Error creating webservice client - java

I am trying to create a new Web Service client through STS IDE using the wsdl URL. I get error "WSDL file has validation errors. Code generation may fail." during wsdl validation phase.
Message: A problem occured while running WS-I WSDL conformance check:
The WS-I Test Assertion Document (TAD) document was either
not found or could not be processed.
The WSDLAnalyzer was unable to validate the given WSDL file.
Is there a problem in the service itself or am i making any mistake in creating the client ? Any help is appreciated.


How to put SAML token directly into JAX-WS service without calling STSClient

Last year I made JAX-WS client for a web service in this link
This webservice use a STS service to get SAML token and use it to access main webservice. I use wsdl2java of apache cxf to generate JAX-WS client for this webservice. Everything was just fine.
Recently they have updated their STS service endpoint. This new STS service endpoint. Which has different signature and digest algorithm. It has some extra element in request body.
I tried to modify current code so that it support new STS service. But my code is sending same RequestSecurityToken request.I mean it does not adopt for new requirement. I tried to adopt this but I could not do that.
New STS service required as new signature method and as new digest algorithm. Plus it required following element in request body:
<tr:ActAs xmlns:tr="">
<v13:RelationshipToken xmlns:v13="" ID="1bc9a44e-dccd-49e2-8f29-40d7b1257325">
<v13:Relationship v13:Type="OSPfor">
<v13:Attribute v13:Name="SSID" v13:Value="1234567895"/>
<v13:FirstParty v13:Scheme="uri://" v13:Value="27809366375"/>
<v13:SecondParty v13:Scheme="uri://" v13:Value="89567587874"/>
Plus there are minor differences here. I have two ways now I think:
If I can change old code to STS client send request with those value. which I tried and not succeeded.
They provide some code which support fetching SAML assertion token and proof token from STS client. If I can put SAML assertion token into my JAX-WS client directly then this problem is also solved.
Any help or suggestion will be appreciated to us
The SHA-256 digest algorithm is normally set by using an AlgorithmSuite policy that requires it (e.g. Basic256Sha256). I see in the policy they are still using "Basic256" however. CXF allows you to configure RSA-SHA256 via some configuration properties (see for example 'ws-security.asymmetric.signature.algorithm' here You can set ActAs Object/Element on the STSClient directly.
I was receiving "An error occurred when verifying security for the message". Two changes that I had to make to resolve this while using Metro 2.3.1 -
In the STS wsdl, need to mention the signature algorithm like this ---
sp:AlgorithmSuite signatureAlgorithm="SHA256withRSA"
In the USI wsdl, need to change the AlgorithmSuite to Basic256 from Basic256Sha256Rsa15

SEVERE: SAAJ0537: Invalid Content-Type. Could be an error message instead of a SOAP message

I want to run a java application which calls a web service. Everything works fine from the netbeans ide, but fails when I run the .jar generated. What could be the problem?
How can I check the content type that the error is pointing at?
the error says: "SEVERE: SAAJ0537: Invalid Content-Type. Could be an error message instead of a SOAP message. com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.MessageImpl identifyContentType"
I am realizing that the problem could be originated by the fact that the web service that Im consuming uses a custom data type, but I have no idea where to look.
Please help
Your question lacks the details that would help identify your problem (like, what web container are you using, some source code, etc) but I've encountered and resolved this same problem. I'm using Tomcat with Eclipse and apparently, the problem occurs because for some reason, Tomcat can't find some JARs even though I have specified them in my build path. The resolution is to put the JARs in the actual lib directory of Tomcat instead of in some project-specific location. (See this same case with log4j.)
What happens is this missing JAR causes the servlet to produce an internal server error when called. Tomcat generates an error page---which is of type "text/html"---and sends it back to client. So, client reads "text/html" instead of the expected "text/xml".
For a test this SOAP tutorial produces the specified error due to jaxm-api.jar but can be fixed with the solution I described above. I have verified this with Tomcat 7.
How can I check the content type that the error is pointing at?
A bit difficult to answer without some code. But if you are using javax.xml.soap.SOAPPart, it has methods to check the headers of the SOAP transaction. Check the javadocs. Shame it does not override toString(). But personally, I did not arrive at this answer with Java debug methods but via looking at TCP dumps.

wsdl has no service element

I have to consume a WCF web service and was given a WSDL (external, so have no control on the WSDL). Inside the WSDL definitions I am not finding the service element which has the service, port and address elements. Is that normal not be present in a WSDL? Is this common for a WCF WSDL? I am trying to generate stubs for this using axis and am having issues.
The part between the asterisks is what is missing in the WSDL.
Did someone have an issue like this? Please let me know.
When generating stubs, I am getting this error:
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.CodeGenerationException: Error parsing WSDL
at org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.CodeGenerationEngine.(
at org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDL2Code.main(
at org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDL2Java.main(
Caused by: org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: No services found in the WSDL at file:/c:/work/xxx.wsdl with targetnamespace
at org.apache.axis2.description.WSDL11ToAllAxisServicesBuilder.populateAllServices(
at org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.CodeGenerationEngine.(
... 2 more
I looked at the code and it looks like this error occurs if axis does not find a service element.
Does anyone have a solution to this?
I found why this WSDL was missing the service tag, the original WSDL provided had an import which has the service element. I don't know if it is a correct way to do it or not, but the endpoint give to me to consume did not have it, I had to dig into other imported WSDLs to see that one of them had the service element.
Hope this helps someone.
I could not use a wsdl2java on the WSDL since there was no endpoint, do not know how to tell axis to look into the imported WSDLs for the service element though.

Using CXF With an WSDL that has unpublished metadata

I'm using CXF to to communicate with a WSDL made in WCF. The WCF side of things was created following a tutorial. The Java code has been generated using a Maven script.
I have gotten things working using HTTPS for encryption. I have gotten authentication working. However, I would like to have the WSDL metadata turned off on the WCF side and still be able to use the Java side to talk to the service.
Currently, I can access the service with metadata publishing on from the Java side using this code:
URL wsdlLocation = new URL("");
HttpsURLConnection connection = (HttpsURLConnection) wsdlLocation.openConnection();
HService service = new HService(wsdlLocation);
HAdminService calc = service.getHAdminService();
... (authentication using WSS4JOutInterceptor code and unrelated code here)
System.out.println(calc.add(new Double(5), new Double(5)));
However, when I turn off metadata publishing on the WCF side I get this error:
Exception in thread "main"
org.apache.cxf.service.factory.ServiceConstructionException: Failed to create service.
at org.apache.cxf.jaxws.ServiceImpl.<init>(
at org.apache.cxf.jaxws.spi.ProviderImpl.createServiceDelegate(
at com.blah.hservice.v_1_0.HService.<init>(
at Main.main(`
The page the wsdl is on displays this with metadata publishing turned off (this is an excerpt):
This is a Windows© Communication Foundation service.
Metadata publishing for this service is currently disabled.
If you have access to the service, you can enable metadata publishing by completing the following steps to modify your web or application configuration file:
I expected to be able to search "CXF metadata unpublished" and see lots of people doing this...but have not found anything. How do I communicate with this service without the WSDL being published?
You really have two options:
Copy the wsdl locally and point the client at the local wsdl. This is likely the "best" option as it makes sure all the information in the wsdl (like policies and such) is used.
Use "null" for the wsdl location (note: not JAX-WS portable). You will need to call service.addPort(....) after creating the service and before calling getHAdminService to add the port with the appropriate binding and endpoint address. CXF can work most of the time without the WSDL (will internally generate what is needed from the annotations). However, if things like policies are defined in the WSDL, then it cannot.
I got this to work with Client code I generated using CXF 2.6.5
Make sure the QName(first argument) matches the QName the getHAdminService() method references. The bindingId(second argument) should be one of the constants defined in SOAPBinding Interface (

Error in publishing Web service

I have a WSDL file from which I have created Server Side Code Skeleton. Now after modification of these skeleton Java classes I have deleted the WSDL file from the project folder. Now, I am trying to prepare a web service for these classes. I m using Axis engine and apache tomcat 5.5 for this which is embedded with the eclipse. But when I start this I m getting the following error.
IWAB0489E Error when deploying Web service to Axis runtime
axis-admin failed with {}Server.userException java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
Can any one help. What is this error??
I had this problem before, the solution?, use JAX-WS instead Axis.
I think you are trying to call some method from the client skeleton which you've generated from the wsdl file. If you are calling any of the methods which are exposed, make sure that the parameters which you are sending are correct.
userExceptions mostly come with sending wrong params
From my experience:
Check this
invocationTargetException occurs when some of the dependency class might be missed in the cass path(build path) of the webservice project(i mean, the webservice might be used some external jars or external projects as a reference,if suppose those are not in the class path(build path), it shows invocationTargetException exception while building webservice).so make sure all the dependency classes/projects must be in the webservice project class path(build path).
