Is there a way to mark metadata as read only in Excel - java

We have a use case to generate Read-Only(such as the document Creation date or Number of characters) metadata for Msexcel file.
But whatever metadata we generate using java(apache poi) is editable.
I tried adding metadata in custom , but this also editable .
Can some one hel me out in finding a way to mark part of metadata as readonly in excel file


how to verify xlsx file and DB

I am uploading an excel file which contains DB table. Then I insert those records into the DB table. What are the ways to verify whether all of them uploaded perfectly?
These are the approaches I tried
I already test the counts of excel file vs insert.
download the DB table as Excel and compare that excel with uploaded excel.
What are the other way to test?
You can read the file and create a file checksum and thus generate a hex value, then read the DB data create a hex and validate against the generated hex value.

Read multiple csv file with CsvJdbc

I need to bind a group of csv file in the format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.csv" that are present in the same folder with a unique table that contains all the data present in all the files.
I need to read the data from a Java EE application thus I would like to create a connection pool inside the application server. I found the CsvJdbc driver that allows the reading of multiple files as a single entity. A good starting point was this page in the section with this paragraph:
To read several files (for example, daily log files) as a single table, set the database connection property indexedFiles. The following example demonstrates how to do this.
The example could be fine for me but the problem is that I do not have a header word in the filename string. So the corresponding table becames an empty string that makes obviously impossible to query the table.
How can I tell the driver to map the pattern to a table that hasn't a header part?
P.S. I already tried to use hsqldb as a frontend to the csv files but it does not support multiple files.
Setup CsvJdbc to read several files as described in and then use an empty table name in the SQL query because your CSV filenames do not have any header before the fileTailPattern regular expression. For example:
props.put("fileTailPattern", "(\\d+)-(\\d+)-(\\d+) (\\d+):(\\d+):(\\d+)");
props.put("fileTailParts", "Year,Month,Day,Hour,Minutes,Seconds");
ResultSet results = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM \"\" AS T1");

Using JAVA to extract Microsoft Word Form Field Data

I am using Doc4j and try to extract msword form data.
It can be easily do with VBA
I am using FieldRef to extract the MSWord docx form field data.
I can get the field name, and just the first line of data in the text fields, but it cannot extract the form field data with more than one line.
I cannot find similar solution from POI too.
Here is the sample data
Cyrus Wong

Convert String field to delimited file (.csv)

I have a mysql table that has a column with the type longtext, this column containt the content of a csv file. Is there a way to create from the content of this column a csv file and extract data from it by using talend ?
You could extract the String from the DB using the proper Input component. Then use tExtractDelimitedField to split this long String string against a separator character (the comma, I guess). Don't forget to specify carefully your output schema
Finally, use tFileDelimitedOut to write the delimited file with data from the outgoing connection on the file system.
This could help: Validate a csv file
Sure, request the string out of the database, open a file and write the string to it - where's your actual problem?

insert Xml file data into MySQL table

I want to insert the Xml file data into MySQL table ,, by choosing which column to insert into ,, using Java How will this be done ?
It really depends on the format of your XML file. If your XML file is a direct export from the MySQL file, please refer to this question.
If your XML is in some other format, then I would probably be using JAXB to parse XML into POJO, then write some logic to map the POJO into the database table.
