Can anyone give me at least one idea to how can I connect java with protoge?
how can I access OWL using jena API in java?!
The Jena website has plenty of tutorials available. If you have difficulties getting started, please post the code that does not work and we'll help you along.
First tutorial here
// some definitions
static String personURI = "http://somewhere/JohnSmith";
static String fullName = "John Smith";
// create an empty Model
Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
// create the resource
Resource johnSmith = model.createResource(personURI);
// add the property
johnSmith.addProperty(VCARD.FN, fullName);
In order to make this work, you'll need the right imports. Assuming that the Java technicalities are not a problem, this example shows how to create a statement and add it to a model, i.e., an rdf file.
From the same page you can get to more complex material, including OWL tutorials.
You have not mentioned which task you're trying to carry out. Can you describe it?
I am new to OWL 2, and I want to parse a ".ttl" file with OWL API, but I found that OWL API is not same as the API I used before. It seems that I should write a "visitor" if I want to get the content within a OWLAxiom or OWLEntity, and so on. I have read some tutorials, but I didn't get the proper way to do it. Also, I found the tutorials searched were use older version of owl api. So I want a detailed example to parse a instance, and store the content to a Java class.
I have made some attempts, my codes are as follows, but I don't know to go on.
OWLOntologyManager manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager();
File file = new File("./source.ttl");
OWLOntology localAcademic = manager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(file);
Stream<OWLNamedIndividual> namedIndividualStream = localAcademic.individualsInSignature();
Iterator<OWLNamedIndividual> iterator = namedIndividualStream.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
OWLNamedIndividual namedIndividual =;
Instance for example are as follows. Specially, I want store the "#en" in the object of "ecrm:P3_has_note".
a mus:M42_Performed_Expression_Creation ;
ecrm:P3_has_note "Créée par Teodoro Anzellotti, son commanditaire, en novembre 1995 à Rotterdam"#en ;
ecrm:P4_has_time-span <> ;
ecrm:P9_consists_of [ a mus:M28_Individual_Performance ;
ecrm:P14_carried_out_by "Teodoro Anzellotti"
] ;
ecrm:P9_consists_of [ a mus:M28_Individual_Performance ;
ecrm:P14_carried_out_by "à Rotterdam"
] ;
efrbroo:R17_created <> ;
<> ;
efrbroo:R25_performed <> .
The contents I want are as follows:
class Instance{
String subject;
Map<String, Set<Object>> predicateToObject = new HashMap<String,Set<Object>>();
class Object{
String value;
String type;
String language = null;
The version of owlapi I am using is 5.1.0. I download the jar and the doc from there. I just want to know how to get the content I need in the java class.
If there are some tutorials that describe the way to do it, please tell me.
Thanks a lot.
Update: I have known how to do it, when I finish it, I will write an answer, I hope it can help latecomers of OWLAPI.
Thanks again.
What you need, once you have the individual, is to retrieve the data property assertion axioms and collect the literals asserted for each property.
So, in the for loop in your code:
// Let's rename your Object class to Literal so we don't get confused with java.lang.Object
Instance instance = new Instance();
.forEach(ax -> instance.predicateToObject.put(
Collections.singleton(new Literal(ax.getObject))));
This code assumes properties only appear once - if your properties appear multiple times, you'll have to check whether a set already exists for the property and just add to it instead of replacing the value in the map. I left that out to simplify the example.
A visitor is not necessary for this scenario, because you already know what axiom type you're interested in and what methods to call on it. It could have been written as an OWLAxiomVisitor implementing only visit(OWLDataPropertyAssertionAxiom) but in this case there would be little advantage in doing so.
I am new to apache olingo web service. I struck for the past two weeks to implement filter and pagination to my service.I am using latest olingo version 4. I google it and looked many blogs but there is no clear explanation. Kindly help me with sample code.It will be more use full for me.
Following are my scenario,
I am gettting the data from existing web service as XML and then i parse the XML using JAXB make it as list of entity in olingo web services.
Here how can i apply filter. If i having $filter in my URL means it throws page not found exception. If i remove that means it will work and give full result.
My question is How to apply olingo filter in XML string or
How to apply it in List of entity which i having it in a method.
Kindly give me the explenation with some sample code.
I need to give pagination to my response JSON.I need to limit the JSON value as 25 per page and need to next page URL also(For 25 to 50) like that.
How to implement this also.
I overcome lots of blogs but didn't work for me.
In this blog,They didn't explain with full code.My problem is,I am getting data from existing web service as XML string and parse it and having in list of entity.
And I also refer this blog,
In this blog also they tell how to construct the query,My problem is how to implement $filter,$select etc from ODATA in my web service and how to filter from xml string or list of entity
Kindly suggest me with sample code.Thanks.
The Olingo team provides a huge amount of well organized help resources. The sample projects can be found by these instructions:
Complete tutorial about hte pagination can be found here:
I can also provide you the sample code. For example, if talking about the pagination, in your EntityCollectionProcessor implementation you just have to read the top and skip parameters and use them when generating a query to your existing web service using XML, JSON or whatever:
int skipNumber = 0;
SkipOption skipOption = uriInfo.getSkipOption();
if (skipOption != null) {
skipNumber = skipOption.getValue();
int topNumber = -1;
TopOption topOption = uriInfo.getTopOption();
if (topOption != null) {
topNumber = topOption.getValue();
EntityCollection responseEntityCollection = getDataFromService(edmEntitySet, skipNumber, topNumber);
Here the getDataFromService method generates a request to your services passing the top/skip parameters and retrieves the response. It is not advisable to filter the result set on the OData service side. Some additional steps you can find in the above mentioned tutorial.
Filtering is more complex but the main idea you can find from here:
Ok, I am reposting this question because it really drives me crazy.
I have enterprise.wsdl downloaded from salesforce and generated to some jars.
I build path those jars to my Android project in Eclipse.
Here is my code:
ConnectorConfig config = new ConnectorConfig();
config.setPassword(password + securityToken);
con = new EnterpriseConnection(config);
String sql = "SELECT something FROM myNameSpace__myCustomObject__c";
but it returns me this error:
[InvalidSObjectFault [ApiQueryFault [ApiFault
exceptionCode='INVALID_TYPE' exceptionMessage='sObject type 'abc__c'
is not supported.'] row='-1' column='-1' ]]
I am pretty sure that my userID has been assigned with profile that has read, edit access to that custom object.
My code also can query standard object.
Anyone can advise me what could be wrong?
From what I know there are three reasons it may give this error.
1. User permission which you said is setup correctly.
2. Do you have the custom object deployed to the org where you are trying to establish the connection?
3. Check the enterprise WSDL if it contains the custom object name which you are trying to query.
Hope it helps.
I am new to BO, I need to find universe name and the corresponding metadata information like(Table name, column names, join conditions etc...). I am unable to find proper way to start. I looked with Data Access SDK, Semantic SDk.
Can any one please provide me the sample code or procedure for starting..
I googled a lot but i am unable to find any sample examples
I looked into this link but that code will work only on R2 Server.
Help is Highly Apprecitated.....
Assuming you're talking about IDT based universes, you'll need to code some Java. The JavaDoc for the API is available here.
In a nutshell, you do something like this:
SlContext context = SlContext.create() ;
LocalResourceService service = context.getService(LocalResourceService.class) ;
String blxFile = service.retrieve("universe.unx","output directory") ;
RelationalBusinessLayer businessLayer = (RelationalBusinessLayer)service.load(blxFile);
RootFolder rootFolder = businessLayer.getRootFolder() ;
Once you have a hook on the rootFolder, you can use the getChildren() method to drill into the folder structure and access the various subfolders/business objects available.
You may also want to check the CmsResourceService class to access universes stored on the repository.
To get the information you are after will require a 2 part solution. Part 1 use the Rebean SDK looking at WebI reports for the Universe and object names being used with in it.
Part 2 is to break out your favorite COM programming tool, since I try to avoid COM I use the Excel Macro editor, and access the BusinessObjects Designer library. Main code snippets that I currently have are:
Dim boUniv As Designer.Universe
Dim tbl As Designer.Table
For Each tbl In boUniv.Tables
Debug.Print tbl.Name
Next tbl
This prints all of the tables in a universe.
You will need to combine the 2 parts on your own for a dependency list between WebI reports and Universes.
Is there any java API/java plugin which can generate Database ER diagram when java connection object is provided as input.
Ex: InputSream generateDatabaseERDiagram(java connection object)// where inputsream will point to generated ER diagram image
The API should work with oracle,mysql,postgresql?
I was going through schemacrawler( tool but didint got any API which could do this.
If no API like this is there then let me know how can write my own API? I want to generate ER diagram for all the schema in a database or any specific schema if the schema name is provided as input.
It will be helpful if you show some light on how to achieve this task.
If I understood you question correctly, you might take a look at: JGraph
This is an old question but in case anyone else stumbles across it as I did when trying to do the same thing I eventually figured out how to generate the ERD using Schemacrawler's java API.
//Get your java connection however
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("DATABASE URL");
SchemaCrawlerOptions options = new SchemaCrawlerOptions();
// Set what details are required in the schema - this affects the
// time taken to crawl the schema
// you can exclude/include objects using the options object e.g.
//options.setTableInclusionRule(new RegularExpressionExclusionRule(".*qrtz.*||.*databasechangelog.*"));
GraphExecutable ge = new GraphExecutable();
String outputFormatValue = GraphOutputFormat.png.getFormat();
OutputOptions outputOptions = new OutputOptions(outputFormatValue, new File("database.png").toPath());
This still requires graphviz to be installed and on the path to work.