LibGdx label background with 9patch - java

So i've come across this problem that i simply can't manage to sort out.
I'm making a game with the help of LibGdx and am trying to create a chat bubble functionality. The problem is, when i try to change the background of the label style to a 9patch drawable, it doesn't scale it well, or at all?
public class ChatBubble
private Label textLabel;
private BitmapFont font;
private Label.LabelStyle lStyle;
private int scaledWidth = 0;
private int scaledHeight = 0;
private Timer.Task currentTask;
private Texture bkg;
public ChatBubble()
font = new BitmapFont();
bkg = new Texture("data/ui/chatb.9.png");
NinePatch np = new NinePatch(bkg,11,11,9,10);
NinePatchDrawable npd = new NinePatchDrawable(np);
lStyle = new Label.LabelStyle(font,font.getColor());
lStyle.background = npd;
textLabel = new Label("",lStyle);
currentTask = new Timer.Task() {
public void run() {
public void show(String text, float duration)
scaledHeight = (int)textLabel.getPrefHeight();
scaledWidth = (int)textLabel.getWidth()/2;
public void show(String text)
scaledHeight = (int)textLabel.getPrefHeight();
scaledWidth = (int)textLabel.getWidth()/2;
public void draw(SpriteBatch batch, float x, float y)
textLabel.setPosition(x - scaledWidth, y + scaledHeight);
textLabel.draw(batch, 1);
How it looks ingame:
How the 9batch looks:
Any help would be appreciated!
I've found out that my 9patch scales ok, the problem being in label not updating it's size when setText() is called, thus having it width and height 0 since constructor was "".. calling layout() on label doesn't solve this either.

Call .pack() on the label after .setText() to tell it to size itself to its text (plus whatever padding there is in the background drawable). You don't need to call layout() since that's handled automatically.
I'm not sure the exact reason you have to manually call pack(), but this is generally the case with Widgets that you are not children of a WidgetGroup subclass (i.e. Table, VerticalGroup, etc.).


Why is JLabel giving me dots instead of the full text? [duplicate]

On most systems, the content in my JLabel just shows fine. It is also resided in a way that it should be always big enough to show its content text because I basically do this:
label.setFont(new Font(fontName, 0, 12));
int width = label.getFontMetrics(label.getFont()).stringWidth(text);
int height = 21; // this should always be enough
label.setBounds(new Rectangle(x, y, width, height));
But on some systems (not my own so I cannot really debug it that easy), it cuts the text and shows "..." at the end.
You can see the full code here and you can see the example here (Abbildungen_Bijektiv_X3).
I also have some similar case for JButton.
How can I force Swing to not do that? (Even if it thinks that the component is too small.)
Where exactly does Swing handle this? I browsed through the code of JButton and some related classes but I didn't really found the code where it cuts the text and adds the ellipsis.
There should be no need to set the bounds of the label.
That is the job of a layout manager. Learn to use layout managers and you won't have this problem.
Layout managers use:
label.setSize( label.getPreferredSize() );
I am doing this now (for buttons but you could do it in a similar way for other controls):
static public class ButtonUI extends MetalButtonUI {
public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent c) {
return new ButtonUI();
#Override public void paint(Graphics g, JComponent c) {
AbstractButton b = (AbstractButton) c;
ButtonModel model = b.getModel();
String text = b.getText();
// perform UI specific press action, e.g. Windows L&F shifts text
if (model.isArmed() && model.isPressed()) {
FontMetrics metrics = g.getFontMetrics();
Rectangle2D stringBounds = metrics.getStringBounds(text, g);
(b.getWidth() - (int)stringBounds.getWidth()) / 2,
metrics.getLeading() + metrics.getMaxAscent() + (b.getHeight() - (int)stringBounds.getHeight()) / 2);
if (b.isFocusPainted() && b.hasFocus()) {
Rectangle viewRect = new Rectangle();
final int inset = 1;
viewRect.x = inset;
viewRect.y = inset;
viewRect.width = b.getWidth() - (inset + viewRect.x) - 1;
viewRect.height = b.getHeight() - (inset + viewRect.y) - 1;
g.drawRect(viewRect.x, viewRect.y, viewRect.width, viewRect.height);
public void init() {
try {
UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
#Override public UIDefaults getDefaults() {
UIDefaults table = super.getDefaults();
table.put("ButtonUI", ButtonUI.class.getName());
return table;
} catch (Exception e) {
// ...
You could use a cross platform look and feel (Like Nimbus) to stop this occuring

Trying to add a JavaFX shape from another class and create it in my main class. The Class cannot be converted to node

I'm very new to Java. I've been using it for the last two months. The end goal of my code is to try and create a shape and add it to the window without having to set all the properties of the shape in the main "view" class.
When I attempt to add my work in progress Castle class, Intellij is telling me I need to provide a node instead. Below I will provide the class where I'm setting the properties of the shape and the main class where I get halted trying to add it to my window.
public class Castle {
private int width = 1280; // width of the window
private int height = 720; // height of the window
private double x, y, size;
private int denizens;
private Color color;
private String name;
private Random rn = new Random();
// constructor
Castle() {
x = 50;
y = 50;
size = 10;
color = Color.GRAY;
name = "Anthony's Castle";
denizens = rn.nextInt();
// GraphicsContext method
protected void draw(GraphicsContext gc) {
Rectangle rec = new Rectangle(x, y);
// get methods
public int getDenizens() {
return denizens;
public double getSize() {
return size;
public class TwoDomains extends Application {
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
Group root = new Group();
Scene scene = new Scene(root, 1280, 720, Color.BEIGE);
Castle castle = new Castle();
public static void main(String[] args) {
You can only add Nodes to the scene graph, and your Castle class is not a node.
Your draw() method looks strange. It creates a Rectangle (which is a Node), but doesn't do anything with it. It also takes a GraphicsContext2D as a parameter, which looks like you're going to draw on a canvas, but you don't have a canvas.
You just need to organize the code so that, one way or another, your Castle class provides some kind of Node.
One way is to refactor your draw method as
public Node draw() {
Rectangle rec = new Rectangle(x, y);
return rec ;
and then replace
Note that with this setup, each time you call draw() on a single Castle instance will create a new Node, which may or may not be what you want, but it is a very simple task to refactor it if it's not what you want.
Maybe you want:
public class Castle extends Group {
private int width = 1280; // width of the window - does EACH castle need a separate copy of this info?
private int height = 720; // height of the window
private double x, y, size;
private int denizens;
private Color color;
private String name;
private Random rn = new Random(); // This probably should be static, or somewhere else.
// constructor
Castle() {
x = 50;
y = 50;
size = 10;
color = Color.GRAY;
name = "Anthony's Castle";
denizens = rn.nextInt();
protected void makeShape() {
Rectangle rec = new Rectangle(x, y);
// get methods
public int getDenizens() {
return denizens;
public double getSize() {
return size;

How to scroll a ScrollPane in code?

I’m trying to make a scrollwheel component like this in LibGDX:
I’m using ScrollPane since it has input and fling handling built in. I have an image for the scrollwheel that is divided into 14 sections, the scrollpane itself is two sections shorter so that there will be one section on the right and left sides that it can scroll to in either direction. Once the scroll position reaches the end in either direction I want to reset the scroll position back to the center. Doing this over and over again should create the illusion of an infinite scrolling wheel (hopefully).
The problem I’m having is how to position the ScrollPane in code to reset the image once it reaches either end. So far nothing I have tried to set the scroll position has worked. I’ve tried setScrollX() and scrollTo() methods. I’ve also tried setting the size of the scrollpane to be various sizes (same size as image and two sections smaller than the image). I’ve tried calling layout, invalidate, and pack on the scrollpane to make sure it is laid out correctly before I set the scroll value. I thought that updateVisualScroll() might force it to update the scroll position, but this also has no effect.
No matter what I do it simply ignores all of my calls to change the scroll position so I’m clearly missing something. In my code below I'm trying to get the scrollwheel to start in the center of the image and instead it's starting position is all the way at the left.
I also need to be able to get the current scroll position to detect when it has reached either end. I tried overriding the act() method and printing out scrollPane.getX(), but this value was always “0” even when I manually clicked and dragged it to scroll the ScrollPane.
The scrolling does work when manually clicking and dragging, so I believe the ScrollPane is set up correctly, I just can’t get it to scroll within the code.
Here is my code, and for simplicity I took all of my experimentation code out because none of my experimenting worked.
public class MyScrollWheel extends Container<ScrollPane> {
private ScrollPane scrollPane;
private Image image;
private int scrollOffset;
public MyScrollWheel(){
Texture texture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("internal/scrollwheel.png"));
image = new Image(texture);
scrollOffset = (int)(image.getWidth()/14);
scrollPane = new ScrollPane(image);
scrollPane.setOverscroll(false, false);
size(image.getWidth()-(scrollOffset*2), image.getHeight());
scrollPane.setScrollX(scrollOffset); // << this doesn't scroll
Well, I hopefully managed to get something you can build upon. What I simply did was extending actor and have it accept a Texture so I could use Texture.wrap and have it draw with SpriteBatch.draw(). I am able to keep scrolling it now and based on the scroll delta you can figure out how far it has been scrolled. I don't see any need to reset the wheel but if you really want to you can just do wheel.setScroll(0);.
One limitation is that it is not a Drawable so it cannot be scaled like a NinePatch. You have to give it a plain wheel texture draw it the size you want it to spear, you can add normal scaling however and keep aspect ratio manually. Then add the sides to it and perhaps overlay a gradient on those to create depth.
public class ScrollWheel extends Actor {
Texture wheelTexture;
private int scroll = 0;
public int getScroll() {
return scroll;
public void setScroll(int scroll) {
this.scroll = scroll;
public ScrollWheel(Texture texture)
wheelTexture = texture;
wheelTexture.setWrap(Texture.TextureWrap.Repeat, Texture.TextureWrap.ClampToEdge);
public void draw(Batch batch, float parentAlpha) {
super.draw(batch, parentAlpha);
batch.draw(wheelTexture, getX(), getY(), scroll, 0,
wheelTexture.getWidth(), wheelTexture.getHeight());
usage in a Screen:
public class TestScreen implements Screen {
Stage stage;
ScrollWheel wheel;
public TestScreen() {
stage = new Stage();
Table t = new Table();
wheel = new ScrollWheel(new Texture("hud/wheel_part.png"));
wheel.addListener(new DragListener() {
public void drag(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer) {
super.drag(event, x, y, pointer);
wheel.setScroll(wheel.getScroll() + (int)getDeltaX());
public void render(float delta) {, .36f, .42f, 1);;
//...Other mandatory screen methods...
So just create a wheel texture that is tillable and include that with the ScrollWheel constructor. It will draw the wheel in the center of the screen if you use this exact code.
The scroll variable essentially holds the amount of scroll so if you you want limit this between 0 and 100 you would just add this functionality in setScroll().
if (scroll > 100) scroll = 100;
else if (scroll < 0) scroll = 0;
You could then add a step to it. So if you want to rotate a image with the slider you could set the rotation by scroll * 3,6f or scroll * (maxScroll / maxStep)
I really liked the way this turned out, I will be using this for my slider in the future :D. I have extended and altered it a bit already and you can see my implementation here:
Expanding on Menno Gouw's scroll wheel, I've added some more features:
Fling support with setting for fling time
Precision setting to adjust sensitivity of the wheel
Takes a Drawable
Compatible for use inside of a ScrollPane
NOTE: For my purposes I have it take in a Label in the constructor, but this can easily be changed if you don't want it tied to a Label.
Here is a video I recorded on phone demoing the scroll wheel.
- EDIT 1: Layout bugs have now been fixed (hopefully). It now updates its position when moved in a ScrollPane and the Drawables are clipped to the border of the Actor.
- EDIT 2: Added support for a stationary drawable for shading and a method to change the wheel's direction (setRightPositiveDirection()).
public class ScrollWheel extends Actor {
private Drawable wheelDrawable, wheelShading;
private Label label;
private int unscaledScrollValueX=0, scrollValueX=0;
private boolean isNotEdge;
private int precision=40;
private int direction=1;
private int minValue=Integer.MIN_VALUE, maxValue=Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private int separator;
private int wheelWidth;
private float flingTimer, flingTime=1f;
private float velocityX;
public ScrollWheel(Drawable wheelDrawable, Drawable wheelShading, Label label) {
this.wheelDrawable = wheelDrawable;
this.wheelShading = wheelShading;
this.label = label;
wheelWidth = (int)wheelDrawable.getMinWidth();
separator = wheelWidth;
// stops ScrollPane from overriding input events
InputListener stopTouchDown = new InputListener() {
public boolean touchDown (InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) {
return false;
ActorGestureListener flickScrollListener = new ActorGestureListener() {
public void pan (InputEvent event, float x, float y, float deltaX, float deltaY) {
public void fling (InputEvent event, float x, float y, int button) {
if (Math.abs(x) > 150) {
flingTimer = flingTime;
velocityX = x;
public boolean handle (Event event) {
if (super.handle(event)) {
if (((InputEvent)event).getType() == InputEvent.Type.touchDown) flingTimer = 0;
return true;
return false;
private void updateScroll(float delta){
unscaledScrollValueX += (delta * direction);
scrollValueX = (int)(unscaledScrollValueX / precision);
isNotEdge = true;
if (scrollValueX <= minValue){
scrollValueX = minValue;
unscaledScrollValueX = minValue * precision;
isNotEdge = false;
else if (scrollValueX >= maxValue){
scrollValueX = maxValue;
unscaledScrollValueX = maxValue * precision;
isNotEdge = false;
if (isNotEdge){
separator += delta;
if (separator <= 0){
separator = wheelWidth;
else if (separator >= wheelWidth) {
separator = 0;
private void updateLabel(){
label.setText("" + scrollValueX);
public void setMinValue(int minValue){ this.minValue = minValue; }
public void setMinValueToNone(){ minValue=Integer.MIN_VALUE; }
public void setMaxValue(int maxValue){ this.maxValue = maxValue; }
public void setMaxValueToNone(){ minValue=Integer.MAX_VALUE; }
public void setFlingTime(float flingTime){ this.flingTime = flingTime; }
public void setPrecision(int precision){ this.precision = precision; }
public void setRightPositiveDirection(boolean rightPositive){ direction = (rightPositive) ? 1 : -1; }
public void act(float delta){
boolean animating = false;
if (flingTimer > 0) {
float alpha = flingTimer / flingTime;
updateScroll(velocityX * alpha * delta);
flingTimer -= delta;
if (flingTimer <= 0) {
velocityX = 0;
animating = true;
if (animating) {
Stage stage = getStage();
if (stage != null && stage.getActionsRequestRendering()){;
public void draw(Batch batch, float parentAlpha){
super.draw(batch, parentAlpha);
if (clipBegin(getX(), getY(), getWidth(), getHeight())){
wheelDrawable.draw(batch, getX() + separator - wheelWidth, getY(), wheelDrawable.getMinWidth(), wheelDrawable.getMinHeight());
wheelDrawable.draw(batch, getX() + separator, getY(), wheelDrawable.getMinWidth(), wheelDrawable.getMinHeight());
wheelShading.draw(batch, getX(), getY(), wheelShading.getMinWidth(), wheelShading.getMinHeight());

LibGdx Smooth background color change

I am developing a game on Libgdx. The background on my game is just Gl.clear color. I want to SMOOTHLY change background if the score is bigger than 5. So how can I do it with Gl.clearColor. Or I need to try something else?
You can either look at ColorAction for inspiration, or just use it directly:
Color color = new Color(Color.WHITE);
ColorAction colorAction = new ColorAction();
public MyGame() {
public void render(float delta) {, color.g, color.b, color.a);;
When you want to change the background color, just use this:
Here's one way to do it using interpolation. Should be self-explanatory.
private final Color clearColor = new Color();
private final Color startingClearColor = new Color();
private final Color targetClearColor = new Color();
private float elapsedClearColorChangeTime;
private float clearChangeDuration;
private void changeClearColor(int colorHex, float duration){ //for example 0xff0000ff for Red
elapsedClearColorChangeTime = 0;
clearChangeDuration = duration;
private void updateClearColor(float deltaTime){
if (elapsedClearColorChangeTime < clearChangeDuration){
elapsedClearColorChangeTime = Math.min(elapsedClearColorChangeTime + deltaTime, clearChangeDuration);
Interpolation.fade.apply(elapsedClearColorChangeTime / clearChangeDuration));
}, clearColor.g, clearColor.b, clearColor.a);
public void render(float deltaTime){

Reuse code when using screens in Libgdx

From what I understand when reading other peoples code on how to make different screens. You do a main handler class sort of... And then create a new class for each screen.
The thing that confuses me is that whenever you create a new screen, you have to redefine everything that's going to be rendered, like SpriteBatch, sprites, fonts, etc. Is there any way to reuse these kind of things in all screens? I mean, if I have 10 screens, and want to be able to draw text on every screen. Is it really good programming practice to make a new BitmapFont for all 10 screen classes?
I've created an Abstract Screen class that contains all the common objects for a screen, every one of my screens extend this abstract class. And that looks like this:
public abstract class AbstractScreen implements Screen {
protected final Game game;
protected InputMultiplexer multiInputProcessor;
protected ScreenInputHandler screenInputHandler;
protected Stage uiStage;
protected Skin uiSkin;
public AbstractScreen(Game game) { = game;
this.uiStage = new Stage();
this.uiSkin = new Skin();
this.screenInputHandler = new ScreenInputHandler(game);
this.multiInputProcessor = new InputMultiplexer();
private static NinePatch processNinePatchFile(String fname) {
final Texture t = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal(fname));
final int width = t.getWidth() - 2;
final int height = t.getHeight() - 2;
return new NinePatch(new TextureRegion(t, 1, 1, width, height), 3, 3, 3, 3);
public void render (float delta) {, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1);;
uiStage.act(Math.min(, 1 / 30f));
public void resize (int width, int height) {
public void show() {
public void hide() {
public void pause() {
public void resume() {
public void dispose() {
When I want to create a new class I just extend the abstract screen and add what I need. For example I have a basic credits screen, I just need to create the components but the abstract screen draws it:
public class CreditsScreen extends AbstractScreen {
public CreditsScreen(final Game game) {
// Generate a 1x1 white texture and store it in the skin named "white".
Pixmap pixmap = new Pixmap(1, 1, Format.RGBA8888);
uiSkin.add("white", new Texture(pixmap));
// Store the default libgdx font under the name "default".
BitmapFont buttonFont = new BitmapFont();
uiSkin.add("default", buttonFont);
// Configure a TextButtonStyle and name it "default". Skin resources are stored by type, so this doesn't overwrite the font.
TextButtonStyle textButtonStyle = new TextButtonStyle();
textButtonStyle.up = uiSkin.newDrawable("white", Color.DARK_GRAY);
textButtonStyle.down = uiSkin.newDrawable("white", Color.DARK_GRAY);
textButtonStyle.checked = uiSkin.newDrawable("white", Color.BLUE);
textButtonStyle.over = uiSkin.newDrawable("white", Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
textButtonStyle.font = uiSkin.getFont("default");
uiSkin.add("default", textButtonStyle);
// Create a table that fills the screen. Everything else will go inside this table.
Table table = new Table();
table.debug(); // turn on all debug lines (table, cell, and widget)
table.debugTable(); // turn on only table lines
// Label
BitmapFont labelFont = new BitmapFont();
LabelStyle labelStyle = new LabelStyle(labelFont, Color.BLUE);
uiSkin.add("presents", labelStyle);
final Label myName = new Label("Credits and all that stuff", uiSkin, "presents");
I also have a single class that handles the input for all the screens, the specific purpose for this is to handle how the back button works around the different screens. And this input handler class is created in the abstract class.
public class ScreenInputHandler implements InputProcessor {
private final Game game;
public ScreenInputHandler(Game game) { = game;
public boolean keyDown(int keycode) {
if(keycode == Keys.BACK || keycode == Keys.BACKSPACE){
if (game.getScreen() instanceof MainMenuScreen) {;
if (game.getScreen() instanceof GameScreen) {
if (game.getScreen() instanceof CreditsScreen) {
game.setScreen(new MainMenuScreen(game));
return false;
