Does Java 8 have cached support for suppliers? - java

The guava library has it's own Supplier which does not extend Java 8 Supplier. Also guava provides a cache for suppliers - Suppliers#memoize.
Is there something similar, but for Java 8 Suppliers?

There's no built-in Java function for memoization, though it's not very hard to implement it, for example, like this:
public static <T> Supplier<T> memoize(Supplier<T> delegate) {
AtomicReference<T> value = new AtomicReference<>();
return () -> {
T val = value.get();
if (val == null) {
val = value.updateAndGet(cur -> cur == null ?
Objects.requireNonNull(delegate.get()) : cur);
return val;
Note that different implementation approaches exist. The above implementation may call the delegate several times if the memoized supplier requested simultaneously several times from the different threads. Sometimes such implementation is preferred over the explicit synchronization with lock. If lock is preferred, then DCL could be used:
public static <T> Supplier<T> memoizeLock(Supplier<T> delegate) {
AtomicReference<T> value = new AtomicReference<>();
return () -> {
T val = value.get();
if (val == null) {
synchronized(value) {
val = value.get();
if (val == null) {
val = Objects.requireNonNull(delegate.get());
return val;
Also note, as #LouisWasserman correctly mentioned in comments, you can easily transform JDK supplier into Guava supplier and vice versa using method reference:
java.util.function.Supplier<String> jdkSupplier = () -> "test";<String> guavaSupplier = jdkSupplier::get;
java.util.function.Supplier<String> jdkSupplierBack = guavaSupplier::get;
So it's not a big problem to switch between Guava and JDK functions.

The simplest solution would be
public static <T> Supplier<T> memoize(Supplier<T> original) {
ConcurrentHashMap<Object, T> store=new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
return ()->store.computeIfAbsent("dummy", key->original.get());
However, the simplest is not always the most efficient.
If you want a clean and efficient solution, resorting to an anonymous inner class to hold the mutable state will pay off:
public static <T> Supplier<T> memoize1(Supplier<T> original) {
return new Supplier<T>() {
Supplier<T> delegate = this::firstTime;
boolean initialized;
public T get() {
return delegate.get();
private synchronized T firstTime() {
if(!initialized) {
T value=original.get();
delegate=() -> value;
return delegate.get();
This uses a delegate supplier which will do the first time operation and afterwards, replace itself with a supplier that unconditionally returns the captured result of the first evaluation. Since it has final fields semantics, it can be unconditionally returned without any additional synchronization.
Inside the synchronized method firstTime(), there is still an initialized flag needed because in case of concurrent access during initialization, multiple threads may wait at the method’s entry before the delegate has been replaced. Hence, these threads need to detect that the initialization has been done already. All subsequent accesses will read the new delegate supplier and get the value quickly.

A simple wrapper for Guava 20 on Java 8:
static <T> java.util.function.Supplier<T> memoize(java.util.function.Supplier<? extends T> supplier) {


An implementation of Optional for empty Strings

One of the best things about Optional is it saves all the boilerplate checking for null values in a long chain:
// And so forth...
At any point the Optional will jump onto the 'empty' track if map returns a null.
It would be great if something similar could be done for Strings instead of having to check them for String::isEmpty every time:
Something like this:
The key logic in Optional happens in ofNullable when it calls its check for value == null. Theoretically you could apply any sort of logic in there:
However, Optional is final, preventing any straightforward way of extending this behaviour. So is there an existing, robust implementation of this out there already?
Trying out a few things to resolve what you were aiming at, and realizing that I would second the thought from VGR as implementing such a use case is a lot of extra work as compared to using the existing methods.
Yet, few details that I could add to after spending some time looking over the implementations -
As a utility, you could implement a static implementation which verifies for both null and isEmpty condition for a string input and returns Optional accordingly. The code could look something like -
private static Optional<String> ofEmptyable(String string) {
return isNullOrEmpty(string) ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(string);
private static boolean isNullOrEmpty(String target) {
return target == null || target.isEmpty();
this could then replace the usage of the ofNullable which specifically checks for null(the primary purpose of Optional).
Since the expectations in your problem statement were to actually handle the cases per method(map/or/orElse) call as in the optional, one approach similar to OptionalInt could be to implement a custom OptionalString as -
public final class OptionalString {
private static final OptionalString EMPTY = new OptionalString();
private final boolean isPresent;
private final String value;
private OptionalString() {
this.isPresent = false;
this.value = "";
private static OptionalString empty() {
return EMPTY;
private boolean isPresent() {
return isPresent;
private OptionalString(String value) {
this.isPresent = true;
this.value = value;
public static OptionalString of(String value) {
return value == null || value.isEmpty() ? OptionalString.empty() : new OptionalString(value);
public OptionalString map(Function<? super String, ? extends String> mapper) {
return !isPresent() ? OptionalString.empty() : OptionalString.of(mapper.apply(this.value));
public OptionalString or(Supplier<String> supplier) {
return isPresent() ? this : OptionalString.of(supplier.get());
String orElse(String other) {
return isPresent ? value : other;
public String getAsString() {
return Optional.of(value).orElseThrow(() -> new NoSuchElementException("No value present"));
which could be further implemented for your use case in the following manner -
String customImpl = OptionalString.of(entity.getName())
.map(OptionalStringTest::trimWhiteSpaces) // OptionalStringTest is my test class name where 'trimWhiteSpaces' operation on String resides
System.out.println(String.format("custom implementation - %s", customImpl));
private static String trimWhiteSpaces(String x) {
return x.trim();
Note - Honestly, I couldn't find the rationale behind not having an OptionalString class upfront in the JDK (the reason why I am stating this is because I suspect there definitely must have been a thought behind it), I believe its just that the radius of my reach is much smaller and I would expect someone credible to add to the details here. IMHO, it seems more like almost all of what you desire is right there using the Optional<String> and which takes us back to the starting of the loop.
For anyone working in Kotlin, this is really easy to do:
class NonEmptyString private constructor(val Email: String) {
companion object Factory {
operator fun invoke(value: String?): T? = value?.let { if (it.isNotEmpty()) NonEmptyString(value) else null }
The "static" invoke function conditionally creates a new object depending on whether it's valid or not. And allows you to call it like a constructor (NonEmptyString(value)). The private constructor forces you to use the invoke method.
Because this returns a null if it's not valid, and Kotlin has null-safety built in, it can be really easy to chain. Adding map or flatMap functions is then pretty straight-forward.
See this Code Review question for a more comprehensive, generalisable example I wrote.

Return first non-null value

I have a number of functions:
String first(){}
String second(){}
String default(){}
Each can return a null value, except the default. each function can take different parameters. For example, first could take no arguments, second could take in a String, third could take three arguments, etc. What I'd like to do is something like:
ObjectUtils.firstNonNull(first(), second(), ..., default());
The problem is that because of the function call, this does eager evaluation. Where'd I'd like to exit early, say after the second function (because the function calls can be expensive, think API calls, etc). In other languages, you can do something similar to this:
return first() || second() || ... || default()
In Java, I know I can do something like:
String value;
if (value = first()) == null || (value = second()) == null ...
return value;
That's not very readable IMO because of all the == null checks.ObjectUtils.firstNonNull() creates a collection first, and then iterates, which is okay as long as the function gets evaluated lazily.
Suggestions? (besides doing a bunch of ifs)
String s = Stream.<Supplier<String>>of(this::first, this::second /*, ... */)
It stops on the first non-null value or else sets the value which is returned from defaultOne. As long as you stay sequential, you are safe. Of course this requires Java 8 or later.
The reason why it stops on the first occurrence of a non-null value is due how the Stream handles each step. The map is an intermediate operation, so is filter. The findFirst on the other side is a short-circuiting terminal operation. So it continues with the next element until one matches the filter. If no element matches an empty optional is returned and so the orElseGet-supplier is called.
this::first, etc. are just method references. If they are static replace it with YourClassName::first, etc.
Here is an example if the signature of your methods would differ:
String s = Stream.<Supplier<String>>of(() -> first("takesOneArgument"),
() -> second("takes", 3, "arguments")
/*, ... */)
Note that the Supplier is only evaluated when you call get on it. That way you get your lazy evaluation behaviour. The method-parameters within your supplier-lambda-expression must be final or effectively final.
This can be done pretty cleanly with a stream of Suppliers.
Optional<String> result = Stream.<Supplier<String>> of(
() -> first(),
() -> second(),
() -> third() )
.map( x -> x.get() )
.filter( s -> s != null)
The reason this works is that despite appearances, the whole execution is driven by findFirst(), which pulls an item from filter(), which lazily pulls items from map(), which calls get() to handle each pull. findFirst() will stop pulling from the stream when one item has passed the filter, so subsequent suppliers will not have get() called.
Although I personally find the declarative Stream style cleaner and more expressive, you don't have to use Stream to work with Suppliers if you don't like the style:
Optional<String> firstNonNull(List<Supplier<String>> suppliers {
for(Supplier<String> supplier : suppliers) {
String s = supplier.get();
if(s != null) {
return Optional.of(s);
return Optional.empty();
It should be obvious how instead of returning Optional you could equally return a String, either returning null (yuk), a default string, or throwing an exception, if you exhaust options from the list.
It isn't readable because you are dealing with a bunch of separate functions that don't express any kind of connection with each other. When you attempt to put them together, the lack of direction is apparent.
Instead try
public String getFirstValue() {
String value;
value = first();
if (value != null) return value;
value = second();
if (value != null) return value;
value = third();
if (value != null) return value;
return value;
Will it be long? Probably. But you are applying code on top of a interface that's not friendly toward your approach.
Now, if you could change the interface, you might make the interface more friendly. A possible example would be to have the steps be "ValueProvider" objects.
public interface ValueProvider {
public String getValue();
And then you could use it like
public String getFirstValue(List<ValueProvider> providers) {
String value;
for (ValueProvider provider : providers) {
value = provider.getValue();
if (value != null) return value;
return null;
And there are various other approaches, but they require restructuring the code to be more object-oriented. Remember, just because Java is an Object-Oriented programming language, that doesn't mean it will always be used in an Object-Oriented manner. The first()...last() method listing is very not-object oriented, because it doesn't model a List. Even though the method names are expressive, a List has methods on it which permit easy integration with tools like for loops and Iterators.
If you are using java 8 you can convert these function calls to lambdas.
public static<T> T firstNonNull(Supplier<T> defaultSupplier, Supplier<T>... funcs){
return -> p.get() != null).findFirst().orElse(defaultSupplier).get();
If you don't want the generic implementation and use it only for Strings go on and just replace T with String:
public static String firstNonNull(Supplier<String> defaultSupplier, Supplier<String>... funcs){
return -> p.get() != null).findFirst().orElse(defaultSupplier).get();
And then call it like:
firstNonNull(() -> getDefault(), () -> first(arg1, arg2), () -> second(arg3));
P.S. btw default is a reserved keyword, so you cannot use it as a method name :)
EDIT: ok, the best way to do this would be to return Optional, then you don't need to pass default supplier separetely:
public static<T> Optional<T> firstNonNull(Supplier<T>... funcs){
return -> p.get() != null).map(s -> s.get()).findFirst();
If you want to package it up into a utility method, you'll have to wrap each function up into something that defers execution. Perhaps something like this:
public interface Wrapper<T> {
T call();
public static <T> T firstNonNull(Wrapper<T> defaultFunction, Wrapper<T>... funcs) {
T val;
for (Wrapper<T> func : funcs) {
if ((val = != null) {
return val;
You could use java.util.concurrent.Callable instead of defining your own Wrapper class, but then you'd have to deal with the exception that is declared to throw.
This can then be called with:
String value = firstNonNull(
new Wrapper<>() { #Override public String call() { return defaultFunc(); },
new Wrapper<>() { #Override public String call() { return first(); },
new Wrapper<>() { #Override public String call() { return second(); },
In Java 8, as #dorukayhan points out, you can dispense with defining your own Wrapper class and just use the Supplier interface. Also, the call can be done much more cleanly with lambdas:
String value = firstNonNull(
() -> defaultFunc(),
() -> first(),
() -> second(),
You can also (as #Oliver Charlesworth suggests) use method references as shorthand for the lambda expressions:
String value = firstNonNull(
I'm of two minds as to which is more readable.
Alternatively, you can use one of the streaming solutions that many other answers have proposed.
Just make a class with one function like this:
class ValueCollector {
String value;
boolean v(String val) { this.value = val; return val == null; }
ValueCollector c = new ValueCollector();
if c.v(first()) || c.v(second()) ...
return c.value;
The above examples seemed too long for just choosing between 2 variables, I'd go with something like this (unless you've got a longer list of variables to chose from):
You can accomplish this via reflection:
public Object getFirstNonNull(Object target, Method... methods) {
Object value = null;
for (Method m : methods) {
if ( (value = m.invoke(target)) != null) {
return value;

Is it possible to define an optional flow or exception-like behaviour in Java 8 streams API?

Let us have a stream of objects, resulting from a sequence of operations (e.g. mapping, filtering, flatmapping, etc.). Now I want to do a certain operation on them, but only if a given predicate is true. Otherwise I want to immediately return something else.
A simple example. I have a stream of different food objects. If all of them are edible I want to perform a cook operation on them and return the list of cooked food. But if any of them turns out to not be edible I want to immediately return an empty list.
Few solutions come to my mind, but I am not satisfied with any of them.
I could first perform an allMatch operation with isEdible predicate on the stream, but it will result in terminating it and I would need to repeat preliminary operations once more.
I could persist the collection that is the result of preliminary operations before checking the edibility, but therefore I need to perform them for all elements. Which is suboptimal, because it may turn out, that the first of them is not edible and allMatch would return much, much earlier.
Or I could design a hacky reduce routine, but it would also be unable to stop processing elements when predicate fails.
What I hope for is something like the code below. Is it possible with current API?
// some operations
.ifAny(food -> !food.isEdible(), new LinkedList<Food>())
// other operations if previous step not failed
.peek(food -> food.prepare())
Not exactly what you wanted, but using the ternary operator will make your two step solution look cleaner, it also should have optimal performance:
.map(this::prepare()) // do stuff
: Collections.emptyList();
Here's a method I just cooked up. It's a class that wraps Collector and checks if each element passes a predicate along the way. At the end, if any element failed, it returns the default return instead of the collected return.
On the downside you still have to iterate through every element even if the first one fails the predicate, but on the upside:
Only have to iterate once through each element
Simple in-line syntax
Easily integrates with existing stream and collector syntax and use cases.
So based on those I would imagine it would be worth it.
public class SatisfyableCollector<T,A,R> implements Collector<T,A,R> {
private Predicate<T> predicate; //The predicate used to test each element
private boolean elmHasFailed; //True once an element has failed the predicate
private Collector<T,A,R> collector; //The collector this wraps
private R defaultResult; //The result to return at the end if an element failed
public static <T,A,R> SatisfyableCollector<T,A,R> of(Collector<T,A,R> collector, Predicate<T> predicate, R defaultResult) {
return new SatisfyableCollector<>(collector, predicate, defaultResult);
private SatisfyableCollector(Collector<T,A,R> collector, Predicate<T> predicate, R defaultResult) {
this.predicate = predicate;
this.collector = collector;
this.defaultResult = defaultResult;
elmHasFailed = false;
public Supplier<A> supplier() {
return collector.supplier();
/** Before accumulating the new element t, check it against the predicate */
public BiConsumer<A, T> accumulator() {
return (a, t) -> {
if (! predicate.test(t)) {
elmHasFailed = true;
public BinaryOperator<A> combiner() {
return collector.combiner();
/** At the end, check if something failed. If so, return the default.
* Otherwise the wrapped collector's finisher.
public Function<A, R> finisher() {
return (a) -> elmHasFailed ? defaultResult : collector.finisher().apply(a);
/** Make sure IDENTITY_FINISH isn't present, or finisher() won't be called */
public Set<Characteristics> characteristics() {
Set<Characteristics> originalSet = collector.characteristics();
if (! originalSet.contains(Characteristics.IDENTITY_FINISH)) return originalSet;
else {
HashSet<Characteristics> set = new HashSet<>(collector.characteristics()); //Make new set so we can modify it.
set.remove(Characteristics.IDENTITY_FINISH); //Make sure finisher() is called
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(set);
And can be used like this:
public static void main(String[] args) {
Stream<Integer> stream = Arrays.asList(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8).stream();
//Create a list out of the stream *if* every element is even. Return empty otherwise
List<Integer> listOrEmpty = stream.collect(SatisfyableCollector.of(Collectors.toList(), (x) -> x%2 == 0, new ArrayList<>())));
This currently doesn't handle exception throwing gracefully, but that shouldn't be too hard to add.

Can I duplicate a Stream in Java 8?

Sometimes I want to perform a set of operations on a stream, and then process the resulting stream two different ways with other operations.
Can I do this without having to specify the common initial operations twice?
For example, I am hoping a dup() method such as the following exists:
Stream [] desired_streams = IntStream.range(1, 100).filter(n -> n % 2 == 0).dup();
Stream stream14 = desired_streams[0].filter(n -> n % 7 == 0); // multiples of 14
Stream stream10 = desired_streams[1].filter(n -> n % 5 == 0); // multiples of 10
It is not possible to duplicate a stream in this way. However, you can avoid the code duplication by moving the common part into a method or lambda expression.
Supplier<IntStream> supplier = () ->
IntStream.range(1, 100).filter(n -> n % 2 == 0);
It is not possible in general.
If you want to duplicate an input stream, or input iterator, you have two options:
A. Keep everything in a collection, say a List<>
Suppose you duplicate a stream into two streams s1 and s2. If you have advanced n1 elements in s1 and n2 elements with s2, you must keep |n2 - n1| elements in memory, just to keep pace. If your stream is infinite, there may be no upper bound for the storage required.
Take a look at Python's tee() to see what it takes:
This itertool may require significant auxiliary storage (depending on how much temporary data needs to be stored). In general, if one iterator uses most or all of the data before another iterator starts, it is faster to use list() instead of tee().
B. When possible: Copy the state of the generator that creates the elements
For this option to work, you'll probably need access to the inner workings of the stream. In other words, the generator - the part that creates the elements - should support copying in the first place. [OP: See this great answer, as an example of how this can be done for the example in the question]
It will not work on input from the user, since you'll have to copy the state of the entire "outside world". Java's Stream do not support copying, since it is designed to be as general as possible; for example, to work with files, network, keyboard, sensors, randomness etc. [OP: Another example is a stream that reads a temperature sensor on demand. It cannot be duplicated without storing a copy of the readings]
This is not only the case in Java; this is a general rule. You can see that std::istream in C++ only supports move semantics, not copy semantics ("copy constructor (deleted)"), for this reason (and others).
It's possible if you're buffering elements that you've consumed in one duplicate, but not in the other yet.
We've implemented a duplicate() method for streams in jOOλ, an Open Source library that we created to improve integration testing for jOOQ. Essentially, you can just write:
Tuple2<Seq<Integer>, Seq<Integer>> desired_streams = Seq.seq(
IntStream.range(1, 100).filter(n -> n % 2 == 0).boxed()
(note: we currently need to box the stream, as we haven't implemented an IntSeq yet)
Internally, there is a LinkedList buffer storing all values that have been consumed from one stream but not from the other. That's probably as efficient as it gets if your two streams are consumed about at the same rate.
Here's how the algorithm works:
static <T> Tuple2<Seq<T>, Seq<T>> duplicate(Stream<T> stream) {
final LinkedList<T> gap = new LinkedList<>();
final Iterator<T> it = stream.iterator();
final Iterator<T>[] ahead = new Iterator[] { null };
class Duplicate implements Iterator<T> {
public boolean hasNext() {
if (ahead[0] == null || ahead[0] == this)
return it.hasNext();
return !gap.isEmpty();
public T next() {
if (ahead[0] == null)
ahead[0] = this;
if (ahead[0] == this) {
T value =;
return value;
return gap.poll();
return tuple(seq(new Duplicate()), seq(new Duplicate()));
More source code here
In fact, using jOOλ, you'll be able to write a complete one-liner like so:
Tuple2<Seq<Integer>, Seq<Integer>> desired_streams = Seq.seq(
IntStream.range(1, 100).filter(n -> n % 2 == 0).boxed()
.map1(s -> s.filter(n -> n % 7 == 0))
.map2(s -> s.filter(n -> n % 5 == 0));
// This will yield 14, 28, 42, 56...
// This will yield 10, 20, 30, 40...
Starting with Java 12 we have Collectors::teeing that allows us to pass elements of the main stream pipeline to 2 or more downstream collectors.
Based on your example we can do the following:
void shouldProcessStreamElementsInTwoSeparateDownstreams() {
class Result {
List<Integer> multiplesOf7;
List<Integer> multiplesOf5;
Result(List<Integer> multiplesOf7, List<Integer> multiplesOf5) {
this.multiplesOf7 = multiplesOf7;
this.multiplesOf5 = multiplesOf5;
var result = IntStream.range(1, 100)
.filter(n -> n % 2 == 0)
Collectors.filtering(n -> n % 7 == 0, Collectors.toList()),
Collectors.filtering(n -> n % 5 == 0, Collectors.toList()),
assertTrue( -> n % 7 == 0));
assertTrue( n -> n % 5 == 0));
There are many other collectors that allows to do other things e.g. by using Collectors::mapping in downstream you can obtain two different objects/types from the same source as shown in this article.
You can also move the stream generation into separate method/function that returns this stream and call it twice.
Move the initialisation into a method, and simply call the method again
This has the advantage of being explicit about what you are doing, and also works for infinite streams.
Collect the stream and then re-stream it
In your example:
final int[] arr = IntStream.range(1, 100).filter(n -> n % 2 == 0).toArray();
final IntStream s = IntStream.of(arr);
Update: This doesn't work. See explanation below, after the text of the original answer.
How silly of me. All that I need to do is:
Stream desired_stream = IntStream.range(1, 100).filter(n -> n % 2 == 0);
Stream stream14 = desired_stream.filter(n -> n % 7 == 0); // multiples of 14
Stream stream10 = desired_stream.filter(n -> n % 5 == 0); // multiples of 10
Explanation why this does not work:
If you code it up and try to collect both streams, the first one will collect fine, but trying to stream the second one will throw the exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: stream has already been operated upon or closed.
To elaborate, streams are stateful objects (which by the way cannot be reset or rewound). You can think of them as iterators, which in turn are like pointers. So stream14 and stream10 can be thought of as references to the same pointer. Consuming the first stream all the way will cause the pointer to go "past the end." Trying to consume the second stream is like trying to access a pointer that is already "past the end," Which naturally is an illegal operation.
As the accepted answer shows, the code to create the stream must be executed twice but it can be compartmentalized into a Supplier lambda or a similar construct.
Full test code: save into, then javac, then java Foo
public class Foo {
public static void main (String [] args) {
IntStream s = IntStream.range(0, 100).filter(n -> n % 2 == 0);
IntStream s1 = s.filter(n -> n % 5 == 0);
s1.forEach(n -> System.out.println(n));
IntStream s2 = s.filter(n -> n % 7 == 0);
s2.forEach(n -> System.out.println(n));
$ javac
$ java Foo
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: stream has already been operated upon or closed
at Foo.main(
For non-infinite streams, if you have access to the source, its straight forward:
public void testName() throws Exception {
List<Integer> integers = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);
Stream<Integer> stream1 =;
Stream<Integer> stream2 =;
For your case:
Stream originalStream = IntStream.range(1, 100).filter(n -> n % 2 == 0)
List<Integer> listOf = originalStream.collect(Collectors.toList())
Stream stream14 = -> n % 7 == 0);
Stream stream10 = -> n % 5 == 0);
For performance etc, read someone else's answer ;)
I used this great answer to write following class:
public class SplitStream<T> implements Stream<T> {
private final Supplier<Stream<T>> streamSupplier;
public SplitStream(Supplier<Stream<T>> t) {
this.streamSupplier = t;
public Stream<T> filter(Predicate<? super T> predicate) {
return streamSupplier.get().filter(predicate);
public <R> Stream<R> map(Function<? super T, ? extends R> mapper) {
return streamSupplier.get().map(mapper);
public IntStream mapToInt(ToIntFunction<? super T> mapper) {
return streamSupplier.get().mapToInt(mapper);
public LongStream mapToLong(ToLongFunction<? super T> mapper) {
return streamSupplier.get().mapToLong(mapper);
public DoubleStream mapToDouble(ToDoubleFunction<? super T> mapper) {
return streamSupplier.get().mapToDouble(mapper);
public <R> Stream<R> flatMap(Function<? super T, ? extends Stream<? extends R>> mapper) {
return streamSupplier.get().flatMap(mapper);
public IntStream flatMapToInt(Function<? super T, ? extends IntStream> mapper) {
return streamSupplier.get().flatMapToInt(mapper);
public LongStream flatMapToLong(Function<? super T, ? extends LongStream> mapper) {
return streamSupplier.get().flatMapToLong(mapper);
public DoubleStream flatMapToDouble(Function<? super T, ? extends DoubleStream> mapper) {
return streamSupplier.get().flatMapToDouble(mapper);
public Stream<T> distinct() {
return streamSupplier.get().distinct();
public Stream<T> sorted() {
return streamSupplier.get().sorted();
public Stream<T> sorted(Comparator<? super T> comparator) {
return streamSupplier.get().sorted(comparator);
public Stream<T> peek(Consumer<? super T> action) {
return streamSupplier.get().peek(action);
public Stream<T> limit(long maxSize) {
return streamSupplier.get().limit(maxSize);
public Stream<T> skip(long n) {
return streamSupplier.get().skip(n);
public void forEach(Consumer<? super T> action) {
public void forEachOrdered(Consumer<? super T> action) {
public Object[] toArray() {
return streamSupplier.get().toArray();
public <A> A[] toArray(IntFunction<A[]> generator) {
return streamSupplier.get().toArray(generator);
public T reduce(T identity, BinaryOperator<T> accumulator) {
return streamSupplier.get().reduce(identity, accumulator);
public Optional<T> reduce(BinaryOperator<T> accumulator) {
return streamSupplier.get().reduce(accumulator);
public <U> U reduce(U identity, BiFunction<U, ? super T, U> accumulator, BinaryOperator<U> combiner) {
return streamSupplier.get().reduce(identity, accumulator, combiner);
public <R> R collect(Supplier<R> supplier, BiConsumer<R, ? super T> accumulator, BiConsumer<R, R> combiner) {
return streamSupplier.get().collect(supplier, accumulator, combiner);
public <R, A> R collect(Collector<? super T, A, R> collector) {
return streamSupplier.get().collect(collector);
public Optional<T> min(Comparator<? super T> comparator) {
return streamSupplier.get().min(comparator);
public Optional<T> max(Comparator<? super T> comparator) {
return streamSupplier.get().max(comparator);
public long count() {
return streamSupplier.get().count();
public boolean anyMatch(Predicate<? super T> predicate) {
return streamSupplier.get().anyMatch(predicate);
public boolean allMatch(Predicate<? super T> predicate) {
return streamSupplier.get().allMatch(predicate);
public boolean noneMatch(Predicate<? super T> predicate) {
return streamSupplier.get().noneMatch(predicate);
public Optional<T> findFirst() {
return streamSupplier.get().findFirst();
public Optional<T> findAny() {
return streamSupplier.get().findAny();
public Iterator<T> iterator() {
return streamSupplier.get().iterator();
public Spliterator<T> spliterator() {
return streamSupplier.get().spliterator();
public boolean isParallel() {
return streamSupplier.get().isParallel();
public Stream<T> sequential() {
return streamSupplier.get().sequential();
public Stream<T> parallel() {
return streamSupplier.get().parallel();
public Stream<T> unordered() {
return streamSupplier.get().unordered();
public Stream<T> onClose(Runnable closeHandler) {
return streamSupplier.get().onClose(closeHandler);
public void close() {
When you call any method of it's class, it delegates call to
So, instead of:
Supplier<IntStream> supplier = () ->
IntStream.range(1, 100).filter(n -> n % 2 == 0);
You can do:
SplitStream<Integer> stream =
new SplitStream<>(() -> IntStream.range(1, 100).filter(n -> n % 2 == 0).boxed());
You can expand it to work with IntStream, DoubleStream, etc...
I think that the use of Concat with an empty stream could attend your need.
Try something like this:
Stream<Integer> concat = Stream.concat(Stream.of(1, 2), Stream.empty());
Straight answer is: yes
There's no specific support for this but one can implement it. The possible approaches that I see are these:
a. copy the entire stream data and then create the stream copies based on it -> the RAM consumption might be an impediment
b. read the stream and relay each of its elements to the copies -> I'll detail this approach below
The Concept
Let's imagine b. solution:
<T> List<Stream<T>> copyStream(int copiesCount, Stream<T> originalStream)
allows one to create copiesCount copies of the originalStream.
To understand the solution one has to understand the difference between a stream and the data-elements that might flow through it: for example an apple, a carrot and a potato would be data-elements while a pipe through which they move to reach some destination would be the stream. Copying a Stream it's as if creating more pipes: one has then to connect the original pipe (i.e. originalStream) to the additional ones (aka streamCopies); while in real world one can't pass an apple-object from one pipe to more pipes (i.e. streamCopies) in programming this is possible: just pass the variable containing the apple-object reference to the stream copies.
Implementation Details
The Java implementation of the Stream has a great impact on the solution's shape. First impact is related to what happens when data-elements flow through a stream (aka pipe): to actually read (& process) the elements in a Stream a terminal method has to be used, e.g. forEach. In our case originalStream.forEach must be called so that each element is read and passed to the streamCopies (aka downstream pipes); this must happen before copyStream() method returns, which is bad because forEach would block till all originalStream elements are consumed. To solve this copyStream() implementation will spawn a thread in which to call originalStream.forEach. Consuming originalStream elements means passing them to the downstream pipes (i.e. streamCopies); because there's no cache one has to ensure that each originalStream element is transferred to each streamCopies before getting to the next one. This means that all streamCopies must consume the same time: if some streamCopies is not consuming it will block all other streamCopies because originalStream will stop transferring to downstream pipes till everyone consumed current element (aka it will cache nothing for the late streamCopies consumers). But to consume a Stream in Java implies calling a terminal operation on it (e.g. forEach) which blocks the execution till the entire stream is consumed; because we need all streamCopies to be consumed in parallel this must happen on a distinct thread for each! Well, as a miscellaneous fact, one of the streamCopies could in fact be consumed on the current (main) thread. Summarizing, the solution usage would look like below:
List<Stream<?>> streamCopies = copyStream(copiesCount, originalStream);`
// start a thread for each `streamCopies` into which consume the corresponding
// stream copy (one of them could be consumed on the current thread though)
// optionally join the consuming threads
// continue your whatever business logic you have
Final Considerations
Some of the limitations apparent above can be circumvented:
the copying process is destructive, i.e. originalStream will be unusable after calling copyStream() because it'll be in a pending-consumption. If one really wants to consume it he can create an additional copy which to maybe consume on the current (main) thread (but only after starting the consumption of all other copies)
streamCopies must consume all received originalStream elements, otherwise, if one stops, the others block too (read the "Implementation Details" part again to understand why). This means each streamCopies element consumption must occur in a try...catch to ensure the lack of failures (aka processing stop). A production implementation would in fact circumvent this by wrapping each Stream copy with something overwriting close() method such that to remove the failed stream copy from the originalStream-to-streamCopies transfer logic (aka discard the underlying blockingQueue used for the communication between originalStream thread and originalStream thread -> see the implementation below). This implies that the clients would be forced to close the Stream copies but that’s not so uncommon, e.g. see Spring’s JDBCTemplate.queryForStream() outcome having same requirement.
as pointed before, each streamCopies terminal operation must be executed in a distinct thread - there's no workaround for this
The Code
Below is the code implementing the b. solution and a test checking its correctness.
void streamCopyTest() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
// streamCopies are valid/normal Stream
// instances (e.g. it is allowed to be infinite)
List<Stream<String>> streamCopies = copyStream(3, Stream.of("a", "b", "c", "d"));
// The 3 copies relay on the original stream which can’t be
// consumed more than once! Consuming the copies one by one
// in the same thread isn’t possible because 1st consumed
// copy would leave nothing to consume for the others,
// so they must be consumed in parallel.
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
CompletableFuture<?>[] futures = -> CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> {
// the same consumption logic for all streamCopies is
// used here because this is just an example; the
// actual consumption logic could be distinct (and anything)
String outcome = stream.collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
// check the thread name in the message to differentiate the outcome"\n{}", outcome);
}, executorService)).toArray(CompletableFuture[]::new);
public class StreamCopiesFactory {
* The amount of elements to be stored in the blockingQueue used
* to transfer elements from the original stream to its copies.
* This is very different to the cache use for the a. solution:
* here is about the transfer between original stream and its
* copies instead of the entire original stream data-copy.
* Change or make this configurable.
private static final int cacheSize = 1;
* Each of these stream copies must execute (their terminal operation)
* on a distinct thread! One of them could actually execute on the
* main thread, but only after all the others were started on their
* distinct thread.
public static <T> List<Stream<T>> copyStream(int copies, Stream<T> stream) {
List<BlockingQueue<Object>> blockingQueues = new ArrayList<>(copies);
// creating the queues used to relay the stream's elements to the stream's copies
for (int i = 0; i < copies; i++) {
blockingQueues.add(new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(cacheSize));
// consume the stream copies in a distinct thread, otherwise
// bq.put (transferring for the next stream copy) would block
// because the 2nd stream copy isn't yet consuming
Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().execute(() -> {
stream.forEach(streamElement -> blockingQueues.forEach(bq -> {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
// nothing to do here other than maybe simple optimization related to the
// failed bq.put (e.g. sending END_SIGNAL into bq then skipping its next put calls)
blockingQueues.forEach(bq -> {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
// nothing to do here
// creating the copies
// A production implementation would wrap each Stream copy with
// something overwriting close() which to remove from blockingQueues
// the blockingQueue corresponding to the closed Stream.
return -> new SpliteratorCopy<T>(bq))
.map(spliterator ->, false))
public class SpliteratorCopy<T> implements Spliterator<T> {
public static final Object END_SIGNAL = new Object();
private final BlockingQueue<?> blockingQueue;
public boolean tryAdvance(final Consumer<? super T> action) {
Object nextElement;
try {
nextElement = blockingQueue.take();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
if (nextElement == END_SIGNAL) {
return false;
action.accept((T) nextElement);
return true;
public Spliterator<T> trySplit() {
return null;
public long estimateSize() {
return Long.MAX_VALUE;
public int characteristics() {
return Spliterator.ORDERED;

Functional style of Java 8's Optional.ifPresent and if-not-Present?

In Java 8, I want to do something to an Optional object if it is present, and do another thing if it is not present.
if (opt.isPresent()) {
} else {
System.out.println("Not found");
This is not a 'functional style', though.
Optional has an ifPresent() method, but I am unable to chain an orElse() method.
Thus, I cannot write:
opt.ifPresent( x -> System.out.println("found " + x))
.orElse( System.out.println("NOT FOUND"));
In reply to #assylias, I don't think works for the following case: o -> {
System.out.println("while opt is present...");
return null;
}).orElseGet( () -> {
System.out.println("create new obj"); obj);
return null;
In this case, when opt is present, I update its property and save to the database. When it is not available, I create a new obj and save to the database.
Note in the two lambdas I have to return null.
But when opt is present, both lambdas will be executed. obj will be updated, and a new object will be saved to the database . This is because of the return null in the first lambda. And orElseGet() will continue to execute.
If you are using Java 9+, you can use ifPresentOrElse() method:
value -> System.out.println("Found: " + value),
() -> System.out.println("Not found")
For me the answer of #Dane White is OK, first I did not like using Runnable but I could not find any alternatives.
Here another implementation I preferred more:
public class OptionalConsumer<T> {
private Optional<T> optional;
private OptionalConsumer(Optional<T> optional) {
this.optional = optional;
public static <T> OptionalConsumer<T> of(Optional<T> optional) {
return new OptionalConsumer<>(optional);
public OptionalConsumer<T> ifPresent(Consumer<T> c) {
return this;
public OptionalConsumer<T> ifNotPresent(Runnable r) {
if (!optional.isPresent()) {;
return this;
Optional<Any> o = Optional.of(...);
OptionalConsumer.of(o).ifPresent(s -> System.out.println("isPresent " + s))
.ifNotPresent(() -> System.out.println("! isPresent"));
Update 1:
the above solution for the traditional way of development when you have the value and want to process it but what if I want to define the functionality and the execution will be then, check below enhancement;
public class OptionalConsumer<T> implements Consumer<Optional<T>> {
private final Consumer<T> c;
private final Runnable r;
public OptionalConsumer(Consumer<T> c, Runnable r) {
this.c = c;
this.r = r;
public static <T> OptionalConsumer<T> of(Consumer<T> c, Runnable r) {
return new OptionalConsumer(c, r);
public void accept(Optional<T> t) {
if (t.isPresent()) {
else {;
Then could be used as:
Consumer<Optional<Integer>> c = OptionalConsumer.of(
() -> System.out.println("Not fit")
IntStream.range(0, 100)
.map(i -> Optional.of(i)
.filter(j -> j % 2 == 0))
In this new code you have 3 things:
can define the functionality before the existing of an object easy.
not creating object reference for each Optional, only one, you have so less memory than less GC.
it is implementing consumer for better usage with other components.
By the way, now its name is more descriptive it is actually Consumer<Optional<?>>
Java 9 introduces
ifPresentOrElse if a value is present, performs the given action with the value, otherwise performs the given empty-based action.
See excellent Optional in Java 8 cheat sheet.
It provides all answers for most use cases.
Short summary below
ifPresent() - do something when Optional is set
opt.ifPresent(x -> print(x));
filter() - reject (filter out) certain Optional values.
opt.filter(x -> x.contains("ab")).ifPresent(this::print);
map() - transform value if present -> t.length() > 1).ifPresent(this::print);
orElse()/orElseGet() - turning empty Optional to default T
int len =;
int len = opt.
orElseGet(() -> slowDefault()); //orElseGet(this::slowDefault)
orElseThrow() - lazily throw exceptions on empty Optional
filter(s -> !s.isEmpty()).
map(s -> s.charAt(0)).
An alternative is:
System.out.println( -> "Found")
.orElse("Not found"));
I don't think it improves readability though.
Or as Marko suggested, use a ternary operator:
System.out.println(opt.isPresent() ? "Found" : "Not found");
Another solution would be to use higher-order functions as follows
opt.<Runnable>map(value -> () -> System.out.println("Found " + value))
.orElse(() -> System.out.println("Not Found"))
There isn't a great way to do it out of the box. If you want to be using your cleaner syntax on a regular basis, then you can create a utility class to help out:
public class OptionalEx {
private boolean isPresent;
private OptionalEx(boolean isPresent) {
this.isPresent = isPresent;
public void orElse(Runnable runner) {
if (!isPresent) {;
public static <T> OptionalEx ifPresent(Optional<T> opt, Consumer<? super T> consumer) {
if (opt.isPresent()) {
return new OptionalEx(true);
return new OptionalEx(false);
Then you can use a static import elsewhere to get syntax that is close to what you're after:
import static com.example.OptionalEx.ifPresent;
ifPresent(opt, x -> System.out.println("found " + x))
.orElse(() -> System.out.println("NOT FOUND"));
If you can use only Java 8 or lower:
1) if you don't have spring-data the best way so far is:
opt.<Runnable>map(param -> () -> System.out.println(param))
.orElse(() -> System.out.println("no-param-specified"))
Now I know it's not so readable and even hard to understand for someone, but looks fine for me personally and I don't see another nice fluent way for this case.
2) if you're lucky enough and you can use spring-data the best way is
Optionals.ifPresentOrElse(opt, System.out::println,
() -> System.out.println("no-param-specified"));
If you can use Java 9, you should definitely go with:
() -> System.out.println("no-param-specified"));
You cannot call orElse after ifPresent, the reason is, orElse is called on an optiional but ifPresent returns void. So the best approach to achieve is ifPresentOrElse.
It could be like this:
-> { System.out.println(
"Value is present, its: "
+ value); },
-> { System.out.println(
"Value is empty"); });
The described behavior can be achieved by using Vavr (formerly known as Javaslang), an object-functional library for Java 8+, that implements most of Scala constructs (being Scala a more expressive language with a way richer type system built on JVM). It is a very good library to add to your Java projects to write pure functional code.
Vavr provides the Option monad that provides functions to work with the Option type such as:
fold: to map the value of the option on both cases (defined/empty)
onEmpty: allows to execute a Runnable when option is empty
peek: allows to consume the value of the option (when defined).
and it is also Serializable on the contrary of Optional which means you can safely use it as method argument and instance member.
Option follows the monad laws at difference to the Java's Optional "pseudo-monad" and provides a richer API. And of course you can make it from a Java's Optional (and the other way around): Option.ofOptional(javaOptional) –Vavr is focused on interoperability.
Going to the example:
// AWESOME Vavr functional collections (immutable for the gread good :)
// fully convertible to Java's counterparts.
final Map<String, String> map = Map("key1", "value1", "key2", "value2");
final Option<String> opt = map.get("nonExistentKey"); // you're safe of null refs!
final String result = opt.fold(
() -> "Not found!!!", // Option is None
val -> "Found the value: " + val // Option is Some(val)
Moreover, all Vavr types are convertible to its Java counterparts, for the sake of the example: Optional javaOptional = opt.toJava(), very easy :) Of course the conversion also exists in the other way: Option option = Option.ofOptional(javaOptional).
N.B. Vavr offers a io.vavr.API class with a lot of convenient static methods =)
Further reading
Null reference, the billion dollar mistake
N.B. This is only a very little example of what Vavr offers (pattern matching, streams a.k.a. lazy evaluated lists, monadic types, immutable collections,...).
The problem here:
.map(object -> {
System.out.println("If present.");
return null;
.orElseGet( () -> {
System.out.println("If empty.");
return null;
Is that map() converts the null returned by the first function to empty(); it then returns empty(). As it returns empty(), it prompts the invocation of the second function. Note that orElseGet() does not convert the null returned by the second function to empty(), so it will return null.
See the implementation of map():
public<U> Optional<U> map(Function<? super T, ? extends U> mapper) {
if (!isPresent())
return empty();
else {
return Optional.ofNullable(mapper.apply(value));
And the implementation of orElseGet():
public T orElseGet(Supplier<? extends T> other) {
return value != null ? value : other.get();
Thus when executed:
if optional.isPresent(), the system will print If present., then If empty., and the expression will evaluate to null.
if !optional.isPresent(), the system will print If empty., and the expression will evaluate to null.
If the function provided to map() returned any other value - any other value - the code would work as you expect, with the function provided to map() being executed if isPresent() and the function provided to orElseGet() if !isPresent():
For example, this:
.map(data -> {
System.out.println("If present.");
return 0;
.orElseGet( () -> {
System.out.println("If empty.");
return 0;
When executed:
if optional.isPresent(), the system will print If present., and the expression will evaluate to 0.
if !optional.isPresent(), the system will print If empty., and the expression will evaluate to 0.
If your specific case, I suggest that your insert and update methods return, say, the persisted object, or the id of the persisted object, or something similarly useful; then you can use code similar to this:
final Object persist = optional
.map(object -> {
System.out.println("If present.");
return update(object);
.orElseGet( () -> {
System.out.println("If empty.");
return insert(new Object());
Another solution could be following:
This is how you use it:
final Opt<String> opt = Opt.of("I'm a cool text");
.apply(s -> System.out.printf("Text is: %s\n", s))
.elseApply(() -> System.out.println("no text available"));
Or in case you in case of the opposite use case is true:
final Opt<String> opt = Opt.of("This is the text");
.apply(() -> System.out.println("Not present"))
.elseApply(t -> /*do something here*/);
This are the ingredients:
Little modified Function interface, just for the "elseApply" method
Optional enhancement
A little bit of curring :-)
The "cosmetically" enhanced Function interface.
public interface Fkt<T, R> extends Function<T, R> {
default R elseApply(final T t) {
return this.apply(t);
And the Optional wrapper class for enhancement:
public class Opt<T> {
private final Optional<T> optional;
private Opt(final Optional<T> theOptional) {
this.optional = theOptional;
public static <T> Opt<T> of(final T value) {
return new Opt<>(Optional.of(value));
public static <T> Opt<T> of(final Optional<T> optional) {
return new Opt<>(optional);
public static <T> Opt<T> ofNullable(final T value) {
return new Opt<>(Optional.ofNullable(value));
public static <T> Opt<T> empty() {
return new Opt<>(Optional.empty());
private final BiFunction<Consumer<T>, Runnable, Void> ifPresent = (present, notPresent) -> {
if (this.optional.isPresent()) {
} else {;
return null;
private final BiFunction<Runnable, Consumer<T>, Void> ifNotPresent = (notPresent, present) -> {
if (!this.optional.isPresent()) {;
} else {
return null;
public Fkt<Consumer<T>, Fkt<Runnable, Void>> ifPresent() {
return Opt.curry(this.ifPresent);
public Fkt<Runnable, Fkt<Consumer<T>, Void>> ifNotPresent() {
return Opt.curry(this.ifNotPresent);
private static <X, Y, Z> Fkt<X, Fkt<Y, Z>> curry(final BiFunction<X, Y, Z> function) {
return (final X x) -> (final Y y) -> function.apply(x, y);
This should do the trick and could serve as a basic template how to deal with such requirements.
The basic idea here is following. In a non functional style programming world you would probably implement a method taking two parameter where the first is a kind of runnable code which should be executed in case the value is available and the other parameter is the runnable code which should be run in case the value is not available. For the sake of better readability, you can use curring to split the function of two parameter in two functions of one parameter each. This is what I basically did here.
Hint: Opt also provides the other use case where you want to execute a piece of code just in case the value is not available. This could be done also via Optional.filter.stuff but I found this much more readable.
Hope that helps!
Additional Info:
There is another way to have say "if then else" using currying:
public static <X, Y> Function<Predicate<X>, Function<Function<X, Y>, Function<Function<X, Y>, Y>>> ifThenElse(X input) {
return (final Predicate<X> pred) -> (final Function<X, Y> ifPresent) -> (final Function<X, Y> ifNotPresent) -> pred.test(input) ? ifPresent.apply(input) : ifNotPresent.apply(input);
This way it is possible to say:
final String result = ifThenElse("fancy")
.apply(input -> input.contains("fancy")) /* test */
.apply(input -> input.toUpperCase()) /* if-case */
.apply(input -> input.toLowerCase()); /* else-case */
In case you want store the value:
Pair.of<List<>, List<>> output = -> Pair.of(details.a, details.b))).orElseGet(() -> Pair.of(Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList()));
Supposing that you have a list and avoiding the isPresent() issue (related with optionals) you could use .iterator().hasNext() to check if not present.
