JavaFX image scaling and reuse - java

i am actually writing a "simple" version of the game "Diablo" with JavaFX.
At the moment the screen size is absolute 800x600, everything is working fine. Now our team wants to use fullscreen on every desktop.
My Problem is: We are using images for walls, floor etc with an absolute size of 25x25. If we want to work in fullscreen mode, we would neet to scale them.
But as far as i know, you only can scale ImageView or BufferedImage. Of course we are reusing the images. e.g. a wall texture appears more than 20 times on the Pane. That's easy with an image, since you can use it again and again, but you would need 20 ImageViews for the same thing.
The screen is update about every 0.2 seconds, so we can't always scale all the ImageViews.
My ideas were:
Very many scaled ImageViews in a HashMap (bad performance)
Resizing all original images into a new resource directory at the start of the game (bad storage solution - duplicated images)
I am sure, there is a better solution and a intelligent standard workaround, but i didn't find it yet.
Thank you for every help,

Okay, i found the answer myself. Simple as usual:
Image myImage = new Image("img.png", 15, 20, false false);
scales the image in the loading process to 15x20..


Real time logo detection in live camera preview with OpenCV on Android

I am new to computer vision but I am trying to code an android app which does the following:
Get the live camera preview and try to detect one logo in that (i have the logo in my resources). In real-time. Draw a rect around the logo if found. If there is no match, dont draw the rectangle.
I already tried a couple of things including template-matching and feature detection using ORB.
Why that didnt work:
Issues with scaling and rotation. I tried a multi scale variant of it but a) the performance was really bad and b) the rectangle was of course always shown trying to search for the image. There was no way to actually confirm in the code if the logo was found or not.
ORB feature detection:
Also pretty slow (5-6 fps) but it worked ok-ish. The other problem was that also i never could be sure if the logo was in the picture or not. ORB found random matches even if the logo was not in the picture.
Like I said, I am very new to this. I would appreciate the help on what would be the best way to achieve:
Confirm if a picture A (around 200x200 pixels) is in ROI of camera picture (around 600x600 pixels).
This shouldnt take longer than 50ms per frame. I dont know if thats even possible though. So if a correct way to do this would take a bit longer than that, I would just do the work in a seperate thread and only analyze like every fifth camera frame or so.
Would appreciate any hints or code examples on how to achieve that. Thank you!
With logo detection, I would highly recommend using OpenCV HaarClassifier. It is easy to generate training samples from a collection of images of the logo, or one logo image with many distortions.
If you can use a few rules like the minimum and maximum size of the logo to be detected, and possible regions on the image where it can appear, you can run the detector at a speed better than you mention with ORB.

LibGDX different assets for different resolutions like Android

I have a game developed natively for Android, and now my users also want an iOS version. I thought LibGDX would be the better choice because it'll let me reuse Java code from the game, and also I already have some experience with it.
In my game I have different image sizes for different device densities (in drawable-hdpi, drawable-xhdpi and so on).
So, my question is: how can I achieve the same, but using LibGDX (also taking care of the new densities required by iOS device resolutions, if any change is required)?
Thank you.
Yes you can achieve the same, but it wont be automatic like on Android unless you write some native code as well. I have found that the best way to manage it is simply to do it yourself:
1) When your app starts you can get the screen size and density using, getWidth(),
2) Depending on the size and density you can change the location path to the correct folder where your assets should be loaded from.
3) Now when any asset loading code is run make sure that it uses your pre-set path from the step above, so that you get the correct assets for that display size/density.
Most of the time you can use the largest image and use `Viewports' to handle resolution and aspect ratio for you. The larger images will be scaled down and this will result in some loss of detail of course.
Viewports will automatically scale the size you want to show of your game world to the screen it displays it. For example FitViewport(100, 100) will create a viewport that shows 100 x 100 "game units". If you would play this on a 1920 x 1080 device it will scale that 100 x 100 game world to a 1080 x 1080 area and leave an empty bar of 840 x 1080.
The size of the game world has nothing to do with pixels. You could create a enemy with the size of 0.5f x 0.5f world units and give that a texture of 256 x 256 pixels. Your viewport scales this for you to the correct size.
Unless you want a pixel perfect game this should be good enough. On some bigger screens but low resolutions devices you might get some minor artefacts due to filtering, setting the filtering for your textures Texture.setFilter(TextureFilter.Nearest, TextureFilter.Linear) might fix some.
All I ever think about when designing graphics are the pixels in my art should represent roughly or at least 1 screen pixel. Usually I just draw pixel perfect for HD and it looks fine on a 800 x 480 screen. If you want to squeeze out a bit more performance you could use MipMaps, I think TexturePacker generates them automatically with the right Filter settings but I have no experience with them.
This can be done using
Here is javadoc for it.

Android - Text positioning

I have a very, very, very simple application that I'm working on (been trying my luck at writing an app in Java instead of Unity) and I have a background image that is fullscreen, this image has a lot of design and scales well with every device, and looks great (tested on every resolution we can think of).
However the text doesn't want to stay where it belongs, and that's not permissible. We have a basic setup, similar to this (however with about 6 hours of design work put into it):
and we need text to be centered in the squares at all times. How can we do this? Do we have to manually position and size it for each resolution? That seems like hell.
With a relative layout, if I understand correctly, the boxes will be parents and the text that goes into the boxes will be the children. You can put your TextViews into the boxes and then use things like android:layout_centerVertical or android:layout_centerHorizontal in order to make sure they are centered. Make sure to use sp for your font size so that it scales correctly with the density of the display.

Scale drawable in Android to support multiple screens

Currently I seek a solution to simple situation, which appeares to become tricky. I need 7 togglebuttons in android app, which are a simple black circles, but I need them to be in the row and fill parent (screen) horizontally. As a resource I use big .jpeg image of a circle. To make them fill all screens in the same mode, I put them into LinearLayout with
#android:layout_width = "fill_parent";
#android:layout_height = "wrap_content";
Weight is 70, so each button received 10. The problem is that source image is too big, which unfortunately results in...this:
(because I dont have enough reputation for posting images, here is the link )
Sorry for small amount of code and this picture taken via phone, I do not have an internet access on the computer with eclipse and this project for some time. I tried of course to change layout_height on other possibilites, but it didnt work. I could put a weight sum also on the vertical position, but on different screens it wouldn't look same.
I also tried to change the height programmatically in onCreate method,
or do the same with a layout, but nothing helped
Perhaps the question is dumm, but I would be glad to hear some ideas.
This is due to screen density variations. There are several things you can do to fix this:
Use different images for each density (but I'm assuming you're looking for another solution)
Use DisplayMetrics to get the actual width of the screen and then set width/height accordingly.
This code:
probably doesn't work because you are calling it before the layout is drawn, and therefore the width is not the drawn width. You can fix this using ViewTreeObserver like here:
How can you tell when a layout has been drawn?
Use an XML attribute like scaleType="centerFit" Personally, I find these confusing because scaleType attributes don't always seem to behave the same way to me. You might have to try different ones, but sometimes they come in handy if you need an XML only solution.

java android - fit items on a image background with different screen size

This is my first post and i have (i think) a uncommon request...
I'm programming on the last Eclipse Mac, for every android SDK, and i'm using more XML for layout than runtime... So i search a solution in XML if possible.
Here is the situation: i work with an image background wich simulate item like buttons, image, text... etc. On this image, i put buttons, image, and text (buttonview textview etc...) and place it precisely on their places on the image. This solution is very powerful to have good design BUT, if i change the resolution of the screen, and/or its size, each item won't be at its place, and will be translated (horiz and/or vertic) for some "dp"... (and yes i use dp, not mm or px or whatever)
I'm really embarrased because i think thanks to "dp" it keep proportionnality but.. not !
My question is how can i fix my items at their places on the image background, for different screen size/resolution !!
Thanks in advance everyone,
My Best From Lyon,France
First realise that if you want to make it pixel perfect for all screen sizes your out of luck.
Second accept that you can't make it perfect for all screen sizes.
Third you can get far with creating different layout for different screen sizes. You can read a lot about supporting multiple screen sizes here. One important thing to take from here is that you can make layout for the different screen sizes or different density sizes.
