Drools KModule persistence configuration - java

I am trying to set up a kmodule with persistence. I am using guice internally so the spring example isn't very helpful to me.
My current setup looks like that:
I have a core project that manages my sessions
I have multiple other projects that contribute sessions through META-INF/kmodule.xml files
This works fine, however I have only done this programatically (setting the environment's EntityManager and TransactionManager). Now I want to have this configuration in the kmodule so the modules themselves can define if they'd like to be persisted or not.
The issue is, that I don't know how to create the session for that, or how to configure the module. For example the easiest code snippets that I could find would look something like that:
<kbase name="kbase1">
<ksession name="ksession1"/>
At which point the session is created like this:
KieServices ks = KieServices.Factory.get();
KieContainer kContainer = ks.getKieClasspathContainer();
KieSession kSession = kContainer.newKieSession(name);
However, how does one configure persistence in the module, or if that is not possible, how does one pass the correct session name in a programatical setup. What I have is:
// Guice inject Entitymanager and TransactionManager and setup the Environment variable env
KieSessionConfiguration ksconf = ks.newKieSessionConfiguration();
JPAKnowledgeService.newStatefulKnowledgeSession(kbase, ksconf, env);
I was thinking that maybe there is a way to pass the session name to the JPAKnowledgeService class through the KieSessionConfiguraton but I can't seem to find any way.
Alternatively it would be even cooler to configure that in the kmodule itself. I could use the spring approach, but I somewhat doubt that injection will work like that. As far as I know, the Postprocessor in spring would do the persistence injections. I don't think guice can do that even if I provide them?

So I looked into it and dug into a lot of drools code to try and work this out.
All the KieContainer#newSession does is to query the model and then ask the base for a new session with the session's configuration:
public KieSession newKieSession(String kSessionName, Environment environment, KieSessionConfiguration conf) {
KieSessionModelImpl kSessionModel = (KieSessionModelImpl) getKieSessionModel(kSessionName);
if ( kSessionModel == null ) {
log.error("Unknown KieSession name: " + kSessionName);
return null;
if (kSessionModel.getType() == KieSessionModel.KieSessionType.STATELESS) {
throw new RuntimeException("Trying to create a stateful KieSession from a stateless KieSessionModel: " + kSessionName);
KieBase kBase = getKieBase( kSessionModel.getKieBaseModel().getName() );
if ( kBase == null ) {
log.error("Unknown KieBase name: " + kSessionModel.getKieBaseModel().getName());
return null;
KieSession kSession = kBase.newKieSession( conf != null ? conf : getKnowledgeSessionConfiguration(kSessionModel), environment );
wireListnersAndWIHs(kSessionModel, kSession);
registerLoggers(kSessionModel, kSession);
kSessions.put(kSessionName, kSession);
return kSession;
At the same time, this is exactly what the StoreService implementation does as well, with some advanced harry potter code to make things persistent. It however ignores the configuration of the session, which I would almost say is a bug.. (might raise one after this)
The configuration created by the KieContainer however only takes 2 options into account anyway:
private KieSessionConfiguration getKnowledgeSessionConfiguration(KieSessionModelImpl kSessionModel) {
KieSessionConfiguration ksConf = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeSessionConfiguration();
ksConf.setOption( kSessionModel.getClockType() );
ksConf.setOption( kSessionModel.getBeliefSystem() );
return ksConf;
This means, that I would have 2 options to solve this:
either write my own KieContainerImpl that does the right thing (why bother...) or simulate the session configuration. I decided to do the second.
public KieSession createJPASession(final String kieBaseId, Optional<String> clockType, Optional<String> beliefSystem) {
log.info(String.format("Creating JPA Session for kieBase %s, clockType %s, beliefSystem %s", kieBaseId, clockType, beliefSystem));
KieBase kieBase = kContainer.getKieBase(kieBaseId);
KieSessionConfiguration ksConf = ks.newKieSessionConfiguration();
// Set this thing up manually. Looking at the impl/docs these are the only two options available to set.
// The Storage service will remove those options from a default session for whatever reason, however we can set this manually
// This means we can use the base configuration and have things run in a normal way
if (clockType.isPresent()) {
if (beliefSystem.isPresent()) {
KieSession jpaSession = ks.getStoreServices().newKieSession(kieBase, ksConf, env);
sessions.put(jpaSession.getIdentifier(), jpaSession);
return jpaSession;
This last code snippet will create the configured session while making it persistent as well.
Alternatively, by casting KieContainer to KieContainerImpl one gets access to the public method needed to query the KieSession object in the KieModule. (man that's a lot of Kie's) That way one could use the same methods and access the XML configuration.
My approach is a mix of that (use xml config for KieBase/Module while programatically set the beliefesystem and the clocktype). Reason being that I do not want to depend on the internal implementation and I didn't want to bother implementing my own KieContainer and wiring it in.
I hope this helps someone out. If someone else knows the "correct" way to do that, please post it.


javax.naming.NoInitialContextException with QueryDSL

I am trying to write a simple query using QueryDSL, but my attempt fails with the following exception.
Caused by: javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Need to specify class name in environment or system property, or as an applet parameter, or in an application resource file: java.naming.factory.initial
I tried executing query the following ways.
SessionFactory sf = new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory();
Session session = sf.openSession();
JPQLQuery query = new HibernateQuery(session);
QClient t = QClient.client;
List<Client> lst = query.from(t).list(t);
And another way.
EntityManagerFactory emf =
EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
JPAQuery query = new JPAQuery(em);
QClient t = QClient.client;
List<Client> lst = query.from(t).list(t);
As stated, both this ways failed with the same exception.
I am using Postrges DB, and the parameters are specified in hibernate.cfg.xml.
Do I need to setup something more for this to work?
The javax.naming package comprises the JNDI API. Since it's just an API, rather than an implementation, you need to tell it which implementation of JNDI to use. The implementations are typically specific to the server you're trying to talk to.
To specify an implementation, you pass in a Properties object when you construct the InitialContext. These properties specify the implementation to use, as well as the location of the server. The default InitialContext constructor is only useful when there are system properties present, but the properties are the same as if you passed them in manually.
As to which properties you need to set, that depends on your server. You need to hunt those settings down and plug them in.
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory");
properties.put(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces");
properties.put("jnp.socket.Factory", "org.jnp.interfaces.TimedSocketFactory");
properties.setProperty("java.naming.provider.url", "jnp://" + remoteHost + :1099");
context = new InitialContext(properties);
look for this

Drools Stateful Knowledge Session using persistence

I am creating a Drools stateful session as described in the JBPM persistence documentation:
However, I came across the following exception
javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException: joinTransaction has been called on a resource-local EntityManager which is unable to register for a JTA transaction.
My code is :
EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("metadata.model");
Environment env = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newEnvironment();
env.set(EnvironmentName.ENTITY_MANAGER_FACTORY, emf);
env.set(EnvironmentName.TRANSACTION_MANAGER, TransactionManagerServices.getTransactionManager());
env.set(EnvironmentName.TRANSACTION, TransactionManagerServices.getTransactionManager());
KieServices ks = KieServices.Factory.get();
KieContainer kContainer = ks.getKieClasspathContainer();
KieBase kBase = kContainer.getKieBase();
StatefulKnowledgeSession kSession = JPAKnowledgeService.newStatefulKnowledgeSession(kBase, null, env);
The exception is thrown at the last line. Beforehand, I have bound the JDBC JTA Datasource as described in the aforementioned documentation.
PoolingDataSource ds = new PoolingDataSource();
ds.getDriverProperties().put("user", "root");
ds.getDriverProperties().put("password", "****");
ds.getDriverProperties().put("URL", "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/metadatadb");
I am using the EclipseLink persistence provider alongside the MySQL JDBC driver.
Finally, I have made it work. The most important mistake I was making was that I was trying to use EclipseLink as JPA provider. This approach will not work, since besides the custom persistency classes, Drools uses two other persistency-annotated classes: org.drools.persistence.info.SessionInfo and org.drools.persistence.info.WorkItemInfo. These two contain Date fields which are not annotated with the JPA Temporal annotation. They appear to be tailored specifically for Hibernate.
Another important aspect that came to my attention is the need to add the following line after setting the environment variable:
new ObjectMarshallingStrategy[] {
new JPAPlaceholderResolverStrategy(domainEnv),
new SerializablePlaceholderResolverStrategy(
ClassObjectMarshallingStrategyAcceptor.DEFAULT) });
This is performed in order to announce your intention to persist the current session state using JPA.
The exception I mentioned above was, however, due to the fact that EclipseLink was creating a "ResourceLocal" transaction wrapper even though JTA was explicitly specified in persistence.xml. This is due to the fact that there was no target-server property specified. Consequently, there were no external transaction controllers attached to the database session that was created and the wrapper that was provided simply couldn't support the joinTransaction operation. To work around this issue, add the following line to your persistence.xml file:
<property name="eclipselink.target-server" value="JBoss"/>
and before initializing the datasource, add:
Configuration conf = TransactionManagerServices.getConfiguration();
Of course, I am presuming that BTM is being used.

Accessing KieSession from jbpm6 WorkItemHandler

I'm using jbpm-console (6.0.0.Final) with custom work item handlers. I've embedded a custom work item handlers JAR in my jbpm-console WAR as described in post #7 here:
This is all fine so far, as I can successful start a process definition in jbpm-console, and it kicks off my custom WorkItemHandler code.
However, in my WorkItemHandler, I want to set some variables on the ProcessInstance. When I try something like this:
public void executeWorkItem(WorkItem workItem, WorkItemManager manager) {
KieServices ks = KieServices.Factory.get();
KieContainer kContainer = ks.getKieClasspathContainer();
KieSession session = kContainer.newKieSession();
WorkflowProcessInstance processInstance =
processInstance.setVariable("foo", "bar");
It "Cannot find a default KieSession":
11:21:03,177 ERROR Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot find a default KieSession
at org.drools.compiler.kie.builder.impl.KieContainerImpl.findKieSessionModel(KieContainerImpl.java:302) [drools-compiler-6.0.0.Final.jar:6.0.0.Final]
at org.drools.compiler.kie.builder.impl.KieContainerImpl.newKieSession(KieContainerImpl.java:295) [drools-compiler-6.0.0.Final.jar:6.0.0.Final]
at org.drools.compiler.kie.builder.impl.KieContainerImpl.newKieSession(KieContainerImpl.java:278) [drools-compiler-6.0.0.Final.jar:6.0.0.Final]
What am I missing here? Do I have to set something additional up? I'm just using the out-of-the-box (with the exception of the custom work item handler embedded jar) "demo" install from here:
Do you have a kmodule.xml in your resources folder? If not maybe that's the problem. You can have a pretty simple xml file like:
<kmodule xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
Pass your kieSession into your workItemHandler as a constructor parameter.
Then your kieSession is available to your workItemHandler.
You can register your workItemHandler when you need it with the appropriate kieSession, you do not have to do it only once.
Or you pass the rulesManager at the start and generate a kieSession on demand

Spring prototypes inherit properties at runtime

What is the best approach for creating services that load a property set at runtime (bean is passed "xyz" and loads xyz.properties)? These properties files need to be able to be dropped into a folder outside the classpath before a command is entered to start the service (edit: this could happen at any time while the program is running).
I already have a system to do this that we've been using for over a year, but I'm migrating to spring to make the code more modular (customize services more easily through DI) and easier to maintain. My current method of creating an environment and then passing it with "this" to the dependencies just seems upside down from an IoC standpoint.
Is there a way to use a PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer without hardcoding the name of the property file? Maybe just a reference to a variable I pass into the constructor of the service that its dependencies can load? So far, it looks like I will have to create a service and inject its dependencies without any config and then call a separate load method for each to pass in the properties, but that just seems like I'm not really using spring.
USE CASE: The app will pool client connections to various servers and will forward requests from other applications to these servers. New profiles must be able to be added by non-programmers without taking down or restarting the app. The profiles will include basic things like host, port, and login info, but also more complex things like whether to use tcp/http, ssl/https (which will determine which client type to use), and timeouts and pool min/max/etc (which will need default values).
I tried with PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer and frankly, I couldn't wrap my head around it, somehow. It's easy enough to use when you use the existing options but I couldn't extend the framework.
So my approach was much more simple:
Create an annotation #InjectConfig which takes a config key as parameter.
In your beans/services, annotate fields or public setters with this annotation.
Write a BeanPostProcessor which takes options from a "config provider" and injects them into the fields / setters.
Now all you need is a config provider. Inject that into the post processor and you're done.
Note: I prefer annotating setters because that means you can easily configure your services from tests (just call the setters) without having to come up with smart names for 238576 config files.
EDIT If you have many configs, then a config factory might be a better choice:
Create a key to describe a config bundle (I usually use an enum or a new type here to prevent typos)
Put this key into the service when you create it (manually or via Spring)
Write a config factory that can return Properties or a Map for a config key.
Inject this factory into your service
In the init code of your service, use the key to lookup your config via the factory.
Using this approach, you can have a dummy factory that always returns the same thing in tests and a more complex factory for production.
The real factory can then be configured via spring so it knows where to look for configuration files. One approach is to register a java.io.File per config key. Now your concerns (configuring a service and loading configs) are completely separated.
PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer reads and initialize files on application context initialization and only once. So most probably you cannot configure it at runtime.
But you can have variables. For example, for my case I have default properties and user specific properties. So PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer loads properties from classpath first and after that is trying to find additional properties at defined location (user home folder). I user's property file exists so configurer loads it and override properties.
Here is my example:
<bean id="config" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
<property name="ignoreResourceNotFound" value="true"/> <!-- do not throw exception if file not found -->
<property name="locations">
I'm not sure that this answer is what you're exactly need. But I'm trying to guess what is your actual task. So if you need re-read properties runtime each time you access them you have to do it manually like you did before because spring application context helps you configure your application initial configuration.
It seems like the best approach may be to use a ServiceManager that contains the main ApplicationContext and then have each Service initialize its own FileSystemXmlApplicationContext with the main context as the parent like so:
public class ServiceManager {
ApplicationContext appContext;
String APP_HOME = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator;
public void init() {
//set main spring context
appContext = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(AppConfig.class);
public void start(String serviceName) throws Exception {
ApplicationContext serviceContext = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext(
new String[]{APP_HOME + serviceName + ".xml"}, //path to child ctx
appContext); //reference to parent ctx to build hierarchy
Service service = (Service) serviceContext.getBean("service");
The ApplicationContext is a bit heavy to be duplicating, but memory is pretty cheap these days and this provides total separation of concerns. I still have shared logging and an event system managed by the parent context, and each service is now simplified in its own config. I built a proof of concept using two services, and it seems to work fine so far. I'll add another comment once I finish the other services and finish testing.

Properties framework in java apps

I have been using spring for a while as my IOC. It has also a very nice way of injecting properties in your beans.
Now I am participating in a new project where the IOC is Guice. I dont understand fully the concept how should I inject properties in to my beans using Guice.
The question : Is it actually possible to inject raw properties ( strings , ints ) into my guice beans. If the answer is no , than maybe you know some nice Properties Framework for java.
Because right now I wanted to use the ResourceBundle class for simple properties management in my app. But after using spring for a while this just dont seem seriously enought for me.
this SO post discusses the use of various configuration frameworks, also the use of properties. I'm not sure it's to the point exactly for your needs, but perhaps you can find something of value there.
Spring provides for injection of configuration information found in XML files. I don't want the people installing my software to have to edit XML files, so for the kind of configuration information more properly in a plain text file (such as path information), I've gone back to using java.util.Properties since it's easy to use and fits into Spring pretty well, if you use a ClassPathResource, which permits path-free location of the file itself (it just has to be in the classpath; I put mine at the root of WEB-INF/classes.
Here's a quick method that returns a populated Properties object:
* Load the Properties based on the property file specified
* by <tt>filename</tt>, which must exist on the classpath
* (e.g., "myapp-config.properties").
public Properties loadPropertiesFromClassPath( String filename )
throws IOException
Properties properties = new Properties();
if ( filename != null ) {
Resource rsrc = new ClassPathResource(filename);
log.info("loading properties from filename " + rsrc.getFilename() );
InputStream in = rsrc.getInputStream();
log.info( properties.size() + " properties prior to load" );
log.info( properties.size() + " properties after load" );
return properties;
The file itself uses the normal "name=value" plaintext format, but if you want to use Properties' XML format just change properties.load(InputStream) to properties.loadFromXML(InputStream).
Hope that's of some help.
Injecting properties in Guice is easy. After reading in some properties from a file or however, you bind them using Names.bindProperties(Binder,Properties). You can then inject them using, for example, #Named("some.port") int port.
