how to convert os grid reference to longitude and latitude in java? - java

I'm looking to convert OS Grid Reference to longitude and latitude, I'm using the jcoord library in Android studio,
I'm interested how I would connect this to a button that on on activity you can type in a grid reference on a edit text, and click convert (Which will do the magic formula) and will show the longitude and latitude below?
Basically I want to make a user interface, with being able to test this on my phone
I believe the formula will be done in the, with the code being the following:
public class OSRef extends Activity implements View.OnClickListener {
EditText osGridNumber;
View convertButton;
TextView latLongBox;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
convertButton = findViewById(;
osGridNumber = (EditText) findViewById(;
latLongBox = (TextView) findViewById(;
public void onClick(View v) {
switch (v.getId()) {
* Easting
private double easting;
* Northing
private double northing;
* Create a new Ordnance Survey grid reference.
* #param easting the easting in metres
* #param northing the northing in metres
* #since 1.0
public OSRef(double easting, double northing) {
this.easting = easting;
this.northing = northing;
* Take a string formatted as a six-figure OS grid reference (e.g. "TG514131")
* and create a new OSRef object that represents that grid reference. The
* first character must be H, N, S, O or T. The second character can be any
* uppercase character from A through Z excluding I.
* #param ref a String representing a six-figure Ordnance Survey grid reference
* in the form XY123456
* #throws IllegalArgumentException if ref is not of the form XY123456
* #since 1.0
public OSRef(String ref) throws IllegalArgumentException {
// if (ref.matches(""))
char char1 = ref.charAt(0);
char char2 = ref.charAt(1);
// Thanks to Nick Holloway for pointing out the radix bug here
int east = Integer.parseInt(ref.substring(2, 5)) * 100;
int north = Integer.parseInt(ref.substring(5, 8)) * 100;
if (char1 == 'H') {
north += 1000000;
} else if (char1 == 'N') {
north += 500000;
} else if (char1 == 'O') {
north += 500000;
east += 500000;
} else if (char1 == 'T') {
east += 500000;
int char2ord = char2;
if (char2ord > 73)
char2ord--; // Adjust for no I
double nx = ((char2ord - 65) % 5) * 100000;
double ny = (4 - Math.floor((char2ord - 65) / 5)) * 100000;
easting = east + nx;
northing = north + ny;
* Return a String representation of this OSGB grid reference showing the
* easting and northing.
* #return a String represenation of this OSGB grid reference
* #since 1.0
public String toString() {
return "(" + easting + ", " + northing + ")";
* Return a String representation of this OSGB grid reference using the
* six-figure notation in the form XY123456
* #return a String representing this OSGB grid reference in six-figure
* notation
* #since 1.0
public String toSixFigureString() {
int hundredkmE = (int) Math.floor(easting / 100000);
int hundredkmN = (int) Math.floor(northing / 100000);
String firstLetter;
if (hundredkmN < 5) {
if (hundredkmE < 5) {
firstLetter = "S";
} else {
firstLetter = "T";
} else if (hundredkmN < 10) {
if (hundredkmE < 5) {
firstLetter = "N";
} else {
firstLetter = "O";
} else {
firstLetter = "H";
int index = 65 + ((4 - (hundredkmN % 5)) * 5) + (hundredkmE % 5);
// int ti = index;
if (index >= 73)
String secondLetter = Character.toString((char) index);
int e = (int) Math.floor((easting - (100000 * hundredkmE)) / 100);
int n = (int) Math.floor((northing - (100000 * hundredkmN)) / 100);
String es = "" + e;
if (e < 100)
es = "0" + es;
if (e < 10)
es = "0" + es;
String ns = "" + n;
if (n < 100)
ns = "0" + ns;
if (n < 10)
ns = "0" + ns;
return firstLetter + secondLetter + es + ns;
* Convert this OSGB grid reference to a latitude/longitude pair using the
* OSGB36 datum. Note that, the LatLng object may need to be converted to the
* WGS84 datum depending on the application.
* #return a LatLng object representing this OSGB grid reference using the
* OSGB36 datum
* #since 1.0
public LatLng toLatLng() {
double OSGB_F0 = 0.9996012717;
double N0 = -100000.0;
double E0 = 400000.0;
double phi0 = Math.toRadians(49.0);
double lambda0 = Math.toRadians(-2.0);
double a = RefEll.AIRY_1830.getMaj();
double b = RefEll.AIRY_1830.getMin();
double eSquared = RefEll.AIRY_1830.getEcc();
double phi = 0.0;
double lambda = 0.0;
double E = this.easting;
double N = this.northing;
double n = (a - b) / (a + b);
double M = 0.0;
double phiPrime = ((N - N0) / (a * OSGB_F0)) + phi0;
do {
M =
(b * OSGB_F0)
* (((1 + n + ((5.0 / 4.0) * n * n) + ((5.0 / 4.0) * n * n * n)) * (phiPrime - phi0))
- (((3 * n) + (3 * n * n) + ((21.0 / 8.0) * n * n * n))
* Math.sin(phiPrime - phi0) * Math.cos(phiPrime + phi0))
+ ((((15.0 / 8.0) * n * n) + ((15.0 / 8.0) * n * n * n))
* Math.sin(2.0 * (phiPrime - phi0)) * Math
.cos(2.0 * (phiPrime + phi0))) - (((35.0 / 24.0) * n * n * n)
* Math.sin(3.0 * (phiPrime - phi0)) * Math
.cos(3.0 * (phiPrime + phi0))));
phiPrime += (N - N0 - M) / (a * OSGB_F0);
} while ((N - N0 - M) >= 0.001);
double v =
a * OSGB_F0
* Math.pow(1.0 - eSquared * Util.sinSquared(phiPrime), -0.5);
double rho =
a * OSGB_F0 * (1.0 - eSquared)
* Math.pow(1.0 - eSquared * Util.sinSquared(phiPrime), -1.5);
double etaSquared = (v / rho) - 1.0;
double VII = Math.tan(phiPrime) / (2 * rho * v);
double VIII =
(Math.tan(phiPrime) / (24.0 * rho * Math.pow(v, 3.0)))
* (5.0 + (3.0 * Util.tanSquared(phiPrime)) + etaSquared - (9.0 * Util
.tanSquared(phiPrime) * etaSquared));
double IX =
(Math.tan(phiPrime) / (720.0 * rho * Math.pow(v, 5.0)))
* (61.0 + (90.0 * Util.tanSquared(phiPrime)) + (45.0 * Util
.tanSquared(phiPrime) * Util.tanSquared(phiPrime)));
double X = Util.sec(phiPrime) / v;
double XI =
(Util.sec(phiPrime) / (6.0 * v * v * v))
* ((v / rho) + (2 * Util.tanSquared(phiPrime)));
double XII =
(Util.sec(phiPrime) / (120.0 * Math.pow(v, 5.0)))
* (5.0 + (28.0 * Util.tanSquared(phiPrime)) + (24.0 * Util
.tanSquared(phiPrime) * Util.tanSquared(phiPrime)));
double XIIA =
(Util.sec(phiPrime) / (5040.0 * Math.pow(v, 7.0)))
* (61.0
+ (662.0 * Util.tanSquared(phiPrime))
+ (1320.0 * Util.tanSquared(phiPrime) * Util
.tanSquared(phiPrime)) + (720.0 * Util.tanSquared(phiPrime)
* Util.tanSquared(phiPrime) * Util.tanSquared(phiPrime)));
phi =
phiPrime - (VII * Math.pow(E - E0, 2.0))
+ (VIII * Math.pow(E - E0, 4.0)) - (IX * Math.pow(E - E0, 6.0));
lambda =
lambda0 + (X * (E - E0)) - (XI * Math.pow(E - E0, 3.0))
+ (XII * Math.pow(E - E0, 5.0)) - (XIIA * Math.pow(E - E0, 7.0));
return new LatLng(Math.toDegrees(phi), Math.toDegrees(lambda));
* Get the easting.
* #return the easting in metres
* #since 1.0
public double getEasting() {
return easting;
* Get the northing.
* #return the northing in metres
* #since 1.0
public double getNorthing() {
return northing;
Thanks in advance


Flipping horizontal asterisk histogram to a vertical one in java

I am trying to create a vertical histogram from a horizontal histogram. I have tried with a similar nested loop setup but I can't seem to do it without breaking the code. I'm slowly learning from a textbook so I've only had experience with a limited number of functions.
The scaling with spaces in a vertical graph is a lot more difficult than I could manage unfortunately.
public static void main(String atgs[]) {
int[] distribution = {0,1,8,59,215,703,1848,3975,8077,13937,22195,31628,
final int MAX_COUNTS = distribution.length;
System.out.println(String.format("%3s %-11s %-11s %-11s %-11s %-11s %-11s %-11s", " ", "0", "10000", "20000", "30000", "40000", "50000", "60000"));
System.out.println(" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------");
System.out.println(String.format("%3s %-11s %-11s %-11s %-11s %-11s %-11s %-11s", " ", "|", "|", "|", "|", "|", "|", "|"));
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_COUNTS; i++) {
if (i % 10 == 0) {
System.out.print(String.format("%3s %-1s", String.valueOf(i), "|"));
int n = distribution[i] / 1000 + 1;
for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
System.out.print(String.format("%1s", "*"));
} else {
System.out.print(String.format("%-3s %-1s", " ", "|"));
int n = distribution[i] / 1000 + 1;
for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
System.out.print(String.format("%1s", "*"));
Creating a vertical histogram is more complicated than a horizontal histogram.
Here are the results of your distribution array.
60,000- |
| * *
| * * *
| * * * *
| * * * *
50,000- | * * * * *
| * * * * * *
| * * * * * *
| * * * * * *
| * * * * * *
40,000- | * * * * * * * *
| * * * * * * * *
| * * * * * * * *
| * * * * * * * *
| * * * * * * * * *
30,000- | * * * * * * * * * *
| * * * * * * * * * *
| * * * * * * * * * *
| * * * * * * * * * * *
| * * * * * * * * * * * *
20,000- | * * * * * * * * * * * *
| * * * * * * * * * * * * *
| * * * * * * * * * * * * *
| * * * * * * * * * * * * *
| * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
10,000- | * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
| * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
| * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
| * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
| * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
0- | - - - - | - - - - | - - - - | - - - - | - - - - | - - - - | - - - - | - - - -
0 10 20 30
The biggest "trick" I did was to create the vertical histogram upside down. In other words, I created the X-axis label line first, then the dashed line, then the histogram lines from the bottom up. I saved all the lines in a java.util.List, then printed the output lines in reverse order.
I broke the code up into seven methods, not including the main method. I did this so I could focus on one part of the vertical histogram at a time.
I did not write all this code in one shot. I built one vertical histogram line at a time. I built the vertical histogram first, then added the Y-Axis labels. I tested. I probably ran 50 - 70 tests before I completed the code.
I used a StringBuilder to construct each line. You could concatenate String segments together, but a StringBuilder is more efficient.
Here's the complete, runnable code. I hope you review the code and try to understand what I did.
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class VerticalHistogram {
public static void main(String atgs[]) {
VerticalHistogram vh = new VerticalHistogram();
int[] distribution = { 0, 1, 8, 59, 215, 703, 1848, 3975, 8077,
13937, 22195, 31628, 41711, 51099, 57142, 59959,
59670, 55756, 48850, 40931, 32583, 24995, 18217,
12794, 8623, 5577, 3601, 2272, 1259, 764, 464, 246,
153, 80, 39, 22, 12, 6, 3, 0 };
private NumberFormat numberFormat;
public VerticalHistogram() {
this.numberFormat = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance();
public void createVerticalHistogram(int[] distribution) {
int maximum = calculateMaximum(distribution);
maximum = roundUp(maximum, 1000);
// 30 is maximum height of histogram
int interval = maximum / 30;
int labelInterval = interval * 5;
// System.out.println(maximum + " " + interval);
List<String> output = generateVerticalHistogram(distribution,
interval, labelInterval, maximum);
for(int i = output.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
private int calculateMaximum(int[] distribution) {
int max = distribution[0];
for (int i = 1; i < distribution.length; i++) {
max = Math.max(max, distribution[i]);
return max;
private List<String> generateVerticalHistogram(int[] distribution,
int interval, int labelInterval, int max) {
List<String> output = new ArrayList<>();
for (int value = interval; value <= max; value += interval) {
output.add(generateYValue(distribution, value, labelInterval));
return output;
private String generateXLabels(int[] distribution) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < distribution.length; i++) {
if (i % 10 == 0) {
} else {
builder.append(" ");
return builder.toString();
private String generateXAxis(int[] distribution) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append(" ");
builder.append("- ");
for (int i = 0; i < distribution.length; i++) {
if (i % 5 == 0) {
builder.append("| ");
} else {
builder.append("- ");
return builder.toString();
private String generateYValue(int[] distribution, int value,
int labelInterval) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
if (value % labelInterval == 0) {
String label = numberFormat.format(value);
int margin = 8 - label.length();
for (int i = 0; i < margin; i++) {
builder.append(" ");
builder.append(label).append("- | ");
} else {
builder.append(" | ");
for (int i = 0; i < distribution.length; i++) {
if (distribution[i] >= value) {
builder.append("* ");
} else {
builder.append(" ");
return builder.toString();
private int roundUp(int max, int factor) {
return (max + factor - 1) / factor * factor;

Java- Optimizing a root finding algorithm

I wrote the following Java code to find zeroes for the Riemann-Siegel Z(t) function. I am wondering if I can optimize the code so that it doesn't take 36 hours to evaluate 0 < t < 1000000 (might not be possible though).
Through the findRoots() method inside the code sample below, can I adjust
double i = 0;
while (i < 1000000) {
i+= 0.001;
if(sign(func.value(i)) != sign(func.value(i+0.001))) {
set.add(f.solve(1000, func, i, i+0.001));
to do something faster? I am looking to increase i by 0.001 due to my investigation of the zeta function. Could I change this part so that the code doesn't take 36 hours to evaluate 0 < t < 1000000 while keeping i = 0.001?
The full program is pasted below. I am looking to change the part highlighted above.
Note: I am using a LinkedHashSet because I would like the output of the zeroes to be ordered when they are printed.
** Apply Riemann-Siegel Formula for Lehmer's Phenomenon
** Axion004
** 09/30/2015
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
//These two imports are from the Apache Commons Math library
import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.UnivariateFunction;
import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.solvers.BracketingNthOrderBrentSolver;
public class RiemannSiegel{
public static void main(String[] args){
// Main method
public static void SiegelMain() {
System.out.println("RS- Zeroes inside the critical line for " +
"Zeta(1/2 + it). The t values are referenced below.");
* The sign of a calculated double value.
* #param x - the double value.
* #return the sign in -1, 1, or 0 format.
private static int sign(double x) {
if (x < 0.0)
return -1;
else if (x > 0.0)
return 1;
return 0;
* Finds the roots of a specified function through the
* BracketingNthOrderBrentSolver from the Apache Commons Math library.
* See
* apache/commons/math3/analysis/solvers/BracketingNthOrderBrentSolver
* .html
* The zeroes inside the interval of 0 < t < 10000 are printed from
* a LinkedHashSet.
public static void findRoots() {
BracketingNthOrderBrentSolver f = new
BracketingNthOrderBrentSolver(1e-10, 10);
UnivariateFunction func = new UnivariateFunction() {
public double value(double x) {
return RiemennZ(x, 4);
LinkedHashSet<Double> set = new LinkedHashSet<>();
// Adjust values to see different zeroes
// Test adjusting values to understand the code
double i = 0;
while (i < 1000000) {
i+= 0.001;
if(sign(func.value(i)) != sign(func.value(i+0.001))) {
set.add(f.solve(1000, func, i, i+0.001));
for(Double s: set)
* Riemann-Siegel theta function using the approximation by the
* Stirling series.
* #param t - the value of t inside the Z(t) function.
* #return Stirling's approximation for theta(t).
public static double theta (double t) {
return (t/2.0 * Math.log(t/(2.0*Math.PI)) - t/2.0 - Math.PI/8.0
+ 1.0/(48.0*Math.pow(t, 1)) + 7.0/(5760*Math.pow(t, 3)));
* Computes Math.Floor of the absolute value term passed in as t.
* #param t - the value of t inside the Z(t) function.
* #return Math.floor of the absolute value of t.
public static double fAbs(double t) {
return Math.floor(Math.abs(t));
* Riemann-Siegel Z(t) function implemented per the Riemenn Siegel
* formula. See
* for details
* #param t - the value of t inside the Z(t) function.
* #param r - referenced for calculating the remainder terms by the
* Taylor series approximations.
* #return the approximate value of Z(t) through the Riemann-Siegel
* formula
public static double RiemennZ(double t, int r) {
double twopi = Math.PI * 2.0;
double val = Math.sqrt(t/twopi);
double n = fAbs(val);
double sum = 0.0;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
sum += (Math.cos(theta(t) - t * Math.log(i))) / Math.sqrt(i);
sum = 2.0 * sum;
double remainder;
double frac = val - n;
int k = 0;
double R = 0.0;
// Necessary to individually calculate each remainder term by using
// Taylor Series co-efficients. These coefficients are defined below.
while (k <= r) {
R = R + C(k, 2.0*frac-1.0) * Math.pow(t / twopi,
((double) k) * -0.5);
remainder = Math.pow(-1, (int)n-1) * Math.pow(t / twopi, -0.25) * R;
return sum + remainder;
* C terms for the Riemann-Siegel formula. See
* for details.
* Calculates the Taylor Series coefficients for C0, C1, C2, C3,
* and C4.
* #param n - the number of coefficient terms to use.
* #param z - referenced per the Taylor series calculations.
* #return the Taylor series approximation of the remainder terms.
public static double C (int n, double z) {
if (n==0)
return(.38268343236508977173 * Math.pow(z, 0.0)
+.43724046807752044936 * Math.pow(z, 2.0)
+.13237657548034352332 * Math.pow(z, 4.0)
-.01360502604767418865 * Math.pow(z, 6.0)
-.01356762197010358089 * Math.pow(z, 8.0)
-.00162372532314446528 * Math.pow(z,10.0)
+.00029705353733379691 * Math.pow(z,12.0)
+.00007943300879521470 * Math.pow(z,14.0)
+.00000046556124614505 * Math.pow(z,16.0)
-.00000143272516309551 * Math.pow(z,18.0)
-.00000010354847112313 * Math.pow(z,20.0)
+.00000001235792708386 * Math.pow(z,22.0)
+.00000000178810838580 * Math.pow(z,24.0)
-.00000000003391414390 * Math.pow(z,26.0)
-.00000000001632663390 * Math.pow(z,28.0)
-.00000000000037851093 * Math.pow(z,30.0)
+.00000000000009327423 * Math.pow(z,32.0)
+.00000000000000522184 * Math.pow(z,34.0)
-.00000000000000033507 * Math.pow(z,36.0)
-.00000000000000003412 * Math.pow(z,38.0)
+.00000000000000000058 * Math.pow(z,40.0)
+.00000000000000000015 * Math.pow(z,42.0));
else if (n==1)
return(-.02682510262837534703 * Math.pow(z, 1.0)
+.01378477342635185305 * Math.pow(z, 3.0)
+.03849125048223508223 * Math.pow(z, 5.0)
+.00987106629906207647 * Math.pow(z, 7.0)
-.00331075976085840433 * Math.pow(z, 9.0)
-.00146478085779541508 * Math.pow(z,11.0)
-.00001320794062487696 * Math.pow(z,13.0)
+.00005922748701847141 * Math.pow(z,15.0)
+.00000598024258537345 * Math.pow(z,17.0)
-.00000096413224561698 * Math.pow(z,19.0)
-.00000018334733722714 * Math.pow(z,21.0)
+.00000000446708756272 * Math.pow(z,23.0)
+.00000000270963508218 * Math.pow(z,25.0)
+.00000000007785288654 * Math.pow(z,27.0)
-.00000000002343762601 * Math.pow(z,29.0)
-.00000000000158301728 * Math.pow(z,31.0)
+.00000000000012119942 * Math.pow(z,33.0)
+.00000000000001458378 * Math.pow(z,35.0)
-.00000000000000028786 * Math.pow(z,37.0)
-.00000000000000008663 * Math.pow(z,39.0)
-.00000000000000000084 * Math.pow(z,41.0)
+.00000000000000000036 * Math.pow(z,43.0)
+.00000000000000000001 * Math.pow(z,45.0));
else if (n==2)
return(+.00518854283029316849 * Math.pow(z, 0.0)
+.00030946583880634746 * Math.pow(z, 2.0)
-.01133594107822937338 * Math.pow(z, 4.0)
+.00223304574195814477 * Math.pow(z, 6.0)
+.00519663740886233021 * Math.pow(z, 8.0)
+.00034399144076208337 * Math.pow(z,10.0)
-.00059106484274705828 * Math.pow(z,12.0)
-.00010229972547935857 * Math.pow(z,14.0)
+.00002088839221699276 * Math.pow(z,16.0)
+.00000592766549309654 * Math.pow(z,18.0)
-.00000016423838362436 * Math.pow(z,20.0)
-.00000015161199700941 * Math.pow(z,22.0)
-.00000000590780369821 * Math.pow(z,24.0)
+.00000000209115148595 * Math.pow(z,26.0)
+.00000000017815649583 * Math.pow(z,28.0)
-.00000000001616407246 * Math.pow(z,30.0)
-.00000000000238069625 * Math.pow(z,32.0)
+.00000000000005398265 * Math.pow(z,34.0)
+.00000000000001975014 * Math.pow(z,36.0)
+.00000000000000023333 * Math.pow(z,38.0)
-.00000000000000011188 * Math.pow(z,40.0)
-.00000000000000000416 * Math.pow(z,42.0)
+.00000000000000000044 * Math.pow(z,44.0)
+.00000000000000000003 * Math.pow(z,46.0));
else if (n==3)
return(-.00133971609071945690 * Math.pow(z, 1.0)
+.00374421513637939370 * Math.pow(z, 3.0)
-.00133031789193214681 * Math.pow(z, 5.0)
-.00226546607654717871 * Math.pow(z, 7.0)
+.00095484999985067304 * Math.pow(z, 9.0)
+.00060100384589636039 * Math.pow(z,11.0)
-.00010128858286776622 * Math.pow(z,13.0)
-.00006865733449299826 * Math.pow(z,15.0)
+.00000059853667915386 * Math.pow(z,17.0)
+.00000333165985123995 * Math.pow(z,19.0)
+.00000021919289102435 * Math.pow(z,21.0)
-.00000007890884245681 * Math.pow(z,23.0)
-.00000000941468508130 * Math.pow(z,25.0)
+.00000000095701162109 * Math.pow(z,27.0)
+.00000000018763137453 * Math.pow(z,29.0)
-.00000000000443783768 * Math.pow(z,31.0)
-.00000000000224267385 * Math.pow(z,33.0)
-.00000000000003627687 * Math.pow(z,35.0)
+.00000000000001763981 * Math.pow(z,37.0)
+.00000000000000079608 * Math.pow(z,39.0)
-.00000000000000009420 * Math.pow(z,41.0)
-.00000000000000000713 * Math.pow(z,43.0)
+.00000000000000000033 * Math.pow(z,45.0)
+.00000000000000000004 * Math.pow(z,47.0));
return(+.00046483389361763382 * Math.pow(z, 0.0)
-.00100566073653404708 * Math.pow(z, 2.0)
+.00024044856573725793 * Math.pow(z, 4.0)
+.00102830861497023219 * Math.pow(z, 6.0)
-.00076578610717556442 * Math.pow(z, 8.0)
-.00020365286803084818 * Math.pow(z,10.0)
+.00023212290491068728 * Math.pow(z,12.0)
+.00003260214424386520 * Math.pow(z,14.0)
-.00002557906251794953 * Math.pow(z,16.0)
-.00000410746443891574 * Math.pow(z,18.0)
+.00000117811136403713 * Math.pow(z,20.0)
+.00000024456561422485 * Math.pow(z,22.0)
-.00000002391582476734 * Math.pow(z,24.0)
-.00000000750521420704 * Math.pow(z,26.0)
+.00000000013312279416 * Math.pow(z,28.0)
+.00000000013440626754 * Math.pow(z,30.0)
+.00000000000351377004 * Math.pow(z,32.0)
-.00000000000151915445 * Math.pow(z,34.0)
-.00000000000008915418 * Math.pow(z,36.0)
+.00000000000001119589 * Math.pow(z,38.0)
+.00000000000000105160 * Math.pow(z,40.0)
-.00000000000000005179 * Math.pow(z,42.0)
-.00000000000000000807 * Math.pow(z,44.0)
+.00000000000000000011 * Math.pow(z,46.0)
+.00000000000000000004 * Math.pow(z,48.0));

Implementation of the Riemann Siegel Formula in Java, curious about improving the remainder term

I wrote a basic program which calculates the Riemann-Siegel Z(t) function. I was curious if there is a better way to approximate the remainder term. The method I have now uses the awful table approximations from Haselgrove.
Further information about the Riemann Siegel formula. This might be a tad bit advanced, although further details of this are found in this thesis. Also, in Edwards book.
I know that my for loop is not optimal, I was just using it for testing purposes. I can use a different method to approximate zeroes.
Here is the implementation that I wrote:
import java.util.*;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double s[] = new double[10];
s[0] = 2;
for (double i = 0; i < 500; i += 0.0001) {
if (RiemennZ(i, 4) < 0.0001 && RiemennZ(i, 4) > -1*0.0001)
System.out.println("Found a zero at " + i + ", the value of Zeta(s) is "
+ RiemennZ(i, 4));
//System.out.println("Value of the Zeta Function " + Arrays.toString(Riemann.zeta(s)));
System.out.println("The function you wrote is- " + RiemennZ(16, 4));
System.out.println(fAbs(1.3) -1.0);
// Riemann-Siegel theta function using the approximation by the Stirling series
public static double theta (double t) {
return (t/2.0 * Math.log(t/(2.0*Math.PI)) - t/2.0 - Math.PI/8.0
+ 1.0/(48.0*Math.pow(t, 1)) + 7.0/(5760*Math.pow(t, 3)));
// Computes Math.Floor of the absolute value term passed in as t.
public static double fAbs(double t) {
return Math.floor(Math.abs(t));
// Riemann-Siegel Z(t) function implemented per the Riemenn Siegel formula.
// See for details
public static double RiemennZ(double t, int r) {
double twopi = Math.PI * 2.0;
double val = Math.sqrt(t/twopi);
double n = fAbs(val);
double sum = 0.0;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
sum += (Math.cos(theta(t) - t * Math.log(i))) / Math.sqrt(i);
sum = 2.0 * sum;
// Add the remainder terms
double remainder;
double frac = val - n;
int k = 0;
double R = 0.0;
while (k <= r) {
R = R + C(k, 2.0*frac-1.0) * Math.pow(t / twopi, ((double) k) * -0.5);
remainder = Math.pow(-1, (int)n-1) * Math.pow(t / twopi, -0.25) * R;
return sum + remainder;
// C terms for the Riemann-Siegel formula
public static double C (int n, double z) {
if (n==0)
return(.38268343236508977173 * Math.pow(z, 0.0)
+.43724046807752044936 * Math.pow(z, 2.0)
+.13237657548034352332 * Math.pow(z, 4.0)
-.01360502604767418865 * Math.pow(z, 6.0)
-.01356762197010358089 * Math.pow(z, 8.0)
-.00162372532314446528 * Math.pow(z,10.0)
+.00029705353733379691 * Math.pow(z,12.0)
+.00007943300879521470 * Math.pow(z,14.0)
+.00000046556124614505 * Math.pow(z,16.0)
-.00000143272516309551 * Math.pow(z,18.0)
-.00000010354847112313 * Math.pow(z,20.0)
+.00000001235792708386 * Math.pow(z,22.0)
+.00000000178810838580 * Math.pow(z,24.0)
-.00000000003391414390 * Math.pow(z,26.0)
-.00000000001632663390 * Math.pow(z,28.0)
-.00000000000037851093 * Math.pow(z,30.0)
+.00000000000009327423 * Math.pow(z,32.0)
+.00000000000000522184 * Math.pow(z,34.0)
-.00000000000000033507 * Math.pow(z,36.0)
-.00000000000000003412 * Math.pow(z,38.0)
+.00000000000000000058 * Math.pow(z,40.0)
+.00000000000000000015 * Math.pow(z,42.0));
else if (n==1)
return(-.02682510262837534703 * Math.pow(z, 1.0)
+.01378477342635185305 * Math.pow(z, 3.0)
+.03849125048223508223 * Math.pow(z, 5.0)
+.00987106629906207647 * Math.pow(z, 7.0)
-.00331075976085840433 * Math.pow(z, 9.0)
-.00146478085779541508 * Math.pow(z,11.0)
-.00001320794062487696 * Math.pow(z,13.0)
+.00005922748701847141 * Math.pow(z,15.0)
+.00000598024258537345 * Math.pow(z,17.0)
-.00000096413224561698 * Math.pow(z,19.0)
-.00000018334733722714 * Math.pow(z,21.0)
+.00000000446708756272 * Math.pow(z,23.0)
+.00000000270963508218 * Math.pow(z,25.0)
+.00000000007785288654 * Math.pow(z,27.0)
-.00000000002343762601 * Math.pow(z,29.0)
-.00000000000158301728 * Math.pow(z,31.0)
+.00000000000012119942 * Math.pow(z,33.0)
+.00000000000001458378 * Math.pow(z,35.0)
-.00000000000000028786 * Math.pow(z,37.0)
-.00000000000000008663 * Math.pow(z,39.0)
-.00000000000000000084 * Math.pow(z,41.0)
+.00000000000000000036 * Math.pow(z,43.0)
+.00000000000000000001 * Math.pow(z,45.0));
else if (n==2)
return(+.00518854283029316849 * Math.pow(z, 0.0)
+.00030946583880634746 * Math.pow(z, 2.0)
-.01133594107822937338 * Math.pow(z, 4.0)
+.00223304574195814477 * Math.pow(z, 6.0)
+.00519663740886233021 * Math.pow(z, 8.0)
+.00034399144076208337 * Math.pow(z,10.0)
-.00059106484274705828 * Math.pow(z,12.0)
-.00010229972547935857 * Math.pow(z,14.0)
+.00002088839221699276 * Math.pow(z,16.0)
+.00000592766549309654 * Math.pow(z,18.0)
-.00000016423838362436 * Math.pow(z,20.0)
-.00000015161199700941 * Math.pow(z,22.0)
-.00000000590780369821 * Math.pow(z,24.0)
+.00000000209115148595 * Math.pow(z,26.0)
+.00000000017815649583 * Math.pow(z,28.0)
-.00000000001616407246 * Math.pow(z,30.0)
-.00000000000238069625 * Math.pow(z,32.0)
+.00000000000005398265 * Math.pow(z,34.0)
+.00000000000001975014 * Math.pow(z,36.0)
+.00000000000000023333 * Math.pow(z,38.0)
-.00000000000000011188 * Math.pow(z,40.0)
-.00000000000000000416 * Math.pow(z,42.0)
+.00000000000000000044 * Math.pow(z,44.0)
+.00000000000000000003 * Math.pow(z,46.0));
else if (n==3)
return(-.00133971609071945690 * Math.pow(z, 1.0)
+.00374421513637939370 * Math.pow(z, 3.0)
-.00133031789193214681 * Math.pow(z, 5.0)
-.00226546607654717871 * Math.pow(z, 7.0)
+.00095484999985067304 * Math.pow(z, 9.0)
+.00060100384589636039 * Math.pow(z,11.0)
-.00010128858286776622 * Math.pow(z,13.0)
-.00006865733449299826 * Math.pow(z,15.0)
+.00000059853667915386 * Math.pow(z,17.0)
+.00000333165985123995 * Math.pow(z,19.0)
+.00000021919289102435 * Math.pow(z,21.0)
-.00000007890884245681 * Math.pow(z,23.0)
-.00000000941468508130 * Math.pow(z,25.0)
+.00000000095701162109 * Math.pow(z,27.0)
+.00000000018763137453 * Math.pow(z,29.0)
-.00000000000443783768 * Math.pow(z,31.0)
-.00000000000224267385 * Math.pow(z,33.0)
-.00000000000003627687 * Math.pow(z,35.0)
+.00000000000001763981 * Math.pow(z,37.0)
+.00000000000000079608 * Math.pow(z,39.0)
-.00000000000000009420 * Math.pow(z,41.0)
-.00000000000000000713 * Math.pow(z,43.0)
+.00000000000000000033 * Math.pow(z,45.0)
+.00000000000000000004 * Math.pow(z,47.0));
return(+.00046483389361763382 * Math.pow(z, 0.0)
-.00100566073653404708 * Math.pow(z, 2.0)
+.00024044856573725793 * Math.pow(z, 4.0)
+.00102830861497023219 * Math.pow(z, 6.0)
-.00076578610717556442 * Math.pow(z, 8.0)
-.00020365286803084818 * Math.pow(z,10.0)
+.00023212290491068728 * Math.pow(z,12.0)
+.00003260214424386520 * Math.pow(z,14.0)
-.00002557906251794953 * Math.pow(z,16.0)
-.00000410746443891574 * Math.pow(z,18.0)
+.00000117811136403713 * Math.pow(z,20.0)
+.00000024456561422485 * Math.pow(z,22.0)
-.00000002391582476734 * Math.pow(z,24.0)
-.00000000750521420704 * Math.pow(z,26.0)
+.00000000013312279416 * Math.pow(z,28.0)
+.00000000013440626754 * Math.pow(z,30.0)
+.00000000000351377004 * Math.pow(z,32.0)
-.00000000000151915445 * Math.pow(z,34.0)
-.00000000000008915418 * Math.pow(z,36.0)
+.00000000000001119589 * Math.pow(z,38.0)
+.00000000000000105160 * Math.pow(z,40.0)
-.00000000000000005179 * Math.pow(z,42.0)
-.00000000000000000807 * Math.pow(z,44.0)
+.00000000000000000011 * Math.pow(z,46.0)
+.00000000000000000004 * Math.pow(z,48.0));
The remainder terms are defined by: (cos[2pi(p^2-p-1/(16))])/(cos(2pip))
Doing multiple derivatives of this function inside Wolfram Alpha is a complete mess. Has anyone ever experienced this sort of problem before?
In order to use multiple remainder terms, I need to compute multiple derivatives for: (cos[2pi(p^2-p-1/(16))])/(cos(2pip))
Is there some way around this that can be implemented in Java?
One way is by using finite difference methods. This is not a very good solution but is the first thing that I thought about.
// Derivation of the first C term using first order central difference
public static double firstDerivative(double p) {
double epsilon = 0.0000000001;
double d1, d2;
double dx = 0.00001;
double diff = 1.0;
d1 = (function(p + dx) - function(p - dx)) / (2 * dx);
while (diff > epsilon) {
dx /= 2;
d2 = (function(p + dx) - function(p - dx)) / (2 * dx);
diff = Math.abs(d2 - d1);
d1 = d2;
return d1;
// Derivation of the second C term using second order central difference
public static double secondDerivative(double p) {
double epsilon = 0.0000000001;
double d1, d2;
double dx = 0.00001;
double diff = 1.0;
d1 = (function(p + dx) - 2.0 * function(p) + function(p - dx)) / Math.pow(dx, 2);
while (diff > epsilon) {
dx /= 2;
d2 = (function(p + dx) - 2.0 * function(p) + function(p - dx)) / Math.pow(dx, 2);
diff = Math.abs(d2 - d1);
d1 = d2;
return d1;
How many derivatives do you need?
Do you want to pre-calculate them or do them "on-the-fly"?
You can use GeoGebra (in Java) easily to pre-calculate them, eg
CopyFreeObject[Derivative[cos(2π (x² - x - 1 / 16)) / cos(2π x), 3]]
If you want to delve a bit more, internally GeoGebra can either use the Giac CAS engine (in C++) to do derivatives, or it can calculate them directly, see ExpressionNode.derivative()

Representing and comparing geographic locations in Java

I'm trying to figure out how to represent geographic locations, and I can't seem to find any relevant classes in the SE documentation.
I would like to do something like this:
Location locA = new Location(aa.aaaaaaa, bb.bbbbbbb); //lat/long coordinates
Location locB = .....
int meters = locA.distanceTo(locB);
Ideally I would want something like the Android Location since most of my location data will be sent from android devices anyway. From my understanding it contains information about accuracy, latitude and speed, which would be useful (but not required).
I have an idea of how to implement it myself, but an open source alternative would save me some time.
It would also be extremely helpful if I could do some IP/Location lookup. But I guess that's a whole other issue.
Here is a method to calculate distance between 2 points, taken from Android Location class with small modification. It looks a little bit complicated--this is because it uses Vincenty's formulae to perform iterative calculations on WGS84 ellipsoid:
/** distance between 2 geographic points on Earth, in km **/
public static double geoDistance(GeoPoint gp1, GeoPoint gp2) {
// Based on
// using the "Inverse Formula" (section 4)
int MAXITERS = 20;
// Convert lat/long to radians
double lat1 = gp1.getLat() * Math.PI / 180.0;
double lat2 = gp2.getLat() * Math.PI / 180.0;
double lon1 = gp1.getLon() * Math.PI / 180.0;
double lon2 = gp2.getLon() * Math.PI / 180.0;
double a = 6378.137; // WGS84 major axis
double b = 6356.7523142; // WGS84 semi-major axis
double f = (a - b) / a;
double aSqMinusBSqOverBSq = (a * a - b * b) / (b * b);
double L = lon2 - lon1;
double A = 0.0;
double U1 = Math.atan((1.0 - f) * Math.tan(lat1));
double U2 = Math.atan((1.0 - f) * Math.tan(lat2));
double cosU1 = Math.cos(U1);
double cosU2 = Math.cos(U2);
double sinU1 = Math.sin(U1);
double sinU2 = Math.sin(U2);
double cosU1cosU2 = cosU1 * cosU2;
double sinU1sinU2 = sinU1 * sinU2;
double sigma = 0.0;
double deltaSigma = 0.0;
double cosSqAlpha = 0.0;
double cos2SM = 0.0;
double cosSigma = 0.0;
double sinSigma = 0.0;
double cosLambda = 0.0;
double sinLambda = 0.0;
double lambda = L; // initial guess
for (int iter = 0; iter < MAXITERS; iter++) {
double lambdaOrig = lambda;
cosLambda = Math.cos(lambda);
sinLambda = Math.sin(lambda);
double t1 = cosU2 * sinLambda;
double t2 = cosU1 * sinU2 - sinU1 * cosU2 * cosLambda;
double sinSqSigma = t1 * t1 + t2 * t2; // (14)
sinSigma = Math.sqrt(sinSqSigma);
cosSigma = sinU1sinU2 + cosU1cosU2 * cosLambda; // (15)
sigma = Math.atan2(sinSigma, cosSigma); // (16)
double sinAlpha = (sinSigma == 0) ? 0.0 :
cosU1cosU2 * sinLambda / sinSigma; // (17)
cosSqAlpha = 1.0 - sinAlpha * sinAlpha;
cos2SM = (cosSqAlpha == 0) ? 0.0 :
cosSigma - 2.0 * sinU1sinU2 / cosSqAlpha; // (18)
double uSquared = cosSqAlpha * aSqMinusBSqOverBSq; // defn
A = 1 + (uSquared / 16384.0) * // (3)
(4096.0 + uSquared *
(-768 + uSquared * (320.0 - 175.0 * uSquared)));
double B = (uSquared / 1024.0) * // (4)
(256.0 + uSquared *
(-128.0 + uSquared * (74.0 - 47.0 * uSquared)));
double C = (f / 16.0) *
cosSqAlpha *
(4.0 + f * (4.0 - 3.0 * cosSqAlpha)); // (10)
double cos2SMSq = cos2SM * cos2SM;
deltaSigma = B * sinSigma * // (6)
(cos2SM + (B / 4.0) *
(cosSigma * (-1.0 + 2.0 * cos2SMSq) -
(B / 6.0) * cos2SM *
(-3.0 + 4.0 * sinSigma * sinSigma) *
(-3.0 + 4.0 * cos2SMSq)));
lambda = L +
(1.0 - C) * f * sinAlpha *
(sigma + C * sinSigma *
(cos2SM + C * cosSigma *
(-1.0 + 2.0 * cos2SM * cos2SM))); // (11)
double delta = (lambda - lambdaOrig) / lambda;
if (Math.abs(delta) < 1.0e-12) {
return b * A * (sigma - deltaSigma);
GeoPoint class looks like the following:
* Immutable point in geo coordinates (latitude, longitude) with accuracy in km
public class GeoPoint {
private final double lat;
private final double lon;
private final double accuracy;
* New geo point without accuracy
public GeoPoint(double lat, double lon){
this(lat, lon, -1d);
* New geo point with specified accuracy
* #param accuracy accuracy in km
public GeoPoint(double lat, double lon, double accuracy){ = lat;
this.lon = lon;
this.accuracy = accuracy < 0 ? -1d : accuracy;
public double getLat(){
public double getLon(){
return this.lon;
* #return accuracy in km. If < 0, accuracy is not defined
public double getAccuracy(){
return this.accuracy;
public String toString(){
return "lat = " + + "; lon = " + this.lon + (this.accuracy < 0 ? "" : ("; accuracy = " + this.accuracy));
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (!(o instanceof GeoPoint) || o == null) return false;
GeoPoint g = (GeoPoint) o;
return == && g.lon == this.lon && g.accuracy == this.accuracy;

Trouble with getting area of figure

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Hw4Problem1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
double X1 = 35.2270869;
double Y1 = -80.8431267;
double X2 = 32.0835407;
double Y2 = -81.0998342;
double X3 = 28.5383355;
double Y3 = -81.3792365;
double X4 = 33.7489954;
double Y4 = -84.3879824;
double radius= 6731.01;
// distance=(radius)arccos(sin(x1)sin(x2)+cos(x1)cos(x2)cos( y1−y2))
double charlotteToSavannah = (radius)* Math.acos(Math.sin(X1) * Math.sin(X2)+ Math.cos(X1) * Math.cos(X2)
* Math.cos(Y1 - Y2));
double savannahToAtlanta = (radius)
* Math.acos(Math.sin(X2) * Math.sin(X4)
+ Math.cos(X2) * Math.cos(X4)
* Math.cos(Y2 - Y4));
// Get distance
// distance=(radius)arccos(sin(x1)sin(x2)+cos(x1)cos(x2)cos( y1−y2))
double atlantaToCharlotte= (radius)
* Math.acos(Math.sin(X4) * Math.sin(X1)
+ Math.cos(X4) * Math.cos(X1)
* Math.cos(Y4 - Y1));
// ******************************************************************************2
double savannahToOrlando = (radius)
* Math.acos(Math.sin(X2) * Math.sin(X3)
+ Math.cos(X2) * Math.cos(X3)
* Math.cos(Y2 - Y3));
double orlandoToAtlanta = (radius)
* Math.acos(Math.sin(X3) * Math.sin(X4)
+ Math.cos(X3) * Math.cos(X4)
* Math.cos(Y3 - Y4));
double atlantaToSavannah =
* Math.acos(Math.sin(X4) * Math.sin(X2)
+ Math.cos(X4) * Math.cos(X2)
* Math.cos(Y4 - Y2));
// System.out.println("distance: "+distance03);
double rodistance1 = (charlotteToSavannah);
double rodistance2 = (savannahToAtlanta);
double rodistance3 = (atlantaToCharlotte);
double rodistance01 = (savannahToOrlando);
double rodistance02 = (orlandoToAtlanta);
double rodistance03 = (atlantaToSavannah);
double s1 = (rodistance1 + rodistance2 + rodistance3) / 2;
double s2 = (rodistance01 + rodistance02 + rodistance03) / 2;
//=√ s(s−side 1)(s−side 2)(s−side3)
double area1 = Math.sqrt(s1 * (s1 - rodistance1) * (s1 - rodistance2)
* (s1 - rodistance3));
double area2 = Math.sqrt(s2 * (s2 - rodistance01) * (s2 - rodistance02)
* (s2 - rodistance03));
double totalArea = (area1 + area2);
System.out.println("The area is: " + totalArea);
compute the area of land surrounded by the polygon created by these cities.
Radius: 6,371.01 km
s= (side 1+side 2+side3)/2
area_of_triangle=√ s(s−side 1)(s−side 2)(s−side3)
I am having trouble with this program I am geting the wrong answer, I am getting 7.048521505923942E7
After changing the scale to 3 and rounding is 17516629.000
It should be: 117863.342
I already try different ways and I am still getting the same answers.
