I am developing a java class with JT400 and trying to get the result of the command “dspmsg qsysopr" with:
AS400 as400 = new AS400(system, user, password);
CommandCall cmd = new CommandCall(as400);
cmd.runCommand("dspmsg qsysopr");
I found out that the command runs in a JOB with the user QUSER, but an spool file with the result is generated under the user "user" specified when I instantiate the object AS400.
I can successfully run the command, but instead of the messages in the queue I have as result:
"Printer output created."
I get this result with the code:
Job job = cmd.getServerJob();
AS400Message[] messageList = cmd.getMessageList();
for (int i = 0; i < messageList.length; i++) {
Question 1: Is there a way to not receive the messages in a spool file but have it returned to me as na AS400Message or something similar?
Not been able to do so, I am using the following method to get the spool file:
public String getSpoolFile (
String splfname, // splf name
String splfnumbert, // splf number
String jobname, // job name
String jobuser, // job user
String jobfnumber // job number
) throws Exception {
int splno = Integer.parseInt(splfnumbert);
SpooledFile sf = new SpooledFile( as400, // system
splfname, // splf name
splno, // splf number
jobname, // job name
jobuser, // job user
jobfnumber );
PrintParameterList printParms = new PrintParameterList();
printParms.setParameter(PrintObject.ATTR_MFGTYPE, "*WSCST");
// Create a page input stream from the spooled file
PrintObjectPageInputStream is;
String data ="";
String response ="";
is = sf.getPageInputStream(printParms);
BufferedReader d = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
while((data = d.readLine() )!=null)
return response;
The problem is: I don't have the parameters to call the method "getSpoolFile".
If I manually log in AS400, check the spool file details and call the method with the manually obtained parameters, I successfully get the spool file.
But the JOB object I receive under:
Job job = cmd.getServerJob();
After running:
cmd.runCommand("dspmsg qsysopr");
Is not the same Job that created the spool file. For example, If I check:
I have "QUSER" as result, but the spool file is generated under “user” output queue.
Question 2: How can I get the JOB related to the generation of that spool file?
Question 3: can I also get the parameters related to the spool file generated like the spool file number and spool file name?
I need the following information in order to call the "getSpoolFile" method:
Spool file name
Spool file number
Job name
Job user
Job number
You probably don't want to "print" the messages at all. You haven't said what you want to do with any messages once you get them (and getting QSYSOPR messages is probably not a good idea in the first place).
You might review AS/400 Message queue filtering - JT400 and then begin thinking how you want to proceed. There is a lot that can be done with messages.
Not specifically how to retrieve the spool file information but this will get you the QSYSOPR messages if that is your ultimate goal.
AS400 sys = new AS400(as400system,username,password);
//Get the user object for QSYSOPR
User u = new User(sys,"qsysopr");
//Get the path to the user's message queue
String qpath = u.getMessageQueue();
//Retrieve the message queue object
MessageQueue queue = new MessageQueue(sys, qpath);
// Get the list of messages currently in this user's queue.
//Get the first 15 messsages
QueuedMessage[] qm = queue.getMessages(0,15);
//Loop through the messages
for (int i = qm.length -1; i >=0; i--)
Of course there are other properties, date, reply status, user that you can retrieve from the QueuedMessage class. No parsing needed.
I work on university project in java. I have to download attachments from new emails using GMAIL API.
I successfully connected to gmail account using OAuth 2.0 authorization.
private static final List<String> SCOPES = Collections.singletonList(GmailScopes.GMAIL_READONLY);
I tried to get unseen mails using
ListMessagesResponse listMessageResponse = service.users().messages().list(user).setQ("is:unseen").execute();
listMessageResponse is not null but when I call method .getResultSizeEstimate() it returns 0
also I tried to convert listMessageResponse to List < Message > (I guess this is more usable) using
List<Message> list = listMessageResponse.getMessages();
But list launches NullPointerException
Then tried to get each attachment with
for(Message m : list) {
List<MessagePart> part = m.getPayload().getParts();
for(MessagePart p: part) {
if(p.getFilename()!=null && p.getFilename().length()>0) {
System.out.println(p.getFilename()); // Just to check attachment filename
Is my approach correct (if not how to fix it) and how should I download those attachments.
Fixed q parameter, I mistakenly wrote is:unseen instead of is:unread.
Now app reaches unread mails successfully.
(For example there was two unread mails and both successfully reached, I can get theirs IDs easy).
Now this part trows NullPointerException
List<MessagePart> part = m.getPayload().getParts();
Both messages have attachments and m is not null (I get ID with .getID())
Any ideas how to overcome this and download attachment?
Attachments Downloading part
for(MessagePart p : parts) {
if ((p.getFilename() != null && p.getFilename().length() > 0)) {
String filename = p.getFilename();
String attId = p.getBody().getAttachmentId();
MessagePartBody attachPart;
FileOutputStream fileOutFile = null;
try {
attachPart = service.users().messages().attachments().get("me", p.getPartId(), attId).execute();
byte[] fileByteArray = Base64.decodeBase64(attachPart.getData());
fileOutFile = new FileOutputStream(filename); // Or any other dir
}catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("IO Exception processing attachment: " + filename);
} finally {
if (fileOutFile != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// probably doesn't matter
Downloading working like charm, tested app with different type of emails.
Only thing left is to change label of unread message (that was reached by app) to read. Any tips how to do it?
And one tiny question:
I want this app to fetch mails on every 10 minutes using TimerTask abstract class. Is there need for manual "closing" of connection with gmail or that's done automatically after run() method iteration ends?
public void run(){
// Some fancy code
service.close(); // Something like that if even exists
I don't think ListMessagesResponse ever becomes null. Even if there are no messages that match your query, at least resultSizeEstimate will get populated in the resulting response: see Users.messages: list > Response.
I think you are using the correct approach, just that there is no message that matches your query. Actually, I never saw is:unseen before. Did you mean is:unread instead?
When using Users.messages: list only the id and the threadId of each message is populated, so you cannot access the message payload. In order to get the full message resource, you have to use Users.messages: get instead, as you can see in the referenced link:
Note that each message resource contains only an id and a threadId. Additional message details can be fetched using the messages.get method.
So in this case, after getting the list of messages, you have to iterate through the list, and do the following for each message in the list:
Get the message id via m.getId().
Once you have retrieved the message id, use it to call Gmail.Users.Messages.Get and get the full message resource. The retrieved message should have all fields populated, including payload, and you should be able to access the corresponding attachments.
Code sample:
List<Message> list = listMessageResponse.getMessages();
for(Message m : list) {
Message message = service.users().messages().get(user, m.getId()).execute();
List<MessagePart> part = message.getPayload().getParts();
// Rest of code
Class ListMessagesResponse
Users.messages: list > Response
I tried to write a very simple job with only 1 mapper and no reducer to write some data to hbase. In the mapper I tried to simply open connection with hbase, write a few rows of data to a table and then close connection. In job driver I am using JobConf.setNumMapTasks(1); and JobConf.setNumReduceTasks(0); to specify that only 1 mapper and no reducer are to be executed. I am also setting the reducer class to IdentityReducer in jobConf. The strange behavior I am observing is that the job successfully writes the data to hbase table however after that I see in the logs it continuously tried to open connection with hbase and then closes the connection which goes on for 20-30 minutes and after the job is declared to have completed with 100% success. At the end when I check the _success file created by the dummy data I put in OutputCollector.collect(...) I see hundred of rows of dummy data when there should only be 1.
Following is the code for job driver
public int run(String[] arg0) throws Exception {
Configuration config = HBaseConfiguration.create(getConf());
JobConf jobConf = new JobConf(config, getClass());
//set map specific configuration
//set reducer specific configuration
//set job specific configuration details like input file name etc
FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(jobConf, jobConf.get(ETLJobConstants.ETL_JOB_FILE_INPUT_PATH));
System.out.println("setting output path to : " + jobConf.get(ETLJobConstants.ETL_JOB_FILE_OUTPUT_PATH));
new Path(jobConf.get(ETLJobConstants.ETL_JOB_FILE_OUTPUT_PATH)));
return 0;
Driver class extends Configured and implements Tool (I used the sample from definitive guide)Following is the code in my mapper class.
Following is the code in my Mapper's map method where I simply open the connection with Hbase, do some preliminary check to make sure table exists and then write the rows and close the table.
public void map(LongWritable arg0, Text arg1,
OutputCollector<LongWritable, Text> arg2, Reporter arg3)
throws IOException {
HTable aTable = null;
HBaseAdmin admin = null;
try {
* set-up hbase config
admin = new HBaseAdmin(conf);
* open connection to table
String tableName = conf.get(ETLJobConstants.ETL_JOB_TABLE_NAME);
HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(toBytes(tableName));
String colFamilyName = conf.get(ETLJobConstants.ETL_JOB_TABLE_COLUMN_FAMILY_NAME);
byte[] tablename = htd.getName();
/* call function to ensure table with 'tablename' exists */
* loop and put the file data into the table
aTable = new HTable(conf, tableName);
DataRow row = /* logic to generate data */
while (row != null) {
byte[] rowKey = toBytes(row.getRowKey());
Put put = new Put(rowKey);
for (DataNode node : row.getRowData()) {
put.add(toBytes(colFamilyName), toBytes(node.getNodeName()),
arg3.setStatus("xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo added another data row to hbase");
row = fileParser.getNextRow();
arg3.setStatus("xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Finished adding data to hbase");
} finally {
if (aTable != null) {
if (admin != null) {
arg2.collect(new LongWritable(10), new Text("something"));
arg3.setStatus("xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoadded some dummy data to the collector");
As you could see around the end that I am writing some dummy data to collection in the end (10, 'something') and I see hundreds of rows of this data in the _success file after the job has terminated.
I can't identify why the mapper code is restarted multiple times over and over instead of running just once. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Using JobConf.setNumMapTasks(1) is just saying to hadoop that you wish to use 1 mapper, if possible, unlike the setNumReduceTasks, which actually defines the number that you specified.
That's why more mappers are run and you observe all these numbers.
For more details, please read this post.
Is there a way to use one Input data in two tasks? I have a program that has to check if an Email matches a particular pattern and at the end if an email is correct the program prints it. In my case I have to write the email twice, one time so an email can be stored in a variable email = In.readLine(); and the second time so it can be checked vname = In.readIdentifier(); and I want to write it just once.
Out.print("Please enter an Email-Adress: ");
email = In.readLine();
name = In.readIdentifier();
if (!In.done()) {
Out.println("Error : False name");
Change your readIdentifier() function so you can pass the previously read "email" variable to it instead of reading from In again.
You dont need to read email twice. So your custom code:
email = In.readLine();
name = In.readIdentifier();
can be changed to:
email = In.readLine();
//name = In.readIdentifier();
and further in your business logic you could just use email instead.
I am using Java EMR API to run pig job on EMR cluster. I am using following code to add Steps in JobFLow:
String jobFlowId = "j-assdasd";
AmazonElasticMapReduceClient client = new AmazonElasticMapReduceClient(
StepFactory stepFactory = new StepFactory();
StepConfig executePig = new StepConfig()
.withName("Execute Pig")
AddJobFlowStepsRequest pig = new AddJobFlowStepsRequest(jobFlowId)
.withSteps( executePig);
AddJobFlowStepsResult result = client.addJobFlowSteps(pig);
How can i get the status of the "Execute Pig" status? I want to make program wait till the step finishes on EMR.
I found a way to do it java:
List<String> id = result.getStepIds();
DescribeStepResult res = client.describeStep(new DescribeStepRequest().withStepId(id.get(0)));
StepStatus status = res.getStep().getStatus();
String stas = status.getState();
But, here we need to loop on status till its return completed.
As Ajay mentioned on his own answer, there is a need for a loop to constantly check the statuses of the cluster, bootstrap actions, and steps. This post shows how to create such loop to keep the program inside of it until a certain status is reached.
I tried to create a multiuserchat with Java. I'm using smack library.
Here is my code to create multiuserchat:
MultiUserChat muc = new MultiUserChat(connection, "roomname#somehost");
Form form = muc.getConfigurationForm();
Form submitForm = form.createAnswerForm();
submitForm.setAnswer("muc#roomconfig_roomname", "A nice formatted Room Name");
submitForm.setAnswer("muc#roomconfig_roomdesc", "The description. It should be longer.");
muc.addMessageListener(mucMessageListener); // mucMessageListener is a PacketListener
Then, I tried to capture the message sent by this room created above using mucMessageListener:
private PacketListener mucMessageListener = new PacketListener() {
public void processPacket(Packet packet) {
if (packet instanceof Message) {
Message message = (Message) packet;
// this is where I got the problem
As the message received by other part (the user who is not the owner of this multiuserchat), can he somehow get the value set in this line above:
submitForm.setAnswer("muc#roomconfig_roomname", "A nice formatted Room Name");
You see, getting just the JID of the room is not really good for the view. I expect I could have a String which value is "A nice formatted Room Name".
How can we get that?
You can easily get its configurations like name and etc from this code:
MultiUserChatManager mucManager = MultiUserChatManager.getInstanceFor(connection);
RoomInfo info = mucManager.getRoomInfo(room.getRoom());
now you can get its informations like this:
String mucName = info.getName();
Boolean isPersistence = info.isPersistent();
and etc.
Retrieving the value of muc#roomconfig_romname is described in XEP-45 6.4. Smack provides the MultiUserChat.getRoomInfo() method to perform the query.
RoomInfo roomInfo = MultiUserChat.getRoomInfo(connection, "roomname#somehost.com")
String roomDescription = roomInfo.getDescription()
If you want to read a value of var for example title name of room in config
Form form = chat.getConfigurationForm();
String value = form.getField("muc#roomconfig_roomname").getValues().next();
then do what ever you want with value..