Public key is generated into WinRT application using the code below
AsymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider asymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider = AsymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider.OpenAlgorithm(AsymmetricAlgorithmNames.get_RsaPkcs1());
CryptographicKey cryptographicKey = asymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider.CreateKeyPair(1024u);
IBuffer buffer = cryptographicKey.Export(3);
IBuffer buffer2 = cryptographicKey.ExportPublicKey(3);
byte[] inArray;
CryptographicBuffer.CopyToByteArray(buffer, ref inArray);
byte[] inArray2;
CryptographicBuffer.CopyToByteArray(buffer2, ref inArray2);
CommonMethods.PrivateKey = Convert.ToBase64String(inArray);
CommonMethods.PublicKey = Convert.ToBase64String(inArray2);
In ExportPublic Key 3 refers to CapiPublicKey. If I want to use the base64 encode public key string into java application how can I do that.
Java do not have any thing like CapiPublic Key.
I could not find any direct method to do that. I first converted CapiPublicKey to X509 public key supported by java in WinRT itself.
then I used the generated public key into java.
I'm trying to make use of unofficial API documentation. I need to sign all of the requests with my own certificate, but the docs came up only with Java code to use, here is it:
public class EncryptionUtils {
private static final String ALGORITHM_NAME = "SHA1withRSA";
private static final String CERT_TYPE = "pkcs12";
private static final String CONTAINER_NAME = "LoginCert";
private static final String PASSWORD = "CE75EA598C7743AD9B0B7328DED85B06";
public static String signContent(byte[] contents, final InputStream cert) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException, NullPointerException {
final KeyStore instance = KeyStore.getInstance(CERT_TYPE);
instance.load(cert, PASSWORD.toCharArray());
final PrivateKey privateKey = (PrivateKey) instance.getKey(CONTAINER_NAME, PASSWORD.toCharArray());
final Signature instance2 = Signature.getInstance(ALGORITHM_NAME);
return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(instance2.sign());
I came up with this code
private static string password = "CE75EA598C7743AD9B0B7328DED85B06";
public static string Sign(string text, string cert)
X509Certificate2 certificate = new X509Certificate2(DecodeCrt(cert), password, X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);
RSA provider = (RSA)certificate.PrivateKey;
// Hash the data
var hash = HashText(text);
// Sign the hash
var signature = provider.SignHash(hash, HashAlgorithmName.SHA1, RSASignaturePadding.Pkcs1);
return Convert.ToBase64String(signature);
public static byte[] HashText(string text)
SHA1Managed sha1Hasher = new SHA1Managed();
UnicodeEncoding encoding = new UnicodeEncoding();
byte[] data = encoding.GetBytes(text);
byte[] hash = sha1Hasher.ComputeHash(data);
return hash;
public static byte[] DecodeCrt(string crt)
return Convert.FromBase64String(crt);
but the output differs from the Java's version.
I've tried to temporarily run java task from c# so I would know if it even works, and it is.
Is there any way to write this in c#?
Both codes use for the signature RSA with Pkcs#1 v1.5 padding and SHA1, which is specified in the Java code via SHA1withRSA and in the C# code explicitly in the RSA#SignHash method via the 2nd and 3rd parameter. Since the Pkcs#1 v1.5 variant for signatures (RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5) is deterministic, both codes must provide the same signature (assuming the same data to be signed and the same private key).
If this isn't the case, there are actually only two reasonable explanations:
First, the encoding used: In the Java code, the data are transferred as byte[], so that it's not possible to determine which encoding is used based on the posted code. In the C# code, in contrast, the data are passed as a string and converted into a byte[] in HashText. For this the standard-ctor of UnicodeEncoding is used, which applies UTF16LE and a byte order mark (BOM). For UTF8 (without BOM) UTF8Encoding would have to be used. It's crucial that the same encoding is applied in the C# code as in the Java code, otherwise different signatures are usually generated.
Second, the pfx/p12 file: pfx/p12 files can contain several certificates. In the Java code, KeyStore#getKey references the private key with its alias (the same applies to the certificate), in the C# code, X509Certificate2(Byte[], String, X509KeyStorageFlags) references the first certificate in the container, see also here. To ensure that the same certificate/key is referenced in both codes, the pfx/p12 file may therefore contain only exactly one certificate including the corresponding private key.
If this is taken into account, both codes generate the same signature on my machine (assuming the same data to be signed and the same pfx/p12 file).
Finally, it should be noted that in both codes cert is used for different objects. In the Java code, it denotes the InputStream, in the C# code the Base64 encoded binary data of the pfx/pf12 file.
I need to implement AES Encryption Algorithm in Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) standard to encrypt my data in Windows Universal App (found reference here). I have it implemented on Java using Bouncy Castle library using the following code(I need the same functionality in C# UWP):
private static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier CMS_ENCRYPTION_ALGO = CMSAlgorithm.AES256_CBC;
private byte[] encrypt(byte[] key, byte[] dataToBeEncrypted) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException, IOException, CMSException {
final KeySpec keySpec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(key);
final KeyFactory factory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
final PublicKey publicKey = factory.generatePublic(keySpec);
final SubjectKeyIdentifier subjectKeyIdentifier = new JcaX509ExtensionUtils().createSubjectKeyIdentifier(publicKey);
final RecipientInfoGenerator recipientInfoGenerator = new JceKeyTransRecipientInfoGenerator(subjectKeyIdentifier.getEncoded(), publicKey);
final CMSEnvelopedDataGenerator generator = new CMSEnvelopedDataGenerator();
final OutputEncryptor encryptor = new JceCMSContentEncryptorBuilder(CMS_ENCRYPTION_ALGO).build();
final CMSProcessableByteArray content = new CMSProcessableByteArray(dataToBeEncrypted);
final CMSEnvelopedData envelopedData = generator.generate(content, encryptor);
return envelopedData.toASN1Structure().getEncoded(ASN1Encoding.DER);
Now I have Referenced Bouncy Castle V 1.8.1 in my UWP App, but I found many differences (some libraries used in Java but not exist in Windows) and couldn't implement such functionality in C#.
So kindly either guide me to implement the same using native UWP Cryptography Library Windows.Security.Cryptography (Preferred),
Or tell me how can I implement same functionality using Bouncy Castle 1.8.1 in C# UWP app.
Based on the following diagram from here, I understand that the required steps are:
1- Get the data and generate Symmetric Key to encrypt the data using algorithm AesCbcPkcs7.
2- Encrypt Symmetric Key using the public key
3- Generate Digitally enveloped message.
So I did the first two steps based on my understanding using the following c# code (Please correct me if I'm wrong) and I need help to do the third step:
public string EncryptAndEnvelope(string openText, string p_key)
// Step 1 Get the data and generate Symmetric Key to encrypt the data using algorithm AesCbcPkcs7
IBuffer cBuffer = CryptographicBuffer.GenerateRandom(32);
SymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider provider = SymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider.OpenAlgorithm(SymmetricAlgorithmNames.AesCbcPkcs7);
CryptographicKey m_key = provider.CreateSymmetricKey(cBuffer);
IBuffer bufferMsg = CryptographicBuffer.ConvertStringToBinary(AsciiToString(StringToAscii(openText)), BinaryStringEncoding.Utf8);
IBuffer bufferEncrypt = CryptographicEngine.Encrypt(m_key, bufferMsg, null);
// Step 2 Encrypt Symmetric Key using the public key
IBuffer publicKey = CryptographicBuffer.DecodeFromBase64String(p_key);
AsymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider asym = AsymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider.OpenAlgorithm(AsymmetricAlgorithmNames.RsaPkcs1);
CryptographicKey ckey = asym.ImportPublicKey(publicKey, CryptographicPublicKeyBlobType.X509SubjectPublicKeyInfo);
IBuffer cbufferEncrypt = CryptographicEngine.Encrypt(ckey, cBuffer, null);
// Step 3 Generate Digitally enveloped message
// I need help here
private byte[] StringToAscii(string s)
byte[] retval = new byte[s.Length];
for (int ix = 0; ix < s.Length; ++ix)
char ch = s[ix];
if (ch <= 0x7f) retval[ix] = (byte)ch;
else retval[ix] = (byte)'?';
return retval;
private string AsciiToString(byte[] bytes)
return string.Concat(bytes.Select(b => b <= 0x7f ? (char)b : '?'));
Note: While I was looking for solution, I've found that the answer is available using the library System.Security.Cryptography
(but it is not supported in Universal Apps) and I'm pretty sure that
the implementation is available using Bouncy Castle (there are
tons of documentation for Java but unfortunately there is no
documentation at all for C#).
I am getting information back from Visa Checkout in an encrypted format. The guide on their site provides these instructions:
First, you must decrypt the dynamic key (encKey), then use the decrypted dynamic key value to decrypt the payment data payload (encPaymentData).
Follow these four steps to decrypt the encKey:
Base64-decode the encKey.
Remove the first 32 bytes of the decoded value. This is the HMAC (Hash Message Authentication Code). Calculate a SHA-256 HMAC of the
rest of the decoded data using your API Shared Secret and compare it
to the HMAC from the first 32 bytes.
The next 16 bytes should be removed and used as the IV (Initialization Vector) for the decryption algorithm.
Decrypt the remaining data using AES-256-CBC, the IV from step 3, and the SHA-256 hash of your API Shared Secret.
Follow these four steps to decrypt the encPaymentData using the
decrypted encKey:
Base64-decode the encPaymentData.
Remove the first 32 bytes of the decoded value. This is the HMAC. Calculate a SHA-256 HMAC of the rest of the decoded data using
decrypted encKey and compare it with the HMAC from the first 32
The next 16 bytes should be removed and used as the IV for the decryption algorithm.
Decrypt the rest of the encPaymentData payload using AES-256-CBC, the IV from step 3, and the SHA256-hash of the
decrypted encKey.
I tried using ColdFusion but I am lost somewhat with the encryption issues, and am unable to fix the code. Below I have what is required. I am stuck on the step 3 & 4 where they say compare it and then decrypt it. Can someone guide what could be done to fix it?
X2TXp0ZmwHrtfzSP5TPjUOjdZb0rjsHeDSqr8TwIF/VR8sMQhWN5hP4IRhQxWT CZcQhxZoUHP 0g/E/ot sjREAJ8YQf7c7jSzKsXRH/wrew5rQit2wJBlVSSZ YoLeIHbLrTz CfIoFv09hixl7ff27u0YCyV0zjP5vNfCBEIwfqyriqwXK2J QEOxQiKzDUW4br3o1t31aymCQC9eBBpoVKjFfSKlNXM9QEdNZBcLMZ8Wlv8lF/ua bnwshbM9u7Uhudqvut94RZEW NzkRD8MfBo12e/XhnL35qxGpHeQNPClC4EQDK6U/HmegeOj BZLbIIYBs6t9E8Q3AKBwfiPOFgB gSVnhXKnd3nKvllaG BaGrQJtk 7QAtnHMHxQAO5rdiS9465HCdiHa8zlv7SkvWh8EwcKCiT4qiZSM6QuYAeRSzDpPS1gsZ54Q9LizUnueH7yyzSd47cLPd0VlOQxobKtNN2LrsRb3IwOfzuwGnSRf2cNp49hBmmGP1b0BC hhB6UpCqP2ixTPvui NwMYzqZUe336bF1mfnKzEbEZIvIrPyx3uMiLDAns2g7S80gMNnHb/09i49xbfY3V7oudeiHV99FCh67DuG3uHE3/HzIZbcnxJwVJoJj6/3DuzK/Kw1JqSorE0M1qxUqoNkJC4aNCBrqfTlR7/eErrvB554TUZwcyQXqKCwrKv4NJEw6S0n3W1VASkfA0atbJQX2aLgx9kqnhYdDbaU8UcFIoeA45 yEuQ9vXzo2ILQhvamsAAFQd3i4mEOZ KNtMu25dDFlORn5C/oTZ1t1dzJoYMvq44gejp6L3IK e7JCugGchr963a2kd8NFa3wctRDHF8ChHxawVlU0aY7nasrVireMFLiM 9XIb4abfDtct/j1Q8IGN0hRkgCHO6dlnOrAaaQDYYH3axaMDp5Onb04whULYqGbn/XSR8Sn8gnoFbYqVJbR5aCp5Pe9TpfwxlEvV3z8ZfsASqW2y So9gpwg2y16K/FX3Io6kqeqUlAxbTRDfN/ofDIJaO H PUu2teqjvwvCkjPciGOQdXT5JxqoCiHqRwD0zeZPcG3b9Nfrq3Caf6zjwhf /CMeGc3dNHhSkXox R50MP8BlLWk/bXZRScTE/HSrVxE n073utHAnbVOM3gVha0Hr8TmoV8z1vBg5fY253so6kQX61ZIfHneCAZo0qeKRgDgLUryVPmUNc5 yKP8DxtmHl/0YUztpgyEx5njsrn1L 3EHMMUhui8d LQdNZoEpZ9U1Xb7XVsV5gnwR/mOITNOKJQsine4zMMHBcomHclrM0CuI58YrKPqworCmK6CYfzSc8UmXxXUe5dzND/DS9XgqDttQic2/OqTSAK63ynnrNqzr3D56VpDBeDeQjk3mc/0zmuFAPEXoAQoQKfD6HEuajvWJebQ6QIPgA TshqsnPlktbpftr4lsuB1tHS/W8D7SYVFMC/Kxy9QuYWs0cmRTtzfWEKIRHeDElOTQCX5JB5PgzVhhi5kYTi488Ba8j4zvNUw55hEoMxONYO7eMjJosmNjULsT492LGw3EfAgmgx9h3yFLQRZgfylg0h4PfLlcPOAdsnVX9/yLElD xu7Atwc4S7pBWTHvwue7PpRvWpTeqkU5sqiX4KcV5x8rk mBtxm48a8fsmp GNf 4IjwXu9cQaU9WLipiEnkqFsYo7/aAsmmKWBETyQg9BFXYK 165vrzSX8WTsv6ZZDnVjcE1n4Ov8Jl2cnAigoQbB0ROPpIRzZ3zH2diUv1vzlSuh9gbEJf3uQRKlYRVUbpboC0RbQ/7jgznfJAWyLykyDQ0EB8fVEOtbP1l4JEz39QwAU18ph3btnWWuKEV4 ghYvNG4m1DYntSF57s2ajRS6rPtR oYvGjrJL9zbHBhKHlfkIPC0TKotOCi96mqpikbBEfIZSomHxYgDwYCSvt60zaDIjlBxZ1UBdK JL0554Wia9W3Wg91bmYS9Q4SXMT8r4xGYB7OutEV24n7p088rVm/w2SZSiqlLqai539k6WGkzEQf19ytPtIE81a N z7aijTjy 7FCuVPF90svI5/NoGpSINqv84HUcMU71BvXUIT53Ea6CCpiWvvOPpo/XZar44emlIG0UgeB kfP6C6sis=
Secret code:
CF Code:
<cfset str = "2M2WWOD4wANsGwWTmPqQIQYdz9WPwgiR0ntJHGaxm23b5a1sWUtCBcUQUMMtc9hvcYavJ6yqPgETOGZgDOdd9qjDwIb2aV9DLZT1iIcB3zNN5Ddhxd9iiui6TAlJxU/O">
<cfset tobas = tobase64(str)>
<cfset getFirst32bytes = Left(tobas,32)>
<cfset tobas2 = RemoveChars(tobas,1,32)>
<cfdump var="#tobas2#">
<cfset key = "zRf7WZ3nM7ON{U0E6J5S}KpVm#k2ReDyq##1lG9go">
<cfset x = hmac("#tobas2#","#key#","HMACSHA256")>
<cfset y = hmac("#getFirst32bytes#","#key#","HMACSHA256")>
<cfset decalgo = Left(x,16)>
<cfset decremainingData = RemoveChars(x,1,16)>
<cfset getDec = Decrypt(decalgo,"#key#","AES")>
<cfdump var="#x#"><br>
<cfdump var="#y#"><br>
<cfdump var="#decalgo#">
<cfdump var="#decremainingData#">
<cfdump var="#getDec#">
This is the java example they have on their site:
private static final String CIPHER_ALGORITHM = "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding";
private static final String HASH_ALGORITHM = "SHA-256";
private static final String HMAC_ALGORITHM = "HmacSHA256";
private static final int IV_LENGTH = 16, HMAC_LENGTH = 32;
private static final Charset utf8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
private static final Provider bcProvider;
static {
bcProvider = new BouncyCastleProvider();
if (Security.getProvider(BouncyCastleProvider.PROVIDER_NAME) == null) {
private static byte[] decrypt(byte[] key, byte[] data) throws GeneralSecurityException {
byte[] decodedData = Base64.decode(data);
if (decodedData == null || decodedData.length <= IV_LENGTH) {
throw new RuntimeException("Bad input data.");
byte[] hmac = new byte[HMAC_LENGTH];
System.arraycopy(decodedData, 0, hmac, 0, HMAC_LENGTH);
if (!Arrays.equals(hmac,
hmac(key, decodedData, HMAC_LENGTH, decodedData.length– HMAC_LENGTH))) {
throw new RuntimeException("HMAC validation failed.");
byte[] iv = new byte[IV_LENGTH];
System.arraycopy(decodedData, HMAC_LENGTH, iv, 0, IV_LENGTH);
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(CIPHER_ALGORITHM, bcProvider);
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, new SecretKeySpec(hash(key), "AES"),
new IvParameterSpec(iv));
return cipher.doFinal(decodedData, HMAC_LENGTH + IV_LENGTH,
decodedData.length– HMAC_LENGTH– IV_LENGTH);
private static byte[] hash(byte[] key) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance(HASH_ALGORITHM);
return md.digest();
private static byte[] hmac(byte[] key, byte[] data, int offset, int length)
throws GeneralSecurityException {
Mac mac = Mac.getInstance(HMAC_ALGORITHM, bcProvider);
mac.init(new SecretKeySpec(key, HMAC_ALGORITHM));
mac.update(data, offset, length);
return mac.doFinal();
An important thing to understand about the sample code is that it refers to bytes. Your CF code is using characters. That might seem like a trivial distinction, but they are totally different things, which will produce very, very different results. In order to decrypt successfully, you need to work with the bytes (or binary) of the given strings - not characters.
Although it is possible to manipulate binary arrays using core CF functions, like arraySlice(), the syntax gets a little bulky/clunky at times. The reason is that binary arrays are a different type of object than your standard CF array, i.e. byte[] versus java.util.List. So depending on which functions are used, you may need javacast to coerce variables into the expected type. With that in mind ..
Part I - Decrypt the encKey
Base64-decode the encKey.
Remove the first 32 bytes of the decoded value. This is the HMAC (Hash Message Authentication Code). Calculate a SHA-256 HMAC of the
rest of the decoded data using your API Shared Secret and compare it
to the HMAC from the first 32 bytes.
First convert the base64 string into binary using binaryDecode. Then extract the appropriate number of bytes from the returned array. This is the expected HMAC value:
hmacSize = 32;
binaryToDecrypt = binaryDecode(encryptedKey, "base64");
expectedHMAC = binaryEncode( javacast("byte[]", arraySlice(binaryToDecrypt, 1, hmacSize))
, "hex" );
Next, extract all of the remaining bytes, and use them to calculate the actual HMAC. Verify it against the expected value. If the two do not match, something went wrong.
remainData = arraySlice(binaryToDecrypt, hmacSize + 1);
actualHMAC = hmac( javacast("byte[]", remainData ), sharedSecret, "HMACSHA256");
if (compare(actualHMAC, expectedHMAC) != 0) {
throw("ERROR: Invalid HMAC ["& actualHMAC &"]. Expected ["& expectedHMAC &"]");
The next 16 bytes should be removed and used as the IV (Initialization Vector) for the decryption algorithm.
The remaining bytes contains an IV, followed by the encrypted value. Before you can decrypt the latter, you need to extract and separate the two:
ivSize = 16;
ivValue = javacast("byte[]", arraySlice(remainData, 1, ivSize));
encryptedValue = javacast("byte[]", arraySlice(remainData, ivSize + 1));
Decrypt the remaining data using AES-256-CBC, the IV from step 3, and the SHA-256 hash of your API Shared Secret.
The last step before you can decrypt is to generate the decryption key, by hashing the shared secret. Unfortunately, CF's hash() function always returns a hex string. So it must be converted into base64 format to be compatible with the decryption function.
keyHex = hash(sharedSecret, "SHA-256", "utf-8");
keyBase64 = binaryEncode(binaryDecode(keyHex, "hex"), "base64");
Finally, use all three values to decrypt. The returned binary will contain the encryption key used in part II.
decryptedKeyBinary = decryptBinary( encryptedValue
, keyBase64
, "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding"
, ivValue);
Part II - Decrypt the encPaymentData
Use the exact same process as in Part I, just swap the variables:
Use encPaymentData instead of encryptedKey
Use decryptedKeyBinary instead of sharedSecret.
The final, decrypted result will be binary. Use charsetEncode to convert it back into a human readable string:
result = charsetEncode(decryptedResult, "utf-8");
NB: The sample values you posted appear to be broken, as they do not even work with the java example. The steps above do produce the correct result when used valid values (key, data, etcetera).
Some background of what I'm trying to accomplish.
Part 1.
PHP server communicates with a Java-based device. PHP uses OpenSSL to generate a public/private keypair, then sends the public key to the device which in turn gives back an encrypted macKey (generated using the public key), encoded in base64. PHP now needs to base64-decode and decrypt the macKey using the private key.
What is the equivalent of the below Java code snippet in PHP?
String base64EncodedMacKey = "LkvTT9LFj5lcxRRB8KrwwN906fSIDDcJvQK3E7a5PbR+Ox9WnslOs32jSCC9FkE8ouvr2MfWwtppuZmoPjaxwg3yAQI4UN3T1loISuF2VwKWfJ45fywbK9bNnD5Cw7336mjoGctv77Tg3JXPrsRwgMGIlBsNwdt1B0wgT4MMMAjl32TnBI3iwQ94VTMHffrK+QToddTahRHHoVsr3FVrETdiqKXdkiX1jES53im5lrXYIsY89UFkGzPo+3u4ijKIQWSLvYnA5wXI128gFHKxKYS82MbJDUn9i1RVFsGaP6T3nQRSX5SZNpSe5yGFWwMgYOx0KXMgET82FeaL2hfWuw==";
byte[] base64DecodedMacKey = DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(base64EncodedMacKey);
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding");
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, keypair.getPrivate());
byte[] macKey = cipher.doFinal(base64DecodedMacKey);
Here's what I attempted in PHP, however I'm confused about using byte array versus string when decrypting the macKey
$macKey = 'LkvTT9LFj5lcxRRB8KrwwN906fSIDDcJvQK3E7a5PbR+Ox9WnslOs32jSCC9FkE8ouvr2MfWwtppuZmoPjaxwg3yAQI4UN3T1loISuF2VwKWfJ45fywbK9bNnD5Cw7336mjoGctv77Tg3JXPrsRwgMGIlBsNwdt1B0wgT4MMMAjl32TnBI3iwQ94VTMHffrK+QToddTahRHHoVsr3FVrETdiqKXdkiX1jES53im5lrXYIsY89UFkGzPo+3u4ijKIQWSLvYnA5wXI128gFHKxKYS82MbJDUn9i1RVFsGaP6T3nQRSX5SZNpSe5yGFWwMgYOx0KXMgET82FeaL2hfWuw==';
$base64DecodedMacKey = base64_decode($macKey);
openssl_private_decrypt($base64DecodedMacKey, $decrypted, $privateKey);
The $decrypted above holds some binary data as it appears, so I'm unsure whether I need to convert it into a byte array or treat it as a string...
Part 2.
Each request has a counter. The macKey in Java code above is used to create a MAC value out of the counter.
What is the equivalent of the below Java code snippet in PHP?
int counter = 0;
String nextCounter = String.valueOf(++counter);
SecretKeySpec signingKey = new SecretKeySpec(macKey, "AES");
Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
byte[] counterMac = mac.doFinal(nextCounter.getBytes("UTF-8"));
String base64EncodedMac = DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(counterMac);
The base64EncodedMac above is finally sent to the device to validate communication.
I've tried googling different solutions, however I've not been successful in generating a valid base64EncodedMac string in PHP for the device to approve it.
Found the solution myself. For Part 1, I chose to use phpseclib to generate the public/private keys and to specify the encryption algorithm. Decrypting macKey:
$rsa = new Crypt_RSA();
$keys = $rsa->createKey(2048);
// [...]
$macKey = base64_decode($base64EncodedMacKey);
$decryptedMac = $rsa->decrypt($macKey);
Followed by Part 2:
$counter = 0;
$hmac = hash_hmac('sha256', ++$counter, $decryptedMac, true);
$counterMac = base64_encode($hmac);
The main confusing part was that in Java, HMAC was done out of byte array, while in PHP the hash_hmac function expects a String as its 2nd parameter, so using unpack() was not sufficient. However, it seems to have worked with passing the $counter directly. It was also important to use the 4th parameter as TRUE to return raw data.
I want tp encrypt and decrypt string, with defined salt. But the result must be same if the code run in java and adobe flex.
The main goal is: the app in adobe flex will be generate a string that can be decrypt in server using java.
I use this flex library
Try to 'Secret Key' Tab. I want to use AES Encryption, 'CBC' or 'PKCS5'.
var k:String = "1234567890123456";
var kdata:ByteArray = Hex.toArray(k);
var txt:String = "hello";
var data:ByteArray = Hex.toArray(Hex.fromString(txt));;
var name:String = "simple-aes-cbc";
var pad:IPad =new PKCS5();
var mode:ICipher = Crypto.getCipher(name, kdata, pad);
And here is the code in java
String plaintext = "hello";
String key = "1234567890123456";
SecretKey keyspec = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes(), "AES");
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
byte[] encrypted = cipher.doFinal(plaintext.getBytes());
BASE64Encoder base64 = new BASE64Encoder();
String encodedString = base64.encode(encrypted);
Why the result is not same?
Can you guys provide the sample with the same result both of java and flex (encrypt and decrypt)? And if I want to change the paramater, for example, from cbc to ebc, which line that need to be changed?
"Simple" encryption mode (simple-aes-cbc) uses random initialization vector which is different each time you use it even if your secret key is the same.
If you wish to guarantee the same results when using the same key you should use "aes-cbc". Additionally you have to manually set the IV on the Cipher:
var ivmode:IVMode = mode as IVMode;
ivmode.IV = "some string guaranteed to be constant"
The IV can be made dependent on something like userId, which makes encryption repeatable for the same user.
You should consider how this affects your security scheme.
Seems like I do not convert into hex first in java when pass the key. And so on when get result byteArray at adobe flex, I do not cast again in java.
That's what I got when I see Arcadio code. Thanks.