I'm trying to make a simple bit of code that will detect whether a model was clicked on. So far the best method I've seen is to create some sort of rectangle around the mesh and detect with Gdx.input.justTouched() to get the x,y coordinates, and then check if the rectangle contains the coordinates returned by justTouched().
I have no idea if there's a better way to do this, some kind of mesh onClick listener or something that LibGDX has in place that I'm unaware of (I've been scouring Google and the javadocs but I can't seem to find anything). I don't really need to deal with the z-axis coordinate, at least I don't think so. I only have the one PerspectiveCamera and it's not going to be moving around that much (not sure if this matters?)
Anyways, in my render() method I have:
if (Gdx.input.justTouched()) {
//this returns the correct values relative to the screen size
Vector2 pos = new Vector2(Gdx.input.getX(), Gdx.input.getY());
//I'm not sure how to get the correct rectangle to see what the
//width and height are for the model relative to the screen?
Rectangle modelBounds = new Rectangle(<<not sure what to put here>>);
if (modelBounds.contains(pos.x, pos.y) {
System.out.println("Model is being touched at: " + pos.x + ", " + pos.y);
I'm really not sure if this is the correct way to do this. I can get the position of the model with:
modelInstance.getNode("Node1").globalTransform.getTranslation(new Vector3());
but I'm not sure how to get the width and height as a rectangle relative to the screen size, if it's even possible.
I'm also unsure if this would cause massive lag, as I'm going to have about 7 nodes total that I need to detect if they're clicked on or not.
Is there a better way to do this? If not, is there a way to get the model width & height relative to the screensize (or camera, maybe)?
EDIT: Read about using Bounding Boxes, seems like what I need. Not quite sure how to implement it properly, however. I've changed my code to such:
public ModelInstance modelInstance;
public BoundingBox modelBounds;
public void create() {
//omitted irrelevant bits of code
modelInstance = new ModelInstance(heatExchangerModel);
modelBounds = modelInstance.calculateBoundingBox(new BoundingBox());
public void render() {
if (Gdx.input.justTouched()) {
Vector3 pos = new Vector3(Gdx.input.getX(), Gdx.input.getY(), 0);
if (modelBounds.contains(pos)) {
System.out.println("Touching the model");
I'm not really sure what the output of BoundingBox is supposed to be, or how the numbers it gives me correlates to the position in a 2d space. Hmm..
EDIT2: Think I'm getting closer.. Read about Rays and the .getPickRay method for my PerspectiveCamera. .getPickRay seems to return completely unusable numbers though, like really tiny numbers. I think I need to do something like:
if (Gdx.input.justTouched()) {
Vector3 intersection = new Vector3();
Ray pickRay = perspectiveCamera.getPickRay(Gdx.input.getX(), Gdx.input.getY());
Intersector.intersectRayBounds(pickRay, modelBounds, intersection);
and then intersection should give me the point where they overlap. It appears to be not working, however, giving me really small numbers like (4.8066642E-5, 2.9180354E-5, 1.0) .. hmmm..
I’m making a gear simulator and I’ve set it up where you can place the gears, and I have a plan on how you can update each gears rotation speed. I’m going to make a Initialize (method?) where I make the gear that will spin check every point next to it(it’s beta size hasn’t been implemented yet) and then I will add the original gear to a dontSpin list, then make every gear the first one detected spin everything around it, except for gears in dontSpin.
My issue I’m having is how do I rotate the gear Image a bit every tick? I’ve done a bunch of research and tried implementing some things I found but they all rotate it once, and I can’t find a way/I’m not smart enough to know how to make each gear object in the gearList rotate at the rotateSpeed every tick.
If you need more information please message me as I’ve been working on this for like a week and this has been a roadblock for at least 3 days making me lose motivation.
I tried researching multiple different sites and different methods of rotating images and it seemed none were what I needed, they seemed to all be a single rotation. I tried just staring at my code for 15 minutes waiting for it to just pop in my head to no avail. I tried asking on a discord help server, where I was told “just make a method to rotate it, then use it” and I’m not even kidding lmao. I even tried asking a fellow java coder about it, but they had no idea.
Help me stack overflow, you’re my only hope.
Edit: taken down for focusing on 2 problems , so I’ll elaborate on the one problem.
Gear is a class with a Point(x,y), I have a Board class with the bulk of my code, where I have a 10 by 10 ish size grid of squares, the gear and player automatically moves around on these squares.
You can hit a button ‘E’ to add a gear, and ‘Q’ to remove a gear. Every time you add a gear, a new gear is added to the gearList ArrayList. My issue is how to update the gear Images every single tick in the board class.
Here is where the gears are drawn
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
// when calling g.drawImage() we can use "this" for the ImageObserver
// because Component implements the ImageObserver interface, and JPanel
// extends from Component. So "this" Board instance, as a Component, can
// react to imageUpdate() events triggered by g.drawImage()
// draw our graphics.
for (Gear gear : gearList) {
gear.draw(g, this);
player.draw(g, this);
// this smooths out animations on some systems
This is what that calls
public class Gear {
// image that represents the gear's position on the board
private BufferedImage image;
private BufferedImage newSizeImage;
// current position of the gear on the board grid
private Point pos;
private int rot = 45;
private int rotSpeed = 5;
public Gear(Point gpos) {
// load the assets
// initialize the state
pos = gpos;
private void loadImage() {
try {
// you can use just the filename if the image file is in your
// project folder, otherwise you need to provide the file path.
image = ImageIO.read(new File("src/images/gear.png"));
finalImage = rotate(image.getScaledInstance(Board.TILE_SIZE, Board.TILE_SIZE, Image.SCALE_DEFAULT));
} catch (IOException exc) {
System.out.println("Error opening image file: " + exc.getMessage());
public void draw(Graphics g, ImageObserver observer) {
// with the Point class, note that pos.getX() returns a double, but
// pos.x reliably returns an int. https://stackoverflow.com/a/30220114/4655368
// this is also where we translate board grid position into a canvas pixel
// position by multiplying by the tile size.
pos.x * Board.TILE_SIZE,
pos.y * Board.TILE_SIZE,
I found this little sample code, to do drawing with your finger:
Here is some of the relevant code:
List<Point> points = new ArrayList<Point>();
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
for (Point point : points) {
canvas.drawCircle(point.x, point.y, 5, paint);
public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent event) {
Point point = new Point();
point.x = event.getX();
point.y = event.getY();
Log.d(TAG, "point: " + point);
return true;
I was looking through it, and saw that they are adding points to an ArrayList, then looping through the ArrayList, this doesn't seem like it is a very optimized approach to this. Is there a better approach or is this a good approach?
After testing on my Samsung GS3, I colored the whole screen in with a circle size of 20, and the closer it got to full color the slower it took to draw, and then circles were becoming spaced out.
No, this makes sense in this example.
He loops through all the points he wants to draw.
This means he adds every point to the array, so he can loop through all the objects at once.
You'll often see this in game programming.
This is also very expandable.
You can add as many points as you want
It supports polymorphism
You don't have to make variables for multiple points > Less code
First, use stroke (not circles) to draw the line. Second, approximate. Here's a summary:
Change Paint to use a stroke with width=5. That reduces the need to draw so many circles.
Pick a threshold, for example 3px after which you'll add a point in onTouch().
if (Math.abs(previousX - event.getX()) < THRESHOLD
&& Math.abs(previousY - event.getY()) < THRESHOLD) {
previousX = event.getX();
previousY = event.getY();
// drawing update goes here
This should reduce number of (unnoticeable) points.
Use Picture or Path class to draw the line to, and use Canvas.drawPath() or Canvas.drawPicture(). This, especially for large number of points, will really speed the drawing since all drawing commands will be passed to the internal drawing function in one call.
Simplify the shape at need. For example, you could delete eldest points (which would be a perfect case to use circular buffer), use the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm which is pretty easy to implement, gives good results and has complexity of O(nlogn).
I am trying to make a onTouchEvent to create a missile that will launch from my character sprite and forward.
I have this working using
if (missdraw = true){
missilex = missilex + 14;
missdraw = false;
in my onDraw method, but the problem is it will only create one at a time.
I tried to create a class to deal with this, but this just causes an error and crashes when i try to fire.
here is what i use for the class: (this is in the ondraw in my gameview)
for (Batcher missile : missiles ){
this is in the class
public Batcher(List<Batcher> temps, ScreenActivity newView, float x,
float y, Bitmap missile){
this.x = 1;
this.y = 2;
this.missile = missile;
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
canvas.drawBitmap(missile, x,y, null);
I would appreciate any help, but also if you could explain how it would work, instead of just code, as im quite new to programming, and really need to understand what im doing and why im doing it, rather than just copying peoples code because it works.
Cheers Phil.
Your concepts are pretty good, actually. There are a few things I don't quite understand about the code samples you posted up, I'll try to translate into what I'd do and you can tell me if I'm doing it wrong :)
in your game class you need (and it looks like you have) a list of Missiles:
LinkedList<Batcher> missiles;
In your onTouch(), however a missile is created -
missiles.add(new Batcher(missilex, missiley, missile));
you now have a collection of missiles. Note that I didn't include the list in the constructor of your batcher, because an object should never need to know that it's a part of a collection. All it needs to know is how to draw itself and where. Since I assume that all of your missiles will be added to or removed from the screen frequently, while only having a few on screen at a time, I've used a LinkedList, which is fast for adding and removing, but slow for accessing a specific missile. If you needed to access specific items in the collection and the collection didn't change very much, you would use an ArrayList instead. on to onDraw - as you have it the missile draws itself, which is fine, but I prefer to let the View do the drawing, with the missile telling it where it should be drawn -
for (Batcher missile : missiles ){
missile.setX(missile.getX() + 14); // to make it move
if (missile.getX() > canvas.gedWidth()) { //check if it's left the screen
missiles.remove(missile); // Remove it
else { //perform drawing
canvas.drawBitmap(missile.getBitmap(), missile.getX(), missile.getY(), null);
Hopefully that'll do it for you, but feel free to let me know if there's anything you'd like me to explain more!
in libgdx game
I want to touchDown and then drag somewhere and then on the release (touchUp) apply a directional force based on the distance and direction from the target body. When you touchdown the target body stays still and then on touchup the force is applied along the desired trajectory.
(very similar to Angry birds - where you get to see the trajectory in dotted lines for the target body when you hold hack the slingshot - I want to do the same)
So I guess that this might not be the hardest thing to do but given a few options Im leaning towards using a MouseJointDef but its an immediate force applied (i.e. the target moves immediately - I want it to stay still and then once the touchup event happens then apply the force)
Whats the easiest way to draw the trajectory also? Im using Box2D also.
Create a class that inherits InputAdapter class, then create an instance of it and register it to listen the touch inputs.
There are 3 methods to handle the touch events touch_down, touch_dragged and touch_up that you have to override.
In touch_down, check the touching position to whether is in the birds area or not. If it is, make a boolean flag true.
In touch_dragged, check the flag above and if it was true, calculate the distance of the touch position relative to the bird shooting center and the shooting angle.
In touch_up, you can order to shoot with the calculated amounts by calling
body2shoot.applyLinearImpulse(impulse, body2shoot.getWorldCenter());
There is no need to MouseJointDef to move the body2shoot. Just set the transform of body2shoot in touching position to be dragged in each cycle of render.
For calculating the trajectory I wrote a class like this:
public class ProjectileEquation
public float gravity;
public Vector2 startVelocity = new Vector2();
public Vector2 startPoint = new Vector2();
public ProjectileEquation()
{ }
public float getX(float t)
return startVelocity.x*t + startPoint.x;
public float getY(float t)
return 0.5f*gravity*t*t + startVelocity.y*t + startPoint.y;
and for drawing it just I set the startPoint and startVelocity and then in a loop I give a t (time) incrementally and call getX(t) and getY(t).
I'm having a little problem with figuring something out (Obviously).
I'm creating a 2D Top-down mmorpg, and in this game I wish the player to move around a tiled map similar to the way the game Pokemon worked, if anyone has ever played it.
If you have not, picture this: I need to load various areas, constructing them from tiles which contain an image and a location (x, y) and objects (players, items) but the player can only see a portion of it at a time, namely a 20 by 15 tile-wide area, which can be 100s of tiles tall/wide. I want the "camera" to follow the player, keeping him in the center, unless the player reaches the edge of the loaded area.
I don't need code necessarily, just a design plan. I have no idea how to go about this kind of thing.
I was thinking of possibly splitting up the entire loaded area into 10x10 tile pieces, called "Blocks" and loading them, but I'm still not sure how to load pieces off screen and only show them when the player is in range.
The picture should describe it:
Any ideas?
My solution:
The way I solved this problem was through the wonderful world of JScrollPanes and JPanels.
I added a 3x3 block of JPanels inside of a JScrollPane, added a couple scrolling and "goto" methods for centering/moving the JScrollPane around, and voila, I had my camera.
While the answer I chose was a little more generic to people wanting to do 2d camera stuff, the way I did it actually helped me visualize what I was doing a little better since I actually had a physical "Camera" (JScrollPane) to move around my "World" (3x3 Grid of JPanels)
Just thought I would post this here in case anyone was googling for an answer and this came up. :)
For a 2D game, it's quite easy to figure out which tiles fall within a view rectangle, if the tiles are rectangular. Basically, picture a "viewport" rectangle inside the larger world rectangle. By dividing the view offsets by the tile sizes you can easily determine the starting tile, and then just render the tiles in that fit inside the view.
First off, you're working in three coordinate systems: view, world, and map. The view coordinates are essentially mouse offsets from the upper left corner of the view. World coordinates are pixels distances from the upper left corner of tile 0, 0. I'm assuming your world starts in the upper left corner. And map cooridnates are x, y indices into the map array.
You'll need to convert between these in order to do "fancy" things like scrolling, figuring out which tile is under the mouse, and drawing world objects at the correct coordinates in the view. So, you'll need some functions to convert between these systems:
// I haven't touched Java in years, but JavaScript should be easy enough to convey the point
var TileWidth = 40,
TileHeight = 40;
function View() {
this.viewOrigin = [0, 0]; // scroll offset
this.viewSize = [600, 400];
this.map = null;
this.worldSize = [0, 0];
View.prototype.viewToWorld = function(v, w) {
w[0] = v[0] + this.viewOrigin[0];
w[1] = v[1] + this.viewOrigin[1];
View.prototype.worldToMap = function(w, m) {
m[0] = Math.floor(w[0] / TileWidth);
m[1] = Math.floor(w[1] / TileHeight);
View.prototype.mapToWorld = function(m, w) {
w[0] = m[0] * TileWidth;
w[1] = m[1] * TileHeight;
View.prototype.worldToView = function(w, v) {
v[0] = w[0] - this.viewOrigin[0];
v[1] = w[1] - this.viewOrigin[1];
Armed with these functions we can now render the visible portion of the map...
View.prototype.draw = function() {
var mapStartPos = [0, 0],
worldStartPos = [0, 0],
viewStartPos = [0, 0];
mx, my, // map coordinates of current tile
vx, vy; // view coordinates of current tile
this.worldToMap(this.viewOrigin, mapStartPos); // which tile is closest to the view origin?
this.mapToWorld(mapStartPos, worldStartPos); // round world position to tile corner...
this.worldToView(worldStartPos, viewStartPos); // ... and then convert to view coordinates. this allows per-pixel scrolling
mx = mapStartPos[0];
my = mapStartPos[y];
for (vy = viewStartPos[1]; vy < this.viewSize[1]; vy += TileHeight) {
for (vx = viewStartPos[0]; vx < this.viewSize[0]; vy += TileWidth) {
var tile = this.map.get(mx++, my);
this.drawTile(tile, vx, vy);
mx = mapStartPos[0];
vy += TileHeight;
That should work. I didn't have time to put together a working demo webpage, but I hope you get the idea.
By changing viewOrigin you can scroll around. To get the world, and map coordinates under the mouse, use the viewToWorld and worldToMap functions.
If you're planning on an isometric view i.e. Diablo, then things get considerably trickier.
Good luck!
The way I would do such a thing is to keep a variable called cameraPosition or something. Then, in the draw method of all objects, use cameraPosition to offset the locations of everything.
For example: A rock is at [100,50], while the camera is at [75,75]. This means the rock should be drawn at [25,-25] (the result of [100,50] - [75,75]).
You might have to tweak this a bit to make it work (for example maybe you have to compensate for window size). Note that you should also do a bit of culling - if something wants to be drawn at [2460,-830], you probably don't want to bother drawing it.
One approach is along the lines of double buffering ( Java Double Buffering ) and blitting ( http://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/extra/fullscreen/doublebuf.html ). There is even a design pattern associated with it ( http://www.javalobby.org/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=16867&tstart=0 ).