Is it possible to allow multiple #QueryParam keys for a single object/variable in Jersey?
public Something getThings(#QueryParam("customer-number") Integer n) {
so, if I add ?customer-number=3 after the URL it works.
I want to get the behavior above if I add any of the following values:
The QueryParam annotation looks like:
public #interface QueryParam {
String value();
so, it cannot accept multiple String values (like #Produces).
The approach below allows the user to use multiple keys having the same meaning at the same time (and I want to have an "OR" condition between them):
public Something getThings(#QueryParam("customer-number") Integer n1,
#QueryParam("customerNumber") Integer n2,
#QueryParam("customerNo") Integer n3) {
Something like this doesn't work:
public Something getThings(#QueryParam("customer-number|customerNumber|customerNo") Integer n) {
How can I do this?
Jersey 2.22.1
Java 8
To be honest: this is not how webservices are supposed to be designed. You lay down a strict contract that both client and server follow; you define one parameter and that's it.
But of course it would be a perfect world where you have the freedom to dictate what is going to happen. So if you must allow three parameters in, then you'll have to make that the contract. This is one way following approach #2 which I have to provide without being able to test it for goofs:
public Something getThings(#QueryParam("customer-number") Integer n1,
#QueryParam("customerNumber") Integer n2,
#QueryParam("customerNo") Integer n3) throws YourFailureException {
Integer customerNumber = getNonNullValue("Customer number", n1, n2, n3);
// things with stuff
private static Integer getNonNullValue(String label, Integer... params) throws YourFailureException {
Integer value = null;
for(Integer choice : params){
if(choice != null){
if(value != null){
// this means there are at least two query parameters passed with a value
throw new YourFailureException("Ambiguous " + label + " parameters");
value = choice;
if(value == null){
throw new YourFailureException("Missing " + label + " parameter");
return value;
So basically reject any call that does not pass specifically one of the parameters, and let an exception mapper translate the exception you throw into a HTTP response code in the 4xx range of course.
(I made the getNonNullValue() method static is it strikes me as a reusable utility function).
Maybe the simplest and easiest way would be to use a custom #BeanParam:
First define the custom bean merging all the query parameters as:
class MergedIntegerValue {
private final Integer value;
public MergedIntegerValue(
#QueryParam("n1") Integer n1,
#QueryParam("n2") Integer n2,
#QueryParam("n3") Integer n3) {
this.value = n1 != null ? n1
: n2 != null ? n2
: n3 != null ? n3
: null;
// Throw an exception if value == null ?
public Integer getValue() {
return value;
and then use it with #BeanParam in your resource method:
public Something getThings(
#BeanParam MergedIntegerValue n) {
// Use n.getValue() ...
You can create a custom annotation. I won't go in too much about how to do it, you can see this post, or this post. Basically it relies on a different infrastructure than the usual dependency injection with Jersey. You can see this package from the Jersey project. This is where all the injection providers live that handle the #XxxParam injections. If you examine the source code, you will see the the implementations are fairly the same. The two links I provided above follow the same pattern, as well as the code below.
What I did was created a custom annotation
#Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
public #interface VaryingParam {
String value();
public static class Factory
extends AnnotationLiteral<VaryingParam> implements VaryingParam {
private final String value;
public static VaryingParam create(final String newValue) {
return new Factory(newValue);
public Factory(String newValue) {
this.value = newValue;
public String value() {
return this.value;
It may seem odd that I have a factory to create it, but this was required for the implementation of the below code, where I split the value of the String, and end up creating a new annotation instance for each split value.
Here is the ValueFactoryProvider (which, if you've read either of the above articles, you will see that is required for custom method parameter injection). It a large class, only because I put all the required classes into a single class, following the pattern you see in the Jersey project.
public class VaryingParamValueFactoryProvider extends AbstractValueFactoryProvider {
public VaryingParamValueFactoryProvider(
final MultivaluedParameterExtractorProvider mpep,
final ServiceLocator locator) {
super(mpep, locator, Parameter.Source.UNKNOWN);
protected Factory<?> createValueFactory(final Parameter parameter) {
VaryingParam annotation = parameter.getAnnotation(VaryingParam.class);
if (annotation == null) {
return null;
String value = annotation.value();
if (value == null || value.length() == 0) {
return null;
String[] variations = value.split("\\s*\\|\\s*");
return new VaryingParamFactory(variations, parameter);
private static Parameter cloneParameter(final Parameter original, final String value) {
Annotation[] annotations = changeVaryingParam(original.getAnnotations(), value);
Parameter clone = Parameter.create(
return clone;
private static Annotation[] changeVaryingParam(final Annotation[] annos, final String value) {
for (int i = 0; i < annos.length; i++) {
if (annos[i] instanceof VaryingParam) {
annos[i] = VaryingParam.Factory.create(value);
return annos;
private class VaryingParamFactory extends AbstractContainerRequestValueFactory<Object> {
private final String[] variations;
private final Parameter parameter;
private final boolean decode;
private final Class<?> paramType;
private final boolean isList;
private final boolean isSet;
VaryingParamFactory(final String[] variations, final Parameter parameter) {
this.variations = variations;
this.parameter = parameter;
this.decode = !parameter.isEncoded();
this.paramType = parameter.getRawType();
this.isList = paramType == List.class;
this.isSet = paramType == Set.class;
public Object provide() {
MultivaluedParameterExtractor<?> e = null;
try {
Object value = null;
MultivaluedMap<String, String> params
= getContainerRequest().getUriInfo().getQueryParameters(decode);
for (String variant : variations) {
e = get(cloneParameter(parameter, variant));
if (e == null) {
return null;
if (isList) {
List list = (List<?>) e.extract(params);
if (value == null) {
value = new ArrayList();
((List<?>) value).addAll(list);
} else if (isSet) {
Set set = (Set<?>) e.extract(params);
if (value == null) {
value = new HashSet();
((Set<?>) value).addAll(set);
} else {
value = e.extract(params);
if (value != null) {
return value;
return value;
} catch (ExtractorException ex) {
if (e == null) {
throw new ParamException.QueryParamException(ex.getCause(),
parameter.getSourceName(), parameter.getDefaultValue());
} else {
throw new ParamException.QueryParamException(ex.getCause(),
e.getName(), e.getDefaultValueString());
private static class Resolver extends ParamInjectionResolver<VaryingParam> {
public Resolver() {
public static class Binder extends AbstractBinder {
protected void configure() {
.to(new TypeLiteral<InjectionResolver<VaryingParam>>() {
You will need to register this class' Binder (bottom of class) with Jersey to use it.
What differentiates this class from Jersey QueryParamValueFactoryProvider is that instead of just processing a single String value of the annotation, it splits the value, and tries to extract the values from the query param map. The first value found will be returned. If the parameter is a List or Set, it just continues to keep looking up all the options, and adding them to the list.
For the most part this keeps all the functionality you would expect from an #XxxParam annotation. The only thing that was difficult to implement (so I left out supporting this use case), is multiple parameters, e.g.
public String getMultipleVariants(#VaryingParam("param-1|param-2|param-3") String value1,
#VaryingParam("param-1|param-2|param-3") String value2) {
return value1 + ":" + value2;
I actually don't think it should be that hard to implement, if you really need it, it's just a matter of creating a new MultivaluedMap, removing a value if it is found. This would be implemented in the provide() method of the VaryingParamFactory above. If you need this use case, you could just use a List or Set instead.
See this GitHub Gist (it's rather long) for a complete test case, using Jersey Test Framework. You can see all the use cases I tested in the QueryTestResource, and where I register the Binder with the ResourceConfig in the test configure() method.
I have used Lombok in my code to automatically generate getter and setter code. I want to add other personal annotations and use it.
For example, I want to add an #Exist method which verifies the existence of a key in a list:
#Getter #Setter
public class User {
private String name;
private List<Integer> keys;
public boolean existKeys(Integer key) {
boolean exist = keys.contains(key);
return exist;
After creating the annotation, I would do something like:
#Getter #Setter
public class User {
private String name;
private List<Integer> keys;
General Considerations
If you are already using Lombok, you can add custom Lombok transformation annotation and handler.
Define Exists annotation with #Target(FIELD) and #Retention(SOURCE)
Create a handler
public class HandleExists extends JavacAnnotationHandler<Exists>{ ...`
to process your annotation. Handler class package must start with the lombok. prefix. If you need to support Eclipse, etc. in addition to javac, you'll need to write more handlers extending appropriate framework classes.
In the handler override/implement the handle() method to generate the required code through AST manipulation.
You can take as a sample the #Getter implementation:
You can also look into sources of other annotations and handlers to see how to generate particular code.
You'll need to add dependencies on lombok, JDK tools.jar.
Some resources:
The lombok-pg project with a source for a bunch of custom lombok annotations, in particular, /
An overview of a custom transformation
Simple annotation example with explanations.
Note, there are some points to consider here
This is a bunch of non-trivial code to write and maintain. If you plan to use annotation 5-6 times it is just not worth it.
You may need to change your annotation processor implementation with lombok upgrades.
The hole in compiler that lombok relies on also may be closed (then the whole Lombok project will change dramatically or cease to exist; in this case you'll have a more serious problem anyway if you use Lombok extensively, even if just for #Getter).
A more complex alternative without Lombok is to use standard annotation processing for code generation but, AFAIK, you can't change original classes and must generate/use classes that extend them (unless you'll exploit the same back-door as Lombok or resort to a code manipulation like CGLib or ASM).
Lombok Example
Below is some working code to create custom Lombok annotation that I've called #Contains.
It is javac implementation only, no Eclipse, etc. I guess it will be not hard to create a similar handler for Eclipse or other IDE.
It will generate fieldNameContains() member method which is delegated to the fieldName.contains().
Note, the code is just quick and dirty (but working) sample. For production grade annotation, you will need to handle many boundary conditions, check correct types, handle Lombok configuration and so on, as it can be observed in lombok or lombok-pg library sources.
Sample usage
public class SomeEntity {
private Collection<String> fieldOne = new ArrayList<>();
private Collection<String> fieldTwo = new ArrayList<>();
public class SomeEntityTest {
public void test() {
SomeEntity entity = new SomeEntity();
Collection<String> test1 = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "1", "2" });
assertSame(test1, entity.getFieldOne());
Collection<String> test2 = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "3", "4" }));
assertSame(test2, entity.getFieldTwo());
try {
fail("exception expected");
} catch (Exception ex) {
try {
fail("exception expected");
} catch (Exception ex) {
Annotation Implementaiton
public #interface Contains {
Class<?>[] types() default {};
Class<?>[] excludes() default {};
public class HandleContains extends JavacAnnotationHandler<Contains> {
public void handle(AnnotationValues<Contains> annotation, JCAnnotation ast, JavacNode annotationNode) {
try {
JavacNode node = annotationNode.up();
if (node.getKind() != Kind.FIELD) {
annotationNode.addError("#Contains is allowed only on fields");
Name delegateName = annotationNode.toName(node.getName());
JavacResolution reso = new JavacResolution(annotationNode.getContext());
JCTree member = node.get();
if (member.type == null) {
Type delegateType = member.type;
if (delegateType instanceof ClassType) {
ClassType ct = (ClassType) delegateType;
//TODO validate that this field is a collection type
// if(!Collection)
// annotationNode.addError("#Contains can only be used on collections");
final String methodName = "contains";
MethodSig methodSig = getMethodBinding(methodName, ct, annotationNode.getTypesUtil());
if (methodSig == null) throw new Exception("no method " + methodName + " in " +;
JCMethodDecl methodDecl = createDelegateMethod(methodSig, annotationNode, delegateName);
injectMethod(node.up(), methodDecl);
} else {
annotationNode.addError("#Contains can only use concrete class types");
} catch (Exception ex) {
annotationNode.addError("#Contains unexpected error: " + ex.getMessage());
public JCMethodDecl createDelegateMethod(MethodSig sig, JavacNode annotation, Name delegateName) throws TypeNotConvertibleException {
JavacTreeMaker maker = annotation.getTreeMaker();<JCAnnotation> annotations;
if (sig.isDeprecated) {
annotations =, "Deprecated"),<JCExpression>nil()));
} else {
annotations =;
JCModifiers mods = maker.Modifiers(PUBLIC, annotations);
JCExpression returnType = JavacResolution.typeToJCTree((Type) sig.type.getReturnType(), annotation.getAst(), true);
boolean useReturn = sig.type.getReturnType().getKind() != TypeKind.VOID;
ListBuffer<JCVariableDecl> params = sig.type.getParameterTypes().isEmpty() ? null : new ListBuffer<JCVariableDecl>();
ListBuffer<JCExpression> args = sig.type.getParameterTypes().isEmpty() ? null : new ListBuffer<JCExpression>();
ListBuffer<JCExpression> thrown = sig.type.getThrownTypes().isEmpty() ? null : new ListBuffer<JCExpression>();
ListBuffer<JCTypeParameter> typeParams = sig.type.getTypeVariables().isEmpty() ? null : new ListBuffer<JCTypeParameter>();
ListBuffer<JCExpression> typeArgs = sig.type.getTypeVariables().isEmpty() ? null : new ListBuffer<JCExpression>();
Types types = Types.instance(annotation.getContext());
for (TypeMirror param : sig.type.getTypeVariables()) {
Name name = ((TypeVar) param);
ListBuffer<JCExpression> bounds = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>();
for (Type type : types.getBounds((TypeVar) param)) {
bounds.append(JavacResolution.typeToJCTree(type, annotation.getAst(), true));
typeParams.append(maker.TypeParameter(name, bounds.toList()));
for (TypeMirror ex : sig.type.getThrownTypes()) {
thrown.append(JavacResolution.typeToJCTree((Type) ex, annotation.getAst(), true));
int idx = 0;
String[] paramNames = sig.getParameterNames();
boolean varargs = sig.elem.isVarArgs();
for (TypeMirror param : sig.type.getParameterTypes()) {
long flags = JavacHandlerUtil.addFinalIfNeeded(Flags.PARAMETER, annotation.getContext());
JCModifiers paramMods = maker.Modifiers(flags);
Name name = annotation.toName(paramNames[idx++]);
if (varargs && idx == paramNames.length) {
paramMods.flags |= VARARGS;
params.append(maker.VarDef(paramMods, name, JavacResolution.typeToJCTree((Type) param, annotation.getAst(), true), null));
JCExpression accessor = maker.Select(maker.Ident(annotation.toName("this")), delegateName);
JCExpression delegateCall = maker.Apply(toList(typeArgs), maker.Select(accessor,, toList(args));
JCStatement body = useReturn ? maker.Return(delegateCall) : maker.Exec(delegateCall);
JCBlock bodyBlock = maker.Block(0,;
StringBuilder generatedMethodName = new StringBuilder(delegateName);
generatedMethodName.setCharAt(delegateName.length(), Character.toUpperCase(generatedMethodName.charAt(delegateName.length())));
return recursiveSetGeneratedBy(maker.MethodDef(mods, annotation.toName(generatedMethodName.toString()), returnType, toList(typeParams), toList(params), toList(thrown), bodyBlock, null), annotation.get(), annotation.getContext());
public static <T><T> toList(ListBuffer<T> collection) {
return collection == null ?<T>nil() : collection.toList();
public static class MethodSig {
final Name name;
final ExecutableType type;
final boolean isDeprecated;
final ExecutableElement elem;
MethodSig(Name name, ExecutableType type, boolean isDeprecated, ExecutableElement elem) { = name;
this.type = type;
this.isDeprecated = isDeprecated;
this.elem = elem;
String[] getParameterNames() {
List<? extends VariableElement> paramList = elem.getParameters();
String[] paramNames = new String[paramList.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < paramNames.length; i++) {
paramNames[i] = paramList.get(i).getSimpleName().toString();
return paramNames;
#Override public String toString() {
return (isDeprecated ? "#Deprecated " : "") + name + " " + type;
public MethodSig getMethodBinding(String name, ClassType ct, JavacTypes types) {
MethodSig result = null;
TypeSymbol tsym = ct.asElement();
if (tsym == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("no class");
for (Symbol member : tsym.getEnclosedElements()) {
if (member.getKind() != ElementKind.METHOD || !name.equals( {
if (member.isStatic()) continue;
if (member.isConstructor()) continue;
ExecutableElement exElem = (ExecutableElement) member;
if (!exElem.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PUBLIC)) continue;
ExecutableType methodType = (ExecutableType) types.asMemberOf(ct, member);
boolean isDeprecated = (member.flags() & DEPRECATED) != 0;
result = new MethodSig(, methodType, isDeprecated, exElem);
if (result == null) {
if (ct.supertype_field instanceof ClassType) {
result = getMethodBinding(name, (ClassType) ct.supertype_field, types);
if (result == null) {
if (ct.interfaces_field != null) {
for (Type iface : ct.interfaces_field) {
if (iface instanceof ClassType) {
result = getMethodBinding(name, (ClassType) iface, types);
if (result != null) {
return result;
Imagine you have a model class hierarchy, like
public class TopLevel {
private MiddleLevel middleLevel = null;
public TopLevel() {
middleLevel = new MiddleLevel();
public MiddleLevel getMiddleLevel() { return middleLevel; }
public class MiddleLevel {
private LowLevel lowLevel = null;
public MiddleLevel () {
lowLevel = new LowLevel();
public LowLevel getLowLevel() { return lowLevel; }
public class LowLevel {
private Value value = null;
public LowLevel() {
value = new Value();
public Value getValue() { return value; }
public class Value {
private String stringValue = "ItsAValue";
private String doubleValue = 1.0d;
private String integerValue = 4321;
public void setStringValue(String value) {
stringValue = value;
And of course further classes with different attributes. E.g. this hierarchy was created and instantiated by Jaxb.
Now, i want to set a value in the Value-class. Of course i can execute something like:
TopLevel topLevel = new TopLevel();
Is there a way to simplify or to generalize this, e.g. to be able to call the "path" through all these class-objects to set a value deep inside? Here is some pseudocode, what i mean:
public class Anotherclass {
public static void main(String[] args) {
TopLevel topLevel = new TopLevel();
setStringValueByPath("topLevel/middleLevel/lowLevel/value/stringValue", "newValue");
setDoubleValueByPath("topLevel/middleLevel/lowLevel/value/doubleValue", 5.0d);
setIntegerValueByPath("topLevel/middleLevel/lowLevel/value/integerValue", 1234);
Thanks a lot
Ok, if anyone is interested, i think i found a solution, that i was looking for:
A recursive approach based on Java.reflection :
public class ReflectionSetter {
private static List<Field> getFields(Object object) {
List<Field> fields = new ArrayList<>();
return fields;
private static Field hasField(Object object, String fieldName) {
for (Field f : getFields(object)) {
if (f.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName)) return f;
return null;
public static void setValue(Object object, String path, String newValue) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
if (path.contains("/")) {
int pos = path.indexOf('/');
String first = path.substring(0, pos);
String rest = path.substring(pos+1);
Field f = ReflectionSetter.hasField(object, first);
if (null == f) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path not found: " + path);
Object obj = f.get(object);
setValue(obj, rest, newValue);
} else {
Field f = ReflectionSetter.hasField(object, path);
if (f == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field not found: " + path);
// if found -> set value
f.set(object, newValue);
Now, you can set a value via a path. Usage:
TopLevel topLevel = new TopLevel();
ReflectionSetter.setValue(topLevel, "middleLevel/lowLevel/value/myValue", "NewValue");
An ideal efficient way to do this and by focussing more on reducing code complexity and at the same time improving code readability, you should look at design patterns, may be something like visitor pattern.
One of the most common use cases of visitor pattern is and as a result of separating algorithm and the data structure, comes with ability to add new operations to existing object structures without modifying said structures.
Moving on to a phase where "No, I want to look at string based approached as pointed in question". Apache commons library provides something called JxPath.
Unsure if you tried looking at JxPath ref.apache.jx.path
It offers simple interpreter of an expression language called XPath. JXPath applies XPath expressions to graphs of objects of all kinds
Picking an example from your question :
TopLevel topLevel = new TopLevel();
JXPathContext context = JXPathContext.newContext(topLevel);
context.setValue("middleLevel/lowLevel/value/stringValue", "newStringValue");
In Java every variable of a object derived type can be an instance of that type OR null - as far I know.
Is there an alternative? e.g. not an instance but also not null?
I need to represent a special state.
e.g. use it as a parameter in a search-function that can represent a regular value, a null for "empty" or a wildcard for "anything".
Integer n;
n = null; // empty
n = new Integer (11); // regular value
n = ???? // wildcard
search (some_list, n);
The type in the sample is Integer. But it should be generic. So no Integer.MAX would be of help.
I want to do it without any added "flag-variables" - if possible.
There's no way to assign anything that's not either a null value or an instance of the correct type to a reference variable.
But there's ways to simulate that.
Take a look at Optional, it provides an object that can be either absent (very roughly equivalent to null) or present (and have an actual value).
You could do something similar, but with 3 states by creating your own class, let's call it SearchValue:
public class SearchValue<T> {
private final T value;
private final boolean missing;
private final boolean wildcard;
private SearchValue(T value) {
this.value = value;
this.missing = false,
this.wildcard = false;
private SearchValue(boolean isMissing) {
this.value = null;
this.missing = isMissing;
this.wildcard = !isMissing;
public static <T> SearchValue<T> of(T value) {
return new SearchValue<>(value);
public static <T> SearchValue<T> missing() {
return new SearchValue(true);
public static <T> SearchValue<T> wildcard() {
return new SearchValue(false);
public T getValue() {
if (value == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("no value specified");
return value;
public boolean isValue() {
return value != null;
public boolean isMissing() {
return missing;
public boolean isWildcard() {
return wildcard;
Any SearchValue instance will return true on exactly one of isValue, isMissing or isWildcard (and only return successfully from getValue() when isValue() returns true).
Note that this can definitely be optimized (by reducing the flags to one field and/or making sure that there's only ever one missing or wildcard instance, since they are interchangable), but the general principle should be clear.
No, a variable is either null, or points to an object of an appropriate type, there is no other possibility. However, you can achieve your goal by encapsulating your search term, e.g.
public class SearchTerm<T> {
private final T value;
public static final SearchTerm WILDCARD = new SearchTerm<Object>(new Object());
public SearchTerm(T value) {
this.value = value;
public T getValue() {
return this.value;
To check what type of SearchTerm an instance represents
void doSearch(SearchTerm<String> searchTerm) {
if (searchTerm == SearchTerm.WILDCARD) {
// do a wildcard search
} else if (searchTerm.getValue() == null) {
// do whatever type of search this represents
} else {
// search for items that match this term
String searchTermValue = searchTerm.getValue();
I have a legacy project with Spring version 3.0 (I can't use Retriable annotation from spring package).
I want to implement Retryable annotation to annotate my methods which execution should be retry on fail.
This is my class:
public final class RetryBpp implements BeanPostProcessor {
private final ConcurrentMap<String, ClassDefinition> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(final Object bean, final String beanName) throws BeansException {
final Class<?> asClass = bean.getClass();
final Method[] methods = asClass.getMethods();
final List<Method> collect = Stream.of(methods)
.filter(method -> method.isAnnotationPresent(Repitable.class))
if(!collect.isEmpty()){,new ClassDefinition(collect,asClass));
return bean;
public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(final Object bean, final String beanName) throws BeansException {
final ClassDefinition definition =;
if(definition != null){
final Class beanClass = definition.asClass;
return Proxy.newProxyInstance(beanClass.getClassLoader(), beanClass.getInterfaces(), (proxy, method, args) -> {
return this.retry(definition.originalMethod(method),bean,args);
} else{
return method.invoke(bean,args);
} else{
return bean;
private Object retry(final Method method,final Object originalBean,Object[] argc){
final Repitable repitable = method.getAnnotation(Repitable.class);
int attempts = repitable.attempts();
Throwable exc = null;
return method.invoke(originalBean,argc);
}catch (final Throwable throwable){
exc = throwable;
throw new RuntimeException(exc);
private void sleep(final int time, final TimeUnit timeUnit){
private static final class ClassDefinition{
private final List<Method> methods;
private final Class asClass;
boolean isMethodPresent(final Method method){
Method originalMethod(final Method method){
And it work but I want to change two things
1)In retry method I want to keep last exception and throw when repeateCount = 0 for this I need to declare null ptr to exc, but I want all my fields to be final. Is it any possible way to rewrite my code?
2) In ClassDefinition I compare Method by name because original equals method of Method class compare by class, I can't do it because original class replaced by proxy, Is it possible to compare two Method's in different way?
For the first part: one option is to use a List of the Throwables. And then throw them something like:
final RuntimeException theError = new RuntimeException(list.get(list.size() - 1));
for (int i = 0; i < list.size() - 1; i++) {
throw theError;
This also gives the benefit of providing all the failures.
For the latter part, this could be complicated and expensive depending on whether there's gonna be generics, var-args, etc. on some of the methods.
Since you're already using spring, you could try a combination of: AopUtils.getTargetClass and AopUtils.getMostSpecificMethod to get what you want (would need to refactor what you pass to some of the test methods).
Something simple to provide some more (note, not infallible) tests in the vein of what you're already running with though:
return -> {
if (!method.getName().equals(mthd.getName())) {
return false;
if (!method.getReturnType().isAssignableFrom(mthd.getReturnType())) {
return false;
final Class<?>[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
if (mthd.getParameterTypes().length != parameterTypes.length) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) {
if (!parameterTypes[i].equals(mthd.getParameterTypes()[i])) {
return false;
return true;
I'm sure there are some more checks you can do (Method.getExceptionTypes() to confirm they could override; Method.getDeclaringClass() and work up the tree from there; Method.getModifiers() to determine if it could be overridden, etc.), but that depends on how safe you need to be.
I am stuck at converting Java Bean to Map. There are many resources on the internet, but unfortunately they all treat converting simple beans to Maps. My ones are a little bit more extensive.
There's simplified example:
public class MyBean {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private MyHomeAddress homeAddress;
private int age;
// getters & setters
My point is to produce Map<String, Object> which, in this case, is true for following conditions:
map.containsKey("homeAddress.street") // street is String
map.containsKey("homeAddress.number") // number is int
map.containsKey("") // city is String
map.containsKey("homeAddress.zipcode") // zipcode is String
I have tried using Apache Commons BeanUtils. Both approaches BeanUtils#describe(Object) and BeanMap(Object) produce a Map which "deep level" is 1 (I mean that there's only "homeAddress" key, holding MyHomeAddress object as a value). My method should enter the objects deeper and deeper until it meets a primitive type (or String), then it should stop digging and insert key i.e. "order.customer.contactInfo.home".
So, my question is: how can it be easliy done (or is there already existing project which would allow me to do that)?
I have expanded Radiodef answer to include also Collections, Maps Arrays and Enums:
private static boolean isValue(Object value) {
final Class<?> clazz = value.getClass();
if (value == null ||
valueClasses.contains(clazz) ||
Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz) ||
Map.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz) ||
value.getClass().isArray() ||
value.getClass().isEnum()) {
return true;
return false;
Here's a simple reflective/recursive example.
You should be aware that there are some issues with doing a conversion the way you've asked:
Map keys must be unique.
Java allows classes to name their private fields the same name as a private field owned by an inherited class.
This example doesn't address those because I'm not sure how you want to account for them (if you do). If your beans inherit from something other than Object, you will need to change your idea a little bit. This example only considers the fields of the subclass.
In other words, if you have
public class SubBean extends Bean {
this example will only return fields from SubBean.
Java lets us do this:
package com.acme.util;
public class Bean {
private int value;
package com.acme.misc;
public class Bean extends com.acme.util.Bean {
private int value;
Not that anybody should be doing that, but it's a problem if you want to use String as the keys, because there would be two keys named "value".
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;
public final class BeanFlattener {
private BeanFlattener() {}
public static Map<String, Object> deepToMap(Object bean) {
Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
try {
putValues(bean, map, null);
} catch (IllegalAccessException x) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(x);
return map;
private static void putValues(Object bean,
Map<String, Object> map,
String prefix)
throws IllegalAccessException {
Class<?> cls = bean.getClass();
for (Field field : cls.getDeclaredFields()) {
if (field.isSynthetic() || Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()))
Object value = field.get(bean);
String key;
if (prefix == null) {
key = field.getName();
} else {
key = prefix + "." + field.getName();
if (isValue(value)) {
map.put(key, value);
} else {
putValues(value, map, key);
private static final Set<Class<?>> VALUE_CLASSES =
Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(
Object.class, String.class, Boolean.class,
Character.class, Byte.class, Short.class,
Integer.class, Long.class, Float.class,
// etc.
private static boolean isValue(Object value) {
return value == null
|| value instanceof Enum<?>
|| VALUE_CLASSES.contains(value.getClass());
You could always use the Jackson Json Processor. Like this:
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
Map<String, Object> map = objectMapper.convertValue(pojo, Map.class);
where pojo is some Java bean. You can use some nice annotations on the bean to control the serialization.
You can re-use the ObjectMapper.