Apache Shiro HashedCredentialsMatcher generates wrong salt - java

I'm facing the problem that Shiro shows some odd behavior in converting a byte
array to a salt.
I started to implement all classes involved in the process into my application which are:
Upon User creation the user password is hashed with a generated salt and then stored in my database:
import org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash.Sha256Hash;
import org.apache.shiro.crypto.RandomNumberGenerator;
import org.apache.shiro.crypto.SecureRandomNumberGenerator;
RandomNumberGenerator rng = new SecureRandomNumberGenerator();
Object salt = rng.nextBytes();
String hashedPasswordBase64 = new Sha256Hash(password, salt, 1024).toBase64();
shiro.ini looks like this:
dataSource = org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource
dataSource.databaseName = Self-Service-Portal
dataSource.serverName = localhost
dataSource.portNumber = 5432
dataSource.user = postgres
dataSource.password = admin
saltedJdbcRealm.dataSource = $dataSource
saltedJdbcRealm.authenticationQuery = SELECT umgmt_users.password, umgmt_users.salt FROM umgmt_users WHERE umgmt_users.user = ?
sha256Matcher = org.apache.shiro.authc.credential.Sha256CredentialsMatcher
# base64 encoding, not hex in this example:
sha256Matcher.storedCredentialsHexEncoded = false
sha256Matcher.hashIterations = 1024
saltedJdbcRealm.credentialsMatcher = $sha256Matcher
securityManager.realms = $saltedJdbcRealm
strategy = org.apache.shiro.authc.pam.FirstSuccessfulStrategy
securityManager.authenticator.authenticationStrategy = $strategy
my custom saltedJdbcRealm just overrides the doGetAuthenticationInfo. This code is from this blog ->
protected AuthenticationInfo doGetAuthenticationInfo(AuthenticationToken token) throws AuthenticationException {
//identify account to log to
UsernamePasswordToken userPassToken = (UsernamePasswordToken) token;
String username = userPassToken.getUsername();
if (username == null) {
log.debug("Username is null.");
return null;
// read password hash and salt from db
PasswdSalt passwdSalt = getPasswordForUser(username);
if (passwdSalt == null) {
log.debug("No account found for user [" + username + "]");
return null;
// return salted credentials
SimpleAuthenticationInfo info = new SimpleAuthenticationInfo(username, passwdSalt.password, getName());
info.setCredentialsSalt(new SimpleByteSource(passwdSalt.salt));
return info;
Debugging after return info goes like this:
AuthenticatingRealm.java: Mehtod: assertCredentialsMatch()
HashedCredentialsMatcher.java: Method: doCredentialsMatch()
HashedCredentialsMatcher.java: Method: hashProvidedCredentials()
Looking for the error I ended up finding it here in
protected Object hashProvidedCredentials(AuthenticationToken token, AuthenticationInfo info) {
Object salt = null;
if (info instanceof SaltedAuthenticationInfo) {
salt = ((SaltedAuthenticationInfo) info).getCredentialsSalt();
} else {
//retain 1.0 backwards compatibility:
if (isHashSalted()) {
salt = getSalt(token);
return hashProvidedCredentials(token.getCredentials(), salt, getHashIterations());
Part 1:
lets take a look at the variable info:
The full byte array is the following:
57 109 102 43 65 87 118 88 70 76 105 82 116 104 113 108 116 100 101 108 79 119 61 61
which correctly represents the salt in my database:
Next Step in the code is to extract the Salt from the info variable and store it in the variable salt of type Object.
Part 2:
looking at the variable salt after this line:
salt = ((SaltedAuthenticationInfo) info).getCredentialsSalt();
executed I get this result:
I did another example and show you the 2 methods that 1) hash the submitted password 2) take the password from database for comparison & that they are not
the same:
I start off with 2 variables, token (submitted password) & info (stored password information):
Stored Credentials:
storedBytes before decoding:
100 53 102 72 120 73 55 107 89 81 89 116 121 113 111 54 107 119 118 90 70 68 65 84 73 73 115 90 84 104 118 70 81 101 68 86 105 100 112 68 68 69 81 61
storedBytes after decoding:
119 -105 -57 -60 -114 -28 97 6 45 -54 -86 58 -109 11 -39 20 48 19 32 -117 25 78 27 -59 65 -32 -43 -119 -38 67 12 68
Submitted Credentials:
char[] credentials:
[0] = 1
[1] = 2
[2] = 3
byte[] bytes:
50 69 81 77 57 55 80 53 53 112 89 52 122 69 78 54 57 98 53 56 82 65 61 61
which is 2EQM97P55pY4zEN69b58RA== and this is whats inside the database
return value is this hash:
As the 2 Hash values are not the same I get why my Application is telling me wrong password BUT I created this user with the password 123 using the code above (first code block)
Edit End
So does anyone know why the hash calculation is not giving the same hash value for the same password??? Or what else I might have done wrong (i doubt that the shiro code is wrong so it may be something wrong in my code with generation the password hash/salt or shiro.ini configuration?)

ufff, after a little more playing around with those functions I found the solution why the submitted password is hashed with a wrong salt value
I added 3 lines to the method hashProvidedCredentials inside
protected Object hashProvidedCredentials(AuthenticationToken token, AuthenticationInfo info) {
Object salt = null;
if (info instanceof SaltedAuthenticationInfo) {
salt = ((SaltedAuthenticationInfo) info).getCredentialsSalt();
// Get base64 Decoder
java.util.Base64.Decoder Decoder = java.util.Base64.getDecoder();
// decode salt from database
byte[] encodedJava8 = null;
encodedJava8 = Decoder.decode(((SaltedAuthenticationInfo) info).getCredentialsSalt().getBytes());
// save decoded salt value in previous salt Object
salt = ByteSource.Util.bytes(encodedJava8);
// The 3 steps above are nessecary because the Object salt is of type
// SimpleByteSource and:
// - it holds a byte[] which holds the salt in its correct form
// - it also holds a cachedBase64 encoded version of this byte[]
// (which is of course not the actual salt)
// The Problem is that the next method call below that hashes the
// submitted password uses the cachedBase64 value to hash the
// passwort and not the byte[] which represents the actual salt
// Therefor it is nessecary to:
// - create SimpleByteSource salt with the value from the database
// - decode the byte[] so that the cachedBase64 represents the actual salt
// - store the decoded version of the byte[] in the SimpleByteSource variable salt
} else {
//retain 1.0 backwards compatibility:
if (isHashSalted()) {
salt = getSalt(token);
return hashProvidedCredentials(token.getCredentials(), salt, getHashIterations());
Now the user submitted password on login is hashed the same way as it was when being generated this way:
RandomNumberGenerator rng = new SecureRandomNumberGenerator();
Object salt = rng.nextBytes();
//Now hash the plain-text password with the random salt and multiple
//iterations and then Base64-encode the value (requires less space than Hex):
String hashedPasswordBase64 = new Sha256Hash(password, salt, 1024).toBase64();
Note: This is not the final version of password hashing. Salt is going to be at least 256bit & iterations are going to be around 200k-300k.
Having the problem solved, I narrowed down the problem to 4 possible options:
There is a major Error in the shiro code (HashedCredentialsMatcher.java) (at least from my point of view it is) because password varification using a salt will always fail this way (see my description inside the code block).
I either uses the wrong CredentialsMatcher for hased & salted passwords and I have no clue which one to use instead.
My Implementation of the doGetAuthenticationInfo Method in my custom Realm has an error. For my Custom Realm I used this tutorial:
Apache Shiro Part 2 - Realms, Database and PGP Certificates
I made a mistake on creation of the password hash (although that code is from the official Apache Shiro Website Link
From my Point of view the options 1 & 4 are not the problem so its either 2 or 3 which cause this problem and make it nessecary to add some code to HashedCredentialsMatcher.java Method: hashProvidedCredentials()
So concluding, does anyone have any idea on this issue just to get clarification??


Apache Commons Imaging (EXIF): Setting tags/tags missing

I'm using the Apache Commons Imaging library (Java 8, you can find my code here) and I've come across a few problems with tags:
If I open the image info of e.g. this .jpg file with Win 10, there are "Origin" tags, e.g. "Authors" and "Date acquired":
You can find a list of EXIF tags here and it includes the "Authors" one and also an additional "Artist" one. The "Artist" tag seemed to have existed in the library at one point (source) but the apidocs don't list it anymore and ExifTagConstants.TIFF_TAG_ARTIST doesn't exist. Same thing with the "GPSAltitude" tag: It should exist according to the EXIF list but I can't seem to find it in the library.
I tried to use the "Maker" tag instead:
final TiffOutputDirectory exifDir = outputSet.getOrCreateExifDirectory();
exifDir.add(ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_MAKER_NOTE, "Test Maker");
But ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_MAKER_NOTE's type of TagInfoUndefineds doesn't seem to be valid for exifDir.add.
I also tried to add the date:
exifDir.add(ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_DATE_TIME_DIGITIZED, "1970/01/01");
This just throws an exception:
org.apache.commons.imaging.ImageWriteException: Tag expects 20 byte(s), not 1
The only tag I've managed to successfully write so far is ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_USER_COMMENT.
How do I use/write these tags (author/artist, date, altitude,...)?
I managed to find two of the tags:
exifDir.add(MicrosoftTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_XPAUTHOR, "Test Author");//Author
exifDir.add(GpsTagConstants.GPS_TAG_GPS_ALTITUDE, new RationalNumber(3, 1));//Altitude
... but they aren't written into the file.
exifDir.add(ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_USER_COMMENT, "my comment");
works, so I know it's actually writing tags, it just doesn't work for the two above. Any idea what's wrong?
As #haraldK already mentioned: GPS data isn't part of the actual EFIX directory, which is also the case in the "Apache Commons Imaging" library.
So instead of writing the altitude with
double someDouble = 123.123456789;
int alt = (int) Math.round(someDouble*1000); //round to 3 decimal places
final TiffOutputDirectory exifDir = outputSet.getOrCreateExifDirectory();
exifDir.add(GpsTagConstants.GPS_TAG_GPS_ALTITUDE, new RationalNumber(alt, 1000));
final TiffOutputDirectory gpsDir = outputSet.getOrCreateGPSDirectory();
gpsDir.add(GpsTagConstants.GPS_TAG_GPS_ALTITUDE, new RationalNumber(alt, 1000));
This will write "123.123" into the "Altitude" field that can be viewed through the Windows Explorer (right-click on image -> Properties -> Details).
As for the other tags:
final TiffOutputDirectory exifDir = outputSet.getOrCreateExifDirectory();
final TiffOutputDirectory gpsDir = outputSet.getOrCreateGPSDirectory();
final TiffOutputDirectory rootDir = outputSet.getOrCreateRootDirectory();
final TiffOutputDirectory intDir = outputSet.getInteroperabilityDirectory(); //Not sure what this one is used for
//Writing into the "Authors" field
rootDir.add(MicrosoftTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_XPAUTHOR, "Me");
//Writing into the "Program Name" field
rootDir.add(ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_SOFTWARE, "My App");
//Writing into the "Date taken" field
exifDir.add(ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL, "1970:01:01 12:34:56");
//Writing into the "Digitized Date"
exifDir.add(ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_DATE_TIME_DIGITIZED, "1970:01:01 12:34:56");
//Not visible in "Properties" (use image editing software to see it)
//Writing the GPS time stamp
gpsDir.add(GpsTagConstants.GPS_TAG_GPS_DATE_STAMP, "1970:01:01");
//Apparently only writes year & not visible in "Properties" (use image editing software to see it)
I haven't found the right tag for "Date Acquired" yet, so if someone knows the exact one, please comment on this answer.
Old way to go :
You can looking at a specification of EXIF metadatas and you can implement some custom parsing to get them with How to extract EXIF metadatas from JPEG files.
Recent way to go :
You can read EXIF datas with that ImageData class which is working very well
Now if you want to modify/update the images metadatas, you can use the documentation in which you will find the following method :
48 * This example illustrates how to add/update EXIF metadata in a JPEG file.
49 *
50 * #param jpegImageFile
51 * A source image file.
52 * #param dst
53 * The output file.
54 * #throws IOException
55 * #throws ImageReadException
56 * #throws ImageWriteException
57 */
58 public void changeExifMetadata(final File jpegImageFile, final File dst)
59 throws IOException, ImageReadException, ImageWriteException {
61 try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(dst);
62 OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(fos);) {
64 TiffOutputSet outputSet = null;
66 // note that metadata might be null if no metadata is found.
67 final ImageMetadata metadata = Imaging.getMetadata(jpegImageFile);
68 final JpegImageMetadata jpegMetadata = (JpegImageMetadata) metadata;
69 if (null != jpegMetadata) {
70 // note that exif might be null if no Exif metadata is found.
71 final TiffImageMetadata exif = jpegMetadata.getExif();
73 if (null != exif) {
74 // TiffImageMetadata class is immutable (read-only).
75 // TiffOutputSet class represents the Exif data to write.
76 //
77 // Usually, we want to update existing Exif metadata by
78 // changing
79 // the values of a few fields, or adding a field.
80 // In these cases, it is easiest to use getOutputSet() to
81 // start with a "copy" of the fields read from the image.
82 outputSet = exif.getOutputSet();
83 }
84 }
86 // if file does not contain any exif metadata, we create an empty
87 // set of exif metadata. Otherwise, we keep all of the other
88 // existing tags.
89 if (null == outputSet) {
90 outputSet = new TiffOutputSet();
91 }
93 {
94 // Example of how to add a field/tag to the output set.
95 //
96 // Note that you should first remove the field/tag if it already
97 // exists in this directory, or you may end up with duplicate
98 // tags. See above.
99 //
100 // Certain fields/tags are expected in certain Exif directories;
101 // Others can occur in more than one directory (and often have a
102 // different meaning in different directories).
103 //
104 // TagInfo constants often contain a description of what
105 // directories are associated with a given tag.
106 //
107 final TiffOutputDirectory exifDirectory = outputSet.getOrCreateExifDirectory();
108 // make sure to remove old value if present (this method will
109 // not fail if the tag does not exist).
110 exifDirectory.removeField(ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_APERTURE_VALUE);
111 exifDirectory.add(ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_APERTURE_VALUE,
112 new RationalNumber(3, 10));
113 }
115 {
116 // Example of how to add/update GPS info to output set.
118 // New York City
119 final double longitude = -74.0; // 74 degrees W (in Degrees East)
120 final double latitude = 40 + 43 / 60.0; // 40 degrees N (in Degrees
121 // North)
123 outputSet.setGPSInDegrees(longitude, latitude);
124 }
126 // printTagValue(jpegMetadata, TiffConstants.TIFF_TAG_DATE_TIME);
128 new ExifRewriter().updateExifMetadataLossless(jpegImageFile, os,
129 outputSet);
130 }
131 }
I have just found a usefull example for your use case I think. You will know now how to find them, I am sure it will be easier to modify them :
public Exif getExif(Photo photo) throws ServiceException {
File file = new File(photo.getPath());
String exposure = "not available";
double aperture = 0.0;
double focalLength = 0.0;
int iso = 0;
boolean flash = false;
String make = "not available";
String model = "not available";
double altitude = 0.0;
try {
final ImageMetadata metadata = Imaging.getMetadata(file);
final JpegImageMetadata jpegMetadata = (JpegImageMetadata) metadata;
if (jpegMetadata.findEXIFValueWithExactMatch(ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_EXPOSURE_TIME)
!= null) {
exposure = jpegMetadata
.getValueDescription().split(" ")[0];
if (jpegMetadata.findEXIFValueWithExactMatch(ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_APERTURE_VALUE)
!= null) {
aperture = jpegMetadata
if (jpegMetadata.findEXIFValueWithExactMatch(ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_FOCAL_LENGTH)
!= null) {
focalLength = jpegMetadata
if (jpegMetadata.findEXIFValueWithExactMatch(ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_ISO) != null) {
iso = jpegMetadata.findEXIFValueWithExactMatch(ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_ISO)
if (jpegMetadata.findEXIFValueWithExactMatch(ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_FLASH) != null) {
flash = jpegMetadata.findEXIFValueWithExactMatch(ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_FLASH)
.getIntValue() != 0;
if (jpegMetadata.findEXIFValueWithExactMatch(TiffTagConstants.TIFF_TAG_MAKE) != null) {
make = jpegMetadata.findEXIFValueWithExactMatch(TiffTagConstants.TIFF_TAG_MAKE)
if (jpegMetadata.findEXIFValueWithExactMatch(TiffTagConstants.TIFF_TAG_MODEL) != null) {
model = jpegMetadata.findEXIFValueWithExactMatch(TiffTagConstants.TIFF_TAG_MODEL)
if (jpegMetadata.findEXIFValueWithExactMatch(GpsTagConstants.GPS_TAG_GPS_ALTITUDE)
!= null) {
altitude = jpegMetadata
return new Exif(photo.getId(), exposure, aperture, focalLength, iso, flash, make, model,
} catch (IOException | ImageReadException e) {
throw new ServiceException(e.getMessage(), e);
I found the Artist Tag:
exifDirectory.add(TiffTagConstants.TIFF_TAG_ARTIST, "JANE DOUGH");
Haven't tested whether this will work though.
It works well.
Online Exif Viewer Image
The image shows that the Artist Tag works.

How to generate a tor service onion address from the public key in java?

I am trying to generate the onion address that is generated from a public key.
If the following line is added to the code in a previous post, just after privateKeyEncoded
String publicKeyEncoded = encoder.encodeToString(publicKey.getEncoded());
When I put the privateKeyEncoded into the /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/private_key, save the publicKeyEncoded and start the tor service, a new onion address is created. I am trying to get the same onion address as the tor service and from one created from the publicKeyEncoded. Using this code
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base32;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
//base64 string from the public key created
//the onion address the tor service gives when the private key is used
String onionAddressTest = "qqkhrc4men3fiqyl";
byte[] publicKeyDecoded = Base64.decodeBase64(publicKeyTest);
MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
byte[] sha1hash = messageDigest.digest(publicKeyDecoded);
int numberOfCharacters = 10;
byte[] reducedHash = new byte[numberOfCharacters];
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfCharacters; i++) {
reducedHash[i] = sha1hash[i];
Base32 base32encoder = new Base32();
String onionAddress = base32encoder.encodeAsString(reducedHash).toLowerCase();
System.out.println(onionAddress); // but this gives "7j3iz4of464hje2e"
I've tried using spongycastle to replicate my conversion but get the same answer. Which makes me think there's something wrong with how I generate the public key or there's something wrong in my initial conversion from base64.
Given the public key (publicKeyTest) how can you get the onion address (onionAddressTest) using java?
According to this and this you need to hash only the part starting at offset 22 of the X.509 SubjectPublicKeyInfo encoding used by Java which calls it 'X.509' and by OpenSSL which calls it 'PUBKEY'. I can't find any actual Tor doc on this, but I don't believe it can be accidental that this is exactly the beginning of the algorithm-dependent data in SPKI format for an RSA-1024 key:
$ openssl asn1parse -i <49833260.b64
0:d=0 hl=3 l= 159 cons: SEQUENCE
3:d=1 hl=2 l= 13 cons: SEQUENCE
5:d=2 hl=2 l= 9 prim: OBJECT :rsaEncryption
16:d=2 hl=2 l= 0 prim: NULL
18:d=1 hl=3 l= 141 prim: BIT STRING
# 18 +3 for DER tag+len +1 for unusedbitcount in BITSTRING = 22
# and the content beginning at 22 is:
$ openssl asn1parse -i -strparse 22 <49833260.b64
0:d=0 hl=3 l= 137 cons: SEQUENCE
3:d=1 hl=3 l= 129 prim: INTEGER :8C9C59094CC6766719EA2F00A207F11
135:d=1 hl=2 l= 3 prim: INTEGER :010001
# which is (exactly) the RSAPublicKey structure from PKCS1
So to do this in Java you can just assume RSA-1024, or with BouncyCastle (and I assume, but haven't tested, spongycastle as well) you can actually parse the ASN.1 properly:
byte[] pubkeyder = Base64.decode("MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCMnFkJTMZ2ZxnqLwCiB/EWHjsHbnC+sKEIrGbyOTYiTl3LygsekAX6LhgcllscLUFqSKlMRB3jRB0GAPrIc73E/hTnmWBtF8NT8DhZzl06LZ1BtNjfON1pHm87STMAayiSaXPmSOwIqOA89aJPcA9m4v4IhtjYSFXmCAsE4RqoAwIDAQAB");
MessageDigest sha1 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1");
// method 1
byte[] x1 = sha1.digest (Arrays.copyOfRange(pubkeyder, 22, pubkeyder.length));
System.out.println (new String(b32enc(Arrays.copyOf(x1,10))).toLowerCase());
// method 2
byte[] x2 = sha1.digest (SubjectPublicKeyInfo.getInstance(pubkeyder).getPublicKeyData().getOctets());
System.out.println (new String(b32enc(Arrays.copyOf(x2,10))).toLowerCase());

How Use the Apache Tika 1.16 SourceCodeParser?

Note to community: Please do not close this as duplicate because the particular issue I am researching has manifested as a null pointer exception. As you can see from the stack trace, the NPE is buried 4 layers deep in the Tika library. That means of all the great advice that was given in the existing StackExchange post on NPE, none of the Tika developers saw fit to apply that advice (checking for null pointers) in four modules. Rather than learn Tika and retrofit their code with a patch to do that work, it think it would be more efficient to ask if anyone had achieved the common use case of using the SourcCodeParser.
I am looking for help with a published example for the Tika library here. I did not author the example code. I have seen many similar questions relating to the Tika library, which has 20 contributors and thousands of lines of code. Please do not close this question as I believe this can be quickly easily answered by anyone who used this Parser before. I have already read the post on NullPointerException, and am following this advice from that question:
I still can't find the problem
If you tried to debug the problem and still don't have a solution, you
can post a question for more help, but make sure to include what
you've tried so far. At a minimum, include the stacktrace in the
question, and mark the important line numbers in the code.
As I spent much time authoring this post, retrieving and including relevant stack trace and source code, I would really appreciate it if you would allow this to spend a little bit of time in an unclosed state so that someone who is familiar with Tika might take a look at what appears to be fairly common issue. As you would know as a Java expert, many null pointer exception issues can be non-trivial, particularly when working with a large unfamiliar framework. I really appreciate your help.
I wrote a simple program to test the Tika SourceCodeParser, by substituting it for the AutoDetectParser in the XHTML parsing example from the Tika Examples page. When executing the parse command on line 137, there is a NullPointerException. It appears that there may be a delegate missing from the in on line 180 of the Parser code.
The AutoDetectParser works but does not identify the source code as java.
When I use the Tika desktop app, it works fine and recognizes the code as Java.
How do I initialize the SourceCodeParser to avoid the NullPointerException when operating it?
Example using Tika "Example" Package
123 /** Parses as Tika using source code parser.
124 *
125 * #param filePathParam path to file to parse
126 */
127 public static String toTikaXhtmlString(final String filePathParam)
128 throws IOException, SAXException, TikaException
129 {
130 SourceCodeParser parser = new SourceCodeParser();
131 ContentHandler handler = new ToXMLContentHandler();
132 Metadata metadata = new Metadata();
133 File file = new File(filePathParam);
134 try (InputStream stream
135 = ContentHandlerExample.class
136 .getResourceAsStream(filePathParam)) {
137 parser.parse(stream, handler, metadata);
138 return handler.toString();
139 } catch (Exception e) {
140 System.out.println("Caught exception.");
141 System.out.println(e.toString());
142 e.printStackTrace();
143 throw e;
144 }
146 }
I also tried avoiding the Tika 'ContentHandlerExample' class using direct call with InputStreamReader, to the same result:
public static String toTikaXhtmlString(final String filePathParam)
throws IOException, SAXException, TikaException
SourceCodeParser parser = new SourceCodeParser();
ContentHandler handler = new ToXMLContentHandler();
Metadata metadata = new Metadata();
File file = new File(filePathParam);
try (InputStream stream = new FileInputStream(file)) {
parser.parse(stream, handler, metadata);
return handler.toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
108 #Test
109 public void parseFile() {
110 String fileName, verifyInput, resultContent;
112 //arrange
113 fileName = "/Users/johnmeyer/Projects/code-proc/FileParseTest-run.txt";
115 String fileContent = "/** Test */ public MyTestClass {"
116 + "public static void main(String[] args) {"
117 + "System.out.println(\"This is a test.\"); }";
120 LocalFile.putText(fileName, fileContent);
122 verifyInput = LocalFile.getContent(fileName);
124 assertEquals(fileContent, verifyInput);
125 //act (and clean up)
127 try {
129 resultContent = LocalFile.toTikaXhtmlString(fileName);
130 } catch (Exception e) {
131 throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
132 }
134 LocalFile.delete(fileName);
136 //assert
137 assertEquals(fileContent, resultContent);
138 }
Stack Trace
[INFO] Running us.johnmeyer.test.tools.FileParseTest Caught exception.
java.lang.NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException at
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) at
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf(ParentRunner.java:271) at
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.run(ParentRunner.java:238) at
org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(ParentRunner.java:63) at
org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(ParentRunner.java:236) at
org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(ParentRunner.java:53) at
org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(ParentRunner.java:229) at
org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.run(ParentRunner.java:309) at
Tika Source Code
17 package org.apache.tika.io;
19 import java.io.FilterInputStream;
20 import java.io.IOException;
21 import java.io.InputStream;
23 /**
24 * A Proxy stream which acts as expected, that is it passes the method
25 * calls on to the proxied stream and doesn't change which methods are
26 * being called.
27 * <p>
28 * It is an alternative base class to FilterInputStream
29 * to increase reusability, because FilterInputStream changes the
30 * methods being called, such as read(byte[]) to read(byte[], int, int).
31 * <p>
32 * See the protected methods for ways in which a subclass can easily decorate
33 * a stream with custom pre-, post- or error processing functionality.
34 *
35 * #author Stephen Colebourne
36 * #version $Id$
37 */
38 public abstract class ProxyInputStream extends FilterInputStream {
40 /**
41 * Constructs a new ProxyInputStream.
42 *
43 * #param proxy the InputStream to delegate to
44 */
45 public ProxyInputStream(InputStream proxy) {
46 super(proxy);
47 // the proxy is stored in a protected superclass variable named 'in'
48 }
174 /**
175 * Invokes the delegate's <code>markSupported()</code> method.
176 * #return true if mark is supported, otherwise false
177 */
178 #Override
179 public boolean markSupported() {
180 return in.markSupported();
181 }

convert jcas object to json object

I require the output in json format, for which I have to convert the jcas object in json.
I tried using the method given in uima guide but was not successful.
Can anyone suggest me a solution.
Using JsonCasSerializer you can do this
final String note = "Serum Cholesterol 154 150 250 mgs/dl\n-\nSerum Triglycerides 67 90 200 mgs /dl\n-\nSerum HDL: Cholesterol 38 35 55 mgs /dl\n-\nSerum LDL: Cholesterol 49 85 150 mgs/d1\n-\nSerum VLDL: Cholesterol 13 10 40 mgs/dl\n-\nTotal Cholesterol / HDL Ratio: 3.90\";
final JCas jcas = JCasFactory.createJCas();
final AnalysisEngineDescription aed = getFastPipeline();
SimplePipeline.runPipeline(jcas, aed);
CAS cas = jcas.getCas();
JsonCasSerializer jcs = new JsonCasSerializer();
jcs.setPrettyPrint(true); // do some configuration
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
jcs.serialize(cas, sw); // serialize into sw
This gave me an output of the document in JSON format.

How does "Visa2" key diversification works in Gemalto cards and in GPP tool?

I have a bunch of Gemalto java cards and as you see below, I'm okay with mutual authentication process using GlobalPlatformPro:
C:\globalPlatformPro> gp -visa2 -key 47454d5850524553534f53414d504c45 -list -debug -verbose -info
Reader: ACS ACR1281 1S Dual Reader ICC 0
ATR: 3B7D96000080318065B0831111E583009000
A>> 00A40400 00
A<< 6F198408A000000018434D00A50D9F6E061291921101009F6501FF 9000
***** Card info:
A>> 80CA9F7F 00
A<< 9F7F2A4090612812919211010041849D08192420C3033241840333418403344184000003250000000000000000 9000
***** KEY INFO
A>> 80CA00E0 00
A<< E012C00401FF8010C00402FF8010C00403FF8010 9000
Key version suggests factory keys
A>> 80500000 08 2CA286A611F6CAFD 00
A<< 4D0041849D08192420C3FF0131D644E9913234DDE1F0A6A462C71805 9000
A>> 84820100 10 CC2D0CC35F6BD64F816A774D3ADB18F2
A<< 9000
//Useless lines for censored!
As VISA documents are not publicly available, I took a look at GlobalPlatformPro source code to find out how the key diversification happens in for visa2, and I found these methods there:
public static GPKeySet diversify(GPKeySet keys, byte[] diversification_data, Diversification mode, int scp) throws GPException {
try {
GPKeySet result = new GPKeySet();
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DESede/ECB/NoPadding");
for (KeyType v : KeyType.values()) {
if (v == KeyType.RMAC)
byte [] kv = null;
// shift around and fill initialize update data as required.
if (mode == Diversification.VISA2) {
kv = fillVisa(diversification_data, v);
} else if (mode == Diversification.EMV) {
kv = fillEmv(diversification_data, v);
// Encrypt with current master key
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, keys.getKey(v).getKey(Type.DES3));
byte [] keybytes = cipher.doFinal(kv);
// Replace the key, possibly changing type. G&D SCE 6.0 uses EMV 3DES and resulting keys
// must be interpreted as AES-128
GPKey nk = new GPKey(keybytes, scp == 3 ? Type.AES : Type.DES3);
result.setKey(v, nk);
return result;
} catch (BadPaddingException |InvalidKeyException | IllegalBlockSizeException e) {
throw new GPException("Diversification failed.", e);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | NoSuchPaddingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Diversification failed.", e);
public static byte[] fillVisa(byte[] init_update_response, KeyType key) {
byte[] data = new byte[16];
System.arraycopy(init_update_response, 0, data, 0, 2);
System.arraycopy(init_update_response, 4, data, 2, 4);
data[6] = (byte) 0xF0;
data[7] = key.getValue();
System.arraycopy(init_update_response, 0, data, 8, 2);
System.arraycopy(init_update_response, 4, data, 10, 4);
data[14] = (byte) 0x0F;
data[15] = key.getValue();
return data;
So I tried to repeat the host cryptogram generation for above communication. I have:
Master Key = 47454d5850524553534f53414d504c45
Based on GlobalPlatform v 2.3 Card Specification:
Host_Challenge = 2CA286A611F6CAFD
INITIAL UPDATE response: 4D0041849D08192420C3 FF01 31D644E9913234DD E1F0A6A462C71805
Key Diversification Data = 4D0041849D08192420C3
Key Information = FF01 : So SCP01 is used.
Card Challenge = 31D644E9913234DD
Card Cryptogram = E1F0A6A462C71805
So, based on the GPP source code above:
Diversification_Data = 4D00 9D081924 F001 4D00 9D081924 0F01
And then the Static ENC Key is:
Static_ENC = Encrypt(MasterKey, Diversification_Data )
So, using this online tool, I have:
It means:
Static_ENC_KEY = 84f2a84ecdade8cacc9e7e07faebe4e6
To calculate ENC Session Key, I used GlobalPlatform Specification again:
So I have:
Derivation_Data = 913234DD 2CA286A6 31D644E9 11F6CAFD
And so the ENC_Session_Key is:
ENC_Session_Key = b1ed5ea3f69978274d2ffe0de467ec1c
Finally, The generation and verification of the host cryptogram is performed by concatenating the 8-byte card challenge and 8-byte host challenge resulting in a 16-byte block and concatenating this 16-byte array with 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00. Then signing this with the ENC session key in CBC mode with a zero ICV:
Data2Encrypt = 31D644E9913234DD 2CA286A611F6CAFD 8000000000000000
And I have:
Well, I tried above steps twice and each time, at the end I was faced with a wrong host_cryptogram value! But when I repeat the steps and wrote those line by line in my question, I finally noticed that the final result that I have is equal with the GPP result at the first of my question! So instead of deleting my question, I preferred to keep it here for future viewers.
So to conclusion:
Having key diversification schemes in a smart card, adds one step to those steps that is mentioned in GlobalPlatform Card Specification for calculating Card Cryptogram and MAC values. And that step is calculating Static Keys.
Diversification_Data for Static Keys calculation are (source):
First two bytes of INITAL UPDATE response data is the same xxh xxh and bytes[4:8] of it are IC Serial Number.
Encrypting Diversification data using Triple DES Algorithm in ECB mode with Master Key, returns Static Keys.
For check the card cryptogram you have to concatenating the 8-byte of host challenge and the 8-byte of card challenge and "8000000000000000".
after make the string, Then signing this with the ENC session key in CBC mode with a zero ICV.
