Is there a way to check if a substring contains an entire WORD, and not a substring.
Envision the following scenario:
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] text = {"this is a", "banana"};
String search = "a";
int counter = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
if(text[i].toLowerCase().contains(search)) {
System.out.println("Counter was " + counter);
This evaluates to
Counter was 2
Which is not what I'm looking for, as there is only one instance of the word 'a' in the array.
The way I read it is as follows:
The if-test finds an 'a' in text[0], the 'a' corresponding to "this is [a]". However, it also finds occurrences of 'a' in "banana", and thus increments the counter.
How can I solve this to only include the WORD 'a', and not substrings containing a?
You could use a regex, using Pattern.quote to escape out any special characters.
String regex = ".*\\b" + Pattern.quote(search) + "\\b.*"; // \b is a word boundary
int counter = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
if(text[i].toLowerCase().matches(regex)) {
Note this will also find "a" in "this is a; pause" or "Looking for an a?" where a doesn't have a space after it.
Could try this way:
for(int i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
String[] words = text[i].split("\\s+");
for (String word : words)
if(word.equalsIgnoreCase(search)) {
If the words are separated by a space, then you can do:
if((" "+text[i].toLowerCase()+" ").contains(" "+search+" "))
This adds two spaces to the original String.
eg: "this is a" becomes " this is a ".
Then it searches for the word, with the flanking spaces.
eg: It searches for " a " when search is "a"
Arrays.asList("this is a banana".split(" ")).stream().filter((s) -> s.equals("a")).count();
Of course, as others have written, you can start playing around with all kinds of pattern to match "words" out of "text".
But the thing is: depending on the underlying problem you have to solve, this might (by far) not good enough. Meaning: are you facing the problem of finding some pattern in some string ... or is it really, that you want to interpret that text in the "human language" sense? You know, when somebody writes down text, there might be subtle typos, strange characters; all kind of stuff that make it hard to really "find" a certain word in that text. Unless you dive into the "language processing" aspect of things.
Long story short: if your job is "locate certain patterns in strings"; then all the other answers will do. But if your requirement goes beyond that, like "some human will be using your application to 'search' huge data sets"; then you better stop now; and consider turning to full-text enabled search engines like ElasticSearch or Solr.
I have over a gigabyte of text that I need to go through and surround punctuation with spaces (tokenizing). I have a long regular expression (1818 characters, though that's mostly lists) that defines when punctuation should not be separated. Being long and complicated makes it hard to use groups with it, though I wouldn't leave that out as an option since I could make most groups non-capturing (?:).
Question: How can I efficiently replace certain characters that don't match a particular regular expression?
I've looked into using lookaheads or similar, and I haven't quite figured it out, but it seems to be terribly inefficient anyway. It would likely be better than using placeholders though.
I can't seem to find a good "replace with a bunch of different regular expressions for both finding and replacing in one pass" function.
Should I do this line by line instead of operating on the whole text?
String completeRegex = "[^\\w](("+protectedPrefixes+")|(("+protectedNumericOnly+")\\s*\\p{N}))|"+protectedRegex;
Matcher protectedM = Pattern.compile(completeRegex).matcher(s);
ArrayList<String> protectedStrs = new ArrayList<String>();
//Take note of the protected matches.
while (protectedM.find()) {
//Replace protected matches.
String replaceStr = "<PROTECTED>";
s = protectedM.replaceAll(replaceStr);
//Now that it's safe, separate punctuation.
s = s.replaceAll("([^\\p{L}\\p{N}\\p{Mn}_\\-<>'])"," $1 ");
// These are for apostrophes. Can these be combined with either the protecting regular expression or the one above?
s = s.replaceAll("([\\p{N}\\p{L}])'(\\p{L})", "$1 '$2");
s = s.replaceAll("([^\\p{L}])'([^\\p{L}])", "$1 ' $2");
Note the two additional replacements for apostrophes. Using placeholders protects against those replacements as well, but I'm not really concerned with apostrophes or single quotes in my protecting regex anyway, so it's not a real concern.
I'm rewriting what I considered very inefficient Perl code with my own in Java, keeping track of speed, and things were going fine until I started replacing the placeholders with the original strings. With that addition it's too slow to be reasonable (I've never seen it get even close to finishing).
//Replace placeholders with original text.
String resultStr = "";
String currentStr = "";
int currentPos = 0;
int[] protectedArray = replaceStr.codePoints().toArray();
int protectedLen = protectedArray.length;
int[] strArray = s.codePoints().toArray();
int protectedCount = 0;
for (int i=0; i<strArray.length; i++) {
int pt = strArray[i];
// System.out.println("pt: "+pt+" symbol: "+String.valueOf(Character.toChars(pt)));
if (protectedArray[currentPos]==pt) {
if (currentPos == protectedLen - 1) {
resultStr += protectedStrs.get(protectedCount);
currentPos = 0;
} else {
} else {
if (currentPos > 0) {
resultStr += replaceStr.substring(0, currentPos);
currentPos = 0;
currentStr = "";
resultStr += ParseUtils.getSymbol(pt);
s = resultStr;
This code may not be the most efficient way to return the protected matches. What is a better way? Or better yet, how can I replace punctuation without having to use placeholders?
I don't know exactly how big your in-between strings are, but I suspect that you can do somewhat better than using Matcher.replaceAll, speed-wise.
You're doing 3 passes across the string, each time creating a new Matcher instance, and then creating a new String; and because you're using + to concatenate the strings, you're creating a new string which is the concatenation of the in-between string and the protected group, and then another string when you concatenate this to the current result. You don't really need all of these extra instances.
Firstly, you should accumulate the resultStr in a StringBuilder, rather than via direct string concatenation. Then you can proceed something like:
StringBuilder resultStr = new StringBuilder();
int currIndex = 0;
while (protectedM.find()) {
appendInBetween(resultStr, str, current, protectedM.str());
currIndex = protectedM.end();
resultStr.append(str, currIndex, str.length());
where appendInBetween is a method implementing the equivalent to the replacements, just in a single pass:
void appendInBetween(StringBuilder resultStr, String s, int start, int end) {
// Pass the whole input string and the bounds, rather than taking a substring.
// Allocate roughly enough space up-front.
resultStr.ensureCapacity(resultStr.length() + end - start);
for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
// Check if c matches "([^\\p{L}\\p{N}\\p{Mn}_\\-<>'])".
if (!(Character.isLetter(c)
|| Character.isDigit(c)
|| Character.getType(c) == Character.NON_SPACING_MARK
|| "_\\-<>'".indexOf(c) != -1)) {
resultStr.append(' ');
resultStr.append(' ');
} else if (c == '\'' && i > 0 && i + 1 < s.length()) {
// We have a quote that's not at the beginning or end.
// Call these 3 characters bcd, where c is the quote.
char b = s.charAt(i - 1);
char d = s.charAt(i + 1);
if ((Character.isDigit(b) || Character.isLetter(b)) && Character.isLetter(d)) {
// If the 3 chars match "([\\p{N}\\p{L}])'(\\p{L})"
resultStr.append(' ');
} else if (!Character.isLetter(b) && !Character.isLetter(d)) {
// If the 3 chars match "([^\\p{L}])'([^\\p{L}])"
resultStr.append(' ');
resultStr.append(' ');
} else {
} else {
// Everything else, just append.
Ideone demo
Obviously, there is a maintenance cost associated with this code - it is undeniably more verbose. But the advantage of doing it explicitly like this (aside from the fact it is just a single pass) is that you can debug the code like any other - rather than it just being the black box that regexes are.
I'd be interested to know if this works any faster for you!
At first I thought that appendReplacement wasn't what I was looking for, but indeed it was. Since it's replacing the placeholders at the end that slowed things down, all I really needed was a way to dynamically replace matches:
StringBuffer replacedBuff = new StringBuffer();
Matcher replaceM = Pattern.compile(replaceStr).matcher(s);
int index = 0;
while (replaceM.find()) {
replaceM.appendReplacement(replacedBuff, "");
s = replacedBuff.toString();
Reference: Second answer at this question.
Another option to consider:
During the first pass through the String, to find the protected Strings, take the start and end indices of each match, replace the punctuation for everything outside of the match, add the matched String, and then keep going. This takes away the need to write a String with placeholders, and requires only one pass through the entire String. It does, however, require many separate small replacement operations. (By the way, be sure to compile the patterns before the loop, as opposed to using String.replaceAll()). A similar alternative is to add the unprotected substrings together, and then replace them all at the same time. However, the protected strings would then have to be added to the replaced string at the end, so I doubt this would save time.
int currIndex = 0;
while (protectedM.find()) {
String substr = s.substring(currIndex,protectedM.start());
substr = p1.matcher(substr).replaceAll(" $1 ");
substr = p2.matcher(substr).replaceAll("$1 '$2");
substr = p3.matcher(substr).replaceAll("$1 ' $2");
resultStr +=;
currIndex = protectedM.end();
Speed comparison for 100,000 lines of text:
Original Perl script: 272.960579875 seconds
My first attempt: Too long to finish.
With appendReplacement(): 14.245160866 seconds
Replacing while finding protected: 68.691842962 seconds
Thank you, Java, for not letting me down.
I would like to ask you for your help, regarding this code. I am trying to do a kind of encoding of particular words, such as "Microsoft" etc. (random ones, just to learn the technique). I've suceeded in doing everything, but to make this kinf of searching for words case insesitive. Here is the code:
public class BannedWords {
public static String returnStars(int length){
String stars = "";
String addStar = "*";
for (int i = 1; i<=length; i++){
stars += addStar;
return stars;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String textString = "Microsoft announced its next generation Java compiler today."
+ " It uses advanced parser and special optimizer for the Microsoft JVM.";
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(textString);
String bannedWords = "Java, JVM, Microsoft";
String [] bWordsArr = bannedWords.split("[, ]+");
for(int i = 0; i<bWordsArr.length; i++){
int index = textString.indexOf(bWordsArr[i]);
while(index != -1){
text = text.replace(index, index+bWordsArr[i].length(), returnStars(bWordsArr[i].length()));
index = textString.indexOf(bWordsArr[i], index +1);
I need to search for "Java", "JVM" and "Microsoft" words regardless of their case, even if we try "MiCrosoFt" it should work, but after a few hours thinking and trying to do it with using toUpperCase(), toLowerCase(), I couldn't find out how to do that. Do you have any ideas ?
Thank you beforehand ! :)
When using indexOf(), toLowerCase() will convert checked text to lowercase. Then, you must put your search terms in lowercase.
String text = "Java is a good programming language.";
int index = text.toLowerCase().indexOf("java");
You can also use toUpperCase(), simply put your search terms in uppercase.
Actually you should be using equalsIgnoreCase. This is the correct way of comparing strings irrespective of their case. And also you don't have to modify the original string to upper or lower case to perform check. I hope it helps :)
Another problem I try to solve (NOTE this is not a homework but what popped into my head), I'm trying to improve my problem-solving skills in Java. I want to display this:
Students ID #
Carol McKane 920 11
James Eriol 154 10
Elainee Black 462 12
What I want to do is on the 3rd column, display the number of characters without counting the spaces. Give me some tips to do this. Or point me to Java's robust APIs, cause I'm not yet that familiar with Java's string APIs. Thanks.
It sounds like you just want something like:
public static int countNonSpaces(String text) {
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) {
if (text.charAt(i) != ' ') {
return count;
You may want to modify this to use Character.isWhitespace instead of only checking for ' '. Also note that this will count pairs outside the Basic Multilingual Plane as two characters. Whether that will be a problem for you or not depends on your use case...
Think of solving a problem and presenting the answer as two very different steps. I won't help you with the presentation in a table, but to count the number of characters in a String (without spaces) you can use this:
String name = "Carol McKane";
int numberOfCharacters = name.replaceAll("\\s", "").length();
The regular expression \\s matches all whitespace characters in the name string, and replaces them with "", or nothing.
Probably the shortest and easiest way:
String[][] students = { { "Carol McKane", "James Eriol", "Elainee Black" }, { "920", "154", "462" } };
for (int i = 0 ; i < students[0].length; i++) {
System.out.println(students[0][i] + "\t" + students[1][i] + "\t" + students[0][i].replace( " ", "" ).length() );
replace(), replaces each substring (" ") of your string and removes it from the result returned, from this temporal string, without spaces, you can get the length by calling length() on it...
The String name will remain unchanged.
To learn more about it you should watch the API documentation for String and Character
Here some examples how to do:
// variation 1
int count1 = 0;
for (char character : text.toCharArray()) {
if (Character.isLetter(character)) {
This uses a special short from of "for" instruction. Here's the long form for better understanding:
// variation 2
int count2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) {
char character = text.charAt(i);
if (Character.isLetter(character)) {
BTW, removing whitespaces via replace method is not a good coding style to me and not quite helpful for understanding how string class works.
This may be a simple question, but I have been Googling for over an hour and haven't found an answer yet.
I'm trying to simply use the String.split() method with a small Android application to split an input string. The input string will be something along the lines of: "Launch ip:;port:5900". I'm doing this in two iterations to ensure that all of the required parameters are there. I'm first trying to do a split on spaces and semicolons to get the individual tokens sorted out. Next, I'm trying to split on colons in order to strip off the identification tags of each piece of information.
So, for example, I would expect the first round of split to give me the following data from the above example string:
(1) Launch
(2) ip:
(3) port:5900
Then the second round would give me the following:
(2) 5900
However, the following code that I wrote doesn't give me what's expected:
private String[] splitString(String inputString)
String[] parsedString;
String[] orderedString = new String[SOSLauncherConstants.SOCKET_INPUT_STRING_PARSE_VALUE];
parsedString = inputString.trim().split("; ");
Log.i("info", "The parsed data is as follows for the initially parsed string of size " + parsedString.length + ": ");
for (int i = 0; i < parsedString.length; ++i)
Log.i("info", parsedString[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < parsedString.length; ++i )
if (parsedString[i].toLowerCase().contains(SOSLauncherConstants.PARSED_LAUNCH_COMMAND_VALUE))
orderedString[SOSLauncherConstants.PARSED_COMMAND_WORD] = parsedString[i];
if (parsedString[i].toLowerCase().contains("ip"))
orderedString[SOSLauncherConstants.PARSED_IP_VALUE] = parsedString[i].split(":")[1];
else if (parsedString[i].toLowerCase().contains("port"))
orderedString[SOSLauncherConstants.PARSED_PORT_VALUE] = parsedString[i].split(":")[1];
else if (parsedString[i].toLowerCase().contains("username"))
orderedString[SOSLauncherConstants.PARSED_USERNAME_VALUE] = parsedString[i].split(":")[1];
else if (parsedString[i].toLowerCase().contains("password"))
orderedString[SOSLauncherConstants.PARSED_PASSWORD_VALUE] = parsedString[i].split(":")[1];
else if (parsedString[i].toLowerCase().contains("color"))
orderedString[SOSLauncherConstants.PARSED_COLOR_VALUE] = parsedString[i].split(":")[1];
Log.i("info", "The parsed data is as follows for the second parsed string of size " + orderedString.length + ": ");
for (int i = 0; i < orderedString.length; ++i)
Log.i("info", orderedString[i]);
return orderedString;
For a result, I'm getting the following:
The parsed data is as follows for the parsed string of size 1:
launch ip:;port:5900
The parsed data is as follows for the second parsed string of size 6:
launch ip:;port:5900;port
And then, of course, it crashes because the for loop runs into a null string.
Side Note:
The following snippet is from the constants class that defines all of the string indexes --
public static final int SOCKET_INPUT_STRING_PARSE_VALUE = 6;
public static final int PARSED_COMMAND_WORD = 0;
public static final String PARSED_LAUNCH_COMMAND_VALUE = "launch";
public static final int PARSED_IP_VALUE = 1;
public static final int PARSED_PORT_VALUE = 2;
public static final int PARSED_USERNAME_VALUE = 3;
public static final int PARSED_PASSWORD_VALUE = 4;
public static final int PARSED_COLOR_VALUE = 5;
I looked into needing a possible escape (by inserting a \\ before the semicolon) on the semicolon delimiter, and even tried using it, but that didn't work. The odd part is that neither the space nor the semicolon function as a delimiter, yet the colon works on the second time around. Does anybody have any ideas what would cause this?
Thanks for your time!
EDIT: I should also add that I'm receiving the string over a WiFi socket connection. I don't think this should make a difference, but I'd like you to have all of the information that you need.
String.split(String) takes a regex. Use "[; ]". eg:
"foo;bar baz".split("[; ]")
will return an array containing "foo", "bar" and "baz".
If you need groups of spaces to work as a single delimiter, you can use something like:
"foo;bar baz".split("(;| +)")
I believe String.split() tries to split on each of the characters you specify together (or on a regex), not each character individually. That is, split(";.") would not split "a;b.c" at all, but would split "a;.b".
You may have better luck with Guava's Splitter, which is meant to be slightly less unpredictable than java.lang.String.split.
I would write something like
Iterable<String> splits = Splitter.on(CharMatcher.anyOf("; ")).split(string);
but Splitter also provides fluent-style customization like "trim results" or "skip over empty strings."
Is there a reason why you are using String.split(), but not using Regular Expressions? This is a perfect candidate for regex'es, esp if the string format is consistent.
I'm not sure if your format is fixed, and if it is, then the following regex should break it down for you (am sure that someone can come up with an even more elegant regex). If you have several command strings that follow, then you can use a more flexible regex and loop over all the groups:
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("([\w]*)[ ;](([\w]*):([^ ;]*))*");
Matcher m = p.match( <input string>);
if( m.find() )
command =;
id =;
value =;
} while( m.find() );
A great place to test out regex'es online is It allows you to play with the regex without having to compile and launch you app every time if you just want to get the regex correct.
Hey everyone,
I'm having a minor difficulty setting up a regular expression that evaluates a sentence entered by a user in a textbox to keyword(s). Essentially, the keywords have to be entered consecutive from one to the other and can have any number of characters or spaces before, between, and after (ie. if the keywords are "crow" and "feet", crow must be somewhere in the sentence before feet. So with that in mind, this statement should be valid "blah blah sccui crow dsj feet "). The characters and to some extent, the spaces (i would like the keywords to have at least one space buffer in the beginning and end) are completely optional, the main concern is whether the keywords were entered in their proper order.
So far, I was able to have my regular expression work in a sentence but failed to work if the answer itself was entered only.
I have the regular expression used in the function below:
// Comparing an answer with the right solution
protected boolean checkAnswer(String a, String s) {
boolean result = false;
//Used to determine if the solution is more than one word
String temp[] = s.split(" ");
//If only one word or letter
if(temp.length == 1)
if (s.length() == 1) {
// check multiple choice questions
if (a.equalsIgnoreCase(s)) result = true;
else result = false;
else {
// check short answer questions
if ((a.toLowerCase()).matches(".*?\\s*?" + s.toLowerCase() + "\\s*?.*?")) result = true;
else result = false;
int count = temp.length;
//Regular expression used to
String regex=".*?\\s*?";
for(int i = 0; i<count;i++)
if ((a.toLowerCase()).matches(regex)) result = true;
else result = false;
return result;
Any help would greatly be appreciated.
I would go about this in a different way. Instead of trying to use one regular expression, why not use something similar to:
String answer = ... // get the user's answer
if( answer.indexOf("crow") < answer.indexOf("feet") ) {
// "correct" answer
You'll still need to tokenize the words in the correct answer, then check in a loop to see if the index of each word is less than the index of the following word.
I don't think you need to split the result on " ".
If I understand correctly, you should be able to do something like
String regex="^.*crow.*\\s+.*feet.*"
The problem with the above is that it will match "feetcrow feetcrow".
Maybe something like
String regex="^.*\\s+crow.*\\s+feet\\s+.*"
That will enforce that the word is there as opposed to just in a random block of characters.
Depending on the complexity Bill's answer might be the fastest solution. If you'd prefer a regular expression, I wouldn't look for any spaces, but word boundaries instead. That way you won't have to handle commas, dots, etc. as well:
String regex = "\\bcrow(?:\\b.*\\b)?feet\\b"
This should match "crow bla feet" as well as "crowfeet" and "crow, feet".
Having to match multiple words in a specific order you could just join them together using '(?:\b.*\b)?' without requiring any additional sorting or checking.
Following Bill answer, I'd try this:
String input = // get user input
String[] tokens = input.split(" ");
String key1 = "crow";
String key2 = "feet";
String[] tokens = input.split(" ");
List<String> list = Arrays.asList(tokens);
return list.indexOf(key1) < list.indexOf(key2)