I'm having trouble writing a custom serialiser for Json4s to handle the following situation. I have case classes:
trait Condition
case class BasicExpression (field:String, operator:String, value:String) extends Condition
case class BooleanExpression (val leftExpr: Condition, val logicalOperator:String,
val rightExpr: Condition) extends Condition
and I want to be able to read the JSON for both BasicExpression and BooleanExpression using, for example:
var jsonStringBasic:String = """ {"field":"name","operator":"=","value":"adam"}""";
var jsonStringBoolean:String = """{"leftExpr":{"leftExpr":{"field":"field1", "operator":"=", "value":"value1"}, "logicalOperator":"AND", "rightExpr":{"field":"field2","operator":">","value":"500"}}, "logicalOperator":"AND", "rightExpr": {"field":"field3","operator":"<","value":"10000"}}""";
var jValueBasic:JValue = parse(jsonStringBasic, false);
var readCBasic = jValueBasic.extract[Condition];
I understand how the custom serialiser works for reading the BasicExpression, and I could use SimpleTypeHints, but it'd be good to not have to bloat the JSON for every Condition. I could also try extract[BooleanExpression] and if that fails try extract[BasicExpression], but that seems ugly. Is it possible to write the custom serialiser to handle the fact that a BooleanCondition will itself contain another Condition recursively so I can extract[Condition]?
for better parsing JSON you can try this :
import com.google.gson.Gson;
import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder;
public class GsonUtils {
public static String defaultDateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ";
private static GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder().setDateFormat(defaultDateTimeFormat);
* Creates a GSON instance from the builder with the default date/time format
* #return the GSON instance
public static Gson createGson() {
// Create with default params
gsonBuilder = gsonBuilder.setDateFormat(defaultDateTimeFormat);
return gsonBuilder.create();
* Creates a GSON instance from the builder specifying custom date/time format
* #return the GSON instance
public static Gson createGson(String dateTimeFormat) {
// Create with the specified dateTimeFormat
gsonBuilder = gsonBuilder.setDateFormat(dateTimeFormat);
return gsonBuilder.create();
and use it like this
var String = """ {"field":"name","operator":"=","value":"adam"}""";
Type collectionType = new TypeToken<YOUR_CLASS>() {}.getType();
YOUR_CLASS iii= GsonUtils.createGson().fromJson(jsonStringBasic, collectionType);
Managed to get the CustomSerializer working so it could call itself recursively, in the case of a BooleanExpression, as below:
class ConditionSerialiser extends CustomSerializer[Condition]( format => (
def deserialiseCondition:PartialFunction[JValue, Condition]= {
case JObject(List(JField("field", JString(field)), JField("operator", JString(operator)), JField("value", JString(value)))) => BasicStringExpression(field, operator, value)
case JObject(List(JField("field", JString(field)), JField("operator", JString(operator)), JField("value", JInt(value)))) => BasicNumericExpression(field, operator, value.doubleValue)
case JObject(List(JField("field", JString(field)), JField("operator", JString(operator)), JField("value", JDouble(value)))) => BasicNumericExpression(field, operator, value)
case JObject(List(JField("leftExpr", leftExpr), JField("logicalOperator", JString(logicalOperator)), JField("rightExpr", rightExpr))) => BooleanExpression(deserialiseCondition(leftExpr), logicalOperator, deserialiseCondition(rightExpr))
case bse: BasicStringExpression => JObject(List(JField("field", JString(bse.field)), JField("operator", JString(bse.operator)), JField("value", JString(bse.value))))
I am working on an HTTP Rest query.
Wikipedia API returns a JSON. The problem is the JSON structure returned by Wikipedia.
This is the JSON obtained via a rest request to the Wikipedia API. To view the full JSON, you can click on the above link.
"text":{"*":"<div class=\...>"}
I would parse this using a custom deserializer which I haven't got a chance to test. Trying to parse with simple Gson like the following return null;
Result res = new Gson(str,Result.class);
I have created the classes like the following:
public class Result
private Parse parse;
public class Parse
private String title;
private int pageid;
private Text text;
public class Text{
private String *;// what should I call this attribute.
My plan is to add a custom deserializer like the following:
public class TextBaseDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<Text> {
public RespondentBase deserialize(JsonElement jsonElement, Type type, JsonDeserializationContext jsonDeserializationContext) throws JsonParseException {
return jsonDeserializationContext.deserialize(jsonElement.get("*"),Text.class);
I am using Gson to parse this, like the following:
Gson tmp = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(Text.class, new TextBaseDeserializer());
// let's assume that str is the string obtained following Rest based request from Java.
Result res = tmp.parse(str,Result.class);
I have done all the above code to handle the symbolic JSON attribute.
My question is how to parse such a JSON. In the above example, the attribute is a *
As mentioned in a comment, you should annotated field with #SerializedName("*").
You can name the field whatever you want. We'll just name it star below, but maybe all is better, since * might be a wildchar? Doesn't really matter, just choose whatever name you like.
class Text
private String star;
String str = "{\"parse\":{\"title\":\"Pizza\",\"pageid\":24768,\"text\":{\"*\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\">...</div>\"}}}";
Gson tmp = new GsonBuilder().create();
Result res = tmp.fromJson(str, Result.class);
<div class="mw-parser-output">...</div>
I need a function, that reads a json file and control the structur of the json file. Required fields should be defined. For that
I found a question that resolve a part of my problem Gson optional and required fields. But in this case the naming convention has not power any more. In my case I used following GsonBuilder:
this.gsonUpperCamelCase = new GsonBuilder()
.registerTypeAdapter(TestClass.class, new AnnotatedDeserializer<TestClass>())
Every key-value from JSON, that is in this case the deserialized java object need to be lowercase. Otherwise it will throw JsonParseException.
For example I have this class:
class TestClass {
private String testName;
//getter & setter
Then this JSON-file can not be deserialized:
But I want to get sure that UPPER_CAMEL_CASE is used in this case. Thx.
SerializedName is the annotation that can help you on this. Modifying the TestClass as below, you should be able to deserialize a JSON with TestName, tn, tn2 and when serializing, it always uses testName.
static class TestClass {
#SerializedName(value="testName", alternate = {"TestName", "tn", "tn2"})
private String testName;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Gson gsonUpperCamelCase = new GsonBuilder()
new AnnotatedDeserializer<TestClass>())
TestClass tc = gsonUpperCamelCase.fromJson("{\r\n" +
" \"TestName\":\"name\"\r\n" +
"}", TestClass.class);
I am very new to Gson and Json. I have simple Events that I want to serialize through Json with the help of Gson.
Note: Code in Kotlin.
public abstract class Event() {
public class Move : Event() {
var from: Point? = null
var to: Point? = null
public class Fire : Event() {
var damage: Int = 0
var area: ArrayList<Point> = ArrayList(0)
public class Build : Event() {
var to: Point? = null
var type: String = ""
var owner: String = ""
I am persisting bunch of these via this way:
val list: ArrayList<Event>() = ArrayList()
val str = gson.toJson(events)
And unpersisting:
val type = object : TypeToken<ArrayList<Event>>(){}.getType()
val eventStr = obj.getString("events")
val events: ArrayList<Event> = gson.fromJson(eventStr, type)
I have tried both creating a serializer & deserializer for Event-class, and registering it via registerTypeAdapter, and I have also tried the RuntimeTypeAdapterFactory, but neither will persist the information required to unpersist the correct type.
For example, the RuntimeTypeAdapterFactory says:
"cannot deserialize Event because it does not define a field named type"
EDIT: Here's the code for the "Adapter", which was.. well, adapted from another StackOverflow post:
public class Adapter :
JsonDeserializer<Event> {
override fun serialize(src: Event?, typeOfSrc: Type?, context: JsonSerializationContext?): JsonElement? {
val obj = JsonObject()
val className = (src as Event).javaClass.getCanonicalName()
obj.addProperty(CLASSNAME, className)
val elem = context!!.serialize(src)
obj.add(INSTANCE, elem)
return obj
override fun deserialize(json: JsonElement?, typeOfT: Type?, context: JsonDeserializationContext?): Event? {
val jsonObject = json!!.getAsJsonObject()
val prim = jsonObject.get(CLASSNAME)
val className = prim.getAsString()
val klass = Class.forName(className)
return context!!.deserialize(jsonObject.get(INSTANCE), klass)
This code fails with NullPointerException on line:
val className = prim.getAsString()
You can't do it this way.
The example you are referring is not targeted to your case. It works in only one case: if you register base type (not type hierarchy) and serialize using gson.toJson(obj, javaClass<Event>()). It will never work for array except you write custom serializer for you events container object too
Generally you need another approach: use TypeAdapterFactory and delegate adapters: GSON: serialize/deserialize object of class, that have registered type hierarchy adapter, using ReflectiveTypeAdapterFactory.Adapter and https://code.google.com/p/google-gson/issues/detail?id=43#c15
I believe this approach is overcomplicated so if you have few types the easiest solution is two serialize these types by hand, field by field via custom serializer and forget about attempts to delegate to default
Is there any way in Gson to map multiple JSON fields to a single Java object member variable?
Let's say I have a Java class...
public class MyClass {
String id;
String name;
I want to use this single class with two different services. However, these two services differ in how they return their data...
{ "id": 2341, "person": "Bob" }
... and ...
{ "id": 5382, "user": "Mary" }
... respectively.
Is there any way to map both the "person" and "user" fields in the JSON string to the name field in the Java object?
(Note: I only ever need to convert from JSON string to Java object - never the other way around.)
In October 2015, Gson version 2.4 (changelog) added the ability to use alternate/multiple names for #SerializedName when deserializing. No more custom TypeAdapter needed!
#SerializedName(value="name", alternate={"person", "user"})
#SerializedName(value="name", alternate= ["person", "user"])
for Kotlin fans
#SerializedName(value="name", alternate= ["person", "user"])
It is not supported to define multiple #SerializedName annotations to a field at Gson.
Reason: By default Deserialization is managed with a LinkedHashMap and the keys are defined by incoming json's field names (not the custom class's field names or the serializedNames) and there is a one to one mapping. You can see the implementation(how deserialization works) at ReflectiveTypeAdapterFactory class's inner class Adapter<T>'s read(JsonReader in) method.
You can write a custom TypeAdapter which handles name, person and user json tags and maps them to name field of your custom class MyClass:
class MyClassTypeAdapter extends TypeAdapter<MyClass> {
public MyClass read(final JsonReader in) throws IOException {
final MyClass myClassInstance = new MyClass();
while (in.hasNext()) {
String jsonTag = in.nextName();
if ("id".equals(jsonTag)) {
myClassInstance.id = in.nextInt();
} else if ("name".equals(jsonTag)
|| "person".equals(jsonTag)
|| "user".equals(jsonTag)) {
myClassInstance.name = in.nextString();
return myClassInstance;
public void write(final JsonWriter out, final MyClass myClassInstance)
throws IOException {
Test case:
String jsonVal0 = "{\"id\": 5382, \"user\": \"Mary\" }";
String jsonVal1 = "{\"id\": 2341, \"person\": \"Bob\"}";
final GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder();
gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(MyClass.class, new MyClassTypeAdapter());
final Gson gson = gsonBuilder.create();
MyClass myClassInstance0 = gson.fromJson(jsonVal0, MyClass.class);
MyClass myClassInstance1 = gson.fromJson(jsonVal1, MyClass.class);
System.out.println("jsonVal0 :" + gson.toJson(myClassInstance0));
// output: jsonVal0 :{"id":5382,"name":"Mary"}
System.out.println("jsonVal1 :" + gson.toJson(myClassInstance1));
// output: jsonVal1 :{"id":2341,"name":"Bob"}
Examples about TypeAdapters.
Edit 2016.04.06 : As #Mathieu Castets has written at his answer, it is supported now. (That is the correct answer for this question.)
public abstract String[] alternate
Returns: the alternative names of
the field when it is deserialized Default: {}
For KOTLIN i used below but doesn't work
#SerializedName(value="name", alternate= ["person", "user"])
so i edited it and here it works fine!!
#SerializedName(value="name", alternate= arrayOf("person", "user"))
Why this does not work?
public static class MyBean extends HashMap<String, String> {
public String city;
* #param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
MyBean bean = new MyBean();
bean.city = "some city";
Gson gson = new Gson();
String json = gson.toJson(bean);
Why I dont see city value in json?
That's because instances implementing Map have special treatment by Gson. By default only its entry set will be serialized. You need to create a custom serializer which serializes both the entryset and the bean properties of interest separately.
public class MyBeanSerializer implements JsonSerializer<MyBean> {
public JsonElement serialize(MyBean myBean, Type type, JsonSerializationContext context) {
JsonObject object = new JsonObject();
object.add("map", context.serialize(new HashMap<String, String>(myBean)));
object.add("city", context.serialize(myBean.city));
return object;
Which can be used as follows:
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(MyBean.class, new MyBeanSerializer()).create();
String json = gson.toJson(bean);
Update: hmm, as per the comment on the question (you should actually have posted it on the answer so that I will be notified immediately), the context.serialize(myBean.entrySet()) didn't seem to work out. And you're right, I just did a local test and I got the same exception. I tried adding a TypeToken on Set<Entry<String, String>>, but that ends up with an empty entryset somehow. Wrapping it in another map did work for me. I've updated the line in the answer.