Custom JWT based authentication for Google App Engine using Java - java

I am using Google App Engine with Java.
I would like to know, how to integrate custom JWT based authentication in Google App Engine.
I have seen but I dont want the users connected with Google Account. I also want the users to sign in without an email address, but a username.
I searched on the internet but everywhere I looked, it is talking about the Google based authentication.
Thanks in advance.

It seems at the moment, there is no library available for doing this.
Also I was unable to find any documentation to do this.
Here is how I implemented it.
The client passes JWT in the Authorization header.
At the API endpoint (not in Filter, it wont work), I extracted the header and validated the JWT. I throws Exceptions from the validation function itself, so that I don't have to repeat a lot of code.


Google Cloud OAuth 2.0 Request Token without user interaction - Java

I am working on a solution to read log files from the GCP for an internal process. However, i am having a difficult time trying to generate an Auth Token for the request to grab the logs needed. This is more of a flow\context question rather than a whats wrong with my code one
The key issues i am having is that i do not want to prompt for web-browser authentication. I want to be able to do this all through API request and have no user interaction. Everywhere i have looked and all implementations i have tried, i am prompt for user interaction in some way and that is just not feasible for this solution.
How can this be achieved?
We do not have IAM enabled, so i cannot generate a JWT token.
I am trying to do this through using a Service Account created using client id and client secret.
I have tried getting a "code" to pass into a request to generate an authorization token, but that has been prompting me for user authorization in the browser which will not work, even when I add the query parameter 'prompt' or 'approval_prompt' to none or force.
I feel like i am missing one crucial piece to be able to achieve this flow and any help/guidance will be greatly appreciated.
There are several ways to authenticate API calls. If you want to do it without user interaction, you will need to use a Service Account (more info here). The process would be the following:
You use the client ID and one private key to create a signed JWT and construct an access-token request in the appropriate format. Your application then sends the token request to the Google OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server, which returns an access token. The application uses the token to access a Google API. When the token expires, the application repeats the process.
For this, you can use Client Libraries or you can do it manually with HTTP requests directly. In the docs there is a guide to do so.

Best Way To Authenticate Restful API and Mobile App

I google search many time about how to authenticate Restful API and Mobile App.
I found a lot answers but I feel not better, or perhaps because I am new in API.
My Willing:
Mobile App request or post data to Restful Server
Restful Server Authenticate Mobile App by Username And Password Login
I want to secure on Restful Server And avoid hacker steal password and request data.
After searching by google they told:
use Https with SSL
authenticate username or password then generate new token and signature
use token and signature to authenticate Mobile App.
Other way use Oauth 2.0. After reading Oauth 2.0 document,
I still think its structure still similar token and signature above.
I think if like that, mobile app can store or use token and signature,
or hacker can debug or see process log in by proxy request.
I feel still not secure
because we still use token and signature on requesting.
I just start my new knowledge in API. If I misunderstand,
I am sorry. I use PHP coding.
I would recommend jBoss's Keycloak ( From the first page:
Add authentication to applications and secure services with minimum
fuss. No need to deal with storing users or authenticating users. It's
all available out of the box.
You'll even get advanced features such as User Federation, Identity
Brokering and Social Login.
For more details go to about and documentation, and don't forget to
try Keycloak. It's easy by design!

App engine endpoints auth with Google Identity Toolkit

I've successfully implemented user login in my android app with Google Identity Toolkit. I've also created an App Engine Endpoint to communicate from the Android app. Now I want to secure the endpoints with auth.
I know I can create a custom Authenticator for endpoint and do any kind of verification of the data in request header in there and get the job done.
But I don't know how to do the Gitkit verification there.
What data should I pass to reach endpoint calls from Android app?(token ID?)
What should I do in the custom Authenticator of endpoint to ensure the requests are valid?
I saw people suggesting to use Session or cookies. Will these work if I'm using the endpoint from Android app? If yes please give me some reference on how it can be done.
Gitkit tokens are JWT format, so you validate them on server-side just as any other JWT token.
See example documentation on how to validate JWT here: It's the same format.
I have also my own project to integrate it with Jersey server: It uses recommended library to actually verify the token.

Google App for business + OpenId + GoogleAPIs in Java GAE

I'm finding a lot of problems trying to develop a google app to place in the market, with OpenID and accesing some google apis like G+ from the backserver on GAE
I have applications running using google apis to acces G+ data, with 3 legged oAuth (code flow) without problems and i understand the "magic" behind the scenes, but i'm getting lost with OpenID and google market. Do i need to do the 3legged oAuth after the user pass the OpenID google filter, and send the user to acept the G+ permission API to use that token to access google apis? If this is the case, what happen if the user access the application from his company gmail account, and when prompted to accept the g+ access, he change accounts? Is there any good reading that make things easier with google apps, openID and access google apis from GAE?
Why I can't specify the scope of G+ when sending my application to the market, in the app conf files?
In this scenario, what is the best way of getting the user g+ profile (picture, fullname, nickname? What i'm missing? google documentation is really good, when you find the correct one ,but a lot of links are dead and millions of examples with deprecated gdata apis are flooding the net...
Ok, after further reading and testing i came up with this points:
Google Marketplace just alow you to access this apis without extra "oAuth dances"
If you want to access more APIs than the listed above, you need the oAuth exchange to get specific token/s for the APIs you want to access.
In my case, i want to access G+ API before the openID from market, so after logging the user with openID, i need to redirect him to google api oAuth accept screen (just for the first time)
More things about the market that take me long time to catch:
- Billing API and license API are deprecated, this mean you are responsible for billing your users and keep them tracked to know if a given user has paid the application or when the license has expired
- You need to map /_ah/login_required becouse your application should be setted (when you create it) to only accept federated logins, wich will lead to a redirection to /_ah/login_required from where you need to do the openID stuff.
A lot of links in the documentation are broken and the examples are too old :(
It's actually a little simpler now with the new Google Apps Marketplace experience. If you follow the steps in the docs and make sure you ask for the same scopes in your App Engine code, the user should never be prompted.

Is it compulsory to register our web application on Google Apps before implementing OAuth?

I am developing a Java application that needs to access personal account Google Data of a user. The development is currently in netbeans on my localhost. I am implementing 3-legged OAuth. And while sending Grant request, it sends me Unauthorized Request Token and then redirects to Callback URL.
While trying to access Access Token, it gives me Error "Error Getting HTTP Response". Now, as per it given in Google Documentation, it is given that "If the application is not registered, Google uses the oauth_callback URL, if set; if it is not set, Google uses the string "anonymous"." Does it mean that I must register my application on Google Apps Engine before granting authorization & accessing request ? Please Help.
For reference : OAuth for Web Applications, OAuth in the Google Data Protocol Client Libraries
Based on your question, it's probably not the registration piece that's causing you trouble. It sounds like you just haven't implemented OAuth correctly — not that doing so is easy. The OAuth process is roughly as follows:
Get a request token. You must pass in a bunch of stuff that declares what kind of stuff you want access to and where you want Google to send the user when they're done granting you access to that data. This is where you pass in your consumer key, which you get by registering. The consumer key will be the string anonymous if you are developing an installed application (i.e., mobile app, desktop app, etc). This is a work-around; the alternative would be to embed your client secret or RSA private key within the application itself, which is a very, very bad idea. If you use 'anonymous', you should absolutely be setting the xoauth_displayname parameter. (Actually, everyone should set this parameter, but it's especially important if you're using anonymous.)
Once you have a request token, you then redirect the user to the special authorization endpoint, passing along the request token key in the query string. Assuming the user grants access, Google will redirect the user back to the callback URL that you associated with your request token. The request token is now authorized, but it can't be used directly just yet.
Once the request token is authorized, you can exchange it for an access token key/secret pair. The access token key/secret can then be used to sign requests for protected resources, such as the private data in the API you're trying to access.
For web applications, registering is almost always a good idea. It makes it much easier for users to manage their access tokens and revoke them if your application misbehaves or if they don't want you to have access anymore. If you don't register, your application will probably show up as a fairly scary-looking 'anonymous' in that list. It's really only installed applications that you wouldn't want to register for. You probably also want to register for an API key. An API key will dramatically increase your rate limit and it will also allow Google to get in touch with you if your application starts to malfunction.
I'd link to the OAuth docs, but you've already found them. Hope my explanation helps!
If you're developing on your local machine, you'll continue to get the same result as above.
For more interesting tests, then yes, you'll have to register your app and push it to the app engine.
Google will check if the domainname of the return-url is registered. You could also modify your dns/host-file to point the domain-name you're using to localhost.
