What dependencies needed for AndroidJUnit4.class - java

I am creating a test class to test an Android application and I would like to use the AndroidJUnit4 class as runner:
However I can't figure out what dependencies do I need to add to my Maven project to get it. I tried these:
The last one seemed the most promising but it only added the following classes:
which is not what I need.

You can either add this directly:
Or if you are just looking for the dependencies, try to look this page:


NiFI :- Failed to create Extension Definition for CONTROLLER_SERVICE org.apache.nifi.record.sink.lookup.RecordSinkServiceLookup

I'm trying to use DBCPConnectionPool service in my custom processor. So, how to use in-built controller services (which are already available on NiFi) in our custom processors.
Here are my properties in *-nar/->pom.xml
Here are my dependencies in *processors/->pom.xml
And here is my propertydescriptor for DBCPConnetionPool service :-
public static final PropertyDescriptor DBCPConnectionPool_SERVICE = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
.name("DBCPConnectionPoolLookup Service")
.description("The Controller Service to use in order to establish a connection")
and in my OnTrigger method I didn't used it as :-
DBCPService DBCPService = context.getProperty(DBCPConnectionPool_SERVICE)
Connection con = DBCPService.getConnection();
and was trying to use this con object as in regular passion createStatement->executeQuery.
When I tried to package it using mvn clean install it started throwing error as : A required class was missing while executing org.apache.nifi:nifi-nar-maven-plugi
n:1.3.1:nar: org/apache/nifi/record/sink/RecordSinkService
then I added the following dependencies in processors/->pom.xml
This time it was new error as :- Failed to create Extension Definition for CONTROLLER_SERVICE org.apache.nifi.record.sink.lookup.RecordSinkServiceLookup: Null
I also checked by commenting out code which I have written, to check the way I'm using that property was wrong but, even that didn't worked.:-
DBCPService DBCPService = context.getProperty(DBCPConnectionPool_SERVICE)
Connection con = DBCPService.getConnection();
Can someone help me out in order to use DBCPConnectionPoolService controller service in my custom processor?
I had the same issues the other day and I solved it by using AbstractControllerService instead of DBCPConnectionPool therefore not needing org.apache.nifi.dbcp.DBCPService anymore. Therefore my code would look like this:
MyService DBCPService = context.getProperty(DBCPConnectionPool_SERVICE)
Connection con = DBCPService.getConnection();
MyService is the custom interface that extends ControllerService.(you have to use it when you also define the PropertyDescriptor DBCPConnectionPool_SERVICE)
And StandardMyService the class that extends AbstractControllerService and implements MyService and getConnection() from it.

Why do I receive fails when I try to run my framework? [duplicate]

Im having issues running a feature in Cucumber, the feature is very basic as it's from a tutorial.
It is not defined and is as follows:
Feature: Proof that my concept works
Scenario: My first test
Given this is my first step
When this is my second step
Then this is my final step
My Cucumber runner class is as follows:
package cucumber;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;
format = {"pretty", "json:target/"},
features = {"src/cucumber/"}
public class CucumberRunner {
Also the external .jar files that I have in the project are as follows:
The exception that I'm getting is:
Exception in thread "main" cucumber.runtime.CucumberException: Failed
to instantiate public
with [cucumber.runtime.io.MultiLoader#75d837b6]
I've tried to look around online for the solution to this problem but have not had any luck.
I've also discussed with the OP of the tutorial and I'm still awaiting feedback but it has been a while.
I ran into a similar issue and got the same error as you did.
Firstly mention the path to the feature file
features = {"src/cucumber/myfile.feature"}
Anyway, that didn't cause the error.
To just run your Cucumber runner class, all the dependencies you need are
cucumber-java and
I had an additional cucumber-guice which was creating the problem and once I removed it, the error went away and runner was executed successfully.
From the link to the image you have mentioned it looks like you are not using cucumber-guice but still I would recommend you remove other unnecessary cucumber dependencies and try again.
1, I ran into this too few days ago, its simple just remove cucumber-Spring from the dependency.
2 If that doesn't work try updating cucumber-core, cucumber-junit, and cucumber-java all version 1.2.3
I believe the issue is that many of the cucumber add-ins, such as cucumber-testng, cucumber-spring, and (in my case) cucumber-guice, expect the corresponding module they link to be included as well. But apparently the cucumber experts decided not to include this dependency in their pom.xml files, so the problem doesn't manifest itself until runtime.
So (to answer Eugene S's question under LING's answer) if you want to actually use guice with cucumber, you need to also add guice itself as a dependency.
This worked for me, I hope it will work for you as well.
Update your Cucumber dependencies in pom.xml
cucumber-java (1.2.2)
cucumber-jvm (1.2.2)
cucumber-junit (1.2.2)
And update your Junit dependency as well. (4.11).
The only reason for this error is the version of all the cucumber libraries are not same. It should be like this:
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.cucumber/cucumber-picocontainer -->
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.cucumber/cucumber-testng -->
First Thing : We would request you to use Cucumber v >=4.0.0 as you are using pretty old dependency(v1.2.5) of Cucumber.
Key Point : We shall not mix direct & transitive dependencies specially their versions! Doing so can cause unpredictable outcome.
Solution: Please remove. cucumber-core, cucumber-java, cucumber-jvm-deps, gherkin and cucumber-html. They're transitive dependencies and will be provided by your direct dependencies.
You can add below set of cucumber minimal dependencies.
After spending a lot of time on this issue, most of the errors I was receiving were due to dependencies and dependencies versions mismatch. Adding these dependencies to pom.xml file worked for me:
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/junit/junit -->
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.cucumber/cucumber-jvm -->
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.cucumber/cucumber-junit -->
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.cucumber/cucumber-java8 -->

cannot create EMRclient - Sdkclientexception

ive been trying to create a cluster using the Emrclient
EmrClient emrClient = EmrClient.builder().
when i try to run the code, i get an SDKexception:
Exception in thread "main" software.amazon.awssdk.core.exception.SdkClientException: Unable to load an HTTP implementation from any provider in the chain. You must declare a dependency on an appropriate HTTP implementation or pass in an SdkHttpClient explicitly to the client builder.
at software.amazon.awssdk.core.exception.SdkClientException$BuilderImpl.build(SdkClientException.java:98)
at software.amazon.awssdk.core.internal.http.loader.DefaultSdkHttpClientBuilder.lambda$buildWithDefaults$1(DefaultSdkHttpClientBuilder.java:49)
at java.base/java.util.Optional.orElseThrow(Optional.java:408)
at software.amazon.awssdk.core.internal.http.loader.DefaultSdkHttpClientBuilder.buildWithDefaults(DefaultSdkHttpClientBuilder.java:43)
at software.amazon.awssdk.core.client.builder.SdkDefaultClientBuilder.lambda$resolveSyncHttpClient$5(SdkDefaultClientBuilder.java:269)
at java.base/java.util.Optional.orElseGet(Optional.java:369)
at software.amazon.awssdk.core.client.builder.SdkDefaultClientBuilder.resolveSyncHttpClient(SdkDefaultClientBuilder.java:269)
at software.amazon.awssdk.core.client.builder.SdkDefaultClientBuilder.finalizeSyncConfiguration(SdkDefaultClientBuilder.java:220)
at software.amazon.awssdk.core.client.builder.SdkDefaultClientBuilder.syncClientConfiguration(SdkDefaultClientBuilder.java:153)
at software.amazon.awssdk.services.emr.DefaultEmrClientBuilder.buildClient(DefaultEmrClientBuilder.java:27)
at software.amazon.awssdk.services.emr.DefaultEmrClientBuilder.buildClient(DefaultEmrClientBuilder.java:22)
at software.amazon.awssdk.core.client.builder.SdkDefaultClientBuilder.build(SdkDefaultClientBuilder.java:124)
at task2.App.main(App.java:27)
after searching online in the aws docs, i found that to create the EMRclient we need to make the builder look like this:
EmrClient emrClient = EmrClient.builder().
but no matter what i do, my IDE doesnt recognize the class ApacheHttpClient,
ive tried to import : import software.amazon.awssdk.http.apache.ApacheHttpClient;
but it doesnt recognize it even though i added it to my POM:
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/software.amazon.awssdk/apache-client -->
was wondering if anyone has encountered this and was able to fix it?
thanks in advance

What is the dependancy for EmbeddedActiveMQBroker?

I'm new to Maven and not sure how to write dependancies for my pom.xml
I am trying to use the following class:
import org.apache.activemq.junit.EmbeddedActiveMQBroker;
And this is my attempt at writing a dependancy:
But I am still getting an error
Try with the following.
You can get the details from mvnrepository.com.
First of all we go to the official Maven Dependencies Page of ActiveMQ - https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.activemq/activemq-broker/5.15.9.
Then, we go to the "Test Dependencies" category, where we clearly can see the JUnit artifact.
so, use in your pom.xml file next dependency for version 5.15.19:
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.activemq/activemq-broker -->
Add also the next dependency:
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.activemq.tooling/activemq-junit -->

Selenium WebDriver 3.0.1 Actions class missing from selenium-api-3.0.1.jar from Maven repository

I am using Selenium WebDriver 3.0.1 in a Maven based project. This code snippet fails (does not compile):
Actions myActions = new Actions(myWebDriver);
because the org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions class is missing from the selenium-api-3.0.1.jar downloaded from maven.
This is the relevant portion of the pom.xml:
I also tested this alternative dependency in pom.xml:
but in both cases the org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions class is missing from the downloaded selenium-api artifact.
Searching the class in Maven repository with grepcode.com finds only version 2.47.1 or older.
I downloaded the Selenium Client & WebDriver Language Bindings zip package directly from the http://www.seleniumhq.org/download/ url and the included client-combined-3.0.1-nodeps.jar file does contain the org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions class.
It seems that I am missing something ... but I really have no idea how to fix the Maven dependency. Any help will be enthusiastically accepted!
Seems like the org.openqa.selenium.interactions package, including the Actions class, got moved to selenium-remote-driver.
You can either add a dependency to selenium-remote-driver directly, or, even simpler, add a dependency to to selenium-java (that depends on selenium-chrome-driver which in turn depends on selenium-remote-driver). I would try to go with the latter option as this should allow you to get rid of a lot of other explicit dependencies as well.
