I am currently maintaining some library scanning software at a company, and I am at a coop for (I am in high school). I have to be able to pass an employeeID value from the scanner to the LDAP lookup to return a "CN" value.
Unfortunately, I am not getting any results returned in the Java program. I am able to search using the Active Directory program in Windows, but it takes 6 to 10 seconds to display any results from employeeID. I attempted to solve this issue by using a very large timeout limit on the query, but I think I must be doing something wrong.
Anyone with database experience have any ideas?
System.out.println("Début du test Active Directory");
Hashtable<String, String> env = new Hashtable<String, String>(11);
env.put("com.sun.jndi.ldap.timeout", "80000");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PROTOCOL, "ssl");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PROTOCOL, "simple");
ldapContext = new InitialDirContext(env);
// Create the search controls
SearchControls searchCtls = new SearchControls();
//Specify the attributes to return
String returnedAtts[]={"cn","givenName", "samAccountName"};
//Specify the search scope
//specify the LDAP search filter
id = "********";
String searchFilter = "(&(employeeID="+id+"))";
//Specify the Base for the search
String searchBase = "dc=ericsson,dc=se";
//initialize counter to total the results
SearchResult sr = null;
int totalResults = 0;
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> answer = ldapContext.search(searchBase, searchFilter, searchCtls);
// Search for objects using the filter
while (totalResults == 0){
answer = ldapContext.search(searchBase, searchFilter, searchCtls);
System.out.println("Total results: " + totalResults);
while (answer.hasMoreElements())
sr = answer.next();
System.out.println(">>>" + sr.getName());
Attributes attrs = sr.getAttributes();
cn = (">>>>>>>>>" + attrs.get("cn"));
signum = cn.substring(13,20);
System.out.println("Total results: " + totalResults);
//Loop through the search results
You need to ensure that the employeeID attribute is indexed.
You should also qualify your filter further. I would add at least an objectClass filter, set to whatever object class you're using for people.
At the same time of providing authentication to the user in LDAP within Microsoft Active Directory, I'm trying to get all groups that specific user belongs to. The following code is in Java.
What I'm doing at the moment is the following:
public static List authenticate(String username, String password) throws Exception {
String userBase = MY_USERBASE; //format "dc=***,dc=com"
ArrayList<String> groups = new ArrayList<String>();
Hashtable<String, String> environment = new Hashtable<String, String>();
environment.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, LDAPURL);
environment.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
environment.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, username);
environment.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password);
DirContext ctx =
new InitialDirContext(environment);
SearchControls ctls = new SearchControls();
String[] attributes = {"cn", "memberOf"};
ctls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE );
String searchFilters = "{sAMAccountName="+username+"}";
NamingEnumeration<?> answer = ctx.search(userBase, searchFilters, ctls);
if(answer == null || !answer.hasMore()) {
logger.info("No result found");
else {
SearchResult result = (SearchResult) answer.next();
Attributes attrs = result.getAttributes();
Attribute memberAttr = attrs.get("memberOf");
NamingEnumeration e = memberAttr.getAll();
while(e.hasMore()) {
String group = (String) e.next();
return groups;
I have tried several ways of doing my query, for example:
String searchFilters = "(&(uid="+username+"),(ou=users),(memberOf=*))"
String searchFilters = "(&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member=cn=" + username + ")(memberOf=*))"
String searchFilters = "(&(userPrincipalName=" + username + ")(memberOf=*))"
In none of the cases any groups were retrieved. In some of the cases the login itself failed as well (in some cases it worked but still no groups returned).
What is the correct way to retrieve the groups?
Although you can bind with "username" and some other attributes, using ANR, ONLY when using Microsoft Active Directory, you will need to obtain the Fully Distinguished Name for the user to perform many LDAP Searches.
Assuming username is the samAccountName, which is always Unique within a AD Forrest, your Authentication should work.
After Authentication you can obtain the DN of the entry and then perform a search for Groups the user is a member.
For all groups the user is a member, including nested groups this will usually work.
We have several JNDI Examples in a code repository.
Here is the method which i have used to fetch but nothing is being populated.
public void doSearch() throws NamingException {
String searchFilter = "(&(ou=Example,ou=Examples_ou)(objectClass=person))";
String domain = "DC=mydom,DC=com";
SearchControls searchControls = new SearchControls();
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> answer = ctx.search(domain, searchFilter, searchControls);
int ttl = 0;
while (answer.hasMoreElements()) {
SearchResult sr = (SearchResult) answer.next();
System.out.println(">>>" + sr.getName());
Attributes attrs = sr.getAttributes();
System.out.println(">>>>>>" + attrs.get("samAccountName"));
System.out.println("Total results: " + ttl);
Your filter is invalid, thus returns no data. In
ctx.search(domain, searchFilter, searchControls);
domain is being passed as the base DN for the search. If you want to restrict your search to users within ou=Example,ou=Examples_ou of dc=example,dc=com, then your search base DN should be "ou=Example,ou=Examples_ou,dc=example,dc=com" and searchFilter would be simply "(&(objectClass=person))"
I want to get user DN with the username provided.
What I think is that I want to retrieve all the user data and compare with the username.
And now, I have added objectclass in my search filter and I have no idea why is the data is not retrieving.
Here are the codes that I currently have.
Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, url);
env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "cn=admin,ou=sa,o=system");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "P#ssw0rd");
DirContext context = new InitialDirContext(env);
SearchControls constraints = new SearchControls();
NamingEnumeration result = context.search("", "(objectclass=Person)", constraints);
SearchResult searchResult = (SearchResult) result.next();
Attributes attrs = searchResult.getAttributes();
Attribute ldapattr = attrs.get("photo");
if(ldapattr != null){
byte[] photo = (byte[])ldapattr.get();
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("can't initialized");
//Specific URL of LDAP with the host and :port
return list;
Provide a base DN to search. e.g. ou=users below and add username to filter for faster search
Don't get all the user data as you are unnecessarily increasing network traffic and doing additional computational work on the client.
LDAP server excels at this kind of searching. CN is indexed by default but givenName may not be indexed; so you might want to add an index for this attribute.
NamingEnumeration result = context.search("ou=users",
"(&(objectClass=person)(sAMAccountName=" + userId + "))", constraints);
If you have givenName
NamingEnumeration result = context.search("ou=users",
"(&(objectClass=person)(givenName=" + givenName + "))", constraints);
I have to get the data for the user which are not part of group OU="Google app User" and OU=Contacts I don't have any idea of creating search filter string. code is given below---
public SearchResult getUserInfo(DirContext ctx) throws NamingException{
SearchResult sourceResult = null;
// Create the search controls
SearchControls searchCtls = new SearchControls();
//Specify the attributes to return
//1 String returnedAtts[]={"ou","description"}; // array of the object list which is returned as the
//result of the search query on ldap active directory
String returnedAtts[]={"cn","description","memberOf"};
logger.info("Specify the attributes to return ");
//Specify the search scope
logger.info("Specify the search scope ");
//specify the LDAP search filter
//1 String searchFilter = "(&(OU=Contacts))"; // search input variable require to search the result active directory
String searchFilter = "(&(OU=Contacts))";// I wanna create search filter for all reseult which are not group member of OU="google app user"
and OU="contacts".
logger.info("specify the LDAP search filter ");
//Specify the Base for the search
//1 String searchBase ="DC=Hellowveen,DC=com";
String searchBase ="OU=Users,OU=Matriz,OU=Brazil,DC=Hellowveen,DC=com";// "dc=dom,dc=fr"; initial basic search directory
logger.info("Specify the Base for the search ");
//initialize counter to total the results
int totalResults = 0;
// Search for objects using the filter
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> answer = ctx.search(searchBase, searchFilter, searchCtls);
logger.info("Search for objects using the filter ");
//Loop through the search results
while (answer.hasMoreElements())
sourceResult = (SearchResult)answer.next();
System.out.println(" get name : >>>" + sourceResult.getName());
System.out.println(" get class name :>>>" + sourceResult.getClassName());
Attributes attrs = sourceResult.getAttributes();
System.out.println("member Off>>>>" + attrs.get("memberOf"));
logger.info("Loop END through the search results ");
System.out.println("Total results: " + totalResults);
return sourceResult;
How to search the data in active directory using the java on the base's of group(memberOf) . I really appreciate every suggestion solution. Thanks
The LDAP filer search string representation: RFC 2254
Filter all user which are NOT a member of group "Google app User" but a member of group Contacts:
(&(!(memberOf=ou=Google app User))(memberOf=ou=Contacts))
I am looking for a query, when entered a name it should check whether there are any sub employees reporting to that entered name. If there are any, then it should return all the list of child users(employees) and sub child users reporting to that employee.
I wrote a query, when entered a username, it gets all the data associated with him, but I am confused now how to get only the users & sub-users & sub-sub users names that report to that search term.
Is there a way to do it with AD or do I need to implement DFS search? If either option, then please give me some hints to do it.
try {
// Create Initial Context
LdapContext ctxGC = new InitialLdapContext(env, null);
// ctxGC.setRequestControls(null);
String searchFilter = "(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=" + searchTerm + ")(!(displayName=ADM*)))";
NamingEnumeration<?> namingEnum = ctxGC.search("OU=User,DC=emea,DC=xyz,DC=biz", searchFilter, getSearchControls());
Deque<Node> stack = new ArrayDeque<Node>(); // Do I need to implement tree here or is there any other way to get sub users info from LDAP search??
while (namingEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
SearchResult result = (SearchResult) namingEnum.next();
Attributes attrs = result.getAttributes();
if (attrs != null) {
NamingEnumeration ne = attrs.getAll();
while (ne.hasMore()) {
Attribute attr = (Attribute) ne.next();
} catch (Exception e) {
private static SearchControls getSearchControls() {
SearchControls searchCtls = new SearchControls();
searchCtls.setReturningAttributes(new String[]{"*"});
return searchCtls;
To get the list of users reporting to a manager, I just need to change the search filter query and retrieve the manager credentials, then it returns the list of all users that are reporting to that person. If there are no users reporting to him, then it returns nothing.
So, the searchFilter need to be changed like the following.
String searchFilter = "(&(objectClass=user)(manager=CN=Its\\\\, Zaif,OU=xx,OU=xx,OU=StandardUser,OU=xx,DC=emea,DC=xyz,DC=biz) (!(displayName=ADM*)))";