Getting a null-point exception in Neo4j data retrieval - java

I have the following code.
GraphDatabaseFactory dbFactory = new GraphDatabaseFactory();
GraphDatabaseService db= dbFactory.newEmbeddedDatabase("C:/Users/shadid/Documents/Neo4j/DB");
ExecutionEngine execEngine = new ExecutionEngine(db, null);
ExecutionResult execResult = execEngine.execute("MATCH (mat:TheMatrix) RETURN mat");
String results = execResult.dumpToString();
I am getting a null point exception. I have tried running the command in the neo4j command line. So the data do exist. I am not quite sure where is the error. Quite a noob in neo4j so could someone please help me out
Here's the error I am getting by the way
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.CypherCompiler.(CypherCompiler.scala:69)
at org.neo4j.cypher.ExecutionEngine.createCompiler(ExecutionEngine.scala:237)
at org.neo4j.cypher.ExecutionEngine.(ExecutionEngine.scala:64)
at App.Main.main(

Just found a more intuitive way of doing the same thing and it works yay!!!
try ( Transaction ignored = db.beginTx();
Result result = db.execute( "MATCH (n:TheIronGiant) RETURN n.`title: `" ) )
String rows ="";
while ( result.hasNext() )
Map<String,Object> row =;
for ( Entry<String,Object> column : row.entrySet() )
rows += column.getKey() + ": " + column.getValue() + "; ";
rows += "\n";

You are using the ExecutionEngine constructor that takes a LogProvider as the second parameter, but passing a null value for it. If you called the single-parameter constructor instead, which does not take a LogProvider, you may not get the exception.
Also, ExecutionEngine class is now deprecated, and you should use GraphDatabaseService.execute() instead.


How to find the selected id in my List<String> ids arraylist?

Here is my code. I am trying to use JUnit to test the deleteUsers() method, but everytime I write my test, it deletes all the users that I have in the database. How can i delete a single user? Below is the code for the method and for the test.
public boolean deleteUsers(List<String> ids) throws Exception {
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
sql.append("delete from user where ");
for (String id : ids) {
sql.append(" id = ? or");
String strSql = sql.toString().substring(0, sql.length() - 2) + ";";
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = this.connection.prepareStatement(strSql);
for (int i = 0; i < ids.size(); i++) {
preparedStatement.setInt(1 + i, Integer.parseInt(ids.get(i)));
int lines = preparedStatement.executeUpdate();
return lines > 0;
You're missing a check for empty input. In your test you pass an empty list to deleteUsers which results in this SQL statement:
delete from user wher;
I'd expect that the DBMS would reject this as invalid SQL but perhaps there are some where this is interpreted as delete from user which simply deletes all users. (As #SteveBosman pointed out the wher is interpreted as table alias as it is - due to the missing last e - no reserved word anymoere)
Basically you have 2 options. Either deleting all users by passing an empty list is a valid use case - in which case you should handle it properly by producing proper SQL. Or this is not expected and you should adapt your code to throw an Exception if ids is empty.
public boolean deleteUsers(List<String> ids) throws Exception {
if (ids == null || ids.size() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("List of IDs must not be empty");
You could of course return false in case of an empty input as well to indicate no users were deleted.
To pass values to the deleteUsers method in your test you need to add values to the used list:
userDAOImpl.addUser("admin3", "111222");
final List<String> idsToDelete = new ArrayList<>();
The problem is caused by how the SQL is built. When deleteUsers is passed an empty list then the generated SQL will be:
delete from user wher
which will result in all data being deleted (the table user is given the alias "wher"). I highly recommend checking at the start of the method if the collection is empty and either raising an exception or returning.
Add the following check
if (ids == null || ids.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ids must not be empty");
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
sql.append("delete from user where");
String orClause = "";
for (String id : ids) {
sql.append(" id = ?");
orClause = " or";

using JPA, method is taking a 60 sec

I am working with JPA, my web application is taking 60 sec to execute this method, I want to execute it faster how to achive ?
public boolean evaluateStudentTestPaper (long testPostID, long studentID, long howManyTimeWroteExam) {
Gson uday = new Gson();
Logger custLogger = Logger.getLogger("");
//"evaluateTestPaper test paper for testPostID: " +
// testPostID);
long subjectID = 0;
// checking in table
EntityManagerFactory EMF = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.get();
EntityManager em = EMF.createEntityManager();
List<StudentExamResponse> studentExamResponses = null;
try {
studentExamResponses = em
"SELECT o FROM StudentExamResponse o where o.studentId=:studentId And o.testPostID=:testPostID and o.howManyTimeWroteExam=:howManyTimeWroteExam")
.setParameter("studentId", studentID).setParameter("testPostID", testPostID)
.setParameter("howManyTimeWroteExam", howManyTimeWroteExam).getResultList();
+ uday.toJson(studentExamResponses) + "---------------------------------------");
} catch (Exception e) {"exception at getting student details:" + e.toString());
studentExamResponses = null;
int studentExamResponseSize = studentExamResponses.size();
if (AppConstants.SHOWLOGS.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {"student questions list:" + studentExamResponseSize);
// Get all questions based on student id and test post id
List<ExamPaperRequest> examPaperRequestList = new ArrayList<ExamPaperRequest>();
List<Questions> questionsList = new ArrayList<Questions>();
// StudentExamResponse [] studentExamResponsesArgs =
// (StudentExamResponse[]) studentExamResponses.toArray();
//"Total questions to be evaluated: " +
// examPaperRequestList.size());
List<StudentTestResults> studentTestResultsList = new ArrayList<StudentTestResults>();
StudentTestResults studentTestResults = null;
StudentResults studentResults = null;
String subjectnames = "", subjectMarks = "";
int count = 0;
boolean lastIndex = false;
if (studentExamResponses != null && studentExamResponseSize > 0) {
// studentExamResponses.forEach(studentExamResponses->{
for (StudentExamResponse o : {
// 900 lines of coade inside which includes getting data from database Queries
As #Nikos Paraskevopoulos mentioned, it should probably be the ~900 * N database iterations inside that for loop.
I'd say to avoid DB iterations as much as you can, specially inside a loop like that.
You can try to elaborate your current StudentExamResponse sql to englobe more clauses - those you're using inside your for mainly, which could even diminish the amount of items you iterate upon.
My guess would be your select query is taking time.
If possible, set query timeout to less than 60 seconds & confirm this.
Ways of setting query timeout can be found out there - How to set the timeout period on a JPA EntityManager query
If this is because of query, then you may need to work to make select query optimal.

SimpleJdbcCall always omits the first parameter in function calls

I'm trying to use the SimpleJdbcCall class to call functions in an Oracle package, but every call ignores the first input parameter.
My code looks like this:
SimpleJdbcCall call = new SimpleJdbcCall(jdbcTemplate.getJdbcTemplate())
.declareParameters(new SqlParameter("FIRST_ARGUMENT", Types.VARCHAR), new SqlParameter("SECOND_ARGUMENT", Types.VARCHAR));
SqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource().addValue("FIRST_ARGUMENT", "VALUE1").addValue("SECOND_ARGUMENT", "VALUE2");
Integer result = call.executeFunction(Integer.class, params);
with my function being:
The stacktrace shows this kind of errors:
org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: CallableStatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [{? = call MY_SCHEMA.MY_PACKAGE.MY_FUNCTION(?)}];
A parameter has been removed. A call to another function with just one parameter throws a similar error:
org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: CallableStatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [{? = call MY_SCHEMA.MY_PACKAGE.MY_OTHER_FUNCTION()}];
I've tried debugging the Spring code, spring-boot-starter-jdbc:2.0.1.RELEASE (2.0.0 too), and I've come accross this code in the org.springframework.jdbc.core.metadata.CallMetaDataContext class, when composing the call:
if (isFunction() || isReturnValueRequired()) {
callString = "{? = call " +
(StringUtils.hasLength(catalogNameToUse) ? catalogNameToUse + "." : "") +
(StringUtils.hasLength(schemaNameToUse) ? schemaNameToUse + "." : "") +
procedureNameToUse + "(";
parameterCount = -1;
else {
callString = "{call " +
(StringUtils.hasLength(catalogNameToUse) ? catalogNameToUse + "." : "") +
(StringUtils.hasLength(schemaNameToUse) ? schemaNameToUse + "." : "") +
procedureNameToUse + "(";
for (SqlParameter parameter : this.callParameters) {
if (!(parameter.isResultsParameter())) {
if (parameterCount > 0) {
callString += ", ";
if (parameterCount >= 0) {
callString += createParameterBinding(parameter);
callString += ")}";
If I've understood the code, the first parameter will always be ommited, am I right?
Has anybody had success in this situation?
M. Deinum is right and the return parameter must be specified too, I expected Spring to automatically add it when working with functions.
My code now:
SimpleJdbcCall call = new SimpleJdbcCall(jdbcTemplate.getJdbcTemplate())
.declareParameters(new SqlOutParameter("return",Types.INTEGER)
,new SqlParameter("FIRST_ARGUMENT", Types.VARCHAR)
,new SqlParameter("SECOND_ARGUMENT", Types.VARCHAR));
SqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource().addValue("FIRST_ARGUMENT", "VALUE1").addValue("SECOND_ARGUMENT", "VALUE2");
Integer result = call.executeFunction(Integer.class, params);

Java returning null pointer exception for SQL query that gets passed to JSP

I am working on a school assignment that required us to use SQL statements in Java code as well as use the LIKE operator for a search. In order to properly search I have to get a string from the user, and split the string by any delimiter, and then run the query like so:
SELECT * FROM movies WHERE (movies.title LIKE '%userInput%');
I then return this query in the form of an ArrayList.
Now, when I was testing it out. I originally tested it with no user input, and my query became: SELECT * FROM movies WHERE (movies.title LIKE '%%');. This gave me the correct results.
However when I put a title in there, all of the sudden I get a NullPointerException on this line:
if(title.equals("")) { return "(movies.title LIKE '%%') "; from this section of my code:
public String getSearchString(String title) {
if(title.equals("")) { return "(movies.title LIKE '%%') "; }
String ret = "(";
ArrayList<String> titleArray = Util.splitSearch(title);
for(int i = 0; i < titleArray.size() - 1; ++i) {
String temp = titleArray.get(i);
String stmt = "movies.title LIKE '%" + temp + "%' OR ";
ret += stmt;
String temp = "movies.title LIKE '%" + titleArray.get(titleArray.size() - 1) + "%')";
ret += temp;
return ret;
This is then called like so:
public List<Movie> listMovies(String title) throws SQLException {
List<Movie> search = new ArrayList<Movie>();
if(null != title && title.isEmpty()) { title = ""; }
ResultSet res = queryMovies(getSearchString(title));
while( {
Movie mov = new Movie();
return search;
private static queryMovies(String st) throws SQLException {
ResultSet res = null;
try {
PreparedStatement ps = dbcon.prepareStatement(st);
res = ps.executeQuery();
} catch(SQLException e) {
return res;
I unfortunately have to do this since I won't know how much a user will enter. And I am also not allowed to use external libraries that make the formatting easier. For reference my Util.splitSearch(...) method looks like this. It should be retrieving anything that is a alphanumeric character and should be splitting on anything that is not alphanumeric:
public static ArrayList<String> splitSearch(String str) {
String[] strArray = str.split("[^a-zA-Z0-9']");
return new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(strArray));
What is interesting is when I pass in getSearchString(""); explicitly, I do not get a NullPointerException. It is only when I allows the variable title to be used do I get one. And I still get one when no string is entered.
Am I splitting the String wrong? Am I somehow giving SQL the wrong statement? Any help would be appreciated, as I am very new to this.
the "title" which is passed from input is null, hence you're getting nullpointerexception when you do title.equals("").
Best practices suggest you do a null check like (null != title && title.equals("")).
You can also do "".equals(title)

Why does the NetBeans Java debugger never reach this code?

I'm trying to debug a method in Java using NetBeans.
That method is:
public Integer getNumberOfClamps(Locations paLocation) {
Integer ret = -1;
List list = new ArrayList();
String removeme = "ABC";
if (paLocation == null) {
return ret;
try {
IO io = new IO(this.getSchemaName());
Session session = io.getSession();
String sql = "select count(*) from assets a join assettypes at on ( = a.assettype_id) ";
sql += "where a.currentlocation_id = " + paLocation.getId() + " and at.clamp = 1 and = 1;";
list = session.createQuery(sql).list();
// for some reason, list is empty yet MySQL reports 40 records
// and the following two lines are never reached!
ret = list.size();
removeme = "WHAT???";
} catch (Exception ex) {
ret = -1; // explicitly set return
} finally {
return ret;
Towards the middle of the method you will see list = session.createQuery(sql).list();
For some reason, this is returning an empty list even though when the SQL is run manually, I get 40 results.
But the odd part is that once the .list() is called, it jumps to the finally block and never reaches the rest! So for testing, 'removeme' should equal WHAT??? but the debugger reports it as still ABC.
What gives?
You are using the wrong method. 'createQuery' is expecting HQL syntax. Change your method to 'createSQLQuery'
