I'm using spring-boot and #WebIntegrationTest to run some Selenium tests. I'm trying to figure out how to add/remove some filters for my test cases.
I've gone over the docs a few times and have not been able to find a way to do this. Is it possible?
Please note: I am not using mockMvc and for these test cases we do not want to.
See Reference Spring Boot docs how to register or disable servlet filters. To register one, just implement Filter interface and register it with #Bean annotation.
But, my understanding is that Selenium testing should test application as black box and shouldn't mix testing context with production context. Optionally this testing can happen against production environment.
Personally would include one or two sanity tests into application build itself to make sure it's working end to end. But I wouldn't mix contexts anyway.
Otherwise I would place all the tests into separate project firing requests against PROD or continuous delivery environment.
BTW, I highly recommend looking into Page Object pattern when doing Selenium testing.
I'm working on an application where we use integration tests intensively since a core framework we are using operates on the database.
I have test classes using configuration context class such as this:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = ConfigA.class)
public A_Test(){
The majority of tests are using same context like above. We have over 200+ such tests. But recently we needed some additional configuration for some use cases as well, like this:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {ConfigA.class, ConfigB.class})
public B_Test(){
Problem is now when we execute all tests with maven, or IDE runners , loaded cache for ConfigA no longer works. Spring tries to recreate a context for ConfigA which fails because we have H2 DB already configured and Spring tries to create schemas, tables which fails to do so.
To overcome we started to use #DirtiesContext on all tests. Result is over 1H build time, which reduces the developer productivity significantly.
Question: is it possible to clear context for tests like B_Test only? #DirtiesContext(ClassMode=AFTER_CLASS) doesn't help because order of the tests are not guaranteed(and really we don't want to go that way). It fails when type of B_Test tests are last to run. Same for #DirtiesContext(ClassMode=BEFORE_CLASS) visa versa
Is it possible to simulate #DirtiesContext(ClassMode=AFTER_CLASS) and #DirtiesContext(ClassMode=BEFORE_CLASS) at the same time on a bunch of tests?
Or is there any other way to solve in general this problem?
What we tried so far:
Junit Suites : didn't help anything with spring context
ContextHierarchies : didn't help with the case that B_Type tests also dirties the context
Test Ordering: well nobody is really happy about refactoring all the tests to make it work magically
How about using both #DirtiesContext(ClassMode=AFTER_CLASS) and #DirtiesContext(MethodMode=BEFORE_METHOD)?
When you do that, Spring will reload context ConfigA.class and ConfigB.class just before invoking test methods annotated with #DirtiesContext(MethodMode=BEFORE_METHOD).
And then, after all tests of B_Test finished, Spring shutdowns the contexts (and next test class with SpringJUnit4ClassRunner will load its context).
This is essentially a duplicate of Make Spring Boot Recreate Test Databases.
In summary, you likely only need to ensure that you are using unique names for each embedded database that is created using your ConfigA class.
Please read my comments here for details: https://stackoverflow.com/a/28867247/388980
Also, see the comments in SPR-8849 for further details.
Sam (author of the Spring TestContext Framework)
I am writing integration tests for a Java EE Servlet using Arquillian + JUnit. I need to be able to execute code before the server launches.
So is it possible to execute code before #Deployment? I tried #BeforeClass with no luck.
The reason I need to do this, is because trust and keystores for ssl needs to exists before the server starts. I am creating the stores problematically and is saving them to files afterwards.
I know a possible workaround would be to have static trust and keystores, but I prefer to create them programmatically before the test starts for full flexibility when writing tests.
There is not really a need to have your own specialization of Arquillian JUnit runner. This solution would be only for JUnit 4.x in that case which you are using for writing your tests.
Arquillian let you hook through extensions mechanism to its runtime and this way you can have some custom logic executed before server startup to provide your keystores. I believe this is more elegant and portable solution.
Please have a look at sample extensions on Github (especially lifecycle would be a good starting point). If you feel like implementing it this way I'm more than happy to help you. The event you might want to observe on is either BeforeSetup or BeforeStart.
You have two other options for executing code before and after your test:
Rules or ClassRules are executed around and before/after
Using a custom Testrunner (extending the default 'Arquillian' runner)
But as the static deployment method is not invoked by a rule, I assume you have to go for the testrunner.
I'm creating a Spring-based Webapplication where I use Spring to add the implementation of a service to the defined interface. So far, so standard. Works fine.
I want to allow a user to overwrite applications behavior at runtime for his session. For that I want spring to change the implementation behind an interface depending on the user-session.
A use case for that are automatic testcases that run on INT and should test the output of an email created by the system. On INT there is an email-serivce configured sending emails to our mail-server. I dont want the testcase to have to check mails using a mail-Protocol. I want in case automatic testcases are running to chenge the email-implementation to write the email as comments to the HTML, so my tests can easily check the result. And so there are some more such cases where it would be nice to change the implementing bean for special circumstances.
Is there a concept in spring that helps me to implement such a feature or do I have to create that on my own?
Additional information: It's all about automated acceptance tests. That tests run on systems that we share with maunual testers.
=> Manual testers want to get a real email for their tests
=> Automatic tests reduce complexity by not receiving emails, just checking the email-content with less dependencies.
There was no problem, if we had two systems, one configured for humans needs and one for automated tests needs. But thats not the case, so I need a way to change the systems behavior on runtime.
It is usually done in the following way:
set up tests using spring-test module which lets you create a spring context for testing and inject beans into your test classes,
use the same context files for tests as you do for production except create a separate spring profile where default mail service implementation is substituted with a mock,
write a test case where you simulate steps done by user programatically and finally you assert something like assertEquals("<expected_email_text>", mailServiceMock.getLastEmail()).
From your question it is not clear why you would deviate from the standard approach described above. If you explained your reasons perhaps it would be easier to come up with an appropriate answer.
I recently managed to convince my mates in the project that we need testing (!). Due to the highly dynamic and flexible structure of our web application, with behavior depending of lots of parameters and permission relationships, they had rejected testing altogether, for the usual reasons (time consuming, test maintenance, etc.).
We will introduce testing at the service layer:
Web Browser -> GWT/RPC -> GWT Servlet -> RMI -> SessionEJB -> RMI -> Spring beans
Thus after the GWT Servlet.
Do people recommend to use junit? Or are there other test frameworks better suited? Any other general suggestions? Thanks
You can indeed use plain JUnit or TestNG with a mock framework to test your SessionEJB and individual Spring beans in isolation, i.e. proper Unit testing.
But since there is already a lot of code written, you'll probably find more bugs with less code using system testing or integration testing, i.e. test your complete SessionEJB and spring beans roundtrip in a test application context, with even a real database behind.
For integration and system testing, you can use DBUnit to have a fixture of test data in a database. And Spring also has a lot of test support utils. All of this things work with both JUnit and TestNG.
You should be able to JUnit your Servlets & EJBs. I suggest using some kind of mock framework (e.g. EasyMock) for your servlet context and if you are using any kind of JNDI resource or dependency injection.
As for a testing framework, I highly recommend TestNG (http://testng.org), with Mockito (code.google.com/p/mockito/). I love using both due to their ease of use. #DataProvider in TestNG helps me a lot, as well as other annotations for setting up a test before/after running. I was using JUnit before until I met TestNG at work and don't think I'll be going back anytime soon :)
Check them out, TestNG is definitely picking up some steam and gaining reputation.
I am setting up JUnit 4.7 tests with Selenium 1.x and Spring 3.0.
I want to extend Selenium's SeleneseTestCase for the shortcuts and conventions it provides (more importantly, the Selenium IDE generated code seems to expect this). Yet I want the Spring context and other goodness to be present during the execution.
Because I cannot extend Spring's AbstractJUnit4SpringContextTests, I tried decorating my test case with #RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class). This succesfully setups Spring but causes some oddities in Selenium execution: tests are executed slowly and browser windows are left open, for example. I suppose it overrides some part of Selenium (just a guess)... unfortunately, the base SeleneseTestCase class only permits altering a restricted set of parameters, exluding setting the execution speed, for example (makes me wonder, if the base class is that nice after all...).
To my understanding, in order to make all the bells and whistles of Spring working, I must either extend the AbstractJUnit4SpringContextTests or decorate the class with #RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class). However, the former I cannot, and the latter brings problems.
Having only #ContextConfiguration does load up the context, but at least dependency injection is not working. That's where I stopped.
How can I initialize Spring neatly with Selenium (or any other library with same case)?
Edit: Made the text more readable.
I was annoyed by a similar problem enough to write a MethodRule implementation that will load a Spring context and autowire it's host test. Maybe that is the start of what you're looking for.
It will allow you to do something like this:
public TemporarySpringContext context = new TemporarySpringContext("context.xml");
MyService myServiceBean;
If you make any improvements please let me know.