clear() function does not erase the default value of input web element - java

I am a very beginner to use Java and Selenium to write a test.
I have this web element:
<input type="number" name="yield_target"
placeholder="Yield Target" value="0.00" min="0" step="any">
But I can not clear it by:
WebElement we = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated
(By.xpath("//input[#placeholder='Yield Target']")));
But I can write into it, for example if I use:
action.sendKeys(we, "223").build().perform();
it will be 0.00223 instead of 223.

I'm not sure why we.clear() isn't working but you can clear and set in a single call (assuming that JavaScript on the page does not prevent you from using CTRL+A to select all of the contents of the number input field):
we.sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.CONTROL, "a"), "223");


How can I get the inner text of an element in Selenium?

I'm working with a DOM node:
data-bind="textInput: EnterpriseId"
How can I get its value? I'm struggling since element.getText() does not work and returns a blank.
Try this:
WebElement element = driver.findElement("id value"));
String val = element.getAttribute("innerText")
I presume the element in question is an <input> element, so you may be able to use the element.getAttribute(String attribute) method like so:
String value = element.getAttribute("value");
This input tag is disabled, hence element.getText() returns a blank value.
Use element.getAttribute("textContent") instead.
You may be looking for the placeholder of an input text, because you might try:
You can go to your browser → open developer tools → inspect element you want to take attribute from → click Properties → check if that value is in InnerText.
Then do as it is mentioned in previous comments:
I had the exact same issue! This post solved it for me:
How can I get the current contents of an element in webdriver
I used:
element = driver.find_elements_by_xpath(
'//button[#class="size-grid-dropdown size-grid-button"]')
As other's suggested, HTML's input nodes don't have a text attribute because they can store data in multiple formats in a value attribute.
This can be easily seen in the HTML input API specification where this form control can be of type radio, date, file upload and many more.
So, in your specific case, I'd suggest you check the webdriver's API for a method that's able to retrieve the value attribute.
As a bonus to evaluate innerText of an element within Selenium:
wait.until(ExpectedConditions.attributeToBe("yourEl"), "innerText", yourValue));
Documentation: attributeToBe
It works definitely, as I've tested it several times:
<input type="form-control" type="text" data-bind="textInput: EnterpriseId" disabled autocomplete="off">
In your example, you don’t have any innerText. So you can only get attributes as mentioned before with the existing attributes. In your case:
type, data-bind, EnterpriseId and autocomplete. No value will be as this attribute isn’t created.
If you want to get only existing, this should be fine:
String example = driver.findElement(ByLocator(("")).getAttribute("any attribute of your input");

How to identify an element in selenium even if xpath is same

I am new to selenium and trying to autoamte a web application in junit framework. As many get some problem in identifying web elements,I too stuck at a point where two submit buttons are having same xpath and css selector.
The only difference what I can observe is.. In the two form tags, I can see that className is different(for first form tag it is "feature_space_checkbox" and for second form tag it is "auto_fs_steps_checkbox")
As, I need to identify the second submit button..So I tried to identify the second submit button as below
driver.findElement(new ByChained(By.className("auto_fs_steps_checkbox"),By.xpath("//*[#id='edit_brochure_2863']/input[3]")));
When I try to execute this, I got the error as
org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException: Cannot locate an element using By.chained({By.className: auto_fs_steps_checkbox,By.xpath: //*[#id='edit_brochure_2863']/input[3]})
Can anyone please correct me where I made the mistake
Adding DOM for this scenario
<form action="/brochures/2865/feature_space_checked" class="feature_space_checkbox" id="edit_brochure_2865" method="post"><div style="margin:0;padding:0">
<input name="commit" type="submit" value="Submit">
For the second submit button it is..
<form action="/brochures/2865/update_auto_fs_steps" class="auto_fs_steps_checkbox" id="edit_brochure_2865" method="post"><div style="margin:0;padding:0">
<input name="commit" type="submit" value="Submit">
Firstly, XPath and CSS selectors are not definitive. There are many XPath and CSS for every element on a page so to say they have the same Xpath and CSS selectors is incorrect.
For your example, is there any need to use XPath or combine two selectors?
The following CSS would work;
form.auto_fs_steps_checkbox input
There is no need to use chaining as this can all be expressed in XPath:
//*[#id='edit_brochure_2863' and #class='feature_space_checkbox']/input
So this will be in Java:
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='edit_brochure_2863' and #class='feature_space_checkbox']/input"));
Of course, for the second submit button it will be
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='edit_brochure_2863' and #class='auto_fs_steps_checkbox']/input"));
xpath for the second submit would be
This is enough to identify the second button as here class name is unique and id is same for both. So its better we do it by class name .

Uploading files using selenium java

So I am trying to upload a file using selenium and I know you can do this using
explained here:
The issue is that the input tag Im sending it to is invisible and throw an ElementNotVisibleException
for this tag:
<input id ="myfile" class="ussr-component-file-uploader-target-file ussr-component-file-uploader-file ussr-helper-display-none" type="file" accept="video/*">
since the type is not hidden not sure how I would use the JavascriptExecuter to make it visible
You can remove the ussr-helper-display-none class from the element.
If the page uses jQuery, this would be easy:
then, invoke your .sendKeys()
If the page doesn't have jQuery, then:
document.getElementById('myfile').className = "ussr-component-file-uploader-target-file ussr-component-file-uploader-file";

how to get value of 'value' attribute of a disabled input

I am trying to get the value 'Accept' using webdriver. But I always get blank. I tried all By options such as id, name, xpath etc.
<input type="submit" value="Accept" id="nid" name="n" class="c" disabled="disabled">
WebElement aButton = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#name='n']"));
System.out.println(aButton.getText()); #=> blank
System.out.println(aButton.getAttribute("value")); #=> blank
Selenium docs clearly saying about gettext() is:
Get the visible (i.e. not hidden by CSS) innerText of this element, including sub-elements, without any leading or trailing whitespace
So you could not directly use it but you could try the executeScript method of WebDriver, Write some js script that fetch the hidden element value and execute that script using this method. It could help.

Xpath does not work with Selenium

I'm trying to build tests for an old system. The HTML is not well formed. I need to identify and click a radio button.
The html looks like this:
<td class="tablerow" colspan="3">
<INPUT type=radio name="ticket" value="22" >ramdom1
<INPUT type=radio name="ticket" value="1" >ramdom2
<INPUT type=radio name="ticket" value="3" >ramdom3
<INPUT type=radio name="ticket" value="99" >ramdom4
I was trying to select the input using xpath as follows:
String xpath = "//input[contains(#name, 'ticket') and contains(#value, '3')]";
WebElement rb = driver.findElement(By.xpath(xpath));
But selenium doesn't found the element.
If change it to
String xpath = "//input[contains(#name, 'ticket')]";
List<WebElement> rbs = driver.findElements(By.xpath(xpath));
String xpath = "//input[contains(#value, '3')]";
List<WebElement> rbs = driver.findElements(By.xpath(xpath));
It works, selenium returns a list of elements, including the one that I need. The problem occurs only when I try to use both conditions in a same xpath.
Of course that I could iterate over the list and test each value, but I would like to understand if I'm doing something wrong or not. Since IE doesn´t have native xpath support, I thought this could be a selenium implementation issue.
I'm using Selenium WebDriver (2.37.1) with IE Driver.
Not sure whether this is a Selenium implementation issue but this should work:
"//input[contains(#name, 'ticket')][contains(#value, '3')]"
The use of and is basically the same so the result should be correct here.
I am unsure why that doesn't work, and this technically isn't an answer, but you can replicate precisely what Selenium does to ensure it's not Selenium or any of it's tools at fault.
Selenium uses a library called "Wicked Good XPath" for a Javascript-based implementation of an XPath engine because IE doesn't have a "native" one.
So, to reproduce the scenario, take a copy of your page and add Wicked Good XPath to the script headers. Documentation on the front page of that website is very simple, and very easy to follow.
Once loaded in IE, open the Developer Tools and go into the Console. Wicked Good XPath will need to be "initialised" as such, and therefore you'll need to call wgxpath.install() in the console.
Once done, you now have access to the same library that Selenium would be using. Now, you can call a function within IE's developer console to access the DOM using XPath:
document.evaluate("//input[contains(#name, 'ticket') and contains(#value, '3')]", document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue
The exact element you need will be returned, at least for me.
Now, admittedly, you don't need XPath at all for this, you can get away with using CSS selectors:
We can use the following css
For Checking the Radio Buttons.
