I have singleton implementation of enum as below :
public enum DeviceDetail{
private Context context = null;
private int handlercheck = 0;
private String network = "";
private String deviceInfo = "NoData";
private String androidVersion = "";
private String appVersion = "";
private String appName = "";
private String deviceID;
private String deviceinfo;
public void initilize(){
// deviceInfo = getDeviceInfo();
networktype = getNetworktype(context);
deviceID = getDeviceID(context);
//androidVersion = getAndroidVersion();
appVersion = getAppVersion(context);
appName = getAppName(context);
deviceInfo = getDeviceInfo();
androidVersion = getAndroidVersion();
public static DeviceDetail getInstance() {
return DeviceDetail.INSTANCE;
I want to convert this DeviceDetail to JSON using GSON, for that I have written
public static String convertObjectToJsonString(DeviceDetail deviceData) {
Gson gson = new Gson();
return gson.toJson(deviceData);
I am calling this method as
but it only returns me the string "INSTANCE" not key value pairs as it does for objects. Suggest the changes need to be made so that I get string with all fields in enum in key value JSON.
I have ended up in using a not so elegant workaround as below :
public static String convertObjectToJsonString(DeviceDetail deviceData) {
// Gson gson = new Gson();
// GsonBuilder gb = new GsonBuilder();
JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject();
jsonObject.addProperty("androidVersion", deviceData.getAndroidVersion());
jsonObject.addProperty("appName", deviceData.getAppName());
jsonObject.addProperty("appVersion", deviceData.getAppVersion());
jsonObject.addProperty("networkType", deviceData.getNetworktype());
jsonObject.addProperty("deviceInfo", deviceData.getDeviceInfo());
jsonObject.addProperty("deviceID", deviceData.getDeviceID());
jsonObject.addProperty("city", deviceData.getCity());
jsonObject.addProperty("country", deviceData.getCountry());
return jsonObject.toString();
I have this as a substring. It is a JSON string. I am trying to get the id string from it. I was able to do this by using two indexOf's and then substring the two indexOf's. What is a better solution.
Here is my string
And here is my code.
int id = results.indexOf("id");
int cr = results.indexOf("createdTimestamp");
String strId = results.substring(id + 5, cr - 3);
A better solution is to use an actual JSON parser. There are plenty out there. Take a look at this answer on a different question. I would suggest using Gson:
String json = "{\"id\":\"762c094a-4b65-499e-b5b2-de34ef8d726e\",\"createdTimestamp\":1605558195131,\"username\":\"sssdv\",\"enabled\":false,\"totp\":false,\"emailVerified\":false,\"firstName\":\"cdf\",\"lastName\":\"dddz\",\"email\":\"hgddf#fdaddf.com\",\"disableableCredentialTypes\":[],\"requiredActions\":[],\"notBefore\":0,\"access\":{\"manageGroupMembership\":true,\"view\":true,\"mapRoles\":true,\"impersonate\":true,\"manage\":true}}";
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create(); // Create the Gson instance
JsonElement element = gson.fromJson(json, JsonElement.class); // Parse it
String id = element.getAsJsonObject().get("id").getAsString(); // Get your desired element
An even better solution would be to create a class with the fields from your JSON and parse the JSON string to that class:
public class MyObject {
// The names and types of these fields must match the ones in your JSON string
private String id, username, firstName, lastName, email;
private long createdTimestamp;
private boolean enabled, totp, emailVerified;
private String[] disableableCredentialTypes, requiredActions;
private int notBefore;
private Access access;
public String getId() {
return id;
// Other getters and setters...
private static class Access {
private boolean manageGroupMembership, view, mapRoles, impersonate, manage;
// ...
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
String json = "{\"id\":\"762c094a-4b65-499e-b5b2-de34ef8d726e\",\"createdTimestamp\":1605558195131,\"username\":\"sssdv\",\"enabled\":false,\"totp\":false,\"emailVerified\":false,\"firstName\":\"cdf\",\"lastName\":\"dddz\",\"email\":\"hgddf#fdaddf.com\",\"disableableCredentialTypes\":[],\"requiredActions\":[],\"notBefore\":0,\"access\":{\"manageGroupMembership\":true,\"view\":true,\"mapRoles\":true,\"impersonate\":true,\"manage\":true}}";
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create(); // Create the Gson instance
MyObject object = gson.fromJson(json, MyObject.class); // Parse the string to your data type
System.out.println(object.getId()); // Print the id
String results = "{\"id\":\"762c094a-4b65-499e-b5b2-de34ef8d726e\",\"createdTimestamp\":1605558195131,\"username\":\"sssdv\",\"enabled\":false,\"totp\":false,\"emailVerified\":false,\"firstName\":\"cdf\",\"lastName\":\"dddz\",\"email\":\"hgddf#fdaddf.com\",\"disableableCredentialTypes\":[],\"requiredActions\":[],\"notBefore\":0,\"access\":{\"manageGroupMembership\":true,\"view\":true,\"mapRoles\":true,\"impersonate\":true,\"manage\":true}}";
String[] parts = results.split("\"");
System.out.println(parts[3]); //gives the id, every time
This is my POJO class
public class ResourceRecord {
public ResourceRecord() {}
public String name;
public Integer ttl;
public String type;
public String rr;
public String dnsClass;
And this the serialisation:
ResourceRecord rr = new ResourceRecord() {
name = "";
dnsClass = "IN";
ttl = 600;
rr = "0431shangmao.com.";
type = "A";
String rrStr = new Gson().toJson(rr);
Apparently, rrStr gets null. Why?
I tried annotating the fields with #Expose but the result stayed the same.
I changed to constructing to:
ResourceRecord rr = new ResourceRecord("", 900,"A","1.dnstest.netshade.net.", "IN");
and it worked.
The reason why it didn't work is because you were creating anonymous innerclass of ResourceRecord when you instantiate using curly braces:
ResourceRecord rr = new ResourceRecord() {
name = "";
dnsClass = "IN";
ttl = 600;
rr = "0431shangmao.com.";
type = "A";
And Gson doesn't support serializing anonymous subclasses.
Try this,
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create();
String json = gson.toJson(obj);
obj is the object of pojo class
i have this string which i'm using for testing of api:
{"limit":30, "offset":"0", "filters": [{"property":"vlc.vlc","operator":"=","value":"DEKU113829"}]}
I would like to create JSOn object for processing in Android app using the:
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
json.put("limit", 30);
json.put("offset", "0");
But i don't know how to create "filters" section using put method...
What is the right and most effective solution for this?
JSONObject/JSONArray supports a "builder-esque" pattern and put can be chained - it will return the same (but modified) object.
JSONObject json =
new JSONObject()
.put("limit", 30)
.put("offset", "0") /* but should be 0? */
new JSONArray()
.put(new JSONObject()
.put("property", "vlc.vlc")
.put("operator", "=")
.put("value", "DEKU113829")
Alternatively, look into a POJO mapper like Gson, which I would recommend overall for ease of use and consistency.
Try this...
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
json.put("limit", 30);
json.put("offset", "0");
JSONArray js_array = new JSONArray();
JSONObject json_obj = new JSONObject();
json_obj.put("property", "vlc.vlc");
json_obj.put("operator", "=");
json_obj.put("value", "DEKU113829");
Use the Gson Library. Your model objects for the JSON will be
public class MainModel
private int limit ;
public int getlimit()
return this.limit;
public void setlimit(int limit)
this.limit = limit;
private String offset ;
public String getoffset()
return this.offset;
public void setoffset(String offset)
this.offset = offset;
private ArrayList<Filter> filters ;
public ArrayList<Filter> getfilters()
return this.filters;
public void setfilters(ArrayList<Filter> filters)
this.filters = filters;
public class Filter
private String property ;
public String getproperty()
return this.property;
public void setproperty(String property)
this.property = property;
private String operator ;
public String getoperator()
return this.operator;
public void setoperator(String operator)
this.operator = operator;
private String value ;
public String getvalue()
return this.value;
public void setvalue(String value)
this.value = value;
You can populate your filter object and create MainModel object and add the filter object to it. Next use Gson library as below to get your json string
Gson gsonParser = new Gson();
String jsonString = gsonParser.toJson(mainModelObject);
I'm having following class
public class ReturnData {
public ReturnData() {
OperationResult = Result.Failed;
Messages = "An Error Occured";
UpdateAvailable = "0";
ResultData = "";
public Result OperationResult;
public String Messages;
public String UpdateAvailable;
public Object ResultData;
I'm having json string like,
I want to assign this json string to above class.I'm using GSON for assign json string to java object.In normal class i can assign json string to java object. But for this class i couldn't assign directly. Please any one help me,
Now i'm assigning like,
String formatedjsonstring = {json string};
Log.i("FORMAT STRING:",formatedjsonstring);
Gson gson = new Gson();
ReturnData returndata = (ReturnData) gson.fromJson(
formatedjsonstring, ReturnData.class);
You could use JavaJson from sourceforge. You could pass your json string to JsonObject .parse().
Try this
JsonObject json = JsonObject .parse("{\"OperationResult\":0, \"Messages\":\"UpdateAvailable\"");
System.out.println("OperationResult=" + json.get("OperationResult"));
System.out.println("Messages=" + json.get("Messages"));
Since your Java class doesn't resemble your JSON in any way, shape or form ... you're going to have a problem with that.
Problem #1: OperationResult should be an int
Problem #2: You're declared ResultData as an Object ... Java doesn't work like that.
You need your POJO to match the JSON:
public class ReturnData {
public ReturnData() {
OperationResult = Result.Failed;
Messages = "An Error Occured";
UpdateAvailable = "0";
ResultData = "";
public int OperationResult;
public String Messages;
public String UpdateAvailable;
public MyResultData ResultData;
class MyResultData {
public String SessionId;
public String UserName;
public String AccountId;
public List<String> Roles;
public String DisplayName;
public int Status;
public int Type;
ReturnData rd = new Gson().fromJson(jsonString, ReturnData.class);
I'd also consider using Gson's #SerializedName("name") annotation to convert the PascalCase field names in your JSON to camelCase field names in Java.
#SerializedName("OperationResult") public int operationResult;
Try this:
java.lang.reflect.Type type = new TypeToken<ReturnData>(){}.getType();
ReturnData rd = new Gson().fromJson(jsonString, type);
Say I have a JSON string like:
{"title":"aaa","url":"bbb","image":{"url":"ccc","width":"100","height":"200"}, ...
My accessor:
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName;
public class accessorClass {
private String title;
private String url;
private String image;
// how do I place the sub-arrays for the image here?
public final String get_title() {
return this.title;
public final String get_url() {
return this.url;
public final String get_image() {
return this.image;
And my main:
Gson gson = new Gson();
JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
JsonArray Jarray = parser.parse(jstring).getAsJsonArray();
ArrayList<accessorClass > aens = new ArrayList<accessorClass >();
for(JsonElement obj : Jarray )
accessorClass ens = gson.fromJson( obj , accessorClass .class);
What do you think would be the best way to get those sub-arrays for the image here?
FYI if your JSON is an array: {"results:":[{"title":"aaa","url":"bbb","image":{"url":"ccc","width":"100","height":"20...},{}]}
Then you need a wrapper class:
class WebServiceResult {
public List<AccessorClass> results;
If your JSON isn't formatted like that, then your For loop you created will do it, (if not a little clunky, would be better if your JSON is formed like above).
Create an Image class
class ImageClass {
private String url;
private int width;
private int height;
// Getters and setters
Then change your AccessorClass
private ImageClass image;
// Getter and setter
Then GSON the incoming String
Gson gson = new Gson();
AccessorClass object = gson.fromJson(result, AccessorClass.class);
Job done.