i have array like this in client side
int arr[] = new int[]{1, 6, 3, 2, 9};
how i can send it to SERVER through UDP ? and how i can read it in SERVER side?
Convert the array to an byte array, then send the byte array. The receiver converts the byte array back to an int[];
You can use the class DataOutputStream to create the byte array.
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(bos);
int len = 0;
in protokollVersion = 1;
// Write a version, in case you want to change your format later, such that
// the receiver has a chance to detect which format version is used.
if (arr != null) {
len = arr.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
byte[] bytes = bos.getBytes();
On the receiver side, read the byte array using DataInputStream(byte[] bytes) and DataInputStream.readInt().
I would like to mix audio byte array, but I didn't succeed to sum the array.(note i already added some silent bytes of 0 as padding before).
I have an ArrayList of byte[] which contains:
the first byte[] is header (44 bytes).
Following byte[] are raw data byte array to be mixed
Here is my code:
ArrayList<byte[]> ListAudio = new ArrayList<byte[]>();
byte[] header= WriteHeader(); //wav header 44 bytes
for (byte[] b : audioTreatment.ListDataByte) {
//calculate total length of audio
int length = 0;
for (byte[] array : ListAudio) {
length += array.length;
final int len = length;
final byte[] mixBytes = new byte[len];
for (byte[] array : ListAudio) {
for (int i = 44; i < len; ++i) {
mixBytes[i] += array[i];
// mixBytes[i]=(byte) ((bytes1[i]+bytes2[i]) / 2);
I found somewhere that the method to mix digital byte array is :
mixBytes[i]=(byte) ((bytes1[i]+bytes2[i]) / 2);
I don't arrive to include the calcul above, to sum the byte array.
How can i sum the bytes array from my ArrayList ?
you have to declare your sources to merge them
byte[] source1 = ListAudio.get(0); //first from list
byte[] source2 = ListAudio.get(1); //second from list
int length = Math.min(source1.length, source2.length);//length of new array
length = length - 44; //skipping 44 byte
byte[] dest = new byte[length];
for(int index = 0; index < length; index ++){
byte b1 = source1[index+44];
byte b2 = source2[index+44];
dest[index] = (byte) ((b1+b2) / 2);
That would merge the first two byte[] from your list.
If you want to merge other sources you can change them by selecting other byte[] from your List.
The length of the destination is declared as Math.min(a,b) but you can fill missing bytes with zeros if you want...
if you want to merge all arrays, you have to adjust your merge operation
mixing two bytes: mixBytes[i]=(byte) ((bytes1[i]+bytes2[i]) / 2);
mixing three bytes: mixBytes[i]=(byte) ((bytes1[i]+bytes2[i]+bytes3[i]) / 3);
mixing N bytes: mixBytes[i]=(byte) ((bytes1[i]+bytes2[i]+bytes3[i]+...+bytesN[i]) / N);
ok, for your code snipped it would be:
int length = ...;//length of result, either min or max as mentioned above, see HINT
byte[] mixBytes = new byte[length];
int amountAudio = ListAudio.size(); //amount of tracks in your list aka 'N'
int sum;
for(int index = 0; index < length; index++){
sum = 0;
for(byte[] source: ListAudio){
//adding all byte into one big integer
sum = sum + source[index]; //NOTE: watch for indexOutOfBoundsException
//afterward divide the big int through amount of Audio tracks in your list
mixBytes[index] = (byte)(sum / amountAudio);
I'm trying to implement the tail program and want to print the last n bytes of a file. I've used a RandomAccessFile variable to store the data from the text file. When I try to retrieve the data and print it to the console, I'm getting something like this:
How does on properly retrieve the data from the byte array?
This is my code:
RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r");
byte[] b = new byte[n];
raf.readFully(b, 0, n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
You are printing the byte value. To convert e.g. an array of bytes to a String that you can print on System.out.println try the following:
System.out.println(new String(b));
If you wish to convert each byte (as in your loop) to a printable charyou can do the following conversion:
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
char c = (char) (b[i] & 0xFF);
A byte is simply one byte in size (8 bits) whereas a char in Java i 16 bits (2 bytes). Therefore the printed bytes does not make sense, it is not an entire character.
See this link for more info.
I have a big byte array of length more than 1200000. I want to send it by DataOutputStream, and receive at client by DataInputStream.
I'm using the code
out is DataOutputStream, in is DataInputStream, outData is the byte array I want to send.
When I run the program, if the length of byte array is around 120000, the array can be sent, but when the length becomes 1200000, the server cant receive the array. Should I split the big array into some small ones?
I tried such code below, but it still not working.
int start = 0;
int len = 0;
int count = outData.length;
while (count > 0) {
if (count < 4096)
len = count;
else len = 4096;
out.write(outData, start, len);
start += len;
count -= len;
int length=in.readInt();
byte[] inData=new byte[length];
Can somebody help? Thanks.
In writer:
for(int i=0;i<length;i++){
In reader:
for(int i=0;i<length;i++){
I am trying to read five 32-bit binary numbers and print them as int. Here is my code:
FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(file);
int count = 5;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
byte[] input = file.getBytes();
String bin=Integer.toBinaryString(0xFF & input[i] | 0x100).substring(1);
I am getting this:
What am I doing wrong? thanks
You're not actually reading from the file, but printing the binary representation of the first five characters of the name of the file. Use fin.read() to read bytes from the file.
You can also use DataInputStream to read 32 bit big endian integers directly, instead of reading them as 4 individual bytes.
If you need to read five big-endian 32-bit integers, then I suggest that you use DataInputStream, e.g.
final int count = 5;
try (DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file))) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
int value = dis.readInt();
I need to read a binary file consisting of 4 byte integers (little endian) into a 2D array for my Android application. My current solution is the following:
DataInputStream inp = null;
try {
inp = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(procData), 32768));
catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "File not found");
int[][] test_data = new int[SIZE_X][SIZE_Y];
byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4);
for (int i=0; i < SIZE_Y; i++) {
for (int j=0; j < SIZE_X; j++) {
byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer);
test_data[j][SIZE_Y - i - 1] = byteBuffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).getInt();
This is pretty slow for a 2k*2k array, it takes about 25 seconds. I can see in the DDMS that the garbage collector is working overtime, so that is probably one reason for the slowness.
There has to be a more efficient way of using the ByteBuffer to read that file into the array, but I'm not seeing it at the moment. Any idea on how to speed this up?
Why not read into a 4-byte buffer and then rearrange the bytes manually? It will look like this:
for (int i=0; i < SIZE_Y; i++) {
for (int j=0; j < SIZE_X; j++) {
int nextInt = (buffer[0] & 0xFF) | (buffer[1] & 0xFF) << 8 | (buffer[2] & 0xFF) << 16 | (buffer[3] & 0xFF) << 24;
test_data[j][SIZE_Y - i - 1] = nextInt;
Of course, it is assumed that read reads all four bytes, but you should check for the situation when it's not. This way you won't create any objects during reading (so no strain on the garbage collector), you don't call anything, you just use bitwise operations.
If you are on a platform that supports memory-mapped files, consider the MappedByteBuffer and friends from java.nio
FileChannel channel = new RandomAccessFile(procData, "r").getChannel();
MappedByteBuffer map = channel.map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, 4 * SIZE_X * SIZE_Y);
IntBuffer buffer = map.asIntBuffer();
int[][] test_data = new int[SIZE_X][SIZE_Y];
for (int i=0; i < SIZE_Y; i++) {
for (int j=0; j < SIZE_X; j++) {
test_data[j][SIZE_Y - i - 1] = buffer.get();
If you need cross-platform support or your platform lacks memory-mapped buffers, you may still want to avoid performing the conversions yourself using an IntBuffer. Consider dropping the BufferedInputStream, allocating a larger ByteBuffer yourself and obtaining a little-endian IntBuffer view on the data. Then in a loop reset the buffer positions to 0, use DataInputStream.readFully to read the large regions at once into the ByteBuffer, and pull int values out of the IntBuffer.
First of all, your 'inp.read(buffer)' is unsafe, as read contract does not guarantee that it will read all 4 bytes.
That aside, for quick transformation use the algorithm from DataInputStream.readInt
I've adapted for you case of byte array of 4 bytes:
int little2big(byte[ ] b) {
return (b[3]&0xff)<<24)+((b[2]&0xff)<<16)+((b[1]&0xff)<<8)+(b[0]&0xff);
I don't think it is necessary to reinvent the wheel and perform the byte reordering for endianness again. This is error prone and there is a reason a class like ByteBuffer exists.
Your code can be optimized in the sense that it wastes objects. When a byte[] is wrapped by a ByteBuffer the buffer adds a view, but the original array remains the same. It does not matter wheather the original array is modified/read from directly or the ByteBuffer instance is used.
Therefore, you only need to initialize one instance of ByteBuffer and also have to set the ByteOrder once.
To start again, just use rewind() to set the counter again to the beginning of the buffer.
I have taken your code and modified it as desribed. Be aware that it does not check for errors if there are not enough bytes in the input left. I would suggest to use inp.readFully, as this will throw EOFException if not enough bytes to fill the buffer are found.
int[][] test_data = new int[SIZE_X][SIZE_Y];
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[4]).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
for (int i=0; i < SIZE_Y; i++) {
for (int j=0; j < SIZE_X; j++) {
test_data[j][SIZE_Y - i - 1] = byteBuffer.getInt();