Moving socket ownership to another machine on the same LAN - java

I am thinking to a scenario where there is a front machine, behind a router, that accepts incoming connections with the purpose of doing load balancing.
After having established what is the right server for the job, it simply yield to it the socket so that the designed server can send data directly to the client.
Is that possible to "reparent" in some way an active socket connection, without further passing through the load balancing server, or the only way is to notify the client to open a new connection?

Passing a socket to a process on another machine is not possible. Your load balancer is going to have to participate in the response using the original request socket.
Either that or you will have to develop a protocol between the client and load balancer where the load balance tells the client which server the client should redirect its request to.


Java multiple connection to server in dynamic ports

I need to have a UDP server which allow me to receive/send informations from/to clients which dynamically will open a socket with a free port (so it will be differente from device and device). The client will send and receive in the same port, so the server must be able to communicate with it.
how could I set the server to stay open in every port? if I had 250 thousand users how could I handle them without tails problem and preventing the port to be occupied from another client?
I thought about open every port with different sockets in a different thread, but I don't know if this is a correct way.
A UDP Server can listen and be open on only one port. All clients can send data to that port. The server will have to handle each data and respond if needed to the peer who sent its data. This should happen even if more than one client wish to send data to server. In UDP context one client will not hog the server port.(Unless the application is badly written).

How to use Netty clients within Netty server

I'm going to create an authentication server which itself interacts with
a set of different Oauth2.0 servers.
Netty seems to be a good candidate to implement network part here.
But before start I need to clear some details about netty as I'm new to it.
The routine will be as follows:
The server accepts an HTTPS connection from a client.
Then, not closing this first connection, it makes another connection
via HTTPS to a remote Oauth2.0 server and gets data
After all, the server sends the result back to the client which is supposed to keep the connection alive.
How to implement this scenario with Netty?
Do I have to create a new netty client and/or reconnect it each time I need to connect to a remote Oauth2.0 server?
If so, I'll have to create a separate thread for every
outgoing connection which will drastically reduce performance.
Another scenario is to create a sufficient number of Netty clients
within a server at the beginning (when server starts)
and keep them constantly connected to the Oauth2.0 servers via HTTPS.
That's easily done with Netty. First you set up your Netty server using the ServerBootstrap and then in a ChannelHandler that handles your connection from the client you can use e.g. the client Bootstrap to connect to the OAuth server and fetch the data. You don't need to worry about creating threads or similar. You can do it all in a non-blocking fashion. Take a look at and try to understand how this example works:

Binding a socket connection to different port on different machine?

I have proxy server (on windows machine) that accepts client requests (using java sockets) and I have several internal nodes(unix machines) for processing these requests (in local area network). How to bind the incoming socket connection to a different machine on different port ?
for example I have an incoming connection from client ( to my proxy server (yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy:6000) and I want to bind this TCP Connection to a node on (zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz:7000).
Please let me know different possible ways in achieving this scenario ?
Thanks in Advance !
You cannot bind a connection to another machine. A proxy is supposed to:
accept an inbound connection from a client
create its own client connection to the next server (typically the client would specify this, unless you handle this in your proxy's configuration)
pass data back and forth between the two connections as needed
So, a client would connect to your proxy at yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy:6000, then your proxy would connect to zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz:7000 and start monitoring both connections for inbound data. Any data received on either connection would need to be sent to the other connection. Repeat until one of the connections is closed, then close the other connection.

Server UDP and port binding

I am writing this game in Java and have problems with networking architecture.
I decided I will UDP packets. I am just at the beginning, but the problem I am facing is that it seems to be that server have to respond from exactly same IP/Port to client (which is behind router which uses NAT) as client connected that server.
For example I have client A behind router. Client A has IP (local) and it connects server B from port 1234. Server is on
When client A connects to server B it uses but router converts that to (for example)
Now, when server wants to send packets to that client it has to be from
I would like to send data from another port like, but this does not seem to work, at least not with my router.
I want to use different port because I want to have two threads one for listening and one for sending data, and each thread would have it's own DatagramSocket. But, as i said once client A connects to server on port 2345, I can not send data from port 2222.
Does anyone know how is this handled? I am doing it in Java, but it's not really a language specific problem.
After #Perception commented I have some more questions regarding his comments:
OK, so if I understand this correctly, if I have server which is hosting 1000 games, each with 2 players, all sending/receiving will have to be done through the same DatagramSocket.
As I understand DatagramSocket is thread safe so I guess I can have one thread doing:
while at the same time second thread is doing
Also, two threads can send data at the same time through the same DatagramSocket? Is sending in any way serialized, meaning that second send() starts only after previous send() is finished or is data being sent at the same time?
gorann, I'm not sure if I'm understanding you correctly, but it sounds like you're trying to control the port on which the server communicates with the client. There's no way to control this, and for good reasons.
This is one of the trickier differences between TCP and UDP.
When a new TCP session is initiated, the server side call to accept() gives you a new socket and the OS handles multiplexing the various sessions for you. With UDP, you need to handle the multiplexing yourself. But you need to do so in a way that works with NATs and other firewalls.
The way NAT works is that when it sees an outgoing packet, it creates a temporary rule allow packets to return along the same port pair. Data returning from a port that the client has not yet sent to will likely be blocked.
This gives you two choices:
You could do all of your communication through a single port. This is not a bad option, it just means that you need a way to identify client sessions and route them to the appropriate thread.
You could create a separate port and instruct the client to send to that one instead. Have the server listen on a fixed port. The client sends a message to there, the server then sets up a new session port and sends that number back to the client using the server's listen port. The client then sends a message to the session port, which causes the NAT to open up that port and allow return traffic. Now the client and server thread have their own private port pair.
Option 1 is a bit more work because it requires data to be exchanged between threads, but it scales up better. Option 1 is easier and more CPU efficient because each session thread can be independent, but there are a finite number of ports available.
Either way, I recommend that you have the client include a semi-unique session id in each packet so that the server has more than just the client address and port number to verify who belongs to each session.

Redirect a TCP connection

I have something like a proxy server (written in java) running between my clients and the actual video server (made in c++). Everything the clients send goes through this proxy and is then redirected to the server.
It is working fine, but I have some issues and think it would be better if I could make this proxy server only to listen to the clients requests and then somehow tell the server that a request has been made from the client side, and that it is supposed to create a connection with the client directly.
Basically in the TCP level what I want to happen is something like this:
1- whenever a client sends a SYN to my proxy, the proxy just sends a message to the real server telling the ip and port of the client.
2- The server would then send the corresponding SYN-ACK to the specified client creating a direct connection between client and server.
The proxy would then be just relaying the initial requests (but not the later data transfer) to the actual server. I just don't know if that is possible.
Thank you very much
Nelson R. Perez
That's very much the way some games (and Fog Creek CoPilot) do it, but it requires support on both the server and the client. Basically the proxy has to say to the client and server "try communicating with the directly on this ip and this port" and if they can't get through (because one or both is behind a NAT or firewall), they fall back to going through the proxy.
I found this good description of "peer to peer tcp hole punching" at
Does the proxy and server lives on the same machine? If so, you can pass the connection to the server using Socket Transfer or File Descriptor Passing. You can find examples in C here,
If they are on the different machines, there is no way to pass connection to the server. However, it's possible to proxy the IP packets to server using VIP (Virtual IP). This is below socket so you have to use Link layer interface, like DLPI.
You don't have control of TCP handshake in userland like that. This is what firewalls/routers do but it all happens in the kernel. Take a look at the firewalling software for your platform - you might not even have to code anything.
