How to access/change a variable in the initialization? JAVA - java

Hello fellow programmers!
So to be honest here, i'm not sure if the title question is correct, and you will see why.
Before i explain what i do, and why, here is the code snippet:
JPanel playerPanel = new JPanel() {
public void paint(Graphics g) {
X = 1;
Y = 1;
g.drawImage(player.getScaledInstance(player.getHeight()/2, player.getWidth()/2, Image.SCALE_DEFAULT), X, Y, null);
So this a snippet from a custom class i made, and my question would be that, you see there is an X and Y variable, i can change their values , but that changes nothing on the impact of the actual program, my first question would be that can i change the X, and Y of this JPanel's image, and if so , how can i "refresh" the actual JPanel/Image so that it looks like it moved?
Some notes:
-the X, Y are global variables
-playerPanel is inside a procedure, and a global variable
-i can access X, Y since they are global variables from outside the class
I'm having a hard time actually writing down my problem... Hopefully you understand what i would like to accomplish.

You're main problem: Don't use an anonymous inner class if you want to give the class new mutable fields. Instead, create a separate class, it can be an inner class, but it can't be anonymous, give it fields that are needed with getters and setters. Also all that Luxx recommends is correct -- override paintCompoent, call the super method, don't declare the fields within a method...
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Image;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
public class PlayerDrawingPanel extends JPanel {
private int playerX;
private int playerY;
private Player player;
public PlayerDrawingPanel(int playerX, int playerY, Player player) {
this.playerX = playerX;
this.playerY = playerY;
this.player = player;
public void setPlayerX(int playerX) {
this.playerX = playerX;
public void setPlayerY(int playerY) {
this.playerY = playerY;
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
g.drawImage(player.getImage(), playerX, playerY, this);

There is no need to create global variables.
You can use setBounds(x, y, w, h) from Swing's JComponent to move and resize the JPanel.
Though, you have to keep in mind that a Component cannot draw outside its borders. Meaning that the Graphics object that is passed into paint(Graphics g) comes clipped and translated to fit the Component from it's parent.
So, to solve your case, you can either make your JPanel take over the whole area in which you want to draw by using setBounds() or you can you the LayeredLayout from your root panel to draw anywhere.
Let me exemplify the last solution. Consider frame to be your JFrame and playerPanel the JPanel that you overwrote the paint() method:
Now your playerPanel is at the topmost layer of your application, covering the whole area. This means you can draw anywhere over anything.


Java: JFrame Graphics not drawing rectangle

Hello fellow programmers,
I've ran into a little issue in my code that I can't seem to crack. It has to do with the Jframe; Graphics area of Java. The code that I'll post below, is over a drawing method. Which purpose is to draw the "rooms" that are in a ArrayList roomList which is located in another class hence lvl. before. This off-course doesn't happen, hence the post on here.
public class LevelGUI implements Observer {
private Level lv;
private Display d;
public LevelGUI(Level level, String name) { = level;
JFrame frame = new JFrame(name);
d = new Display(lv, 500, 500);
frame.setLocation(0, 0);
private class Display extends JPanel {
public Display(Level fp, int x, int y) {
addKeyListener(new Listener());
setPreferredSize(new Dimension(x + 20, y + 20));
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
private void draw(Graphics g) {
Level lvl = new Level();
for(int i = 0; i < lvl.roomList.size(); i++) {
Room room = lvl.roomList.get(i);
g.drawRect(room.posX, room.posY, room.roomWidth, room.roomHeight);
To get some background info on the program. roomList is the ArrayList, and it is filled with various different sized and colored rooms. The rooms themselves are objects.
Here comes first Level class:
public class Level extends Observable {
private boolean Switch = true;
public ArrayList<Room> roomList = new ArrayList<Room>();
Here is the Class Room() that is used to create the rooms.
public class Room {
Color floorColor;
int roomWidth;
int roomHeight;
int posX;
int posY;
public Room(int dx, int dy, Color color) {
this.floorColor = color;
this.roomHeight = dy;
this.roomWidth = dx;
this.posY = 0;
this.posX = 0;
I've managed to locate where the problem is thought to occur, and it's the code in the for-loop. I tried switching the roomList.size() for an integer to test if it was the loop., But it wasn't. It is possible to draw a figure outside of the for-loop.
and again, the problem isn't an error message, the program simply doesn't draw the rooms that I've instructed it to draw in the method draw().
The display output looks like this:
Thanks beforehand!
Be aware that the paintComponent() method is invoked by Swing whenever the framework thinks the component needs to be rendered on screen. This usually is when the window is getting visible - initially or because some other window no longer hides the component. Such events are out of your control.
So your application should create a state and be ready to draw it anytime. Therefore you do not create state (like a level) inside the paint() or paintComponent() method. Put that elsewhere - if need be into the constructor.
Looking at you code:
As you are creating a new level inside paintComponent()/draw(), is it correct to assume that this level has no rooms associated? In that case the method is right to return without having painted anything.
If your application thinks the screen should be updated call repaint(), knowing that the paint() method will be called by the framework soon.

Display moving blocks in a JFrame

I have a class that creates a JFrame on which a simple game of Tetris will be played, I also have a class DrawSquare, which does exactly what you think it does, however when I initialise a new instance of the DrawSquare class and then try to draw that one and all the others to my JFrame things start to go wrong, the code is intended for one square to be drawn in the top left hand corner and then drop down a line at a time until it reaches the bottom of the frame (it does this), then a new square should be drawn in the second column at the top of the frame, as well as our first square in the bottom left hand corner, however once it starts dropping down the second column I get a series of squares drawn in a diagonal towards the top right hand corner. At the moment all I plan for the code to do is have a square drop from the top row of each column and stop when it reaches the bottom of the frame, am I storing the instance of the class at the wrong point in the code? Edit: In fact I'm pretty sure it's that, I'd want to store that instance when it reaches the bottom. Does every instance of the class need its own timer?
public class Tetris extends JFrame {
public static final int height = 20; //height of a square
public static final int width = 20; //width of a square
public int xPos = 0; //column number of the square
public int yPos = 0; //row number of the square
public static void main(String[] args){
Tetris tet = new Tetris();
public Tetris() {
DrawSquare square = new DrawSquare(xPos, yPos, width, height, false);
public class DrawSquare extends JPanel {
public static List<DrawSquare> squares = new ArrayList<>();
protected int xPos;
protected int yPos;
protected int width;
protected int height;
protected Timer timer = new Timer(200, new TimerListener());
protected boolean endFall = false;
public DrawSquare(int xPos, int yPos, int width, int height, boolean endFall) {
this.xPos = xPos;
this.yPos = yPos;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.endFall = endFall;
class TimerListener implements ActionListener {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if (yPos > 19) {
yPos = 19;
endFall = true;
if (endFall == true) {
if (xPos > 8) {
xPos = 8;
endFall = false;
yPos = 0;
DrawSquare newSqr = new DrawSquare(xPos, yPos, width, height, true);
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
Iterator<DrawSquare> it = squares.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
DrawSquare square =;
g.fillRect(square.xPos * square.width, square.yPos * square.height, square.width, square.height);
You are giving a great example of the fundamental misunderstanding beginners have of how the swing (and many other graphics toolkits) render stuff to the screen. I will give an overview of that, as it pertains to you, then answer your immediate questions and explain how to fix your code.
It took me a (very long) while to figure out how this stuff works my self, so please bear with me. I hope that reading through this answer will help you in a much more general way than answering this one question.
Asynchronous Drawing
Swing draws windows in a totally different sequence (the event dispatching thread) than the ones that modifies the state of your program (the main thread, as well as timer and other threads). You can modify the coordinates of things you want to draw as many times as you like in the main thread, but the changes will not show up until you request them to by calling JComponent.repaint() on one of your components. This will generally trigger a nearly-immediate repaint of the component, displaying your latest state.
If you change the coordinates of a widget like a JPanel in your main thread, it will likely show up immediately. This is because the methods you use to set the position will trigger repaint requests internally.
A repaint request gets queued and eventually processed by the event dispatching thread. This is where the paintComponent method gets called. The paintComponent method should therefore only draw. It should not do any other logic. If it needs to know how to draw some specialized stuff, the information for that should be stashed somewhere accessible by one of the other threads.
In short, you make calculations and update state as you need in the main thread or the timer. Then you access that state in the event dispatching thread via the paintComponent method.
There are a bunch of ways you can use timers to run your GUI, but you only really need one for the current application. In your case, the timer only needs to do two things:
Check if a block has fallen all the way down and doesn't need to move any more.
Trigger a repaint of your panel.
You do not need to compute the updated position of the blocks in the timer if the block's position is a simple equation with respect to time. If you know the time at which a block appears on the screen and the current time, you know how far the block has moved, so you can paint it in the correct spot based purely on the elapsed time.
If you had a more complicated system with paths that you could not predict purely on the time, I would recommend sticking the movement logic into the timer events as well. In that case, you might consider having multiple timers, or switching to java.util.timer. But again, this does not apply to your current case (even with multiple blocks).
Model and View
The model of your program is the thing that holds the abstract state. In this case, the positions and other meta-data about all your blocks. The view is the part that does the rendering. It is usually a good idea to separate these two things. There is often a third component to GUIs, called the controller, which connects the model and view to the user. We will ignore it here since you are not asking about controlling the blocks yet.
In your current code, you have attempted to represent your blocks with an extension to JPanel and a static list of existing blocks. While a JPanel may be a convenient way to display rectangular blocks with some custom graphics in them (like icons), I would recommend that you start by drawing the blocks directly using the Graphics object passed to paintComponent. At least initially, it will help you to think of the drawing code and the game logic as separate entities.
Final Rant Before Code Dump
I have made rewrites to your code to encapsulate all the ranting I did before into code. Here are some additional minor points about what I did that may help explain my reasoning:
When you call JFrame.add(...) to add a component to a JFrame, you are really calling JFrame.getContentPane().add(...). The content pane is where 90% of normal swing components go in a window. Therefore, we can either set the JPanel that will do the rendering as your content pane or we can add it to the current content pane. I have chosen to do the latter so that you can add other widgets, like a score board, at a later time.
Class names should generally be nouns, while methods are often verbs. This is not an absolute rule (nothing really is), but naming things this way will often help you visualize the interactions between objects in a more meaningful way. I have renamed DrawSquare to GamePiece for this reason.
There is no longer any reason for GamePiece to be a JPanel. It just needs to know its own width, height, and time of appearance.
The other problem with trying to have DrawSquare draw itself is that a component can only really draw within its own bounding box. So you really want to override the paintComponent of whatever holds the rectangles.
The rendering class maintains a reference to two lists of GamePieces. One is for the moving objects and one is for the ones that have fallen. The logic for moving them between the lists is in the timer. This is better than say adding a flag to GamePiece because it facilitates incremental repaint. I will only partially illustrate this here, but there is a version of repaint that only requests a small region to be painted. This would be useful to speed up the movement.
public class Tetris extends JFrame
public static final int height = 20; //height of a square
public static final int width = 20; //width of a square
public static final int x = 0;
private GamePanel gamePanel;
public static void main(String[] args)
Tetris tet = new Tetris();
// Normally you would tie this to a button or some other user-triggered action.
tet.gamePanel.addPiece(new GamePiece(width, height, x));
public Tetris()
getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
gamePanel = GamePanel();
add(gamePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
public class GamePanel extends JPanel
private List<GamePiece> moving;
private List<GamePiece> still;
private Timer timer;
public GamePanel()
moving = new ArrayList<>();
still = new ArrayList<>();
timer = new Timer(100, new TimerListener());
public addPiece(int width, int height, int x)
moving.add(new GamePiece(width, height, x));
public void start()
public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
Rectangle clip = g.getClipBounds(null);
Rectangle rectToDraw = new Rectangle();
// I prefer this, but you can make the call every
// time you call `GamePiece.getY()`
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
for(GamePiece piece : this.moving) {
rectToDraw.setSize(piece.width, piece.height)
rectToDraw.setLocation(piece.x, piece.getY(time))
for(GamePiece piece : this.still) {
rectToDraw.setSize(piece.width, piece.height)
rectToDraw.setLocation(piece.x, piece.getY(time))
private class TimerListener implements ActionListener
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Using non-iterator loop to move the pieces that
// stopped safely. Iterator would crash on in-loop move.
for(int i = 0; i < moving.size(); i++) {
piece = moving.get(i);
if(piece.getY(time) > 440 - piece.height) {
public class GamePiece
public final int width;
public final int height;
public final long startTime;
public int x;
public GamePiece(int width, int height, int x)
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.x = x;
public int getY(long time)
// This hard-codes a velocity of 10px/sec. You could
// implement a more complex relationship with time here.
return (int)((time - this.startTime) / 100.0);
Your main problem in a nutshell: you need to separate the JPanel component class from the square logical class. Right now, they are one and the same, and every time you create a new DrawSqaure, you're creating a new JPanel, starting a new Swing Timer, and thus calling code that doesn't need to be called. This is also forcing you to make the List static else you'd have a stack overflow error. Solution: separate the two out, make your List non-static, and use only one Swing Timer.

Draw and move a circle in Java

I'm using Swing to create a small GUI in Java. All I am trying to get it to do is take an ArrayListof Circles and draw them. I've run into two problems:
1) I have to call my draw method repeatedly before it draws the circle. If I just call my draw method once nothing happens, I get a blank drawing. If I call it in a loop that runs for less than 30 milliseconds it only draws the first of two circles that I want to draw. Finally, if I call it for more than 30 milliseconds it draws both circles I am trying to draw.
2) When I move one of the circles, I get a "flicker" on the drawing.
I'm not too familiar with Swing programming. I've looked at sample code and watched a few videos - and what I have looks right to me. But I figure I must have messed something up, because it doesn't look like this in the videos I've watched.
Here is my GUI class:
package gui;
import draw.*;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.*;
public class GUI extends JFrame {
private CirclePainter drawingBoard = new CirclePainter();
public GUI()
setSize(500, 500);
public void draw(List<Circle> circles)
drawingBoard.paintComponent(drawingBoard.getGraphics(), circles);
my CirclePainter class
package gui;
import draw.Circle;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.List;
class CirclePainter extends JPanel
public void paintComponent(Graphics graphics, List<Circle> circles)
for(Circle circle : circles)
graphics.fillOval(circle.getX(), circle.getY(), circle.getRadius() * 2, circle.getRadius() * 2);
EDIT: redacted some code since this is for a school project. The remaining code should be enough for someone visiting in the future to still understand the question.
Never call paintComponent(...) directly as you're doing.
Instead suggest a draw by calling repaint() on a component when necessary.
Don't draw with a Graphics object obtained via a getGraphics() call on a component. Instead, draw with the Graphics object provided in the paintComponent method.
Avoid using while (true) loops in a Swing GUI as you risk tying up the Swing event thread and freezing the GUI. Use a Swing Timer for simple animations.
You probably don't even need a Swing Timer since your animation can be driven by your MouseListener/MouseMotionListener.
Most important -- do read the Swing painting and other tutorials, as most of this information can be found there. It looks like you're guessing how to do some of your coding and that's a dangerous thing to do when it comes to drawing or animating a GUI. You can find most tutorials in the Swing info link.
Consider using a Shape object to represent your Circle, such as an ellipse2D. The reason that this will help is that it has some very useful methods, including a contains(Point p) method that will help you determine if a mouse click lands inside of your circle.
You will want to decide where _x and _y represent the center point of your circle or not. If so, then you'll need to adjust your drawing some, by shifting it left and up by _radius amount.
Consider casting your Graphics object into a Graphics2D object in order to use its extra methods and properties.
One such property are the RenderingHings. Set your Graphics2D RenderingHints to allow for anti-aliasing to get rid of your image "jaggies". This can be done with: g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING,
RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); where g2 is your Graphics2D object.
Your paintComponent method is not a true paintComponent override and thus won't work correctly. It should be a protected method, not public, it should have one parameter, a Graphics object, and nto a second parameter, and you should place the #Override annotation above it.
For example, please have a look at this answer of mine to a similar problem.
An example of a paintComponent method that centers the circles on _x and _y and that uses rendering hints:
class CirclePainter extends JPanel implements Iterable<Circle> {
private static final int PREF_W = 500;
private static final int PREF_H = PREF_W;
private CircleList circleList = new CircleList();
protected void paintComponent(Graphics graphics) {
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) graphics;
for (Circle circle : circleList) {
// if x and y are the center points, then you must subtract the radius.
int x = circle.getX() - circle.getRadius();
int y = circle.getY() - circle.getRadius();
int width = circle.getRadius() * 2;
int height = width;
g2.fillOval(x, y, width, height);
Building on your code and the suggestions from Hovercraft Full Of Eels, a small step in the right direction could be taken with these modifications to the GUI and CirclePainter classes:
// GUI.draw
public void draw(List<Circle> circles)
// drawingBoard.paintComponent(drawingBoard.getGraphics(), circles);
class CirclePainter extends JPanel
// public void paintComponent(Graphics graphics, List<Circle> circles)
// {
// super.paintComponent(graphics);
// for(Circle circle : circles)
// graphics.fillOval(circle.getX(), circle.getY(), circle.getRadius() * 2, circle.getRadius() * 2);
// }
private List<Circle> circles;
public void setCircles(final List<Circle> circles) {
this.circles = circles;
protected void paintComponent(final Graphics graphics) {
for (Circle circle : circles)
graphics.fillOval(circle.getX(), circle.getY(), circle.getRadius() * 2, circle.getRadius() * 2);
This way, you might not have fixed all the fundamental issues, but you get your program to work with only minor changes. And Swing is a very nice library that can be much fun to learn more about.

getGraphics from panel returns null

so I have class Board that extends JApplet and in it's constructor I make a JPanel that I'll later draw boxes on, but when I try to do getGraphics it returns null :/
JPanel panel;
public Board(int x, int y, int wolfNumber, int hareNumber){
wolvesCoords = new int[wolfNumber][2];
haresCoords = new int[hareNumber][2];
panel = new JPanel();
public synchronized void write(int xx, int yy, Color c){
int width=panel.getWidth()/x;
int height=panel.getHeight()/y;
Graphics g = panel.getGraphics();
g.drawRect(xx*width, yy*height, width, height);
g.fillRect(xx*width, yy*height, width, height);
public void paint(Graphics g)
It gives nullpointerexception at line g.setColor(c) as g is null.
You are using the Graphics object wrong. Instead of calling write from wherever you call it, instead override paintComponent. You could do something like:
private int xx;
private int yy;
private Color c;
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
if(c != null) {
int width=panel.getWidth()/x;
int height=panel.getHeight()/y;
g.drawRect(xx*width, yy*height, width, height);
g.fillRect(xx*width, yy*height, width, height);
public void write(int xx, int yy, Color c) {
this.xx = xx;
this.yy = yy;
this.c = c;
Yours is a common problem and question and is yet another reason why you shouldn't use a Graphics object obtained by calling getGraphics() on a component. Another reason you shouldn't do this is that if you are successful at getting a non-null Graphics object (which is only available after the component has been rendered), it will not persist, and your image can turn null if any repaints occur.
Instead do what the tutorials advise you to do: Draw with the Graphics object provided to you in the JPanel's paintComponent method. If you want to draw a fixed background, then do so in a BufferedImage, and then draw that BufferedImage in the paintComponent method.
You ask:
Why would I call drawing code in the paint method? I need to draw only when the method write is called, not when the app starts.
Because that is how Swing graphics is done, because doing it your way is rife with problems (which you're already experiencing). Again, don't guess at this stuff -- read the tutorials where it is all well explained for you.
You state in comment:
Actually this error shows up when I try to add override - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype. Could it be that I am extending JApplet?
Yes, exactly so.
I have to though
Yes, you have to have a class that extends JApplet in order to produce JApplets, but you don't have to and in fact shouldn't paint directly in them. Instead create a separate class that extends JPanel, and do your graphics inside of that class's paintComponent method. Then display that JPanel in your applet.

Java - graphics paint

I'm trying to develop a Java brick breaker (like DxBall) game and I want to make the Ball object with its own draw method.
What I'm trying to do:
public class Ball {
private int x, y, diameter;
public void Ball(){
x = 0;
y = 0;
diameter = 20;
public void draw(Graphics g){
g.fillOval(x, y, diameter, diameter);
Therefore, my game engine extends JFrame and its paintComponent method will call game objects draw method. To sum, is it proper way to do object oriented game in Java? What should my Ball class extend?
Your Ball class seems to look ok. It doesn't need to extend anything. You will need to pass the Graphics object from the paintComponent of your game object to the Ball draw method.
If you wish to make Ball a graphical component, you could extend JComponent:
public class Ball extends JComponent {
private int x;
private int y
private int diameter;
public Ball() {
x = 0;
y = 0;
public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
g.fillOval(x, y, diameter, diameter);
and simply call repaint when you wish to paint the component instead of a custom draw method.
Note: There's no return type for constructors.
Your class is fine but I recommend extending a class. This class usually called as Sprite or Action or GameObject contains the basic information like
image (or animation), position, collision rect and some basic functions like get and set it's position, speed and some collision detection functions if you wish.
Some resources.
The Breakout game
GEJ - game-engine-for-java - Java Gaming Resources
Hope they help. And to draw the object, do
g.drawImage(ball.image, ball.x, ball.y, null);
