (with default message converters).


Spring profiling using xml

I am working on a spring application and need to pass in different implementations of a bean based on envt.
My bean is defined this way:
<bean id="com.myStep"
<property name="onSuccess" ref="com.loadStep"/>
<property name="onError" ref="com.dontLoadStep"/>
I need to pass different implementation of loadStep,something like the following during prodction envt :
<bean id="com.loadStep"
<constructor-arg ref="com.remoteProvider"/>
Something like this in dev envt:
<bean id="com.loadStep"
<constructor-arg ref="com.localProvider"/>
I have tried
<beans profile="prod">
<bean id="com.loadStep"
<constructor-arg ref="com.remoteProvider"/>
and for dev:
<beans profile="dev">
<bean id="com.loadStep"
<constructor-arg ref="com.localProvider"/>
I dont have envt specific xml,so i am defining both the profiles in same xml. When i try this,i get an error as the same bean id is used for both dev and prod profiles.

Spring MVC - set JAXB marshaller property when using #ResponseBody

I am trying to return a object from my controller which should be parsed to xml by spring.
But I used the #XmlNamedObjectGraph (from moxy eclipselink) annotation in my class to customize the returned object. So I have to set the property MarshallerProperties.OBJECT_GRAPH from the marshaller.
How can I access the marshaller, which is used by spring to parse my object, in my controller?
#RequestMapping(value = "/xml/", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/xml")
public ResponseEntity<Customer> getXml() {
Customer customer = _customerService.getById(12);
marshaller.setProperty(MarshallerProperties.OBJECT_GRAPH, "default");
return new ResponseEntity<>(customer, HttpStatus.OK);
Thanks for your help in advance.
It is like Sotirios Delimanolis said. You have to implement your own AbstractJaxb2HttpMessageConverter. But additional to that you have implementet an WebBindingInitializer and register it with:
<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter">
<property name="webBindingInitializer">
<bean class="com.example.CommonWebBindingInitializer" />
<property name="messageConverters">
<bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.ByteArrayHttpMessageConverter" />
<bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.StringHttpMessageConverter" />
<bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.ResourceHttpMessageConverter" />
<bean class="com.example.Jaxb2RootElementHttpMessageConverter" />
<bean id="handlerMapping" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping" />
You'll need to implement your own AbstractJaxb2HttpMessageConverter class and override its createMarshaller method to provide a Marshaller with your own properties. Look at Jaxb2RootElementHttpMessageConverter for implementation hints.
Once you've implemented such a class, you'll need to register it as a HttpMessageConverter with your MVC stack. If you're doing your configuration through Java, look into WebMvcConfigurationSupport#configureMessageConverters(..). If you are doing it through XML, look into
<!-- bean goes here -->
If you need to customize the marshaller, create a marshalling view and configure the marshaller with the properties you need, this is an example of configuring a JAXB marshaller (see this answer):
<!-- XML view using a JAXB marshaller -->
<bean id="jaxbView" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.xml.MarshallingView">
<bean id="jaxb2Marshaller" class="org.springframework.oxm.jaxb.Jaxb2Marshaller">
<property name="classesToBeBound">
<!-- Resolve views based on string names -->
<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.BeanNameViewResolver"/>

Can Controllers specify which Interceptors to use

I'm moving an existing spring (3.1.1) web mvc Controller (called LoginController) to using annotations, I had
<bean id="loginHandlerMapping"
<property name="interceptors">
<ref bean="licenseInterceptor" />
<ref bean="propertyInterceptor" />
<ref bean="localeChangeInterceptor" />
<property name="urlMap">
<!-- used to include references to my LoginController -->
<entry key="error" value-ref="error" />
<property name="order">
I changed my LoginController to be annotated. Some other classes had also been annotated previously so it will use the existing...
<bean id="requestMappingHandlerMapping"
<property name="interceptors">
<ref bean="licenseInterceptor" />
<ref bean="loginInterceptor" />
<ref bean="propertyInterceptor" />
LoginController cannot use the loginInterceptor that others use however as it's a pre-login Controller but a post-login Interceptor.
What I want to know, is there a way to tell Spring that this specific Controller should NOT be used with a specific (loginInterceptor) Interceptor? And perhaps if it (and only it) could also use localeChangeInterceptor.
What have I tried
(works in Spring 3.2) Adding <mvc:interceptors> and their namespace to config but they don't seem to allow multiple bean references and exclude-mapping is Spring 3.2, I'm 3.1.1
Doing the processing in LoginInterceptor, handler is not of type LoginController - I can do ((HandlerMethod)handler).getBean() instanceof LoginController and that works but it's not pretty or flexible.
using the spring mvcnamespace you could do the following:
<mvc:mapping path="/**"/>
<mvc:exclude-mapping path="/login"/>
<ref bean="loginInterceptor"/>
<!-- .. further interceptors -->
this allows to add paths that should not be intercepted by a specific interceptor.
add the mvc namespaces to your configuration root element..
... and the schema ...
xsi:schemaLocation=" .....
I've done this in the past by implementing it in the preHandle method in a HandlerInterceptorAdapter.
public final boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, Object handler) throws Exception {
// inspect handler object to see if it's LoginController
Here is what it took to get this working in the LoginController. A little like the solution of #blank but with some other nonsence, I'd still like to have a spring (annotation or config) way of fixing this though
public final boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request)
if (handler instanceof HandlerMethod &&
((HandlerMethod)handler).getBean() instanceof LoginController)
return true;

How to obtain the current language in a controller?

Here is my locale configuration
<bean id="messageSource"
<property name="basename" value="classpath:messages" />
<property name="defaultEncoding" value="UTF-8" />
<bean id="localeChangeInterceptor"
<property name="paramName" value="lang" />
<bean id="localeResolver"
<property name="defaultLocale" value="en"/>
<bean id="handlerMapping"
<property name="interceptors">
<ref bean="localeChangeInterceptor" />
When I try to call locale in a controller using
#RequestMapping(value = "customers/customer-{idCustomer:[0-9]+}/detail", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView detail(Map<String, Object> map, #PathVariable Integer idCustomer, Locale locale) {;;
It returns different values. But when I switch a language on a site using GET param in URL ?lang=en, it change nothing in mentioned controller's calls. i18n works fine, it loads a labels from correct file. But I want to obtain changed language in my controllers. I want to obtain choosed language independently on opened page (with/without request param lang in URL).
You can use LocaleContextHolder class that Spring provides for this purpose. From documentation:
Used as a central holder for the current Locale in Spring, wherever
necessary: for example, in MessageSourceAccessor. DispatcherServlet
automatically exposes its current Locale here. Other applications can
expose theirs too, to make classes like MessageSourceAccessor
automatically use that Locale.
Then in your controller just call:
to retrieve the locale using Spring.
LocaleContextHolder.getLocale() javadoc.

How to use default-servlet-handler

I want to configure Spring MVC to serve dynamic files mixed with static files, like this (URL => File):
/iAmDynamic.html => /WEB-INF/views/iAmDynamic.html.ftl
/iAmAlsoDynamic.js => /WEB-INF/views/iAmAlsoDynamic.js.ftl
/iAmStatiHtml => /iAmStatic.html
The DispatchServlet is mapped to /, annotation-based MVC configuration is enabled and I have a view controller like this (Simplified):
public class ViewController
public String handleHtml(final HttpServletRequest request)
return request.getServletPath();
public String handleJavaScript(final HttpServletRequest request)
return request.getServletPath();
The spring config looks like this:
<context:component-scan base-package="myPackage" />
<mvc:default-servlet-handler />
<bean id="freemarkerConfig" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.freemarker.FreeMarkerConfigurer">
<property name="templateLoaderPath" value="/WEB-INF/views/" />
<bean id="viewResolver"
<property name="cache" value="true" />
<property name="prefix" value="" />
<property name="suffix" value=".ftl" />
Unfortunately it doesn't work. When this <mvc:default-servlet-handler /> is active then I can only access the iAmStatic.html file. When I disable the default-servlet-handler then only the dynamic stuff works. But I want both at once and that's exactly what this default-servlet-handler should do, or not? Where is the error here?
I had similar problem, none of the requests were getting mapped to the Spring Controllers:
I discovered I was missing this in spring config xml:
It seems with , this is necessary. From documentation, the purpose of doing this is:
Configures the annotation-driven Spring MVC Controller programming model
I will also let DefaultServlet handle static content requests.
So your spring config should look like:
<context:component-scan base-package="myPackage" />
<!-- Define location and mapping of static content -->
<mvc:resources location="/static/" mapping="/static/**"/>
<mvc:default-servlet-handler />
<bean id="freemarkerConfig" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.freemarker.FreeMarkerConfigurer">
<property name="templateLoaderPath" value="/WEB-INF/views/" />
<bean id="viewResolver"
<property name="cache" value="true" />
<property name="prefix" value="" />
<property name="suffix" value=".ftl" />
Hope this helps!
You need to define two important configurations
<mvc:default-servlet-handler />
<mvc:annotation-driven/> will enable your default infrastructure beans where as <mvc:default-servlet-handler /> will configure a handler for serving static resources by forwarding to the Servlet container's default Servlet.
Also don't forget the mvc name space i.e xmlns:mvc=""
My complete config file (using TilesViewResolver) looks like below
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
Configures a handler for serving static resources by forwarding to the
Servlet container's default Servlet.
<mvc:default-servlet-handler />
<mvc:view-controller path="/" view-name="welcome"/>
<mvc:view-controller path="/home" view-name="welcome"/>
<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.tiles3.TilesConfigurer">
<property name="definitions">
<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.tiles3.TilesViewResolver">
<property name="order" value="1"/>
<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver">
<property name="order" value="2"/>
<property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/"/>
<property name="suffix" value=".jsp"/>
Also if you have multiple HandlerMapping considering ordering them. For one for which you don't provide order explicitly Spring treats it with lowest precedence.
I think that the view name you are returning from the ViewController is invalid. I expect that request.getServletPath() returns a blank string for all URLs, because the path to your servlet is probably / and the Java documentation says that getServletPath() returns a blank string for that path. Therefore the FreeMarker view resolver is probably ignoring the view name because it wouldn't know what to show.
However using a controller class with #RequestMapping is probably not the ideal way to go about this task anyway. Spring includes a ContentNegotiatingViewResolver which automatically determines the correct view depending on the content type. This overview of ContentNegotiatingViewResolver explains how to set it up.
