Lock for creation a new folder - java

I have the following situation: multiple threads may try to create the same folder at the same time e.g.
Thread 1 Thread 2
1 new File("\newfolder\").mkdir() 1 new File("\newfolder\").mkdir()
2 2
I tried to test this situation multiple times (create the same folder using multiple thedas) and each time was successful e.g, I didn't get any problems.
However I'm concerned about this approach - should I synchronize this code or not e.g.should I use something like
try {
File directory = new File(directoryPath);
if (!directory.exists()) {
} finally {
or am I safe with just
Thanks, cheers!

As fge already mention use the NIO 2 API for it.
This will create the directory \\new\\folder if directory \\new not exist. If the directory \\new already exists then only it's subfolder \\folder will be created. If the whole directory structure already exists nothing will be created and (maybe most important) no exception is thrown.


Writing to $HOME from a jar file

I'm trying to write to a file located in my $HOME directory. The code to write to that file has been packaged into a jar file. When I run the unit tests to package the jar file, everything works as expected - namely the file is populated and can be read from again.
When I try to run this code from another application where the jar file is contained the lib directory it fails. The file is created - but the file is never written to. When the app goes to read the file it fails parsing it because it is empty.
Here is the code that writes to the file:
logger.warn("TestNet wallet does not exist creating one now in the directory: " + walletPath)
logger.warn("Wallet file name: " + testNetFileName.getAbsolutePath)
logger.warn("Can write: "+ testNetFileName.canWrite())
logger.warn("Can read: " + testNetFileName.canRead)
val w = Wallet.fromWatchingKey(TestNet3Params.get(), testNetSeed)
w.autosaveToFile(testNetFileName, savingInterval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, null)
here is the log form the above method that is relevant:
2015-12-30 15:11:46,416 - [WARN] - from class com.suredbits.core.wallet.ColdStorageWallet$ in play-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-9
TestNet wallet exists, reading in the one from disk
2015-12-30 15:11:46,416 - [WARN] - from class com.suredbits.core.wallet.ColdStorageWallet$ in play-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-9
Wallet file name: /home/chris/testnet-cold-storage.wallet
then it bombs.
Here is the definition for autoSaveToFile
public WalletFiles autosaveToFile(File f, long delayTime, TimeUnit timeUnit,
#Nullable WalletFiles.Listener eventListener) {
try {
checkState(vFileManager == null, "Already auto saving this wallet.");
WalletFiles manager = new WalletFiles(this, f, delayTime, timeUnit);
if (eventListener != null)
vFileManager = manager;
return manager;
} finally {
and the definition for WalletFiles
public WalletFiles(final Wallet wallet, File file, long delay, TimeUnit delayTimeUnit) {
// An executor that starts up threads when needed and shuts them down later.
this.executor = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1, new ContextPropagatingThreadFactory("Wallet autosave thread", Thread.MIN_PRIORITY));
this.executor.setKeepAliveTime(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
this.wallet = checkNotNull(wallet);
// File must only be accessed from the auto-save executor from now on, to avoid simultaneous access.
this.file = checkNotNull(file);
this.savePending = new AtomicBoolean();
this.delay = delay;
this.delayTimeUnit = checkNotNull(delayTimeUnit);
this.saver = new Callable<Void>() {
#Override public Void call() throws Exception {
// Runs in an auto save thread.
if (!savePending.getAndSet(false)) {
// Some other scheduled request already beat us to it.
return null;
log.info("Background saving wallet, last seen block is {}/{}", wallet.getLastBlockSeenHeight(), wallet.getLastBlockSeenHash());
return null;
I'm guessing it is some sort of permissions issue but I cannot seem to figure this out.
EDIT: This is all being run on the exact same Ubuntu 14.04 machine - no added complexity of different operating systems.
You cannot generally depend on the existence or writability of $HOME. There are really only two portable ways to identify (i.e. provide a path to) an external file.
Provide an explicit path using a property set on the invocation command line or provided in the environment, or
Provide the path in a configuration properties file whose location is itself provided as a property on the command line or in the environment.
The problem with using $HOME is that you cannot know what userID the application is running under. The user may or may not even have a home directory, and even if the user does, the directory may or may not be writable. In your specific case, your process may have the ability to create a file (write access on the directory itself) but write access to a file may be restricted by the umask and/or ACLs (on Windows) or selinux (on Linux).
Put another way, the installer/user of the library must explicitly provide a known writable path for your application to use.
Yet another way to think about it is that you are writing library code that may be used in completely unknown environments. You cannot assume ANYTHING about the external environment except what is in the explicit contract between you and the user. You can declare in your interface specification that $HOME must be writable, but that may be highly inconvenient for some users whose environment doesn't have $HOME writable.
A much better and portable solution is to say
specify -Dcom.xyz.workdir=[path] on the command line to indicate the work path to be used
The xyz library will look for its work directory in the path specified by the XYZ_WORK environment variable
Ideally, you do BOTH of these to give the user some flexibility.
savePending is always false. In the beginning of call you check that it is false, and return null. The actual save code is never executed. I am guessing you meant to check if it was true there, and also set it to true, not false. You then also need to reset it back to false in the end.
Now, why this works in your unit test is a different story. The test must be executing different code.

Thread Pool problems - Collecting files

I need to serialize into an ArrayList all absolute files paths from a location. I want do that with a FixedThreadPool from ExecutorService.
Example- location: c:/folder1; folder1 have more folders inside, all with files. I want every time I find a folder search their files to add to ArrayList.
public class FilePoolThreads extends Thread {
File fich;
private ArrayList al1;
public FilePoolThreads(File fi, ArrayList<String> al) {
this.fich = fi;
this.al1 = al;
public void run() {
FileColector fc = new FileColector();
File[] listaFicheiros = fich.listFiles();
for (int i = 0; i < listaFicheiros.length; i++) {
if (listaFicheiros[i].isFile()) {
The class which I begin the collection of files:
public class FileColector {
private ArrayList<String> list1 = new ArrayList<>();
public static ArrayList<String> search(File fich,ArrayList<String> list1) {
int n1 = 1;
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(n1);
do {
// FilePoolThreads[] threads=new FilePoolThreads[10];
FilePoolThreads mt = new FilePoolThreads(fich, list1);
} while (fich.isDirectory());
return list1;
My code is not working well, I think I have some fails of logic, I need someone help me fix it and how can I return the ArrayList? I have to use the getInputStream before and then the getOutputStream?
Since this is apparently an academic exercise, I'll give an overview of how I would approach this problem given your requirement that you use an executor thread pool.
First, you need to analyze the problem and break it into repeatable units of work that can be done independently of each other. In this case, the basic unit of work is processing a single filesystem directory. Each time you process a directory, you will:
Examine each directory entry.
If the directory entry is a regular file, add it to your list.
If the directory entry is a sub-directory, submit it to be processed.
Next, you need to create an implementation of Runnable to encapsulate the processing of this basic unit of work. Each instance of the class that you create will need at least the following information:
The File representing the directory it is to process.
A list, shared between all workers, to add files to (and, as others have pointed out, ArrayList is not a suitable data structure for this).
A reference to the executor service, for submitting tasks for the sub-directories.
Finally, you would need to create a worker for the top-level directory to process; submit it to the executor service; and then wait until all workers have finished processing. This last part might be the trickiest - you might need to keep a running count, using an AtomicInteger that you pass to each worker, to keep track of how many workers are currently processing.
Don't extend Thread to pass your task to an exectuor. Implement Runnable instead!
Or, implement Callable which can return a result when it's finished executing.
Then you can pass your tasks to ExecutorService.submit() and get back a Future to get() the result of each task's computation when it is done.
Note that you will probably want to recursively visit sub-directories, so that you need to find both files and directories before adding the files to your output and creating new tasks for the directories.
There's no need for threading here, and you have several errors related to trying to use threads. My advice is to forget threading and just solve your real problem, which can be done very simply with something like commons-io FileUtils:
Iterator<File> files = FileUtils.iterateFiles(directoryToScan, FileFileFilter.FILE, TrueFileFilter.INSTANCE);
List<String> paths = new ArrayList<String>();
for (File file : files) {
That's all.

interrupt all threads in Java in shutdown hook

I have a simple java program that creates a series of temporary files stored in a local tmp directory. I have added a simple shutdown hook that walks through all files and deletes them, then deletes the tmp directory, before exiting the program. here is the code:
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
File tmpDir = new File("tmp/");
for (File f : tmpDir.listFiles()) {
My problem is that the thread that creates these files may not have terminated upon launch of the shutdown hook, and therefore, there may be a file created after listFiles() is called. this causes the tmp dir not to get deleted. I have come up with 2 hacks around this:
Hack # 1:
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
File tmpDir = new File("tmp/");
while (!tmp.delete()){
for (File f : tmpDir.listFiles()) {
Hack # 2:
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
} catch(InterruptedException e){
File tmpDir = new File("tmp/");
for (File f : tmpDir.listFiles()) {
Neither is a particularly good solution. What would be ideal is to have the shutdown hook wait until all threads have terminated before continuing. Does anyone know if this can be done?
Just keep track of all your running threads and then.join() them before shutting down the program.
This is an answer to the question title as the ewok has said he can't use .deleteOnExit()
What Tyler said, but with a little more detail:
Keep references to the threads where the shutdown hook can access them.
Have the shutdown hook call interrupt on the threads.
Review the code of the threads to make sure they actually respond to interruption (instead of eating the InterruptedException and blundering on, which is typical of a lot of code). An interrupt should prompt the thread to stop looping or blocking, wrap up unfinished business, and terminate.
For each thread where you don't want to proceed until it finishes, check whether the thread is alive and if so call join on it, setting a timeout in case it doesn't finish in a reasonable time, in which case you can decide whether to delete the file or not.
UPDATE: Tyler Heiks accurately pointed out that deleteOnExit() isn't a valid solution since the OP tried it and it did not work. I am providing an alternate solution. It is again indirect, but mainly because the original design using threads and a ShutdownHook is fatally flawed.
Use finally blocks to delete the temp files.
Relying on ShutdownHooks for resource management is a very bad idea and makes the code very difficult to compose or reuse in a larger system. It's an even worse idea to hand resources from thread to thread. Resources like files and streams are among the most dangerous things to share between threads. There is likely very little to gain from this and it would make far more sense for each thread to independently obtain temp files using the library's createTempFile methods and manage their use and deletion using try/finally.
The convention for dealing with the temporary files on the system is to treat them as block boxes where:
location on disk is opaque (irrelevant to and not used directly by the program)
filename is irrelevant
filename is guaranteed to be mutually exclusive
The third above is very difficult to achieve if you hand-roll code to create and name temp files yourself. It is likely to be brittle and fail at the worst times (3AM pager anyone?).
The algorithm you present could delete files created by other processes that coincidentally share the same parent directory. That is unlikely to be a good thing for the stability of those other programs.
Here's the high-level process:
Get Path with Files.createTempFile() (or with legacy pre-Java 7 code File with File.createTempFile())
Use temp file however desired
Delete file
This is similar to InputStream or other resources that need to be manually managed.
That general pattern for explicit resource management (when AutoCloseable and try-with-resources aren't available) is as follows.
Resource r = allocateResource();
try {
} finally {
In the case of Path it looks like this:
Path tempDir = Paths.get("tmp/);
try {
Path p = Files.createTempFile(tempDir, "example", ".tmp");
try {
} finally {
} finally {
On pre-Java 7 legacy, the use with File looks like this:
File tempDir = new File("tmp/");
try {
File f = File.createTempFile(tempDir, "example", ".tmp");
try {
} finally {
if (!f.delete()) {
} finally {
if (!tempDir.delete()) {

Any sure fire way to check file existence on Linux NFS? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Alternative to File.exists() in Java
(6 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I am working on a Java program that requires to check the existence of files.
Well, simple enough, the code make use calls to File.exists() for checking file existence. And the problem I have is, it reports false positive. That means the file does not actually exist but exists() method returns true. No exception was captured (at least no exception like "Stale NFS handle"). The program even managed to read the file through InputStream, getting 0 bytes as expected and yet no exception. The target directory is a Linux NFS. And I am 100% sure that the file being looked for never exists.
I know there are known bugs (kind of API limitation) exist for java.io.File.exists(). So I've then added another way round by checking file existence using Linux command ls. Instead of making call to File.exists() the Java code now runs a Linux command to ls the target file. If exit code is 0, file exists. Otherwise, file does not exist.
The number of times the issue is hit seems to be reduced with the introduction of the trick, but still pops. Again, no error was captured anywhere (stdout this time). That means the problem is so serious that even native Linux command won't fix for 100% of the time.
So there are couple of questions around:
I believe Java's well known issue on File.exists() is about reporting false negative. Where file was reported to not exist but in fact does exist. As the API does not throws IOException for File.exists(), it choose to swallow the Exception in the case calls to OS's underlying native functions failed e.g. NFS timeout. But then this does not explain the false positive case I am having, given that the file never exist. Any throw on this one?
My understanding on Linux ls exit code is, 0 means okay, equivalent to file exists. Is this understanding wrong? The man page of ls is not so clear on explaining the meaning of exit code: Exit status is 0 if OK, 1 if minor problems, 2 if serious trouble.
All right, back to subject. Any surefire way to check File existence with Java on Linux? Before we see JDK7 with NIO2 officially released.
Here is a JUnit test that shows the problem and some Java Code that actually tries to read the file.
The problem happens e.g. using Samba on OSX Mavericks. A possible reason
is explaned by the statement in:
It aggressively caches file and folder properties and uses opportunistic locking to enable better caching of data.
Please find below a checkFile that will actually attempt to read a few bytes and forcing a true file access to avoid the caching misbehaviour ...
JUnit test:
* test file exists function on Network drive replace the testfile name and ssh computer
* with your actual environment
* #throws Exception
public void testFileExistsOnNetworkDrive() throws Exception {
String testFileName="/Volumes/bitplan/tmp/testFileExists.txt";
File testFile=new File(testFileName);
for (int i=0;i<10;i++) {
switch (i) {
case 3:
// FileUtils.writeStringToFile(testFile, "here we go");
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("/usr/bin/ssh phobos /usr/bin/touch "+testFileName);
checkExists source code:
* check if the given file exists
* #param f
* #return true if file exists
public static boolean checkExists(File f) {
try {
byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
InputStream is = new FileInputStream(f);
if (is.read(buffer) != buffer.length) {
// do something
return true;
} catch (java.io.IOException fnfe) {
return false;
JDK7 was released a few months ago. There are exists and notExists methods in the Files class but they return a boolean rather than throwing an exception. If you really want an exception then use FileSystems.getDefault().provider().checkAccess(path) and it will throw an exception if the file does not exist.
If you need to be robust, try to read the file - and fail gracefully if the file is not there (or there is a permission or other problem). This applies to any other language than Java as well.
The only safe way to tell if the file exist and you can read from it is to actually read a data from the file. Regardless of a file system - local, or remote. The reason is a race condition which can occur right after you get success from checkAccess(path): check, then open file, and you find it suddenly does not exist. Some other thread (or another remote client) may have removed it, or has acquired an exclusive lock. So don't bother checking access, but rather try to read the file. Spending time in running ls just makes race condition window easier to fit.

JUnit tests fail when creating new Files

We have several JUnit tests that rely on creating new files and reading them. However there are issues with the files not being created properly. But this fault comes and goes.
This is the code:
public void test_3() throws Exception {
// Deletes files in tmp test dir
File tempDir = new File(TEST_ROOT, "tmp.dir");
if (tempDir.exists()) {
for (File f : tempDir.listFiles()) {
} else {
File file_1 = new File(tempDir, "file1");
FileWriter out_1 = new FileWriter(file_1);
out_1.append("# File 1");
File file_2 = new File(tempDir, "file2");
FileWriter out_2 = new FileWriter(file_2);
out_2.append("# File 2");
File file_3 = new File(tempDir, "fileXXX");
FileWriter out_3 = new FileWriter(file_3);
out_3.append("# File 3");
The fail is that the second file object, file_2, never gets created. Sometimes. Then when we try to write to it a FileNotFoundException is thrown
If we run only this testcase, everything works fine.
If we run this testfile with some ~40 testcases, it can both fail and work depending on the current lunar cycle.
If we run the entire testsuite, consisting of some 10*40 testcases, it always fails.
We have tried
adding sleeps (5sec) after new File, nothing
adding while loop until file_2.exists() is true but the loop never stopped
catching SecurityException, IOException and even throwable when we do the New File(..), but caught nothing.
At one point we got all files to be created, but file_2 was created before file_1 and a test that checked creation time failed.
We've also tried adding file_1.createNewFile() and it always returns true.
So what is going on? How can we make tests that depend on actual files and always be sure they exist?
This has been tested in both java 1.5 and 1.6, also in Windows 7 and Linux. The only difference that can be observed is that sometimes a similar testcase before fails, and sometimes file_1 isn't created instead
We tried a new variation:
File file_2 = new File(tempDir, "file2");
while (!file_2.canRead()) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
This results in alot of Exceptions of the type:
java.io.IOException: Access is denied
at java.io.WinNTFileSystem.createFileExclusively(Native Method)
at java.io.File.createNewFile(File.java:883)
... but eventually it works, the file is created.
Are there multiple instances of your program running at once?
Check for any extra instances of javaw.exe running. If multiple programs have handles to the same file at once, things can get very wonky very quickly.
Do you have antivirus software or anything else running that could be getting in the way of file creation/deletion, by handle?
Don't hardcode your file names, use random names. It's the only way to abstract yourself from the various external situations that can occur (multiple access to the same file, permissions, file system error, locking problems, etc...).
One thing for sure: using sleep() or retrying is guaranteed to cause weird errors at some point in the future, avoid doing that.
I did some googling and based on this lucene bug and this board question seems to indicate that there could be an issue with file locking and other processes using the file.
Since we are running this on ClearCase it seems plausible that ClearCase does some indexing or something similar when the files are being created. Adding loops that repeat until the file is readable solved the issue, so we are going with that. Very ugly solution though.
Try File#createTempFile, this at least guarantees you that there are no other files by the same name that would still hold a lock.
