Session management using spring security - java

I have created a basic spring security authentication using UserDetailsService and now I am able to validate user. However, I don't understand how to achieve below things:
Once a user is logged in, when next request comes how and where do I check if the request is coming from the same logged in user or other logged in user?
I know the concept of Spring interceptors where I can intercept all incoming request. But is there something in spring security that does this?
How can I start a session after logging in and store values in session for that user?
I browsed through existing answers but most of examples are for logging in.
I would appreciate if someone can give me examples.
I think I should use session scoped beans in order to maintain user's session contents rather than manipulating httpsession directly.

I think you really need to spend some time reading the Spring security documentation and over all JSP, servlet and MVC architecture. You have several misunderstandings,
After authentication, you don't need to start a session it was already there when the request came. Remember request.getSession()we get the session from the request and I am really NOT aware of any other way i.e. instantiating session object and assigning it to request/response. After successful authentication spring automatically sets a SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT attribute in session and this variable is later used to determine whether user is already authenticated or not (Spring does that for you, you don't need to use this attribute).
In spring security we set an authentication entry point which has information about login page url and FORM_LOGIN_FILTER which has information about login processing url, login success url and login failure url among few other things.Every request whose session doesn't have SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT and auth attribute gets redirected to login page url.
I could give the code directly but it would be great if you read at least few pages of Spring documentation here. Once you understand the concepts and are still not able to solve the problem. Edit your question with detailed problem and we will try to fix it.

At first you need to create an Authentication object using current HttpRequest as below:
public class SessionService{
public Authentication getSession(HttpServletRequest request) {
HttpSession session=request.getSession();
SecurityContext ctx= (SecurityContext) session.getAttribute("SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT");
Authentication auth=ctx.getAuthentication();
return auth;
Then, you can retrieve the session details from this Authentication object by passing the current HttpRequest as follows:
Authentication auth = sessionService.getSession(request);
The above auth object contains the details that you need.


httpSession.getAttribute("userId") returns null in spring Boot after some frequent API request from Angular front end

I am working on an app which have Frontend implemented in Angular 5 while the back end is in Spring Boot, I am using JWT tokens for authentication. Problem which i am unable to figure out is that When a user logs in I set userId in HttpSession on back end to use userId in later request by the same user.
session.setAttribute("userId", userData.getUsername());
If the same user make requests to back end's RestControllers with some interval like half a second, httpSession is returned correctly, if I make very quick requests httpSession starts returning NULL. I am making requests from Angular like this from various services.
return this.http.get('/api/account/getMyAccountList');
So i figured it out it was due Spring Security's Session Fixation behaviour, which is active by default. configuring HttpSecurity http in WebSecuirtyConfigurerAdapter can solve the problem. just need to add this configuration.
also refer to this post : Apache Tomcat 7 Changing JSESSIONID on Every Request

How does Spring detect a session?

Here is how i think session detection works in a standard way.
The user authenticates
The backend generates a sessioncookie
The backend sends the cookie in response to the client
The user sends back the cookie with every new request
And Spring detects the right session by identifying the cookie.
Here is my problem:
I am currently working on a javafx client and use springs own kind of RMI via AuthenticationSimpleHttpInvokerRequestExecutor to make my authentification. It works fine, but i save some data in session-scoped beans. I fill these beans in the first request and expect my data to still be there at the second request. But with every request i get a new (empty) session-scoped bean.
I guess spring does not recognize the session and opens a new one. Thats why i get new session-scoped beans with every request.
AuthenticationSimpleHttpInvokerRequestExecutor does not send any cookie but it sends username and password as http-basic-authentification with every request. So there is plenty of Information left to still find the Session and inject the correct session-scoped Beans. Why does not spring use username and password to identify a session?

Spring Security - Anonymous Authentication - HttpSessionRequestCache

Please help me on this.
void setCreateSessionAllowed(boolean createSessionAllowed)
method of
class says
If true, indicates that it is permitted to store the target URL and exception information in a new HttpSession (the default). In situations where you do not wish to unnecessarily create HttpSessions - because the user agent will know the failed URL, such as with BASIC or Digest authentication - you may wish to set this property to false.
So I did not understand the description properly, also we are using a product and its documentation says setting it to false will disable the creation of anonymous user sessions.
So my question is, session creation and associating it with a request is servlet container's job. So How come using this method(setCreateSessionAllowed) will not create a session.
Please validate my understanding, is it correct or not. also
setCreateSessionAllowed(false), will JSESSIONID be created or not?
The HttpSessionRequestCache saves the last URL requested by the client in a user session.
This is used by spring security, when it redirects you to a login page, to restore the url after a successful login.
In case of basic or digest authentication is directly authenticated or asked to resend the request with the credentials. Therefore URL caching is not necessary.
If setCreateSessionAllowed is set to true, it will by default create a session to store the last url.
If set to false it will only support this feature if a session is already is created.
If no url is stored, spring security will use the default target URL supplied in the spring security configuration.
As for your last question, it is not directly obvious to me how it will affect the anonymous login feature of your mentions product.

Filter for checking session existence

I am developing a web application in Struts. I have a requirement that I have to check that a session exists for user. If the user session exists then user can access the resource, or I need to check session variable existence before accessing every JSP page.
For that I make use of filter where I check for the session variable existence. But when I use filter, every request is routed to that filter--even the login page request is routed to filter. The login page doesn't need the filter check applied, what to do for this?
This is typical session filter use case. For login page request, not to be filtered, you need have a different URL for login page which will be excluded in the URL mapping for the filter.
In the filter itself, you can check what is the requested URL, its login page then don't check for the session. But I would recommend the earlier approach because its rightly address the Separation of Concern philosophy.

Spring Session Management

I'm using Spring for my web app. I have used several SimpleFormControllers. I've created a session in the first SimpleFormController for the login page using:
HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
How can I protect other SimpleFormControllers using Sessions, i.e. so that other controllers won't load if the user is not loged in.
Thank you
You probably want to use Spring Security.
It's flexible and allows restrictions based on roles.
Without it, you will need to manually check in every controller whether the user logged in or not. Or you'll have to "reinvent" a security framework by adding filter to the webapp.
If you only want to protect the operation of getting the session, you need to write a filter that wraps the original request and overrides the getSession methods. There you can check for login data using the original request's getSession().
BTW, getSession() is equivalent to getSession(true)
To protect the Controller from access outside of the intended Session, you may want to compare the Scoping rules you need with this clearly written Guide.
How to get Session Object In Spring MVC
The author gives an example of creating a Controller annotated with #Scope("session")
