Hexagon tiles not lining up properly, gaps inbetween - java

I'm trying to draw a map with hexagonal tiles. However, I'm struggling to get the tiles to line up properly, so there is no space inbetween them. One with the tiles I use normally and one zoomed in on with another tile made to make sure it's not just the antialiasing playing tricks on me.
This is the code that's responsible to get the pixel coordinates for every tile. Apparently there's some miscalculation with the offset of every odd row, but simply adding or subtracting a pixel only increases the gaps.
private static final float HEX_WIDTH = 97; // 139 for colored tiles
private static final float HEX_HEIGHT = (float) (Math.sqrt(3)/2 * HEX_WIDTH);
public Vector2 getHexCoordinates(Hexagon hex) {
float x = (float) HEX_WIDTH * hex.getGridX() * 3 / 4;
float y = (float) HEX_HEIGHT * (hex.getGridX() / 2 + hex.getGridY());
y = (hex.getGridX() % 2 == 0) ? y : y + HEX_HEIGHT / 2;
return new Vector2(x, y);
In addition here's the tiles I'm using in case anyone is wondering.

Have you tried simply decreasing HEX_WIDTH by 1?
private static final float HEX_WIDTH = 96;
Your Height is apparently fine because you have no horizontal gaps.

Scaling the individual Sprites by 1.01f reduced the size of the gaps enough to consider this problem solved.


Libgdx/Java: After converting GPS to pixelcoordinates, route is rotated 90°

I had written before about implementing a map in my libgdx project.
I did that using a snapshot of said google map, importing the GPS bounds of the snapshot, the route-latlong values, a locationservice (via interface) and the snapshot as Gdx.files.local string.
Hopefully, the last issue I have right now is that the route is rotated about 45 degrees clockwise. Otherwise my 'enemies' walk a perfect path. I already figured out that I had to 'flip' my y-axis; before that it was rotated AND flipped upside down.
I was hoping someone here with more experience might have dealt with something similar before and has some advice :)
This is basically the code that creates a Waypoint array, after converting the GPS coordinates to pixel-coordinates that correspond to the gps-bounds of the map-snapshot (bottom-left-corner and upper-right-corner see here, as well as the width and height of the map-texture.
private void convertPathToScreen(double[] gpsRoute){
for(int i = 0; i<gpsRoute.length; i++){
if(i % 2 != 0) {
screenRouteCoordinates[i] =
screenRouteCoordinates[i] =
public int x_GpsToScreenConversion(double x_pointInGpsCoords){
double percentage = 1 - Math.abs((x_pointInGpsCoords - x_GpsMin) /
(x_GpsMax - x_GpsMin));
return (int)((percentage* Math.abs(mapWidth - mapOrigin)) + mapOrigin);
public int y_GpsToScreenConversion(double y_pointInGpsCoords){
double percentage = (y_pointInGpsCoords - y_GpsMin) / (y_GpsMax - y_GpsMin);
return (int)((percentage* Math.abs(mapHeight - mapOrigin)) + mapOrigin);
Edit: Now that I think of it, the error might be in my pathfinding code, although I tested it before moving my project forward and it worked solidly for all values I put in. Anyway, for completness...es sake
private void calculatePathing(){
angle = (float) (Math.atan2(waypointsToGoal[waypoint].y - getY(), waypointsToGoal[waypoint].x - getX()));
velocity.set((float) Math.cos(angle) * speed, (float) Math.sin(angle) * speed);
So the question is basically: How do I fix the 90° clockwise rotation that buggers up my game? Can I rotate the coordinates of the array around the center of the map (where all enemies walk to) or is there a mistake in the conversion-code here?
Solution: (Patchwork, but it gets the job done!)
I simply rotated my waypoints by the degree I needed around the destination-point. It doesn't solve the underlying issue, but it solves the symptom.
private void createWaypointArray(){
//formula requires radians
double angle = Math.toRadians(90);
double current_x;
double current_y;
// waypointCache.size()-1 gets me the last waypoint, the destination around which I rotate
double center_x = waypointCache.get(waypointCache.size()-1).x;
double center_y= waypointCache.get(waypointCache.size()-1).y;
// Loop through Vector2 Array, rotate the points around destination and save them
for(int i = 0; i < waypointCache.size()-1; i++){
current_x = waypointCache.get(i).x;
current_y = waypointCache.get(i).y;
waypointCache.get(i).x = (float)((current_x-center_x) * Math.cos(angle) - (current_y-center_y) * Math.sin(angle) + center_x);
waypointCache.get(i).y = (float)((current_x-center_x) * Math.sin(angle) + (current_y-center_y) * Math.cos(angle) + center_y);
// this does work, but also translates the points because it rotates around the
// worldaxis, usable when points lie on normal kartesian axis I guess
// waypointCache.get(i).rotate(90);
this.wayPointArray = waypointCache.toArray(new Vector2[waypointCache.size()]);

LibGdx - Make sprite follow a line path

I have an isometric map drawn.
I take the current position of my sprite and the target position of where my sprite should be at after the move:
// region is my TextureRegion.
int x1 = getIsometricX(1,1,region);
int x2 = getIsometricX(1,2,region);
int y1= getIsometricY(1,1,region);
int y2 = getIsometricY(1,2,region);
And then I draw a simple line using ShapeRenderer to see if the local/target points are correctly set, and the rectangle so you can see where the sprite rendering starts.
renderer.line(x1 + location.getOffsetx(), y1 + location.getOffsety(), x2 + location.getOffsetx(), y2 + location.getOffsety());
renderer.rect(x1 + location.getOffsetx(), y1 + location.getOffsety(), region.getRegionWidth(), region.getRegionHeight());
Every sprite of mine has set offsetX and offsetY to adjust its location on the isometric tile, because every sprite is different.
Output looks like this:
what you can see here, is the starting point of where the sprite starts to draw (you see that offsets adjusted it so the sprite looks like its on the 1,1 tile.
and you can see the line which starts at the starting draw point of the sprite, and ends at the target draw point of the sprite.
Now my question is, how can I make that sprite move on that line's path, so it will look like the ship is moving forward?
So the main concept of the question is.. How can you make a sprite move in a straight line, from local point to target point?
Some functions you might need to see:
public int getIsometricX(int x, int y, TextureRegion region) {
return (x * GameTile.TILE_WIDTH / 2) - (y * GameTile.TILE_WIDTH / 2) - (region.getRegionWidth() / 2);
public int getIsometricY(int x, int y, TextureRegion region) {
return (x * GameTile.TILE_HEIGHT / 2) + (y * GameTile.TILE_HEIGHT / 2) - (region.getRegionHeight() / 2);
Tiles are drawn using the same method, just with Tile's texture.
I would like to answer myself this question, because other people might have the same issue and just over-complicate it like me.
If you want to perform any move on your isometric map, do not follow my misunderstandings and calculate it on the isometric coordinates.
You have to calculate it on your flat screen matrix coordinates, and then convert it to isometric coordinates.
For example, I want to move up like this line, all I need to do is this:
ship.y += 0.1f // when it reaches 1, then it will be at 0, 1
So you know that you want to be at 0,1 on your non-isometric map.
So you do this increment, and then for last, you have to convert it to isometric coordinates before drawing:
float x = (ship.x * GameTile.TILE_WIDTH / 2) - (ship.y * GameTile.TILE_WIDTH / 2) - (textyure.getWidth() / 2);
float y = (ship.x * GameTile.TILE_HEIGHT / 2) + (ship.y * GameTile.TILE_HEIGHT / 2) - (texture.getHeight() / 2);
And that will draw it on the isometric map, exactly like on your screen-coordinates, but on an isometric format.
for(float x : new float[targetx - currentx]) {ship.setPosition(ship.getX + x, ship.getY); }
And you would do the same for y.
I guess this is wrong since you're calling this every frame I assume.
Instead you would keep track of your distance traveled between target and ship and you would increment sip position by 1 each time to x and y until it reached the distance.

Java equal too, but with a buffer

I have made a simple game and I have a simple way to detect when I have collected a coin but it is very hard to match its position exactly.
public class Token {
private String name;
int x;
int y;
private BufferedImage image;
public Token (String nameIn, int xIn, int yIn, BufferedImage imageIn)
name = nameIn;
x = xIn;
y = yIn;
image = imageIn;
public boolean collected(Hero frylark) {
if (frylark.getX() == x && frylark.getY() == y) {
return true;
else {
return false;
Is there any way i can have a buffer of say 10 pixels instead of
matching the position of the coin exactly.
A distance between two points in a two-dimensional field is the sum of the squares of the differences between their corresponding coordinates:
public boolean collected(Hero frylark) {
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(frylark.getX() - x , 2) +
Math.pow(frylark.getY() - y , 2)
) <= 10.0;
Based on Mureinik's answer, you can do this faster by not use Math.pow nor Math.sqrt.
double dx = frylark.getX() - x;
double dy = frylark.getY() - y;
return dx*dx + dy*dy <= 10.0*10.0;
I have made a simple game and I have a simple way to detect when I have collected a coin but it is very hard to match its position exactly.
I will propose a slightly different approach for you. If you attempt to detect collision by using only the x and y coordinates, it is very hard to detect collision since you need both pixels to hit at the same spot.
This problem arises especially when you try to check collision for images of different sizes:
With your current implementation, in order for the Game Character to hit the coin, the red pixel (top left hand corner) has to collide, and you end up needed to add a buffer for images of different sizes to check for collision.
I will advise returning a bounding box for each object and check weather their bounding boxes intersects:
public boolean collected(Hero h){
Rectangle heroBox = new Rectangle (h.getX(), h.getY(), h.getWidth(), h.getHeight());
Rectangle coinBox = new Rectangle (x, y, width, height);
You will need the width and height (which is usually the width and height of your images) of your objects for creating the bounding box.
You no longer have to check the size of each image and set the buffer for them individually.
Is there any way i can have a buffer of say 10 pixels instead of
matching the position of the coin exactly.
Adding a buffer:
If you still want a buffer, say 10 pixel. We can still apply it in this implementation:
public boolean collected(Hero h, int buffer){
Rectangle heroBox = new Rectangle (h.getX(), h.getY(), h.getWidth() + buffer, h.getHeight() + buffer);
Rectangle coinBox = new Rectangle (x, y, width + buffer , height + buffer);
By adding the given buffer, we enlarge the area of the bounding boxes, hence making it more sensitive. You can always tweak from my example to add the buffer on one of the objects, both objects, or on only the width or the height of either objects.

Rotate a triangle continuously

I have a float[] newCoords variable that has a size of 9. The first 3 entries represent one vertex, the next 3 represent the second vertex and the last 3 represent the last vertex.
I have some code that is supposed to rotate a triangle anywhere in space when I feed it the coordinates. It looks like this:
float s = (float) Math.sin(0.5);
float c = (float) Math.cos(0.5);
float[] centroid = getCentroid(newCoords);
newCoords[0] -= centroid[0];
newCoords[1] -= centroid[1];
newCoords[3] -= centroid[0];
newCoords[4] -= centroid[1];
newCoords[6] -= centroid[0];
newCoords[7] -= centroid[1];
newCoords[0] = (newCoords[0] * c) - (newCoords[1] * s);
newCoords[1] = (newCoords[0] * s) + (newCoords[1] * c);
newCoords[3] = (newCoords[3] * c) - (newCoords[4] * s);
newCoords[4] = (newCoords[3] * s) + (newCoords[4] * c);
newCoords[6] = (newCoords[6] * c) - (newCoords[7] * s);
newCoords[7] = (newCoords[6] * s) + (newCoords[7] * c);
newCoords[0] += centroid[0];
newCoords[1] += centroid[1];
newCoords[3] += centroid[0];
newCoords[4] += centroid[1];
newCoords[6] += centroid[0];
newCoords[7] += centroid[1];
The problem is, its not rotating it properly, the triangles are spinning and getting smaller and smaller until they disappear for some reason, can anyone see why this is happening?
EDIT: whoops, almost forgot, here is my getCentroid() method.
private float[] getCentroid(float[] p1) {
float[] newCoords = new float[] {(p1[0] + p1[3] + p1[6]) / 3.0f,
(p1[1] + p1[4] + p1[7]) / 3.0f, 0};
return newCoords;
I see two problems with your code. Both are fixed with a little change.
You try to apply a rotation operation, taking X and Y coordinates as input and having the new X and Y as output. For every vertex you rotate, you have two lines of code: the first computes the X, the second the Y coordinate. But when computing the Y coordinate, you use the already rotated X coordinate! That's wrong.
There is also a numerical problem. You reuse the old values again and again, resulting in a chain of rotation computations a value makes though, so the numerical errors sum up. Never rely on such computations to work as expected. Instead, you should work with the original values and increase the angle in each frame. This makes sure that each value only participated in a single rotation computation.
For fixing both problems, keep the original coordinates somewhere in your code, I call them coords, and rewrite the code such that you take that array as input (keep newCoords as the output). Increase the rotation angle in each frame to achieve a rotation animation.
This fixes both problems because you get rid of that chain and also you have different arrays for input and output in your rotation function.
// initial:
angle = 0.0;
coords = (initial coordinates)
// per frame:
angle += 0.5;
newCoords = rotate(coords, angle);
Also, please note that 0.5 is a large angle if you want to rotate by that angle frame by frame. The math functions expect angle in radians (not degrees), so you might want to use a lower value depending on what you want to visualize in particular.
You might wonder why I reuse the old angle in each frame, as according to the above mentioned problem 2., it should introduce numerical problems, since it's also a chain of computations. That's not a problem with the rotation angle, as a simple summation doesn't show such bad numerical errors you experience with applying rotations. Yet it has some problems, but they only show up at very long running times when the angle reaches some billions. The reason why such a summation in general is not that bad is because you're changing the variable in the same direction in each frame as well as a slightly off rotation angle isn't noticed very much by the user.

Convert 2d game world coordinates to screen position

I have a system that generates chunks of 2d game map tiles. Chunks are 16x16 tiles, tiles are 25x25.
The chunks are given their own coordinates, like 0,0, 0,1, etc. The tiles determine their coordinates in the world based on which chunk they're in. I've verified that the chunks/tiles are all showing the proper x/y coordinates.
My problem is translating those into screen coordinates. In a previous question someone recommended using:
(worldX * tileWidth) % viewport_width
Each tile's x/y are run through this calculation and a screen x/y coordinate is returned.
This works for tiles that fit within the viewport, but it resets the screen x/y position calculation for anything off-screen.
In my map, I load chunks of tiles within a radius around the player so some of the inner tiles will be off-screen (until they move around, tile positions on the screen are moved).
I tried a test with a tile that would be off screen:
Tile's x coord: 41
41 * 25 = 1025
Game window: 1024
1025 % 1024 = 1
This means that tile x (which, if the screen 0,0 is at map 0,0, should be at x:1025, just off the right-hand side of the screen) is actually at x:1, appearing in the top-left.
I can't think of how to properly handle this - it seems to me like I need take the tileX * tileWidth to determine it's "initial screen position" and then somehow use an offset to determine how to make it appear on screen. But what offset?
Update: I already store an x/y offset value when the player moves, so I know how to move the map. I can use these values as the current offset, and if someone saves the game I can simply store those and re-use them. There's no equation necessary, I would just have to store the cumulative offsets.
The modulo (worldX*tileWidth % screenWidth) is what's causing it to reset. Modulo (%) gives you the remainder of an integer division operation; so, if worldX * tileWidth is greater than screenWidth, it will give you the remainder of (worldX * tileWidth) / screenWidth; if worldX * tileWidth is screenWidth+1, remainder is 1: it starts over at the beginning of the row.
If you eliminate the modulo, it will continue to draw tiles past the edge of the screen. If your drawing buffer is the same size as the screen, you'll need to add a check for tiles at the edge of the screen to make sure you only draw the tile portion that will be visible.
If you're trying to keep the player centered on the screen, you need to offset each tile by the player's offset from tile 0,0 in pixels, minus half the screen width:
offsetX = (playerWorldX * tileWidth) - (screenWidth / 2);
screenX = (worldX * tileWidth) - offsetX;
x = ((worldX*tileWidth) > screenWidth) ? worldX*tileWidth : (worldX*tileWidth)%screenWidth;
That should work. Though I recommend implementing something like an interface and letting each tile decide where they want to be rendered. Something like this
interface Renderable {
void Render(Graphics2D g)
class Tile implements Renderable{
int x,y
//other stuff
Render(Graphics2D g){
if (!inScreen()){
boolean inScreen(){
//if the map moves with the player you need to define the boundaries of your current screenblock in terms of the global map coordinates
//What you can do is store this globally in a singleton somewhere or pass it to the constructor of each tile.
//currentBlock.x is then player.x - screenWidth/2
//currentBlock.width is then player.x + screenWidth/2;
//similar for y
if(this.x < currentBlock.x || this.x > currentBlock.Width)
return false;
if (this.y < currentBlock.y || this.y > currentBlock.height)
return false;
return true;
//If the map are in blocks (think zelda on snes where you go from one screenblock to another) you still need to define the boundaries
//currentBlock.x = (player.x / screenWidth) (integer division) *screenWidth;
//currentBlock.width = (player.x /screenWidth) (...) * screenWidth + screenWidth;
//same for y
//Then perform above tests
