Search in table codename one - java

I have created a table below that has name of the places as its entryPoint in the first column. I want to keep a textfield so that one can search for the place he wants to view in the table.
How can i do this? For eg: if i type "a" in text field, all the places starting from "a" only are shown in the table.
json value for table
connectionRequest = new ConnectionRequest() {
protected void readResponse(InputStream input) throws IOException {
JSONParser p = new JSONParser();
results = p.parse(new InputStreamReader(input));
responseInout = (Vector) results.get("inout");
for (int i = 0; i < responseInout.size(); i++) {
Hashtable hash = (Hashtable) responseInout.get(i);
String entryPoint = (String) hash.get("entry_point");
String passengerIn = (String) hash.get("passenger_in");
String passengerOut = (String) hash.get("passenger_out");
String vehicleIn = (String) hash.get("vehicle_in");
String vehicleOut = (String) hash.get("vehicle_out");
dataInOut[i][0] = entryPoint;
dataInOut[i][1] = passengerIn;
dataInOut[i][2] = passengerOut;
dataInOut[i][3] = vehicleIn;
dataInOut[i][4] = vehicleOut;
Table table = new MyTable(new DefaultTableModel(columnNamesInOut, dataInOut));
//what to do here in textField
TextField tf = new TextField();
tf.addDataChangeListener(new DataChangedListener() {
public void dataChanged(int type, int index) {
String searchPlace = tf.getText();

You can have two types of "search":
Data narrowing - this will hide the rows where the text doesn't show.
Highlight - this will highlight the cells where the data appears
If you choose the data narrowing route just create a new model without the rows that don't contain the data you want and invoke: table.setModel(searchModel); this will leave only the search results.
If you want the highlighting mode In the search field just call table.setModel(table.getModel()); this will force the table to rebuild.
Then override in the table:
protected Component createCell(Object value, int row, int column, boolean editable) {
Component c = super.createCell(value, row, column, editable);
if(isSearchedValue(value)) {
return c;
Then style SearchResult to be the highlight color you want and all is well...


Edit the cell value at a dynamic TableView?

Is it possible to edit a cell value in a dynamic TableView (dynamic rows and dynamic columns)?
All I found on the internet was some editable TextFields over the cells.
However, I want to edit the value in the table and then update my List with the new data.
I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 13.1.4 , JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0 and the newest JavaFX version.
Here is the code, where I create the dynamic rows and columns:
public List<String[]> jdata = new LinkedList<>(); //Here is the data
private TableView<String[]> sourceTable;
private ObservableList<String[]> srcData;
int clms;
public void showTable(Convert cnv) {
clms = cnv.getColums(); //number of the columns
for (int i = 0; i < clms; i++) {
TableColumn<String[], String> firstNameCol = new TableColumn<>("\tC"+(i+1)+" \t");
int index = i ;
firstNameCol.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> {
String[] rowData = cellData.getValue();
if (index >= rowData.length) {
return new ReadOnlyStringWrapper("");
} else {
String cellValue = rowData[index];
return new ReadOnlyStringWrapper(cellValue);
srcData = FXCollections.observableList(jdata);
Just do
firstNameCol.setOnEditCommit(event -> {
String[] row = event.getRowValue();
row[index] = event.getNewValue();
This code will make the firstNameCol column editable. When you click on any cell under this column, you will get a TextField where you can enter value. When you hit enter, the value gets saved in the table.
Let us say you have created a model class for your Table, and lets assume its name is TestCasesModel, this is how the above code would look.
new EventHandler<CellEditEvent<TestCasesModel, String>>() {
public void handle(CellEditEvent<TestCasesModel, String> t) {
((TestCasesModel) t.getTableView().getItems().get(
It is always a good practice to work with POJO classes instead of String arrays.
CellEditEvent must be imported like this:
import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn.CellEditEvent;

Passing empty string to db helper

I'm having some real problems passing a single string from my main activity to my db helper class. Here is my main activity method which I am returning a string 'answerSetId':
public String showNextRandomQuestion3() {
SQLDatabaseHelper db = new SQLDatabaseHelper(this);
//get the data from the database
List<List<String>> listList = db.getAllAnswersByQuestion1();
//Get the question/text/answer Strings
List<String> questionStrings = listList.get(0); //question Strings
List<String> answerSetIds = listList.get(4);
//Generate random index
Random r = new Random();
int rand = Math.abs((r.nextInt() % questionStrings.size()));
//get answer description for randomly selected question
String questionString = questionStrings.get(rand);
String answerSetId = answerSetIds.get(rand);
return answerSetId;
I specifically want to use this 'answerSetId' in one method in my db helper class (as part of a query). Here is my current code - but it is capturing an empty string '[]':
public List<List<String>> getAnswers(String answerSetId) {
List<String> array1 = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> array2 = new ArrayList<String>();
SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase();
String[] columns = new String[]{TDESCR, ADESCR};
String selection = ASID+"=?";
String[] selectionArgs = new String[]{String.valueOf(answerSetId)};
Cursor c = db.query(TABLE_ANSWERS, columns, selection, selectionArgs, null, null, null);
if (c.moveToFirst()) {
do {
String textdescr = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(TDESCR));
String answersdescr = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(ADESCR));
} while (c.moveToNext());
List< List<String> > listArray2 = new ArrayList< List<String> >();
return listArray2;
You can see that I want to use this method to retrun some more array data based on the query using the 'answerSetId' string - you'll also see where I have added a system print out which gives the empty value '[]'. But am only bothered about actually capturing the 'answerSetId' value from my main activity at this point.
How best to achieve this?
the arrays of data I will then pass onto my 'showNextAnswer()' method:
public String showNextAnswers() {
SQLDatabaseHelper db = new SQLDatabaseHelper(this);
//get the data from the database
List<List<String>> listList = db.getAnswers(answerSetId);
//Get the question/text/answer Strings
List<String> textDescrs = listList.get(0); //question Strings
// List<String> answerDescrs = listList.get(1); //text strings
// System.out.println(answerSetId);
String textDescriptions = textDescrs.toString();
// String regex = "\\[|\\]";
// textDescriptions = textDescriptions.replaceAll(regex, "");
//Separate out the question/answer of text description associated with the randomly selected question
StringTokenizer textDescr = new StringTokenizer(textDescriptions, ",");
String first = textDescr.nextToken();
// String second = textDescr.nextToken();
// String third = textDescr.nextToken();
// String fourth = textDescr.nextToken();
// subQuestionView2.setText(second);
// subQuestionView3.setText(third);
// answerView3.setText(fourth);
// System.out.println(textDescr);
return null;
FYI - I call 'showNextRandomQuestion3()' from an onClick method when user clicks to go to a next question - a new random question and the related answers to that new question will appear each click:
NextQuestionButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){;
public void onClick(View v) {
It looks like the solution is very simple. You just capture the return value of showNextRandomQuestion3(), since it returns answerSetId.
You will need to add a String parameter to the showNextAnswers() method to take the String that was returned from showNextRandomQuestion3().
So in your click event, you would do this:
NextQuestionButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){;
public void onClick(View v) {
String answerSetId = showNextRandomQuestion3(); //get return value
showNextAnswers(answerSetId); //give the ID here
Then, just add the parameter to showNextAnswers(), and you're done!
public String showNextAnswers(String answerSetId) {
SQLDatabaseHelper db = new SQLDatabaseHelper(this);
//get the data from the database
List<List<String>> listList = db.getAnswers(answerSetId); //This will work now!

How to display records in a JTable from an arraylist .TXT file in java MVC?

Currently, this is my main screen:
I have 2 files: “patient.txt” and “treatment.txt” which hold records of multiple patients and treatments.
What I’m trying to do is to display all of those records in a nice JTable whenever I click “Display Treatments” or “Display Patients”, in a screen like so:
I am using an MVC model for this Hospital Management System (with,,, files), and add records using the following code:
FileWriter tfw = new FileWriter(file.getAbsoluteFile(), true);
BufferedWriter tbw = new BufferedWriter(tfw);
tbw.write(this.view.gettNumber() + "," + this.view.gettName() + "," + this.view.gettDoctor() + "," + this.view.gettRoom());
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Successfully added treatment!"); }
Please help on how I can add a reader as well, to display all the records from the text file to a table?
Many thanks in advance!!
Keeping in line with your MVC, you could create a TableModel which knew how to read a give patient record.
Personally though, I'd prefer to separate the management of the patient data from the view, so the view didn't care about where the data came from.
To this end, I would start by creating a Patient object and a Treatment object, these would hold the data in a self contained entity, making the management simpler...
You would need to read this data in and parse the results...
List<Treatment> treatments = new ArrayList<Treatment>(25);
try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file))) {
String text = null;
while ((text = br.readline()) != null) {
String parts[] = text.split(",");
Treatmeant treament = new Treatment(parts[0],
} // Handle exception as required...
I'd wrap this into a readTreatments method in some utility class to make it easier to use...
Around about here, I'd be considering using a stand alone database or even an XML document, but that's just me.
Once you have this, you can design a TableModel to support it...
public class TreatmentTableModel extends AbstractTableModel {
protected static final String[] COUMN_NAMES = {
protected static final Class[] COLUMN_CLASSES = new Class[]{
private List<Treatment> treatments;
public TreatmentTableModel() {
this.treatments = new ArrayList<>();
public TreatmentTableModel(List<Treatment> treatments) {
this.treatments = new ArrayList<>(treatments);
public int getRowCount() {
return treatments.size();
public int getColumnCount() {
return 4;
public String getColumnName(int column) {
return COUMN_NAMES[column];
public Class<?> getColumnClass(int columnIndex) {
return COLUMN_CLASSES[columnIndex];
public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
Treatment treatment = treatments.get(rowIndex);
Object value = null;
switch (columnIndex) {
case 0:
value = treatment.getNumber();
case 1:
value = treatment.getName();
case 2:
value = treatment.getDoctor();
case 3:
value = treatment.getRoomNumber();
return value;
Then you simply apply it to what ever JTable you need...
private JTable treatments;
treatments = new JTable(new TreatmentTableModel());
add(new JScrollPane(treatments));
Then, we you need to, you would load the List of Treatments and apply it to the table...
File file = new File("...");
treatments.setModel(new TreatmentTableModel(TreatmentUtilities.readTreatments(file)));
Depending on your needs for the table, you can look at using the DefaultTableModel and populating your data using that model. The downside to that is, you may want special capability from your table, like not being able to edit cells, store more than strings, etc... in which case you might look in to extending AbstractTableModel and defining your own behavior for the model.
A simple thing to do would be to start with the default model and expand on that.
String[] myColumns = {"Treatment-Number","Treatment-Name", "Doctor-in-charge", "Room-No"};
// init a model with no data and the specified column names
DefaultTableModel myModel = new DefaultTableModel(new Object[myList.size()][4](), myColumns);
// assuming you have a list of lists...
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
for (ArrayList<Object> list : myList) {
for ( Object o : list ) {
myModel.setValueAt(o, i, j); // set the value at cell i,j to o
JTable myTable = new JTable(myModel); // make a new table with the specified data model
// ... do other stuff with the table
If you want to access the table data, you use myTable.getModel() and update the data. This will automatically update the view of the table (completing the MVC connection)
Look here for more info on using tables.

getting values from Database to JLabel

i have a table in the database of 4rows and 4columns. each column holds a different data.
now i want to retrieve all the data in the database and put them on JLabel on another form. i.e
in my Database i have.
packageName.....monthlyFee..... YearlyFee....... TotalFee
..... ..... .... ....
now i have a form that i have put 4 empty JLabels in four rows but how do i retrieve the values from the database and place each value in the appropriate Label?.
This is what i've done but i still cant get around it. im stuck.
Thank you anyone.
public void getPrices()
String srt ="SELECT * FROM program_tbl";
ps = con.con.prepareStatement(srt);
rs = ps.executeQuery();
ResultSetMetaData data = rs.getMetaData();
int colums = data.getColumnCount();
Vector rows = new Vector();
for (int i = 1; i < colums; i++)
If you want to get this data as a string then you could probably try something like:
Vector<String> rows = new Vector<String>();
while( {
String rowEntry = rs.getString("packageName") +
rs.getString("monthlyFee") +
rs.getString("yearlyFee") +
rs.getString("totalFee") +
If not String, but an object to use later, then you can create a class:
public class MyObject {
private String packageName;
private int monthlyFee;
private int yearlyFee;
private int totalFee;
public MyObject (String name, int monthlyFee, int yearlyFee, int totalFee) {
this.packageName = name;
this.monthlyFee = monthlyFee;
this.yearlyFee = yearlyFee;
this.totalFee = totalFee;
And then use it as:
Vector<MyObject> rows = new Vector<MyObject>();
while ( {
MyObject obj = new MyObject(rs.getString("packageName")
, rs.getInt("montlyFee")
, rs.getInt("yearlyFee")
, rs.getInt("totalFee")
So say we now have a vector with String values - Vector<String> rows;
now i would like to create those JLabels.
JLabel[] myLabels = new JLabel[v.size()];
for(int i=0; i<rows.size(); i++) {
as[i] = new JLabel(rows.get(i));
And now we have an array of JLabels ready to be put to applet.
Don't use a JLabel. There is no way you can easily format the data so that you get tabular data.
Instead you should be using a JTable. Read the section from the Swing tutorial on How to Use Tables for more information. You can also search the forum for examples of using a JTable with a ResultSet.

java, collect data from one JTable, using event handler change display of other JTable

Since the program is too large I'll just paste the important parts of code. Here's the problem:
I have two JTables. First one collects data from DB and displays the list of all invoices stored in DB. The purpose of the second table is when you click on one row from the table, event handler needs to collect integer from column ID. Using this ID the second table will then display all the contest of that invoice (all the products stored in it).
First and second table work perfectly. The problem is that I have no idea how can I collect certain data (I basically just need ID column) from a selected row and then through a method I already made update the second JTable with new info. Here's my code if it helps:
(PS: once I learn how to do that, will the list on the left change every time by default when I select different row, or do I need to use validate/revalidate methods?)
public JPanel tabInvoices() {
JPanel panel = new JPanel(new MigLayout("", "20 [grow, fill] 10 [grow, fill] 20", "20 [] 10 [] 20"));
/** Labels and buttons **/
JLabel labelInv = new JLabel("List of all invoices");
JLabel labelPro = new JLabel("List of all products in this invoice");
/** TABLE: Invoices **/
String[] tableInvTitle = new String[] {"ID", "Date"};
String[][] tableInvData = null;
DefaultTableModel model1 = new DefaultTableModel(tableInvData, tableInvTitle);
JTable tableInv = null;
/** Disable editing of the cell **/
tableInv = new JTable(model1){
public boolean isCellEditable(int r, int c) {
return false;
/** Load the invoices from DB **/
List<Invoice> listInv = is.getAllInvoices();
for (int i = 0; i < listInv.size(); i++) {
model1.insertRow(i, new Object[] {
/** TABLE: Invoice Info **/
String[] tableInfTitle = new String[] {"ID", "Name", "Type", "Price", "Quantity"};
String[][] tableInfData = null;
DefaultTableModel model2 = new DefaultTableModel(tableInfData, tableInfTitle);
JTable tableInf = null;
/** Disable editing of the cell **/
tableInf = new JTable(model2){
public boolean isCellEditable(int r, int c) {
return false;
/** Load the products from DB belonging to this invoice **/
List<Product> listPro = is.getInvoiceInfo(1); // Here's where I need the ID fetched from selected row. For now default is 1.
for (int i = 0; i < listPro.size(); i++) {
model2.insertRow(i, new Object[] {
/** Scroll Panes **/
JScrollPane scrollInv = new JScrollPane(tableInv);
JScrollPane scrollPro = new JScrollPane(tableInf);
panel.add(labelPro, "wrap");
return panel;
For now, the right table only displays content of the first invoice:
With the help of following code you can get the value of selected clicked cell, so you just have to click on ID cell value (the Invoicee ID whose Products you want to see in second table) and with the help of following event handler you will get the value and then you can get data based on that ID and set to second table. (In the code below, table is the object of your first table)
(Off-course you will have to apply some validation too, to check that the selected (and clicked) cell is ID not the DATE)
table.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
int row = table.rowAtPoint(e.getPoint());
int col = table.columnAtPoint(e.getPoint());
Object selectedObj = table.getValueAt(row, col);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Selected ID is " + selectedObj);
