IzPack Shortcut Nightmare - java

I'm at my wit's end with this.
I have a VERY simple installation descriptor for izpack for a two-package Java app on Windows. Everything works as intended EXCEPT for the shortcut creation. The shortcut panel doesn't seem right, for a start. The label "ShortcutPanel.regular.startup" is displayed instead of "run at startup" or anything of the sort in the startup execution checkbox.
After running the installer, the shortcuts simply aren't created. Here's what my install.xml looks like, it's pretty straightforward:
<izpack:installation version="5.0"
xmlns:izpack="http://izpack.org/schema/installation" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://izpack.org/schema/installation http://izpack.org/schema/5.0/izpack-installation-5.0.xsd">
<langpack iso3="bra" />
<res src="shortcutSpec.xml" id="shortcutSpec.xml"/>
<variable name="TargetPanel.dir.windows" value="C:/Sistemas"/>
<guiprefs width="800" height="600" resizable="no">
<laf name="substance">
<os family="windows" />
<os family="unix" />
<param name="variant" value="mist-silver" />
<modifier key="useHeadingPanel" value="yes" />
<panel classname="HelloPanel" />
<panel classname="DefaultTargetPanel" />
<panel classname="ShortcutPanel" />
<panel classname="InstallPanel" />
<panel classname="FinishPanel" />
<native type="izpack" name="ShellLink.dll">
<os family="windows"/>
<native type="izpack" name="ShellLink_x64.dll">
<os family="windows"/>
<pack name="Pack1" required="yes">
<description>one of the packs it's a jar</description>
<file src="lib/pack1.jar" targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH/pack1subdir"
<file src="imagens/logo.ico" targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH/pack1subdir/imagens/"
override="true" />
<executable targetfile="lib/pack1.jar" type="jar"
<pack name="Pack2" required="yes">
<description>the other pack</description>
<file src="lib/pack2.jar" targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH/pack2subdir"
<file src="imagens/update.ico" targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH/pack2subdir/imagens/"
override="true" />
<executable targetfile="lib/pack2.jar" type="jar"
Then there's the shortcutSpec.xml. My pom moves it to my staging directory:
<izpack:shortcuts version="5.0"
xmlns:izpack="http://izpack.org/schema/shortcuts" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://izpack.org/schema/shortcuts http://izpack.org/schema/5.0/izpack-shortcuts-5.0.xsd">
<lateShortcutInstall />
<shortcut name="pack1" programGroup="false"
desktop="true" applications="false" startMenu="no" startup="true"
target="java -jar $INSTALL_PATH/pack1subdir/pack1.jar"
<createForPack name="pack1" />
<shortcut name="pack2" programGroup="false"
desktop="true" applications="false" startMenu="no" startup="true"
target="java -jar $INSTALL_PATH/pack2subdir/pack1.jar"
<createForPack name="pack2" />
The installer simply doesn't create any shortcuts anywhere. It finishes with no error messages no logs no stack traces no nothing.

I fixed that by going into the izPack/lib/izpack-core-5.0.9.jar and opening the /com/izforge/izpack/bin/langpacks/installer/ folder in it. Then editing the bra.xml file and adding the following line:
<str id="ShortcutPanel.regular.startup" txt="Iniciar com o Windows"/>
Then save and update the file in the jar and rebuild your instalation.


java XML parsing using jaxb or dom?

I have a following xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE xml>
<Abc version="3" xmlns="urn:Abc-v3">
<SubElement name ="name" description="DO">
<Node version="C" siteURL="https://example.com" />
<SubElement name ="SharePointOLDev1" description="DEV1">
<Node version="C" siteURL="https://example.com" />
<SubElement name="AS" description="wow">
<DB connection="connection" />
<Content ID="A" co="LD">
<Description>Simple Docs</Description>
<Hole enabled="false" count="200" />
<Fol enabled="false" count="100" />
<Role enabled="No" validate="false" />
<FetchFilenameAttribute connection="SAP-AS" delay="3" />
<Content ID="B" co="OL">
<Description>Simple Docs </Description>
<Hole enabled="false" count="200" />
<Fol enabled="false" count="100" />
<Role enabled="No" validate="false" />
<CNode attr="hai" attr1="bye" />
I need to parse this XML file and assign values to its corresponding class objects.Which is the best option to parse such an xml file.
JAXB sounds good to me but the POJOs were already written by someone and now i will have to rewrite and deploy them.ALso teh xml file has some errors while running xjc command.
DOM approach seems to be very cumbersome n error prone.
Please suggest.
PS:Kindly excuse my beginner level knowledge.
the JDK project comes with SAX(Simple API for XML) accessible by importing org.xml.sax.*.
You may take a look at this https://www.tutorialspoint.com/java_xml/java_sax_parse_document.htm for an introduction to the subject.

Multinesting Gradle Projects in IntelliJ Idea

I am using IntelliJ Idea 14.1.4 and Gradle, and I am trying to create sub projects and nested sub projects:
The reason for this is that research algorithms are separate from the development implementation. They are written in different languages (Python vs. Java) and used by different programmers, however I still want to maintain one Gradle project, so eventually researchers would be able to use stable existing algorithms implementations when developing new ones.
My problem is that Idea doesn't recognize properly the Gradle structure of the second level Gradle sub project: Project is recognized well, Research and Development are recognized well, but the Algorithms sub project is not recognized:
The code inspection of the gradle.build file in Algorithms project is highlighted as a warning with a message that test cannot be applies to Groovy.lang.closure Note that below is the complete build.gradle:
testLogging.showStandardStreams = true
Also, when I try in Idea Run->Edit Configurations->Defaults->Gradle and trying to choose Gradle project, I see that in the pop-up menu Development and Research do appear as sub-projects of Project, but Algorithms appears as a stand alone project.
Making the project however does create all the binaries and manually running a test case also works well.
When I run Gradle for command line, it appears to be working well and recognizing all nested projects: All the code is being compiled and tests are being ran. So the question here is if there is an Idea issue here which is not working correctly with Gradle, or am I doing something wrong?
Code for build.gradle inside Project:
allprojects {
group 'com.project'
version 'v0.1'
repositories {
Code for settings.gradle inside Project
rootProject.name = 'Project'
include 'Development'
include 'Development:Algorithms'
include 'Research'
Code for build.gradle of Development sub-project:
subprojects {
apply plugin: 'java'
repositories {
testCompile 'org.testng:testng:6.9.4'
Other code samples that I might be writing wrong (most of them are auto generated by Idea:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module external.linked.project.id="Project" external.linked.project.path="$MODULE_DIR$" external.root.project.path="$MODULE_DIR$" external.system.id="GRADLE" external.system.module.group="com.project" external.system.module.version="v0.1" type="JAVA_MODULE" version="4">
<component name="NewModuleRootManager" inherit-compiler-output="false">
<output url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/build" />
<output-test url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/build" />
<exclude-output />
<content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$">
<excludeFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/.gradle" />
<excludeFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/build" />
<orderEntry type="inheritedJdk" />
<orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module external.linked.project.id=":Development" external.linked.project.path="$MODULE_DIR$" external.root.project.path="$MODULE_DIR$/.." external.system.id="GRADLE" external.system.module.group="com.project" external.system.module.version="v0.1" type="JAVA_MODULE" version="4">
<component name="NewModuleRootManager" inherit-compiler-output="false">
<output url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/build" />
<output-test url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/build" />
<exclude-output />
<content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$">
<excludeFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/.gradle" />
<excludeFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/build" />
<orderEntry type="inheritedJdk" />
<orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module external.linked.project.id=":Development:Algorithms" external.linked.project.path="$MODULE_DIR$" external.root.project.path="$MODULE_DIR$/../.." external.system.id="GRADLE" external.system.module.group="com.project" external.system.module.version="v0.1" type="JAVA_MODULE" version="4">
<component name="NewModuleRootManager" inherit-compiler-output="false">
<output url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/build/classes/main" />
<output-test url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/build/classes/test" />
<exclude-output />
<content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$">
<sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/src/main/java" isTestSource="false" />
<sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/src/test/java" isTestSource="true" />
<sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/src/main/resources" type="java-resource" />
<sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/src/test/resources" type="java-test-resource" />
<excludeFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/.gradle" />
<excludeFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/build" />
<orderEntry type="inheritedJdk" />
<orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />
<orderEntry type="module-library" scope="TEST">
<root url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/plugins/testng/lib/testng.jar!/" />
I would like to point the following:
All projects and sub-projects have the same group: com.project
In Algorithms.iml the original (auto generated) value of external.linked.project.id was :Algorithms. I have tried setting it to :Development:Algorithms to see if it will change anything. After each change I have ran rebuild.
In Algorithms.iml the original (auto generated) value of external.root.project.path was $MODULE_DIR$/... I have tried setting it to $MODULE_DIR$/../.. to see if it will change anything. After each change I have ran rebuild.
Further investigation shows an issue with the workspace.xml file:
There is a GradleLocalSettingsElement there that was automatically created, but appears to be wrong: There are two different entries: one for Development and Devlopment:Algorithms and onw for the rest, so I might have did something wrong when I created the project.
My question is if there is a reference for the structure of this file and specifically for the elements inserted by the Gradle plugin?
<option name="name" value="Development" />
<option name="path" value="$PROJECT_DIR$/Development" />
<option name="name" value="Development" />
<option name="path" value="$PROJECT_DIR$/Development" />
<option name="name" value=":Development:Algorithms" />
<option name="path" value="$PROJECT_DIR$/Development/Algorithms" />
<option name="name" value="Project" />
<option name="path" value="$PROJECT_DIR$" />
<option name="name" value="Project" />
<option name="path" value="$PROJECT_DIR$" />
<option name="name" value=":Development" />
<option name="path" value="$PROJECT_DIR$/Development" />
<option name="name" value=":Research" />
<option name="path" value="$PROJECT_DIR$/Research" />

ANT - How i cant move File to JAR

i've had edited my ANT build process. Here is my working list:
create a copy of the src folder and a selfwritten AntTask Obfuscated all Strings
ANT creates an JAR with <jar>
the JAR will be Obfuscated by ProGuard
An additional file will must be copied to the JAR
JAR will be signed
The bodled step is my Question. How i can copy a single file to the root directory of the JAR. I must make this step here! Before or after won't work: Before: ProGuard will be try to obfuscate this file and gives Exceptions. After cant work, the file must be signed.
Anyone have an smart idea?
Here a minified version of my ANT build script:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<project basedir="." default="default" name="DEMO">
<property environment="env" />
<property name="debuglevel" value="source,lines,vars" />
<property name="target" value="1.7" />
<property name="source" value="1.7" />
<!-- Applet Informationen -->
<property name="version" value="1.0.0" />
<!-- Start Build process -->
<target name="default">
<echo message="Copy source" />
<delete dir="builds/temp/" />
<mkdir dir="builds/temp/" />
<copydir src="src" dest="builds/temp/" />
<echo message="Obfuscate Strings" />
<taskdef resource="task.properties" classpath="libs/MyStringHelper.jar" />
<mystringhelper dir="builds/temp/" name="_X.class" decoder="MyClass.myMethod" imports="import test.MyClass;" />
<javac srcdir="builds/temp/" destdir="bin" />
<sleep seconds="1" />
<echo message="Create JAR Archive with Version ${version}" />
<jar destfile="builds/${name}${version}.jar" basedir="bin">
<attribute name="Application-Name" value="${name}" />
<attribute name="Application-Library-Allowable-Codebase" value="*.domain.com localhost" />
<attribute name="Caller-Allowable-Codebase" value="*.domain.com localhost" />
<attribute name="Codebase" value="*.domain.com localhost" />
<attribute name="Permissions" value="all-permissions" />
<attribute name="Author" value="Adrian Preuss" />
<attribute name="Main-Class" value="main.Run" />
<echo message="Obfuscate the Archive" />
<taskdef resource="proguard/ant/task.properties" classpath="libs/proguard.jar" />
<proguard printmapping="proguard.map" overloadaggressively="off" repackageclasses="" renamesourcefileattribute="SourceFile">
<injar file="builds/${name}${version}.jar" />
<outjar file="builds/__${name}${version}.jar" />
<libraryjar file="${java.home}/lib/rt.jar" />
<libraryjar file="libs/ant.jar" />
<libraryjar file="libs/gradle-plugins-1.3.jar" />
<libraryjar file="libs/gradle-base-services-1.3.jar" />
<libraryjar file="libs/gradle-core-1.3.jar" />
<libraryjar file="libs/groovy-all-1.8.6.jar" />
<libraryjar file="libs/kenv.zip" />
<keeppackagename name="main" />
<keep access="public" name="main.Run">
<method access="public" type="void" name="changeLanguage" parameters="java.lang.String" />
<delete file="builds/${name}${version}.jar" failonerror="false" />
<move file="builds/__${name}${version}.jar" tofile="builds/${name}${version}.jar" />
## ADD the File "builds/temp/_XA.class" to the JAR
## Info: the _XA.class is'nt an Java-Class file!
<echo message="Roll up the code signing" />
<signjar jar="builds/${name}${version}.jar" alias="${name}" keystore="${name}.keystore" storepass="${password}" preservelastmodified="true" />
<echo message="Verify code signing" />
<verifyjar jar="builds/${name}${version}.jar" alias="${name}" storepass="${password}"/>
<echo message="Copy applet to local environment" />
<copy file="builds/${name}${version}.jar" tofile="C:/devsrv/htdocs/${name}${version}.jar" failonerror="false" />
<echo message="Cleanup,..." />
<!-- .... -->
This is a part from my ant build file including all xml, jpg, gif and png:
<!-- ============================================================== -->
<!-- Build application -->
<!-- ============================================================== -->
<target name="build" depends="make-bin-dir" description="Build application">
<javac srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${bin.dir}" debug="on" classpathref="javac.classpath" />
<copy todir="${bin.dir}">
<fileset dir="${src.dir}">
<include name="**/*.xml" />
<include name="**/*.jpg" />
<include name="**/*.gif" />
<include name="**/*.png" />
To only include one file just put the full name in include name= "fullnamehere" />
Sorry...haven't seen your part to add...
Try it like this:
include name= "builds/temp/_XA.class" />
Since a Jar is really a Zip file, you could unzip the jar to a temp directory after proguard does its thing, add the _XA.class file where you want in in that temp dir, and re-create the jar file before signing.

Configure the size of the icon at J2ME Polish

How can I configure the size of the icon to fit correctly on the multiple mobile devices?
Based on the J2ME Polish documentation, I'm using the following resources folder structure:
But it's no working, I've tried in several mobile devices and all of them load the default J2ME Polish icon.
Here's my build.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="myProject" default="j2mepolish">
<property name="polish.home" location="C:\Program Files (x86)\J2ME-Polish" />
<property name="wtk.home" location="C:\JavaME_SDK" />
<target name="run">
name="My Project"
description="My Project"
<requirement name="Term" value="polish.api.wmapi" />
<requirement name="Identifier" value="Generic/AnyPhone" />
<library file="lib/json-1.0.jar" />
<midlet class="myProject" />
excludes="readme.txt" >
<root dir="resources/" includeSubDirs="true" includeBaseDir="true" />
<variable name="polish.usePolishTitle" value="true" />
<variable name="polish.TextField.suppressCommands" value="true" />
<variable name="polish.TextField.useDirectInput" value="true" />
<variable name="polish.TextField.showInputInfo" value="false" />
<obfuscator name="ProGuard"></obfuscator>
<postcompiler name="java5" />
<emulator />
<target name="clean">
<delete dir="build" />
<delete dir="dist" />
Java ME application icon is defined on Jad and Manifest keys. It is often informed in both MIDlet-Icon and the second value of MIDlet-1. See this other question about it add icon to j2me application. And also see this other questions on icon sizes Is there a standard icon size and color depth for J2ME?.
On the link you provided http://www.enough.de/products/j2me-polish/documentation/building/resource-handling/resource-assembling.html there is this text: "You can use the IconSize.0x0 for storing icon resources for devices with an unknown IconSize capability"
I suggest you, by my personal experience with icons - not with polish - to add a 32x32 png icon image at this folder.

how to compile ResourceBundle class using build.xml file

I have developed J2ME application.
When I try to compile my application via build.xml file I get below error
"D:\sakina\TTMF_Project\TTMFMobileClient\src\ConfigurationUtil.java:3: cannot find symbol
[javac] symbol : class ResourceBundle
[javac] location: package java.util
[javac] import java.util.ResourceBundle;
[javac] ^"
Can anyone tell me if I have to add anything in my build.xml file
<!-- define the installation folder of J2ME Polish -->
<property name="polish.home" location="C:\Program Files\J2ME-Polish" />
<!-- define the installation folder of the WTK -->
<property name="wtk.home" location="C:\WTK2.5.2_01" />
<property name="device" value="Generic/midp2cldc11" />
<property name="devices" value="${device},Generic/AnyMsaPhone,Nokia/Series40E3,Nokia/Series60E3,Sony-Ericsson/JavaPlatform7,Sony-Ericsson/JavaPlatform8"/>
<!-- define the J2ME Polish task, classpath on one line please -->
<property name="polish.client.source" value="${polish.home}/j2mepolish-src/j2me/src/" />
classpath="${polish.home}/lib/enough-j2mepolish-build.jar:${polish.home}/lib/jdom.jar" />
<!-- start the build with J2ME Polish -->
<target name="j2mepolish" depends="init">
<info license="GPL" name="TTMFMobile" version="1.0.0" jarname="TTMFMobile.jar" deletenotify="Do you really want to exit?" />
<requirement name="Identifier" value="${device}" />
<build usePolishGui="true" fullscreen = "yes">
<midlet name="TMF" class="TTMFMobile" />
<!--<library file="${polish.home}/import/BlackBerry-5.0.0.jar" />-->
<library file="${polish.home}/import/json-1.0.jar" />
<variables includeAntProperties="true" >
<variable name="polish.TextField.showInputInfo" value="false"/>
<variable name="polish.TextField.useDirectInput" value="false" />
<variable name="polish.TextField.suppressDeleteCommands" value="false"/>
<variable name="polish.TextField.suppressClearCommands" value="true"/>
<obfuscator name="ProGuard" unless="test or polish.blackberry" />
<resources dir="${resource.dir}" defaultexcludes="yes" excludes="readme.txt">
<attribute name="MIDlet-Icon" value=""/>
<emulator />
<target name="clean">
<delete dir="build" />
<delete dir="dist" />
<target name="init">
<property name="resource.dir" value="res" />
<property name="path.deploy" value="deployed"/>
ConfigurationUtil.java file::
public class ConfigurationUtil {
private static ResourceBundle objResourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("ApplicationResources");
public static String getConfigValue(String configName){
String configValue = objResourceBundle.getString(configName);
return configValue;
You need to check your code in ConfigurationUtil.java
There is a compilation occuring in this file during the build . Fix the error and rebuild it should work .
