in below test script I want to pass value of suiteResult from class SuiteOneBase to class SuiteOneCaseOne .How can i do this. Suppose if I am getting suiteResult =true then i should get true in class SuiteOneCaseOne . But now everytime i am getting false only
First class
public class SuiteOneBase extends SuiteBase{
boolean suiteResult;
public void checkSuiteToRun() throws IOException{
//To set TestSuiteList.xls file's path In FilePath Variable.
FilePath = TestSuiteListExcel;
SheetName = "SuitesList";
SuiteName = "SuiteOne";
ToRunColumnName = "SuiteToRun";
suiteResult= SuiteUtility.checkToRunUtility(FilePath, SheetName,ToRunColumnName,SuiteName);
SuiteUtility.WriteResultUtility(FilePath, SheetName, "Skipped/Executed", SuiteName, "TestSuite Skipped");
throw new SkipException(SuiteName+"'s SuiteToRun Flag Is 'N' Or Blank. So Skipping Execution Of "+SuiteName);
SuiteUtility.WriteResultUtility(FilePath, SheetName, "Skipped/Executed", SuiteName, "TestSuite Executed");
Second Class
public class SuiteOneCaseOne extends SuiteOneBase{
public void checkCaseToRun() throws IOException{
System.out.println("suiteResult "+suiteResult );
if(!SuiteUtility.checkToRunUtility(FilePath, SheetName,ToRunColumnNameTestCase,TestCaseName)){
SuiteUtility.WriteResultUtility(FilePath, SheetName, "Pass/Fail/Skip", TestCaseName, "TESTCASE SKIP");
throw new SkipException(TestCaseName+"'s CaseToRun Flag Is 'N' Or Blank. So Skipping Execution Of "+TestCaseName);
TestDataToRun = SuiteUtility.checkToRunUtilityOfData(FilePath, TestCaseName, ToRunColumnNameTestData);
package com.stta.TestSuiteBase;
import com.stta.utility.Read_XLS;
public class SuiteBase {
public static Read_XLS TestSuiteListExcel=null;
public static Read_XLS TestCaseListExcelOne=null;
public static Read_XLS TestCaseListExcelTwo=null;
public void init() throws IOException{
TestSuiteListExcel = new Read_XLS(System.getProperty("user.dir")+"\\src\\com\\stta\\ExcelFiles\\TestSuiteList.xls");
TestCaseListExcelOne = new Read_XLS(System.getProperty("user.dir")+"\\src\\com\\stta\\ExcelFiles\\SuiteOne.xls");
TestCaseListExcelTwo = new Read_XLS(System.getProperty("user.dir")+"\\src\\com\\stta\\ExcelFiles\\SuiteTwo.xls");
You can use ITestContext for that purpose:
public class SuiteOneBase extends SuiteBase {
public void checkSuiteToRun(ITestContext context) throws IOException {
// [...]
boolean suiteResult = SuiteUtility.checkToRunUtility(FilePath, SheetName,ToRunColumnName,SuiteName);
// [...]
context.setAttribute("suiteResult", suiteResult);
public class SuiteOneCaseOne extends SuiteOneBase {
public void checkCaseToRun(ITestContext context) throws IOException {
boolean suiteResult = context.getAttribute("suiteResult");
System.out.println("suiteResult "+suiteResult );
// [...]
You should create suiteResult public or protected variable of class SuiteOneBase
public boolean suiteResult;
protected boolean suiteResult;
Hope this will work!!
SuiteOneCaseOne extends SuiteOneBase and is in the same package, so it can already see the package-level suiteResult. No need for any additional passing.
The #BeforeSuite in SuiteOneBase runs before the #BeforeTest in SuiteOneCaseOne, so the fact that the latter sees suiteResult == false proves that the former - which must have run - must have explicitly set suiteResult = false.
You're not looking at a default value, or the value of a different field. checkSuiteToRun() must run, and there are no exceptions or returns, so:
suiteResult= SuiteUtility.checkToRunUtility(FilePath, SheetName,ToRunColumnName,SuiteName);
... must have returned false.
(And yet you don't mention the tests failing to run as a result of the SkipException. I don't know how that can be avoided. Unless perhaps your #BeforeSuite has been imported from the wrong package, i.e. it doesn't actually get run.)
I have to use an 3th party library to create a java driven plc. in this library you have to define the IO's etc and then you will auto generate some code to acces the IO. this will generate a lot of code which i want to split up to keep readable.
The BIhcs_Io class is where everything on the event driven plc is executed. Each time a value of a property changes (see example below of property) it will run the doExecute() method.
What i want to do is that when this method is called, instead i want to execute it on the child class.
any help would be greatly appreciated!
public class BIhcs_IO extends BComponent implements Runnable {
//Example of a created property for a PLC IO
public static final Property bool_1 = newProperty(Flags.EXECUTE_ON_CHANGE | Flags.OPERATOR | Flags.SUMMARY, ((BBoolean)((BValue)BBoolean.TYPE.getInstance())).getBoolean(), BFacets.tryMake(null));
public boolean getBool_1() { return getBoolean(bool_1); }
public void setBool_1(boolean v) { setBoolean(bool_1, v, null); }
public static final Action execute = newAction(Flags.ASYNC, null);
public void execute() { invoke(execute, null, null); }
public Type getType() { return TYPE; }
public static final Type TYPE = Sys.loadType(BIhcs_IO.class);
public BComponent getComponent() {
return this;
public void started() throws Exception {
//When the Property bool_1 changes it wil execute the doExecute() method below
public void changed(final Property prop, final Context cx) {
super.changed(prop, cx);
if (!this.isRunning()) {
if (Flags.isExecuteOnChange((BComplex) this, (Slot) prop)) {
public void run() {
System.out.println("Source BProgram did not override run(). Exiting thread.");
//This is called when a property changes value. When this is called, instead of executing this i want to execute the code in BIhcsMain()
public void doExecute() throws Exception {
setDebug_1("called parent")
public void stopped() throws Exception {
Below is the child class that extends the parent class. Each time the doExecute() in the parent is called i want to override it and execute the one in the child class instead.
public class BIhcsMain extends BIhcs_IO {
public void doExecute(){
setDebug_2("called child");
I have a certain public void method which throws an Exception if a condition is fulfilled.
In my case the method looks like this:
public void toBeTestedMethod(Testobject testObject) throws CertainException {
if (testObject.getStatus().getAllowsEdit()){
throw ...}
getStatus() is a method which returns a certain Status and getAllowsEdit() is a method which returns a boolean value and nullable = true. For the two methods there also exist set-methods.
Edit1: The test regarding this method when it fails is already running fine:
public void testToBeTestedMethod_FailureStatus() throws Exception {
try {
TestObject testObject = _testObjectMockDAO.getNewTestObject();
fail("Check failed");
} catch (CertainException ex) {
assertEquals(ErrorCode.WRONG_STATUS, ex.getErrorCode());
I would now like to test the method toBeTestedMethod. The target is that the method does not throw an exception but gets executed successfully.
That means I would like to write a JUNIT-test which tests the following:
public void testToBeTestedMethod_success throws Exception{
// Enter test code here
Edit2 (regarding the class Status):
public class Status {
private String _status;
public String getStatus() {
return _status;
In my opinion, I have to modify the condition in the if-statement in order to get the expected result, correct?
Note: I did not write the method and the other code. Nevertheless, my task is to test the code via JUNIT.
I tried some code, but everytime I get the error that the Excpetion was thrown.
Even if you cannot solve this problem, I would be glad to get some hints where I should look for the problem why my test does not do what I want the test to do.
Your question is very abstract and needs more data, I am posting an answer here based on what I have understood.
Here are the classes:
public class SampleTestService {
public boolean toBeTestedMethod(TestObject testObject) throws AccessViolationException {
if (testObject.getStatus().getAllowsEdit()) {
throw new AccessViolationException("Edit is allowed for this non confirmed user");
} else {
return true;
static class TestObject {
private SomeStatus someStatus;
public SomeStatus getStatus() {
return someStatus;
static class SomeStatus {
private boolean allowsEdit;
public boolean getAllowsEdit() {
return allowsEdit;
static class AccessViolationException extends RuntimeException {
public AccessViolationException(String message) {
Since the method depends on another class and that class-dependent also on another class you need to mock them in the chain. Here is how I have done it:
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith;
import org.springframework.test.context.junit.jupiter.SpringExtension;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
class SampleTestServiceTest {
private final SampleTestService.TestObject mockTestObject = mock(SampleTestService.TestObject.class);
private final SampleTestService.SomeStatus mockSomeStatus = mock(SampleTestService.SomeStatus.class);
private final SampleTestService service = new SampleTestService();
void testThatMethodDoesNotThrowsException() {
boolean result = service.toBeTestedMethod(mockTestObject);
void testThatMethodThrowsException() {
Assertions.assertThrows(SampleTestService.AccessViolationException.class, () -> {
I have the following scenario:
I perform several tests (#Test) and tests in Cucumber, in Selenium Webdriver, Java.
The tests are going well. However, I want to leave a string stored in one #Test (public void) in another #Test (public void). I cannot.
Could anyone help?
First test:
public void testDocuments() {
OneClass oneClass = new OneClass();;
Second test:
public void testDocuments() {
OneClass oneClass = new OneClass();;
Method one
public String one() {
if (this.cnpj == null) {
this.cnpj = add.cnpj(false);
} else {
return this.cnpj;
Both tests I want you to use the same generated string !!!!
I look forward and thanks in advance!
I'm not sure what your method one() does, but assuming you want to use the same value for two different tests, why not just do this:
OneClass oneClass = new OneClass();
String yourGeneratedString =;
// First test
public void testDocuments() {
// Second test
public void testDocuments2() {
If I understand correctly, you need this.cnpj value to be available within the second test?
Each time you do new OneClass() , it creates a new instance of it.
So you can do one of the following:
Use singleton instance of OneClass
Make cnpj a static field within OneClass
If I understand it right, you want to share data from one test to second one. If you user testNG then you can do it this way.
import org.testng.ITestContext;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class MyTest {
public void testOne(ITestContext context){
context.setAttribute("myKey", "myValue");
public void testTwo(ITestContext context){
String valueFromTestOne = (String) context.getAttribute("myKey");
System.out.println("My key = " + valueFromTestOne);
I'm newbie in reflection. Is there any way to detect where is an specific method invoked? For example:
public class MyClass {
public static void method(){
public class Test {
public test(){
public class MyProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {
public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {
Method method = MyClass.class.getDeclaredMethod("method");
Class classWhereMethodIsInvoked = obtainClassWhereMethodIsInvoked(method);
public Class obtainClassWhereMethodIsInvoked(Method method) {
//here I want to search one class that invoke that method, in this case Test.class
is something like this possible or I am going crazy?
As mentioned in the comments, Apache BCEL is suitable for your problem. Such libraries are often particularly used for determining compile-time information such as method usage and control flow analysis from the generated bytecode, and such information are difficult, if not impossible, to retrieve using reflection. If you use the BCEL solution, you probably no longer require a custom annotation processor.
But since you already seem to be using a custom annotation processor, the whole point of it is to be able to process annotations in the source files. So one way is to define a custom annotation that marks a method being called, and have the custom processor read these annotations to know which classes call which methods:
public class Test {
public test() {
In the above (trivial) example, a custom CallerClass annotation marks that a class calls the method specified in the annotation's element inside parentheses. The annotation processor can read this annotation and construct the caller information.
Yes it doable if you really want it. You can use the classLoader to search through the class path and scan for the method name through all the class files. Below is a very simplistic example to show that it is doable. In the example below I find usage of the "println" method being used in this class. Essentially you can just broaden the scope from one file in my example to all the class files.
public class SearchClasses {
* #param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
// InputStream is = SearchClasses.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("resources.SearchClasses.class");
InputStream is = new FileInputStream(new File("build/classes/resources/SearchClasses.class"));
boolean found = false;
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(is);
while (scanner.hasNext()) {
if (scanner.nextLine().contains("println")) {
System.out.print("println found");
found = true;
if (!found) {
System.out.print("println NOT found");
public static void testMethod() {
In my IDE I had to use the FileInputStream to access the class file I was searching in.... but if you are searching through jar files then you can use the classLoader instead. You would need mechanism to search through all of the class path... this is not impossible but I left it our for brevity.
EDIT: Here is an attempt to get it working completely.. searches all files in class path for your method.
public class SearchClasses {
* #param args the command line arguments
* #throws
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
public static void printAllFileWithMethod(String methodName) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
Enumeration<URL> roots = SearchClasses.class.getClassLoader().getResources("");
List<File> allClassFiles = new ArrayList<>();
while (roots.hasMoreElements()) {
File root = new File(roots.nextElement().getPath());
allClassFiles.addAll(getFilesInDirectoryWithSuffix(root, "class"));
for (File classFile : allClassFiles) {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream(classFile);
boolean found = false;
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(is);
while (scanner.hasNext()) {
if (scanner.nextLine().contains(methodName)) {
System.out.print(methodName + " found in " + classFile.getName() + "\n");
found = true;
public static void testMethod() {
static List<File> getFilesInDirectoryWithSuffix(File dir, String suffix) {
List<File> foundFiles = new ArrayList<>();
if (!dir.isDirectory()) {
return foundFiles;
for (File file : dir.listFiles()) {
if (file.isDirectory()) {
foundFiles.addAll(getFilesInDirectoryWithSuffix(file, suffix));
} else {
String name = file.getName();
if (name.endsWith(suffix)) {
return foundFiles;
You could define your own mechanism. Use a Map to store the caller of each method :
public static Map<Method, List<String>> callStack = new HashMap<Method, List<String>>();
public static void registerCaller(Method m)
List<String> callers = callStack.get(m);
if (callers == null)
callers = new ArrayList<String>();
callStack.put(m, callers);
StackTraceElement[] stackTraceElements = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
The target class :
class MyClass
public static void method()
registerCaller(new Object(){}.getClass().getEnclosingMethod());
Some caller classes :
package the.package.of;
class Test
public void test()
class Foo
public void bar()
And finally, the test :
new Test().test();
new Foo().bar();
Method method = MyClass.class.getDeclaredMethod("method");
for (String clazz : callStack.get(method))
Prints :
Well, if you use Eclipse as an IDE, you can find the complete call hierarchy via "Open Call Hierarchy" function. This will find all usages of your method in any open Eclipse projects.
However, if you want to find out during runtime programmatically, then you need to integrate some library, that can statically analyze the bytecode of your classpath for use of your method.
You can obtain stack trace right inside the test method:
public class Test {
public void test() {
public static String getCallerClass() {
for (StackTraceElement e: Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()) {
if (!"java.lang.Thread".equals(e.getClassName()) && !e.getClassName().equals(Test.class.getName()))
return e.getClassName();
return null;
I have been trying to run the following test using mockito and junit and I keep on getting "java.lang.NullPointerException: name must not be null"
Can anyone tell me why this is happening?
On debugging, I found out that this exception is thrown when the test executes the following statement in isStopValid(String) method:
FacilityValidationUtil facUtil = new FacilityValidationUtil();
public class MyFormTest{
#InjectMocks MyForm form = new MyForm();
#Mock FacilityValidationUtil facUtil;
public void testIsStopValid() throws FinderException{
assertEquals(false, form.isStopValid(form.getOrigin()));
Class with method to be tested:
public class MyForm{
FacilityValidationUtil facUtil = new FacilityValidationUtil();
public boolean isStopValid(String stop){
try {
return facUtil.isFacilityValid(stop);
} catch (FinderException e) {
log.error("Error finding the stop. "+e.getCause());
return false;
public class FacilityValidationUtil{
private FacilityDAO facilityDao = new HibernateFacilityDAO();
public boolean isFacilityValid(String facility) throws FinderException{
boolean test;
FacilityImpl facilityImpl = facilityDao.findFacilityByNassCode(facility);
test = (facilityImpl==null)?false : true;
return test;
public class HibernateFacilityDAO extends HibernateAbstractDeltaDAO implements FacilityDAO {
public HibernateFacilityDAO() {
Short Answer: You are trying to mock a variable (facUtil) that is local to your isStopValid method, so the mock version of this object in your test is never going to be called because you are 'newing it up" each time.
Long Answer: It looks like you are trying to mock the call to your FacilityValidationUtil class, and if this is the case, then you need to either make the class a field so that Mockito can inject the object by reflection (if this object is thread safe, which it looks like it is) or explore a mocking framework like PowerMockito that will allow you to mock a constructor (google for PowerMockito when new).
Mockito doesn't support any mocking of constructor args by default.
If you are still having trouble, then I would suggest starting with a smaller example. I've put together one for you that works and uses the code you are trying to test (It's using inner classes though, which Mockito has some quirky rules about, but I'm just doing it to compress the example).
public class MyFormTest {
private MyForm form = new MyForm();
private FacilityValidationUtil facUtil;
public void testIsStopValid_false() {
assertEquals(false, form.isStopValid(""));
public void testIsStopValid_true() {
assertEquals(true, form.isStopValid(""));
public class MyForm {
private FacilityValidationUtil facUtil = new FacilityValidationUtil();
public boolean isStopValid(String stop) {
try {
return facUtil.isFacilityValid(stop);
} catch (FinderException e) {
return false;
public class FacilityValidationUtil {
public boolean isFacilityValid(String facility) throws FinderException {
throw new RuntimeException(facility);
public class FinderException extends RuntimeException {
public FinderException(String message) {
What's really important is that your mock is not getting injected correctly. Until you get that resolved, you are going to keep getting the same error. Set a break point in your MyForm at the point you call facUtil.isFaciltyValid and look at the object. It should be a mockito object, not your class.
Good luck.