launching Jython console with Tomcat 8 servlet - java

If I launch Jython like this:
"java -cp jython.jar"
"java -cp jython.jar org.python.util.jython"
works ok and launches Jython REPL
if I include another jar like:
"java -cp jython.jar:servlet-api.jar org.python.util.jython"
gaves me the folowing error:
Error: Could not find or load main class org.python.util.jython
Any ideas how can I fix the error?
(both .jar(s) are available and in the current folder)

java -cp jython.jar:servlet-api.jar org.python.util.jython works for me on OpenJDK 7u221 and Jython 2.7.1.


Bash on windows can't find class even after setting classpath

I need to include .jar file when running the java class. When I use cmd on my windows, I can successfully run using the following command
java -cp .;MyLib.jar; MyClass
However when I tried to use bash on the same PC, I got error - can't find or load main class. I searched online and some say I needed to use ./* instead of just . for the current directory. So far I tried these commands:
java -cp .:MyLib.jar: MyClass
java -cp ./*:MyLib.jar: MyClass
java -cp ".:MyLib.jar:" MyClass
java -cp "./*:MyLib.jar:" MyClass
only getting "ClassNotFoundException" every time.I know the class exists because if I switch to cmd when it runs fine. I was also able to run the class on bash shell on a mac using the following command
java -cp .:MyLib.jar: MyClass
Then I built a simple class and ran in bash without classpath
java MyTest
So using -classpath caused the issue. How do I include the current directory in bash? Why did it work on bash on a mac? Is it because I was running bash on windows? I am so puzzled by this problem.
And if it helps, I can compile in bash just not able to run the class. javac -cp MyLib.jar compiled the file in bash. I am working under the same directory where MyClass.class is.
Edit: the solution is java -cp ".;MyLib.jar;" MyClass. I thought I posted here for anyone who ran into the same issue as I did. Please see comments for explanation. Thank you torek!

Class not found when running program from command line

Here is the structure of my project:
Inside Main, I import the content of mp3agic:
import com.mpatric.mp3agic.*;
From MyProject, I compile the class using:
javac -cp "lib/*" src/com/company/
From MyProject/src, I try to run the program with:
java -cp . com/company/Main
and I get the following error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/mpatric/mp3agic/InvalidDataException
Apparently, the jdk can not find the dependencies from the lib folder when running the class, albeit this problem doesn't occur when compiling.
I guess there's a problem with the syntax of the command, but I just can't find it.
Can you please help me?
EDIT: I solved the problem, moving the lib folder under src and then running:
C:\MyProject\src>javac -cp "lib/*" com/company/
C:\MyProject\src>java -cp .;"lib/*" com/company/Main
Now, the code compiles and executes without any issue.
HOWEVER, if I leave lib under the project root, this is what happens:
C:\MyProject>javac -cp "lib/*" src/com/company/
C:\MyProject>java -cp .;"lib/*" src/com/company/Main
Error: Could not find or load main class
You should use maven or gradle or you'll have to say which console are your using, and which operating system -if you don't know what a console is, you'll first have to google for that before messing with javac directly- But if you insist:
for Linux, OSX, any UNIX-like:
javac -cp ".:lib/mp3agic-0.9.0.jar" src/com/company/
for Windows:
javac -cp ".;lib/mp3agic-0.9.0.jar" src/com/company/
To run under windows:
java -cp .;lib\mp4agic-0.9.0.jar
You may need to use slash (/) instead of backslash depending of which console you're using. Or just try "/" or "\" and see what works for you.
If you still get class not found exception, then the issue is not related with classpath or java command but on your code (hard to say, without seeing the code).
java.exe -classpath {path} Main
I think you have to add classpath also and when run the program(not only compile)

How to import external jars in command line or Atom?

I have been using IntelliJ to run my java programs that require some external jars. I also learned that if I want to compile and run my program from the command line I should do the following:
java -classpath someJar.jar YourMainClass
or for many libraries:
java -classpath someJar.jar;myJar.jar YourMainClass
However, while placed in the src folder where my class it doesn't seem to find my class.
I also like using the Atom text editor but I don't know any package that can import external libraries like an IDE does. So how do I do it in Atom or in cmd in Windows 10? I am kind of a newbie to java dev outisde my beloved IDE, so I would really appreciate some help.
If you're on a Windows system then try compiling (with the jar) using the following command in cmd:
javac -cp .;jar-name.jar *.java
To run the command with the jar use:
java -cp .;jar-name.jar JavaCodeName
If you're on a Unix system then you can try the following to compile in terminal:
javac -cp jar-name.jar:. *.java
And to run it use:
java -cp jar-name.jar:. JavaCodeName
I'm not too familiar with Atom so I don't know if there is an attachment to do this, but it should work for terminal / command prompt.

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when running my java program

i'm new with java.
when i come to run my java app i'm getting this error below:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/poi/EncryptedDocumentException
the issue it is ALSO happens when i'm adding the classpath to my command:
java -jar myApp.jar -classpath .\lib
when i'm copy myApp.jar to the lib direcotry and running form there it's working fine.
thanks for the help guys.
You cannot use both -jar and -classpath at the same time. If you use -jar, it will ignore your -classpath and use settings from the manifest in the jar. Try all in the classpath:
java -cp myApp.jar:lib/*:. mypackage.MyClass
On Windows you need to use ';' instead of ':'
java -cp myApp.jar;lib/*;. mypackage.MyClass
See similar question here: Execute jar file with multiple classpath libraries from command prompt

Antlr: Could not find or local main class even when it is there

I have an antlr grammar and I have written and listener for it. I am running the latest version of ubuntu.
I run the following commands
java -jar antlr-4.1-complete.jar -package pascal -o pascal pascal.g4
javac -cp antlr-4.1-complete.jar pascal/*.java
java -cp antlr-4.1-complete.jar pascal.pascal sample1.pascal
Everything seems to go fine until the final run command. I get this :
When I try to do the Run command I get "Error: Could not find or load main class pascal.pascal
I have tried to change pascal.pascal to pascal/pascal.
I have Java "1.7.0_55" installed.
I really do not understand why this does not work as the files with the same commands run on my friends mac.
I do not need help with the actual work, just as to why I keep getting this Error.
If you have any ideas it would be appreciated
You didn't add the pascal package to the classpath.
From Mac OS X and Linux do:
java -cp .:antlr-4.4-complete.jar pascal.pascal sample1.pascal
and from Windows:
java -cp .;antlr-4.4-complete.jar pascal.pascal sample1.pascal
Also have a look at Java's code conventions: class names should start with an upper case.
