how to rotate a spatial with physics control in JmonkeyEngine3? - java

I loaded a 3D model from asset Manager and add CharacterControl as a control. every thing was working correctly but when I tried to rotate the model it did`nt work.
private CharacterControl player;
private Spatial model;
public static final Quaternion YAW045 = new Quaternion().fromAngleAxis(FastMath.PI/4, new Vector3f(0,1,0));
public void simpleInitApp() {
// add bullet app sate to state manager
bulletAppState = new BulletAppState();
private void addModel(){
model = assetManager.loadModel("Models/Oto/Oto.mesh.j3o");
model.setLocalTranslation(new Vector3f(0,10,0));
capsuleShape = new CapsuleCollisionShape(1f, 7.9f, 1);
player = new CharacterControl(capsuleShape, 1f);
please help me.

Richard is right.
The CharacterControl class has a setViewDirection() method.
You should really be switching to BetterCharacterControl though as it has better integration. I don't know why CharacterControl is not deprecated.
In general physics objects has a separate "life" as they live in the Bullet PhysicsSpace. For instance the other common physics control: RigidBodyControl class has a setPhysicsRotation(Quaternion rotation) method (just like it has a setPhysicsLocation() method).
More info is in the wiki (although it references CharacterControl) :
Walking Character


How can I render a LibGDX modelInstance on Vuforia AR library?

I know most questions on the community should be done with at least some code. But I´m totally lost here, I don´t even know where to start. What I want to do is use the Vuforia AR Library to render LibGDX 3D modelInstances. However, I don't know how can I make Vuforia render the modelInstances or use a libGDX camera as it´s camera.
I've done external research but I have not been able to find useful information. Is there anyone who can help me get started with this?
Please note that I am not versed in Vuforia AR specifically, but the question has gone unanswered for a while, so I will give it a shot.
The Camera in LibGDX is essentially just a wrapper for two 4x4 matrices, the view matrix Camera#view, and the projection matrix Camer#projection (there is another Matrix, the model matrix, used for world space transformations, however I believe [but am not 100% certain] that in LibGDX, this matrix is already incorporated into the view matrix [so Camera#view is actually the model-view matrix]).
Anyway, following on from this, unless there is a simpler solution that I am not aware of, you should be able to use these underlying matrices to deal with projections between the the Vuforia and LibGDX apis.
(recommended further reading: Model, View, Projection matrices in 3D graphics)
Next is rendering LibGDX 3D ModelInstances using Vuforia. A general solution to this problem, would be to convert the ModelInstance into something that Vuforia can recognize. This would be done by taking the mesh/vertex data represented by the LibGDX model, and feeding it directly into Vuforia.
IMO, the best way of going about this, would be to use a a core representation of the model data which can easily be given to both Vuforia and LibGDX (for example, a certain file format that both can recognize, or as raw FloatBuffers which should be easy to wrap up and give to either API). For reference, LibGDX stores models as vertex information in a collection of FloatBuffers, accessible through Model#meshes or ModelInstance#model#meshes.
Ok. So I finfally managed to combine both libraries. I´m not sure if what I´m doing is the most efficient way of working but it has worked for me.
First of all I´m basing myself on the Sample Apps from Vuforia. Specifically using the FrameMarkers example.
I opened an empty LibGDX project, imported the Vuforia jar and copied the SampleApplicationControl, SampleApplicationException, SampleApplicationGLView, SampleApplicationSession, FrameMarkerRenderer and FrameMarker.
Next, I created some attributes on the AndroidLauncher class of LibGDX and initialized all the Vuforia Stuff:
public class AndroidLauncher extends AndroidApplication implements SampleApplicationControl{
private static final String LOGTAG = "FrameMarkers";
// Our OpenGL view:
public SampleApplicationGLView mGlView;
public SampleApplicationSession vuforiaAppSession;
// Our renderer:
public FrameMarkerRenderer mRenderer;
MyGDX gdxRender;
// The textures we will use for rendering:
public Vector<Texture> mTextures;
public RelativeLayout mUILayout;
public Marker dataSet[];
public GestureDetector mGestureDetector;
public LoadingDialogHandler loadingDialogHandler = new LoadingDialogHandler(
// Alert Dialog used to display SDK errors
private AlertDialog mErrorDialog;
boolean mIsDroidDevice = false;
protected void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState) {
vuforiaAppSession = new SampleApplicationSession(this);
AndroidApplicationConfiguration config = new AndroidApplicationConfiguration();
// Load any sample specific textures:
mTextures = new Vector<Texture>();
gdxRender = new MyGDX (vuforiaAppSession);
initialize(gdxRender, config);
mGestureDetector = new GestureDetector(this, new GestureListener());
mIsDroidDevice = android.os.Build.MODEL.toLowerCase().startsWith(
I needed to set the activity so I created the setmActivity() on the SampleApplicationSession.
After that I implemented the Libgdx ApplicationAdapter class and passed the vuforiaAppSession as an attribute to access all the stuff I initialized.
public class MyGDX extends ApplicationAdapter {
ModelInstance modelInstanceHouse;
private AnimationController controller;
Matrix4 lastTransformCube;
// Constants:
static private float kLetterScale = 25.0f;
static private float kLetterTranslate = 25.0f;
// OpenGL ES 2.0 specific:
private static final String LOGTAG = "FrameMarkerRenderer";
private int shaderProgramID = 0;
private Vector<com.mygdx.robot.Texture> mTextures;
//SampleApplicationSession vuforiaAppSession;
PerspectiveCamera cam;
ModelBuilder modelBuilder;
Model model;
ModelInstance instance;
ModelBatch modelBatch;
static boolean render;
public SampleApplicationSession vuforiaAppSession;
public MyGDX ( SampleApplicationSession vuforiaAppSession){
this.vuforiaAppSession = vuforiaAppSession;
The last important thing to keep in mind is the render() method. I based myself on the the render method of the FrameMarkerRenderer. It has a boolean that gets activated when the camera starts. So I simple changed the variable both on the vuforia AR initialization and the render() method. I had to put the camera on and identity matrix and multiply the model by the modelViewMatrix.
public void render() {
if (render) {
// Clear color and depth buffer
// Get the state from Vuforia and mark the beginning of a rendering
// section
State state = Renderer.getInstance().begin();
// Explicitly render the Video Background
// We must detect if background reflection is active and adjust the
// culling direction.
// If the reflection is active, this means the post matrix has been
// reflected as well,
// therefore standard counter clockwise face culling will result in
// "inside out" models.
if (Renderer.getInstance().getVideoBackgroundConfig().getReflection() == VIDEO_BACKGROUND_REFLECTION.VIDEO_BACKGROUND_REFLECTION_ON)
GLES20.glFrontFace(GLES20.GL_CW); // Front camera
GLES20.glFrontFace(GLES20.GL_CCW); // Back camera
// Set the viewport
int[] viewport = vuforiaAppSession.getViewport();
GLES20.glViewport(viewport[0], viewport[1], viewport[2], viewport[3]);
// Did we find any trackables this frame?
for (int tIdx = 0; tIdx < state.getNumTrackableResults(); tIdx++)
// Get the trackable:
TrackableResult trackableResult = state.getTrackableResult(tIdx);
float[] modelViewMatrix = Tool.convertPose2GLMatrix(
// Choose the texture based on the target name:
int textureIndex = 0;
// Check the type of the trackable:
assert (trackableResult.getType() == MarkerTracker.getClassType());
MarkerResult markerResult = (MarkerResult) (trackableResult);
Marker marker = (Marker) markerResult.getTrackable();
textureIndex = marker.getMarkerId();
float[] modelViewProjection = new float[16];
Matrix.translateM(modelViewMatrix, 0, -kLetterTranslate, -kLetterTranslate, 0.f);
Matrix.scaleM(modelViewMatrix, 0, kLetterScale, kLetterScale, kLetterScale);
Matrix.multiplyMM(modelViewProjection, 0, vuforiaAppSession.getProjectionMatrix().getData(), 0, modelViewMatrix, 0);
SampleUtils.checkGLError("FrameMarkers render frame");
Matrix4 temp3 = new Matrix4(modelViewProjection);
modelInstanceHouse.transform.scale(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f);
It´s a lot of code, but I hope it helps the people that try to start integrating both libraries. I don´t think this is efficient but it´s the only solution I´ve come with.
Pablo's answer is pretty good, however, if you are interested in a bit different approach (Calling Vuforia from LibGDX, not the other way) and a more complete example, here is a github repo with a simple 3D model renderer.

LibGDX, How should I organize code inside Screen and Stage?

Short version: Please link me to a orginized code of a libgdx game with box2d or just tell me what members go in what classes
Long version: I have a GameScreen with GameStage object inside it. However as I develop my game, I see that GameStage has a lot of code while GameScreen is almost empty.
Initially I put camera and viewport inside GameScreen, but that's it.
private Jumper game;
private GameStage stage;
private OrthographicCamera camera;
private FitViewport viewport;
Here are members that are inside my GameStage:
public World world;
private Ground ground;
private Player player;
private float accumulator = 0f;
private Vector3 touch = new Vector3();
private Rectangle rightSide;
private Rectangle leftSide;
private Queue<Platform> platforms;
private int score;
private OrthographicCamera camera;
private Box2DDebugRenderer debugRenderer;
private FitViewport viewport;
That's not that bad for me atm, however I'm only at the prototype build and there is so much more mechanics to be added, I'm sure that it will end up like in my previous game (50+ members), and have so much code that I will get lost in it everytime
Is it normal for a game to have so much code? Or is there a way to optimize this?
PS: Here's my class structure:
I'm in the process of making a Box2D game as well, and organization was a big concern of mine. In a game, there are a lot of things you have to manage. The camera, game logic, moving entities, etc. To get this to all work together, I've started to use what I call handlers. These handlers will handle a specific aspect of the game. This allows me to keep camera code away from Box2D code.
For the project I'm working on right now, I have five handlers inside my "Universe" class:
public WorldHandler world_handler;
public MapCameraHandler map_camera_handler;
public EntityHandler entity_handler;
public LevelHandler level_handler;
public WaveHandler wave_handler;
When I initialize each of them, I pass a reference to this Universe class to their constructors so the handlers can communicate with each other. Then, during my update step, I call each handler's update individually.
public void update(float delta)
I do the same for the draw method.
public void draw()

Java: Accessing resources and the Law Of Demeter

In my (Android) Java game, I have a class called resources. As the name suggests, this class holds the resources for the game. All of my OpenGL objects (Sprites) are created here
It's looks something like the following (obviously, this is a simplified version compared to that which appears in the real project):
public class Resources {
Hero hero;
Enemy enemy;
MenuButtons mainMenuButtons;
Background background;
Scene mainMenu;
public void createObjects(){
hero = new Hero();
enemy = new Enemy();
mainMenuButtons = new MenuButtons();
background = new Background();
mainMenu = new Scene(this);
So, within my mainMenu scene, I need access my objects, so we may see something like this:
public class mainMenu implements Scene {
Resources resources;
public mainMenu(Resources resources){
this.resources = resources;
public void render(){
public void updateLogic(){
Now, the above method is just one way to get access to the objects in resources and their methods. But does this actually break the Law of Demeter? If not, why not? If so, what is the best way to get access to these objects in a way that does not violate the LOD?
One option (which I've ruled out TBH - see below) is placing accessor methods into my resources class. So that I could do something like:
I have a lot of objects and I need an accessor for each method/variable of each object. Not really practical, it seems like I'm writing a ton of extra code and most importantly, it makes the resources class ridiculously long as it becomes filled with these accessors. Therefore, I'm not going down this road.
Passing in objects into the scene's constructor
Of course, I can also do something like this:
hero = new Hero();
enemy = new Enemy();
mainMenuButtons = new MenuButtons();
background = new Background();
mainMenu = new Scene(hero, enemy, mainMenuButtons, background);
So I can simply do this:
background.draw(); //etc....
This is workable for simple scene's (such as menu systems that don't require a lot of objects) but for the main game, it could quickly become a mess as I'd have to pass references to some 30+ objects into the constructor which doesn't really sound quite right......
So I would really appreciate if someone could point out the best way to proceed and why.
So I would really appreciate if someone could point out the best way to proceed and why.
The best way, in my opinion, is to keep the Resources class, make all objects private to not break the law and write accessors (but not for every object like you already ruled out).
I have a lot of objects and I need an accessor for each method/variable of each object. Not really practical, it seems like I'm writing a ton of extra code and most importantly, it makes the resources class ridiculously long as it becomes filled with these accessors. Therefore, I'm not going down this road.
I assume many objects are of the same class. So you do not have to make an accessor for every object what would really blow up the class.
I a game you normally have a hero, one or more enemies and many sprites.
public class Resources {
private Hero hero;
private Enemy enemy;
private MenuButtons mainMenuButtons;
private Background background;
private Scene mainMenu;
public void createObjects(){
hero = new Hero();
enemy = new Enemy();
mainMenuButtons = new MenuButtons();
background = new Background();
mainMenu = new Scene(this);
public Hero getBackground() {
return background;
public Hero getHero() {
return hero;
public List<Enemy> getEnemies() {
ArrayList<Enemy> list = new ArrayList<Enemy>();
return list;
public List<Sprite> getSprites() {
ArrayList<Sprite> list = new ArrayList<Sprite>();
return list;
Instead of getHero() and getEnemy() you could also make a getActor() method if Hero and Enemy are derived from the same class.
The getSprites() method is just an example how it could look like.
If that solution is not going to work for you, I have another suggestion.
Make the Resources class do some work.
public class ResourceManager {
private Hero hero;
private Enemy enemy;
private MenuButtons mainMenuButtons;
private Background background;
private Scene mainMenu;
public void createObjects(){
hero = new Hero();
enemy = new Enemy();
mainMenuButtons = new MenuButtons();
background = new Background();
mainMenu = new Scene(this);
public void render(Scene scene) {
if (scene != mainMenu) {
public void updateLogic(Scene scene){
The mainMenu then calls logic methods directly in the RescourceManager class.
public class mainMenu implements Scene {
ResourceManager resourceManager;
public mainMenu(ResourceManager resourceManager){
this.resourceManager = resourceManager;
public void render(){
public void updateLogic(){
I hope my suggestions helped you a bit figure out how to continue with your project.
You could use dependency injection and eliminate your Resources class. Then you can call functions on your fields and wouldn't be in violation of the Law of Demeter.
Here is an example using constructor injection:
public class MainMenu implements Scene {
Background background;
Hero hero;
Enemy enemy;
MenuButtons buttons
public mainMenu(Background background, Hero hero, Enemy enemy, MenuButtons buttons){
this.background = background;
this.hero = hero;
this.enemy = enemy;
this.buttons = buttons;
public void render(){
public void updateLogic(){
With dependency injection, you pass instances into constructors and functions instead of "newing" them inside your class. You need to manage your instances somewhere though, and there are plenty of libraries that will do that for you. Dagger is a popular one for Android:
The idea of passing a list isn't a bad first step, but it's not sufficient. Game developers have a (somewhat controversial) concept of a structure called a "scene graph" that helps them keep track of their resources (among other things).
It's a pretty complicated concept, but you're going to need to learn about it sooner or later. There's a lot of good advice on, so I'd suggest you take a peek over there.
Here's a nice YouTube video tutorial on the subject.
You could create an Drawer class that handles the drawing of all the objects. Your scene objects simply need to feed the Drawer the objects that I assume are Drawable.
public class Drawer {
public void drawObjects(Drawable... objects) {
for(Drawable drawable : objects) {
This is then used by Scene to draw those objects.
public class mainMenu implements Scene {
Resources resources;
Drawer drawer;
public void render() {
A similar strategy, using an Updater, can applied for the other methods. If your updateLogic() method makes as simple of calls as it looks, you can definitely do the same thing, by making all those objects inherit from an Updateable interface.
public interface Updateable {
void update();
Hero's and Enemy's update() methods could simply call their move() methods, while MenuButtons's update() could delegate to animate(), etc.
Obviously, if you like, you can use some sort of collection instead of varargs for the parameter of Drawer's drawObjects(). I just like the nice fluency made possible by the varargs, since you don't have to create the collection.
For other tips for keeping code in line with the Law of Demeter, check out this article: Law of Demeter and How to Work With It
I like the concept of a ResourceManager. But a ResourceManager should be responsilbe for loading Resources, caching and freeing them. Rendering is definitly a Method of a Render Object.
So the Scence - render Method could delegate the rendering to it after instantiating a Renderer and feed it with Drawables as the Renderer does not render Resources but renderable objects.
class MainMenu implements Scene {
Renderer sceneRenderer = new Renderer();
AnimatedRenderer animatedRenderer = new AnimatedRenderer();
ResourceManager resourceManager = ResourceManager.getInstance();
List<Resource> resources;
List<Drawable> renderedObjects;
GameObjectController gameObjectController;
void initializeScene() {
resources = resourceManager.getResources();
renderedObjects = resourcesAsRenderables();
List<Drawable> resourcesAsRenderables() {
// if resources are not directly renderable, do decoration etc
// and return a List of Drawable
public void render(){
public void updateLogic(){
protected void moveGameObjects() {
gameObjectController.moveAllObjects(this, resources);
protected void doAnimations() {
class ResourceManager {
private static ResourceManager instance = null;
List<Resource> resources;
public ResourceManager getInstance() {
if(instance == null) {
instance = new ResourceManager();
return instance;
private void loadResources() {
resources = new LinkedList<Resource>();
resources.add(new Hero());
public List<Resource> getResources() {
return resources;
This clearly separates the logic and responsibilities for the tasks carried out during the scene lifecycle. A resource manager which is responsible for retrieving resources and as they may take long loading times does things like caching or freeing in low memory situations hiding the details from the client. A renderer which is responsible for displaying the objects and a controller which is responsible for moving the objects. The controller itself may implement handlers for keyboard events but that is not something which must be transparent to the scene. The renderer may swap backgrounds in or out or scale or set lighting effects but the scene only calls its render method. The animated renderer is responsible for starting , rendering and stopping animations.
Change this:
public void render(){
public void updateLogic(){
With this:
public void render(){
public void updateLogic(){
ResourceManager don't have to know what's inside Resources. It may be one enemy or ten, it doesn't care to ResourceManager.
And so in 'Resource' you can do:
public void update(){
hero.update();// Cause hero may, or may not move, he makes the choice
public void render(){
More than this! you could change the "Resource" implementation with an interface and you will be programming for interfaces and not for implementations, which is cool! This way you can have a 'Resources' for in-game and another one for menus that will be used in same way: Only changing, at runtime, the concrete Resources you will be in a menu or in game!
Anyway, not always is needed to fill Demeter.
As can be seen your Resources dont need to be recreated, instead they do use some resources that cant be reloaded (probably images).
You should share the images object within a Resource class, and create your objects within a Scene class, on the constructor of the entities you can get the shared resource that is pre-loaded.

Java Constructor Injection

Let's say I have a class resources which instantiates all of my OpenGL / Java game objects and I then pass these via constructor to my Scene class (which requires them), like so (simplified example).....
public class Resources {
Hero hero;
Enemy enemy;
MenuButtons mainMenuButtons;
Background background;
Scene mainMenu;
public void createObjects(){
hero = new Hero();
enemy = new Enemy();
mainMenuButtons = new MenuButtons();
background = new Background();
mainMenu = new Scene(hero, enemy, mainMenuButtons, background);
Obviously my Scene's constructor would need to take 4 arguments like so:
public class MainMenu implements Scene {
hero Hero;
enemy Enemy;
mainMenuButtons MenuButtons;
background Background;
public MainMenu(Hero hero, Enemy enemy, MainMenuButtons mainMenuButtons, Background background){
this.hero = hero;
this.enemy = enemy;
this.mainMenuButtons = mainMenuButtons;
this.background = background;
As more objects are required, the constructor grows ever longer. Now let's say I do something like the following instead:
public class MainMenu implements Scene {
Resources resources;
public MainMenu(Resources resources){
this.hero = resources.hero;
this.enemy = resources.enemy;
this.mainMenuButtons = resources.mainMenuButtons;
this.background = resources.background;
Both options would allow me to use objects within my mainMenuScene like so:
The 2nd seems to be little neater as the constructor will never need to take any additional arguments. However as far as I can recall, I've never really seen any examples like this. Is this a valid technique? Would I run into an problems using it?
Short Answer:-Yes the technique is valid and it should work fine.
Longer part:-
I would like to suggest two design approaches to consider
The essence pattern
The fluent interface pattern
These are both similar in intent.
Also the builder pattern can be helpful. We see it many times using hibernate. For your class it could like below:-
public class mainMenu implements Scene {
private Hero hero;
private Enemy enemy;
private MenuButtons mainMenuButtons;
private Background background;
public mainMenu setHero(Hero hero){this.hero = hero; return this}
public mainMenu setEnemy(Enemy enemy){this.enemy = enemy; return this}
public mainMenu setMainMenuButtons(MenuButtons mainMenuButtons){this.mainMenuButtons = mainMenuButtons; return this}
public mainMenu setBackground(Background background){this.background = background; return this}
And then you could create objects using chaining something like below:-
mainMenu main =new mainMenu().
setHero(new Hero()).
setEnemy(new Enemy()).
setMainMenuButtons(new MainMenuButtons()).
setBackground(new Background());
P.S. Even if you don't want to use above patterns I recommend three changes or habits.
1. Class name start with uppercase alphabet and
2. A convention of organizing the arguments alphabetically.
3. Probably you want to set acces level of the members to private.
I like it. Instead of Resources, I like to call it an ApplicationContext and use the same way.
I've been critized for creating a "God Object". I disagree with this. As long as the ApplicationContext is thin and only holds objects, but doesn't know anything about them (call any methods), then it's fine. It could be replaced by a List or Map, except I like the additional type checking.
See the Service Locator pattern for another way of doing this.

Jmonkey engine 3.0 Drawing points

How can I draw a 3D-point (or point sprite) in 3D space?
There is no documentation for drawing a point in JMonkey Engine site or anywhere else. Just a single point. Then updating the coordinates. No color, just a dot in 3D space.
A point (as opposed to a sphere) can be created using a mesh in which you directly set its buffers (or technically buffer; since a points mesh doesn't require an index buffer as other more complex meshes require. See How can I draw a straight line in the JMonkey Engine library). Mesh creation is documented here.
An example of creating points in 3D space using a mesh is below:
import com.jme3.material.Material;
import com.jme3.math.*;
import com.jme3.renderer.RenderManager;
import com.jme3.scene.*;
import com.jme3.util.BufferUtils;
public class Main extends SimpleApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Main app = new Main();
public void simpleInitApp() {
Vector3f[] lineVerticies=new Vector3f[5];
lineVerticies[0]=new Vector3f(2,0,0);
lineVerticies[1]=new Vector3f(-1,0,1);
lineVerticies[2]=new Vector3f(0,1,1);
lineVerticies[3]=new Vector3f(1,1,1);
lineVerticies[4]=new Vector3f(1,4,0);
public void plotPoints(Vector3f[] lineVerticies, ColorRGBA pointColor){
Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
mesh.setBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Position, 3, BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(lineVerticies));
Geometry geo=new Geometry("line",mesh);
Material mat = new Material(assetManager, "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md");
mat.setColor("Color", pointColor);
public void simpleUpdate(float tpf) {
//TODO: add update code
public void simpleRender(RenderManager rm) {
//TODO: add render code
This will create the points within pointVerticies as shown below
Later if you need to update infomation in a buffer you can do so using:
VertexBuffer posBuffer = mesh.getBuffer(Type.Position);
Or (much more efficiently) you can just attach your geometry to a node and move that (depending on your usage case).
In its most basic state the Vertex buffer expects x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x3.... etc with no demarcation between where one vertex ends and the other begins. So the following would enter 3 vertices into the buffer; (1.1,1.2,1.3), (2.1,2.2,2.3) and (3.1,3.2,3.3)
m.setBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Position, 3, new float[]{1.1,1.2,1.3,2.1,2.2,2.3,3.1,3.2,3.3});
However the createFloatBuffer() method converts from an array of Vector3f into this form.
Also; its often possible to 'get away with' not calling mesh.updateBound();, however without it objects may be culled because the graphics card believes them to be off screen when actually they are visible
