I have been working on a java guessing game for letters (a-z)! However i have created the game perfectly by using the number 1-26, but i cannot figure out how to convert each integer to a letter ie a = 1, b = 2,....z = 26!
I want the user to try and guess the letter and not the number, but i cannot workout how to do this!
(I know how to generate a random character but i cant implement and link it to each integer within the game correctly)
Random r = new Random();
char targetLetter = (char)(r.nextInt(26) + 'a');
Any help would be greatly appreciated! And i can display my code if it is needed
public class Stack {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random rand = new Random(); //This is were the computer selects the Target
int guess;
int numGuesses = 0;
int Target;
String userName;
String playagain;
boolean play = true;
int session = 0;
int sessions = 0;
int bestScore = 0;
Scanner consoleIn = new Scanner(System.in);
Scanner name = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Hello! Please enter your name:\n"); //This is were the user enters his/her name
userName = name.nextLine();
System.out.println("Hello " + userName + " :) Welcome to the game!\n");
while (play = true) {
Target = rand.nextInt(26) + 1;
System.out.println("Guess a number between 1 and 26? You will have 5 attempts to guess the correct number"); //This is where the computer asks the user to guess the number and how many guesses they will have
do {
guess = consoleIn.nextInt();
if (guess > 26)
System.out.println("Error! Above MAXIMUM range");
else if (guess <= 0)
System.out.println("Error! Below MINIMUM range");
else if (guess > Target)
System.out.println("Sorry! Your guess was too high! :)"); //This is to help the player get to the answer
else if (guess < Target)
System.out.println("Sorry! Your guess was too low! :)"); //This is to help the player get to the answer
} while (guess != Target && numGuesses < 5);
if (guess == Target) {
System.out.println("Congratulations " + userName + ", it took you " + numGuesses + " attempts to guess correctly!"); //This tells the player that they got the correct answer and how many attempts it took
} else {
System.out.println("Sorry " + userName + ", You've used up all of your guesses! The correct answer was " + Target + "!"); //This tells the player that they failed to find the number and then tells them what the correct answer
Scanner answer = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Would you like another GO " + userName + "? [Y/N]");//This asks the player if they would like to play again
playagain = answer.nextLine();
if (playagain.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) {//This is what happens if the player opts to play again
play = true;
numGuesses = 0;
} else if (playagain.equalsIgnoreCase("N")) {//This is what happens if the player opts to exit the game
play = false;
System.out.println("Thanks for playing " + userName + "! :) Please come back soon!");
System.out.println("You had " + session + " Goes");
System.out.println("The number of times you guessed correctly: " + sessions + "");
use arrays of characters
char[] chars = ['A','B','C'...];
and use the random numbers to map to each character
char targetLetter = chars[r.nextInt(26)];
public static void main(String args[])
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Guess the Letter");
String myLetter=scan.nextLine();
//get the letter of myLetter variable then convert to Uppercase
char enteredLetter=Character.toUpperCase(myLetter.charAt(0));
//26 only because the characters array starts with index 0
char[] characters ={'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z'};
//I had created a parrallel array symbolizing int value of each letter
int[] range={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26};
//this variable convert user input to one of the array element of range
int userInputToInt=0;
//this variable is for knowing what int[] range array element must the value of userInputToInt fall
int userInputControlLoop=0;
char randomLetter=characters[(int)(Math.random()*26)];
// get the random input of computer convert it to int
int computerInputToInt=0;
//this loop is for getting the int value of randomLetter input by the computer
for(int i=0;i<characters.length;++i)
//this loop is for getting the int value of user inputted letter
for(char i:characters)
//test the entered letter of user
System.out.println("Correct Guess");
System.out.println("The letter is:"+randomLetter);
//test the entered letter of user if greater than computer input
else if(userInputToInt>computerInputToInt)
System.out.println("Incorrect Guess");
System.out.println("The letter is too high");
System.out.println("The letter is:"+randomLetter);
//test the entered letter of user if lesser than computer input
else if(userInputToInt<computerInputToInt)
System.out.println("Incorrect Guess");
System.out.println("The letter is too low");
System.out.println("The letter is:"+randomLetter);
Use the same method that you do for your random characters. Assuming you have your guessed character as an int variable called "guess", and it has value 1-26 corresponding A-Z:
Random r = new Random();
char targetLetter = (char)(r.nextInt(26) + 'a');
int guess = ...
char guessChar = (char)guess + 'a';
if (guessChar == targetLetter) {
} else {
System.out.println("Guess again!")
You can implement it in this approach :
1- Create a String alphabet with the characters that you want.
2- declare the size of alphabet as n variable which will control the random generator range.
3- alphabet.charAt(random.nextInt(n)) is a random char from the alphabet.
program code will be :
int n = alphabet.length();
Random r = new Random();
hope will help solve your problem.
public class Picnic1 {
// RULE 0: This code is provided as a working example.
// This rule tests for whether a word starts with the letter 'b' (allowed to the picnic).
public static boolean rule0(char[] array) {
if (array[0] == 'b') {
return true;
else {
return false;
// itemMessage:
// Return message about whether a particular item is allowed to the picnic.
public static String item ( double[] a){
// This code works, providing output like these examples:
// "banana: true"
// "collie: false"
// It needs to be replaced with a more suitable output.
// Instead it should return, for example:
// "Yes, you can bring a banana to the picnic."
// "No, you cannot bring a collie to the picnic."
if (a[0] == 'b') {
System.out.println("Yes, you can bring a" + 'a' + "to the picnic");
else if (a[0] != 'b') {
System.out.print("No, you can not bring a " + 'a' + "to the picnic");
import java.util.Scanner;
public class HangmanGame {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner kybd = new Scanner(System.in);
int guesses = 0;
//Do I really need this part?
//Ask the user to enter a word and store it into an array
System.out.println("Please enter a word: ");
String wordToGuess = kybd.next();
char[] word = wordToGuess.toCharArray();
char[] underscore = new char[wordToGuess.length()];
for (int i = 0; i < wordToGuess.length(); i++) {
underscore[i] = '_';
System.out.println("You have 6 tries to guess the word:");
for ( int i = 0; i < wordToGuess.length(); i++) {
System.out.println(" " + underscore[i] + " ");
System.out.println("Please enter your guess: ");
char guess = kybd.next();
for (int i = 0; i < word.length; i++) {
if (guess == word[i]) {
underscore[i] = guess;
// I've gotten a little lost here.
I know this is not right at all but I'm hoping for some tips. Thanks so much!!
import java.util.Scanner;
public class HangmanGame {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Scanner kybd = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Please enter a word: ");
String wordToGuess = kybd.next();
char[] underscore = new char[wordToGuess.length()];
for (int i = 0; i < wordToGuess.length(); i++) {
underscore[i] = '_';
int wordLenToGuess = wordToGuess.length();
int unsuccessfulTries = 6;
while(wordLenToGuess >0 && unsuccessfulTries >0 ){
for ( int i = 0; i < wordToGuess.length(); i++) {
System.out.print(" " + underscore[i] + " ");
System.out.println("You have " +unsuccessfulTries+ " tries to make a guess");
System.out.println("Please enter your guess: ");
char guess = kybd.next().charAt(0);
boolean iscorrect = false;
for (int i = 0; i < underscore.length; i++) {
if(wordToGuess.charAt(i) == guess)
underscore[i] = guess;
iscorrect = true;
if(wordLenToGuess == 0)
System.out.println("YOU WIN!! :)");
else System.out.println("Sorry! You Lose :(");
Keep trying till either entire word is guessed or 6 incorrect tries.
If correct letter is guessed, fill in the blanks '_' else decrement the number of tries
Exit loop when either entire word is guessed or all 6 tries are used up.
Inform user if he wins or loses.
Couple things that need to be addressed here include giving the user the option to guess either a letter or a word, having the game go on as long as the user has not yet guessed the word yet, and checking to see if the user guessed a letter he or she has already guessed (this last thing is optional but is good practice for error checking). Think about the condition that will keep the game going. The game won't end until the user guessed 6 times or managed to successfully guess the word. To check these conditions after each guess, we can use a while loop. To see if the user guessed the word correctly, we can use a boolean variable to keep track of this,
boolean wordHasBeenGuessed = false;
while(!wordHasBeenGuessed && guesses < 6)
//this loop reads "while the word has not been guessed yet and the user has not exceeded 6 guesses
To give the user the option to guess either a letter or a word, we need to present two scenarios using if statements,
System.out.println("Would you like to guess a letter or a word?");
String type = kybd.next();
//do stuff to deal with this case here
//do stuff to deal with this case here
}//of course this part can be customized anyway you'd like
In the end, it should look something like this,
import java.util.Scanner;
public class HangmanGame {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner kybd = new Scanner(System.in);
int guesses = 0;
//Ask the user to enter a word and store it into an array
System.out.println("Please enter a word: ");
String wordToGuess = kybd.next();
char[] word = wordToGuess.toCharArray();
char[] underscore = new char[wordToGuess.length()];
for (int i = 0; i < wordToGuess.length(); i++) {
underscore[i] = '_';
boolean wordHasBeenGuessed = false;
int numOfLettersFound = 0;
while(!wordHasBeenGuessed && guesses < 6){
System.out.println("You have " + (6-guesses) + " tries to guess the word:");
for ( int i = 0; i < wordToGuess.length(); i++) {
System.out.print(" " + underscore[i] + " ");
System.out.println("Would you like to guess a letter or a word?");
String type = kybd.next();
System.out.println("Enter your guess");
char guess = kybd.next();
for (int i = 0; i < word.length; i++) {
if (guess == word[i]) {
underscore[i] = guess;
if(numOfLettersFound == wordToGuess.length()){
wordHasBeenGuessed = true;
System.out.println("Enter your guess");
String answer = kybd.next();
wordHasBeenGuessed = true;
//after the while loop is finished, tell the user whether or not he/she has won or not
System.out.println("You won");
System.out.println("You lost");
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
This is simple Hangman game:
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] words = {"writer", "that", "program"};
int wordNumber = (int) (Math.random() * words.length);
System.out.print("Enter a letter in word ");
for (int i = 0; i < words[wordNumber].length(); i++)
System.out.print(" > ");
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
char letter;
do {
letter = input.nextLine().charAt(0);
boolean asterisksInWord = false;
String[] discoveredElements = new String[words[wordNumber].length()];
int countOfTries = 0;
int arrayCount = 0;
int asteriskCount = 0;
System.out.print("Enter a letter in word ");
do {
asterisksInWord = false;
boolean contain;
if (asteriskCount != 1) {
asteriskCount = 0;
for (char item : words[wordNumber].toCharArray()) {
contain = Arrays.asList(discoveredElements).contains(String.valueOf(item));
if (contain) {
} else if (item == letter) {
discoveredElements[arrayCount] = String.valueOf(item);
} else {
asterisksInWord = true;
if (asterisksInWord) {
System.out.print(" > ");
letter = input.nextLine().charAt(0);
if (asteriskCount != 1)
System.out.print("Enter a letter in word ");
} else
System.out.println("The word is " + words[wordNumber] +
" You missed " + (countOfTries + 2 - words[wordNumber].length()) + " time(s)");
} while (asterisksInWord);
System.out.print("Do you want to guess another word? Enter y or n >");
} while (input.nextLine().charAt(0) == 'y');
The log of it's run is
Enter a letter in word **** > t
Enter a letter in word t**t > h
Enter a letter in word th*t > a
The word is that You missed 0 time(s)
Do you want to guess another word? Enter y or n >y
Enter a letter in word **** >
My question is why does it ignores first symbol 'y' when asking "Do you want to guess another word?".
I'tried to create some test programs with same do-while conditions but they don't ask for character 2 times like that program.
The program asks for your input two times, because you have programmed it like that. After printing - "Do you want to guess another word? Enter y or n >" - you do input.nextLine() inside the while condition as well as as the first statement after do , so it asks for input twice.
Maybe you can move the question Enter the letter in the word to the inner do loop instead of doing that in the if condition if (asterisksInWord) { .
Also, according to your current logic, it does not ignore your first symbol, that is the real one that decides whether to exit the loop or not, the next input is actually your first guess.
I am just starting to learn Java as my first programming language.
In class we were assigned to make a basic Hangman game with the use of a while and for loops.
What I have so far
When the user inputs the first guess it does recognize that that characters that he/she guessed was corrected but just continues on and stating that I have guessed an incorrect letter!
Help would be very appreciated!! My question is what am I doing wrong in my code? I need the program to tell the user if his guess is right or wrong.
My code:
import cs1.Keyboard;
public class Hangman {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int guessCount = 0;
int correctGuess = 0;
boolean foundIt;
boolean solved;
char guess, answer;
String word;
System.out.println("Welcome to HangMan!");
System.out.println("Please enter a word for the opponent to guess!");
word = Keyboard.readString();
while (guessCount <= 6) {
System.out.println("Please enter any letter A-Z as your guess!");
guess = Keyboard.readChar();
for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) {
if (guess == word.charAt(i)) {
System.out.println("You have guessed a correct letter!");
System.out.println("Correct Guess Count: "
+ correctGuess);
solved = false;
else if (guess != word.charAt(i)) {
System.out.println("Sorry! That is an incorrect guess! "
+ "Please try again!");
System.out.println("Guess Count: " + guessCount);
solved = false;
if (correctGuess == word.length()) {
solved = true;
System.out.println("Congratulations! " +
"You have guessed the word!");
This is what I have so far and here is the output
Welcome to HangMan!
Please enter a word for the opponent to guess!
Please enter any letter A-Z as your guess!
Sorry! That is an incorrect guess! Please try again!
Guess Count: 1
Sorry! That is an incorrect guess! Please try again!
Guess Count: 2
You have guessed a correct letter!
Correct Guess Count: 1
You have guessed a correct letter!
Correct Guess Count: 2
Sorry! That is an incorrect guess! Please try again!
Guess Count: 3
Please enter any letter A-Z as your guess!
You compare the guess to every character in the String and then display the message for every character. Instead, you should write a method that returns a count of characters that match the input (this also handles words that have repeats of letters). So,
private static int countOf(String in, char ch) {
int count = 0;
for (char c : in.toCharArray()) {
if (c == ch) {
return count;
Then you can call it like,
guess = Keyboard.readChar();
int count = countOf(word, guess);
if (count > 0) {
System.out.println("You have guessed a correct letter!");
correctGuess += count;
} else {
System.out.println("Sorry! That is an inncorrect guess! Please try again!");
Edit To do it without a second method you could use,
guess = Keyboard.readChar();
int count = 0;
for (char c : in.toCharArray()) {
if (c == guess) {
if (count > 0) {
System.out.println("You have guessed a correct letter!");
correctGuess += count;
} else {
System.out.println("Sorry! That is an inncorrect guess! Please try again!");
And, since you haven't used the for-each -
char[] chars = in.toCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
if (chars[i] == guess) {
You need to ask user input every time you finish an response to update the loop.
Your variable guess was never updated inside the loop, that is why it is running into infinite loop. You have update the guess variable as well inside the loop.
I am creating a hangman game and I was wondering how I would check if an inputted letter is equal to one in the array. The code is below.
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
int x = 0;
System.out.println("Enter a word for hangman!!");
String word = input.next();
char[] word2 = word.toCharArray();
System.out.println("guess a letter");
String letter = input.next();
if(letter. ){
}while( x < 5 );
use a simple method
boolean containsLetter(char letter)
for(Char c : word2)
if(c == letter)
return true;
// We got here means no matches
return false;
Then check:
// does not contain the letter