I have an ExecutorService which forwards the computed data to a CompletableFuture:
class DataRetriever {
private final ExecutorService service = ...;
public CompletableFuture<Data> retrieve() {
final CompletableFuture<Data> future = new CompletableFuture<>();
service.execute(() -> {
final Data data = ... fetch data ...
return future;
I want the client/user to be able to cancel the task:
final DataRetriever retriever = new DataRetriever();
final CompletableFuture<Data> future = retriever().retrieve();
This does not work, as this cancels the outer CompletableFuture, but not the inner future as scheduled in the executor service.
Is it somehow possible to propagate cancel() on the outer future to the inner future?
CompletableFuture#cancel really only serves the purpose of marking a CompletableFuture as cancelled. It does nothing to notify an executing task to stop, because it has no relationship to any such task.
The javadoc hints at this
mayInterruptIfRunning - this value has no effect in this implementation because interrupts are not used to control processing.
The inner future in your example is a Future, not a CompletableFuture, and it does have a relation to the executing Runnable (or Callable). Internally, since it know what Thread the task is executing on, it can send it an interrupt to attempt to stop it.
One option is to return a tuple of some sorts (eg. some POJO) that provides a reference to both your CompletableFuture and to the Future returned by ExecutorService#submit. You can use the Future to cancel if you need to. You'd have to remember to cancel or complete your CompletableFuture so that other parts of your code don't remain blocked/starved forever.
Another solution, which Pillar touched on, is to extend CompletableFuture. Here's one method that's quite similar to your existing code. It also handles exceptions, which is a nice bonus.
class CancelableFuture<T> extends CompletableFuture<T> {
private Future<?> inner;
* Creates a new CancelableFuture which will be completed by calling the
* given {#link Callable} via the provided {#link ExecutorService}.
public CancelableFuture(Callable<T> task, ExecutorService executor) {
this.inner = executor.submit(() -> complete(task));
* Completes this future by executing a {#link Callable}. If the call throws
* an exception, the future will complete with that exception. Otherwise,
* the future will complete with the value returned from the callable.
private void complete(Callable<T> callable) {
try {
T result = callable.call();
} catch (Exception e) {
public boolean cancel(boolean mayInterrupt) {
return inner.cancel(mayInterrupt) && super.cancel(true);
Then, in DataRetriever, you can simply do:
public CompletableFuture<Data> retrieve() {
return new CancelableFuture<>(() -> {... fetch data ...}, service);
With my Tascalate Concurrent library your code may be rewritten as following:
class DataRetriever {
private final ExecutorService service = ...;
public Promise<Data> retrieve() {
return CompletableTask.supplyAsync(() -> {
final Data data = ... fetch data ...
return data;
}, service);
Promise and CompletableTask are classes from my library, you can read more in my blog
By adding an exception handler to the outer future, you can have the call to cancel be passed down to the inner future. This works because CompletableFuture.cancel causes the future to complete exceptionally with a CancellationException.
private final ExecutorService service = ...;
public CompletableFuture<Data> retrieve() {
final CompletableFuture<Data> outer = new CompletableFuture<>();
final Future<?> inner = service.submit(() -> {
outer.exceptionally((error) -> {
if (error instanceof CancellationException) {
return null; // must return something, because 'exceptionally' expects a Function
return outer;
The call to outer.exceptionally creates a new CompletableFuture, so it doesn't affect the cancellation or exception status of outer itself. You can still append any other CompletionStage you like to outer, including another exceptionally stage, and it will operate as expected.
I have a javafx app, and I want to surround some code with "waiting" feature. So my code can be Runnable and Callable. The problem is getting result from Callabe. I tried to play with:
creating daemon threads by hands
after reading some articles here, but it doesn't help.
How I want to call it:
final String a =
CommonHelper.showWaiting(() -> {
return "test2";
That's how I work with Runnable:
public static void showWaiting(Runnable runnable) {
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
try {
executorService.submit(new WaitingTask<>(executorService.submit(runnable)));
} finally {
And my WaitingTask is:
public class WaitingTask<T> extends Task<Void> {
private final Future<T> future;
public WaitingTask(Future<T> future) {
this.future = future;
protected Void call() {
while (true) {
if (future.isDone()) {
return null;
That works awesome - my app shows waiting spinner, and task runns in separate thread.
So I try to work the same way with Callable to get the result:
public static <T> T showWaiting(Callable<T> callable) {
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
try {
FutureTask<T> task = new FutureTask<>(callable);
Future<T> result = (Future<T>) executorService.submit(task);
executorService.submit(new WaitingTask<>(result));
return result.get();
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
} finally {
but I can not see waiting spinner, maybe the app's main thread waits for result.get(); and the app freezes. How can I fix it?
There are a few things you are doing incorrectly:
You wrap your Callable in a FutureTask before submitting it to an ExecutorService. You don't need to do this, and in fact you shouldn't do this. Instead, just submit your Callable directly and you will get a Future in return.
Future<T> future = executor.submit(callable);
If you're using the core implementation of ExecutorService the returned Future will be a FutureTask anyway. Not that you should care—the only important thing is that its a Future. Note the same goes for Runnables; just submit them directly, don't wrap them in a FutureTask first.
You're submitting your Callable, getting a Future, and wrapping said Future in a Task...and then submitting your Task. This means you will have two tasks for every one you want to execute. Depending on how your ExecutorService is configured, this equates to using two threads per task.
You should be using your Task as if it was your Callable. Do the work inside the Task#call() method and return the result. Then only submit the Task, don't wrap it in anything first.
executor.execute(task); // Don't need the Future here, just use "execute"
If you want the result of the Task you can register callbacks (see this). The class is designed to invoke these callbacks on the JavaFX Application Thread.
task.setOnSucceeded(event -> {
T value = task.getValue();
// do something with value...
Note that Task extends FutureTask. This seems contradictory to point 1, but that's just how it is. Personally, I wouldn't have designed the class that way—it ends up wrapping the Task in another Future (likely FutureTask) when executed using the Executor Framework.
This is related to number 2; if you fix that issue then this issue inherently goes away.
You are spin waiting for the wrapped Future to complete. This is a waste of resources. The Future interface has a get() method that will block the calling thread until said Future is done. If the Future completes normally you'll get the value in return, else if it completes exceptionally an ExecutionException will be thrown. The third option is the calling thread is interrupted and an InterruptedException is thrown.
If the method names "showSpinner" and "hideSpinner" aren't misleading, you are updating the UI from a background thread. Never update the UI from a thread other than the JavaFX Application Thread. Now, you could wrap those calls in a Platform.runLater action, but you could also use the properties/callbacks of the Task. For instance, you could listen to the running property to know when to show and hide your spinner.
Taking all that into account, your example should look more like:
// Doesn't have to be an anonymous class
Task<String> task = new Task<>() {
protected String call() {
return "test2";
task.runningProperty().addListener((obs, wasRunning, isRunning) -> {
if (isRunning) {
} else {
task.setOnSucceeded(event -> {
String a = task.getValue();
// Do something with value.
For more information, I suggest reading:
Concurrency in JavaFX
Documentation of javafx.concurrent.Worker
Documentation of javafx.concurrent.Task (and Worker's other implementations)
Possibly a tutorial on Java's Executor Framework.
Thanks all for help, especially #Slaw and #kendavidson
Finally I've found a simple and perfect solution here:
Modal JaxaFX Progress Indicator running in Background
Maybe I'll post my full generic-based example here, based on this principles
What is the proper way to implement concurrency in Java applications? I know about Threads and stuff, of course, I have been programming for Java for 10 years now, but haven't had too much experience with concurrency.
For example, I have to asynchronously load a few resources, and only after all have been loaded, can I proceed and do more work. Needless to say, there is no order how they will finish. How do I do this?
In JavaScript, I like using the jQuery.deferred infrastructure, to say
function(){//here everything is done
But what do I do in Java?
You can achieve it in multiple ways.
1.ExecutorService invokeAll() API
Executes the given tasks, returning a list of Futures holding their status and results when all complete.
A synchronization aid that allows one or more threads to wait until a set of operations being performed in other threads completes.
A CountDownLatch is initialized with a given count. The await methods block until the current count reaches zero due to invocations of the countDown() method, after which all waiting threads are released and any subsequent invocations of await return immediately. This is a one-shot phenomenon -- the count cannot be reset. If you need a version that resets the count, consider using a CyclicBarrier.
3.ForkJoinPool or newWorkStealingPool() in Executors is other way
Have a look at related SE questions:
How to wait for a thread that spawns it's own thread?
Executors: How to synchronously wait until all tasks have finished if tasks are created recursively?
I would use parallel stream.
Stream.of(runnable1, runnable2, runnable3).parallel().forEach(r -> r.run());
// do something after all these are done.
If you need this to be asynchronous, then you might use a pool or Thread.
I have to asynchronously load a few resources,
You could collect these resources like this.
List<String> urls = ....
Map<String, String> map = urls.parallelStream()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(u -> u, u -> download(u)));
This will give you a mapping of all the resources once they have been downloaded concurrently. The concurrency will be the number of CPUs you have by default.
If I'm not using parallel Streams or Spring MVC's TaskExecutor, I usually use CountDownLatch. Instantiate with # of tasks, reduce once for each thread that completes its task. CountDownLatch.await() waits until the latch is at 0. Really useful.
Read more here: JavaDocs
Personally, I would do something like this if I am using Java 8 or later.
// Retrieving instagram followers
CompletableFuture<Integer> instagramFollowers = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
// getInstaFollowers(userId);
return 0; // default value
// Retrieving twitter followers
CompletableFuture<Integer> twitterFollowers = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
// getTwFollowers(userId);
return 0; // default value
System.out.println("Calculating Total Followers...");
CompletableFuture<Integer> totalFollowers = instagramFollowers
.thenCombine(twitterFollowers, (instaFollowers, twFollowers) -> {
return instaFollowers + twFollowers; // can be replaced with method reference
System.out.println("Total followers: " + totalFollowers.get()); // blocks until both the above tasks are complete
I used supplyAsync() as I am returning some value (no. of followers in this case) from the tasks otherwise I could have used runAsync(). Both of these run the task in a separate thread.
Finally, I used thenCombine() to join both the CompletableFuture. You could also use thenCompose() to join two CompletableFuture if one depends on the other. But in this case, as both the tasks can be executed in parallel, I used thenCombine().
The methods getInstaFollowers(userId) and getTwFollowers(userId) are simple HTTP calls or something.
You can use a ThreadPool and Executors to do this.
This is an example I use Threads. Its a static executerService with a fixed size of 50 threads.
public class ThreadPoolExecutor {
private static final ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(50,
new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("thread-%d").build());
private static ThreadPoolExecutor instance = new ThreadPoolExecutor();
public static ThreadPoolExecutor getInstance() {
return instance;
public <T> Future<? extends T> queueJob(Callable<? extends T> task) {
return executorService.submit(task);
public void shutdown() {
The business logic for the executer is used like this: (You can use Callable or Runnable. Callable can return something, Runnable not)
public class MultipleExecutor implements Callable<ReturnType> {//your code}
And the call of the executer:
ThreadPoolExecutor threadPoolExecutor = ThreadPoolExecutor.getInstance();
List<Future<? extends ReturnType>> results = new LinkedList<>();
for (Type Type : typeList) {
Future<? extends ReturnType> future = threadPoolExecutor.queueJob(
new MultipleExecutor(needed parameters));
for (Future<? extends ReturnType> result : results) {
try {
if (result.get() != null) {
result.get(); // here you get the return of one thread
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
logger.error(e, e);
The same behaviour as with $.Deferred in jQuery you can archive in Java 8 with a class called CompletableFuture. This class provides the API for working with Promises. In order to create async code you can use one of it's static creational methods like #runAsync, #supplyAsync. Then applying some computation of results with #thenApply.
I usually opt for an async notify-start, notify-progress, notify-end approach:
class Task extends Thread {
private ThreadLauncher parent;
public Task(ThreadLauncher parent) {
this.parent = parent;
public void run() {
public /*abstract*/ void doStuff() {
// ...
class ThreadLauncher {
public void stuff() {
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
new Task(this).start();
public void notifyEnd(Task who) {
// ...
On this project, a Manager performs event queuing, and to return the result of the event a callback is used (the callback does not extend Runnable). The manager runs on a separate thread, dispatching the events. Once the events terminate, this same thread calls the callbacks. This means that the next event will not be dispatched before the callback of the previous event terminates. In order to avoid this, I though about having the manager create a new thread for each callback, and executing the callbacks there. How good is this solution in terms of design practices, and is there a better way to achieve this?
A simple Callback code:
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.*;
public class CallBackDemo{
public CallBackDemo(){
System.out.println("creating service");
ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);
for ( int i=0; i<10; i++){
Callback callback = new Callback(i+1);
MyCallable myCallable = new MyCallable((long)i+1,callback);
Future<Long> future = service.submit(myCallable);
//System.out.println("future status:"+future.get()+":"+future.isDone());
}catch(Exception err){
public static void main(String args[]){
CallBackDemo demo = new CallBackDemo();
class MyCallable implements Callable<Long>{
Long id = 0L;
Callback callback;
public MyCallable(Long val,Callback obj){
this.id = val;
this.callback = obj;
public Long call(){
//Add your business logic
return id;
class Callback {
private int i;
public Callback(int i){
this.i = i;
public void callbackMethod(){
System.out.println("Call back:"+i);
// Add your business logic
creating service
Call back:1
Call back:2
Call back:8
Call back:3
Call back:10
Call back:7
Call back:6
Call back:9
Call back:4
Call back:5
Replace Manager with ExecutorService of your preferred choice.
Either your can pass Callaback object to Callable/Runnable object Or you can create Callback object inside Callable/Runnable. In my example, I have explicitly passed Callback object to Callable.
Before returning the result, Callable object invokes Callback method. If you want to block on proceeding further unless you get response from current event, just uncomment below line.
System.out.println("future status:"+future.get()+":"+future.isDone());
I think you are going to avoid it and hence keep above line commented. You don't have to create new thread for Callback method invocation. If you want to process Callback event asynchronously, you can create one more ExecutorService and submit the event.
I would have the thread which executes the task, also execute the call back. Instead of creating a Thread each time, I suggest you use an ExecutorService.
public static <T> void submit(ExecutorService service,
Callable<T> callable,
Consumer<T> callback) {
service.submit(() -> {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
// log the Throwable
I have a java class to handle a multithreaded subscription service. By implementing the Subscribable interface, tasks can be submitted to the service and periodically executed. A sketch of the code is seen below:
import java.util.concurrent.*;
public class Subscribtions {
private ConcurrentMap<Subscribable, Future<?>> futures = new ConcurrentHashMap<Subscribable, Future<?>>();
private ConcurrentMap<Subscribable, Integer> cacheFutures = new ConcurrentHashMap<Subscribable, Integer>();
private ScheduledExecutorService threads;
public Subscribtions() {
threads = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(16);
public void subscribe(Subscribable subscription) {
Runnable runnable = getThread(subscription);
Future<?> future = threads.scheduleAtFixedRate(runnable, subscription.getInitialDelay(), subscription.getPeriod(), TimeUnit.SECONDS);
futures.put(subscription, future);
* Only called from controller thread
public void unsubscribe(Subscribable subscription) {
Future<?> future = futures.remove(subscription); //1. Might be removed by worker thread
if (future != null)
else {
//3. Worker-thread view := cacheFutures.put() -> futures.remove()
//4. Controller-thread has seen futures.remove(), but has it seen cacheFutures.put()?
* Only called from worker threads
private void delay(Runnable runnable, Subscribable subscription, long delay) {
cacheFutures.put(subscription, 0); //2. Which is why it is cached first
Future<?> currentFuture = futures.remove(subscription);
if (currentFuture != null) {
Future<?> future = threads.scheduleAtFixedRate(runnable, delay, subscription.getPeriod(), TimeUnit.SECONDS);
futures.put(subscription, future);
private Runnable getThread(Subscribable subscription) {
return new Runnable() {
public void run() {
//Do work...
boolean someCondition = true;
long someDelay = 100;
if (someCondition) {
delay(this, subscription, someDelay);
public interface Subscribable {
long getInitialDelay();
long getPeriod();
So the class permits to:
Subscribe to new tasks
Unsubscribe from existing tasks
Delay a periodically executed task
Subscriptions are added/removed by an external controlling thread, but delays are incurred only by the internal worker threads. This could happen, if for instance a worker thread found no update from the last execution or e.g. if the thread only needs to execute from 00.00 - 23.00.
My problem is that a worker thread may call delay() and remove its future from the ConcurrentMap, and the controller thread may concurrently call unsubscribe(). Then if the controller thread checks the ConcurrentMap before the worker thread has put in a new future, the unsubscribe() call will be lost.
There are some (not exhaustive list perhaps) solutions:
Use a lock between the delay() and unsubscribe() methods
Same as above, but one lock per subscribtion
(preferred?) Use no locks, but "cache" removed futures in the delay() method
As for the third solution, since the worker-thread has established the happens-before relationship cacheFutures.put() -> futures.remove(), and the atomicity of ConcurrentMap makes the controller thread see futures.remove(), does it also see the same happens-before relationship as the worker thread? I.e. cacheFutures.put() -> futures.remove()? Or does the atomicity only hold for the futures map with updates to other variables being propagated later?
Any other comments are also welcome, esp. considering use of the volatile keyword. Should the cache-map be declared volatile? thanks!
One lock per subscription would require you to maintain yet another map, and possibly thereby to introduce additional concurrency issues. I think that would be better avoided. The same applies even more so to caching removed subscriptions, plus that affords the added risk of unwanted resource retention (and note that it's not the Futures themselves that you would need to cache, but rather the Subscribables with which they are associated).
Any way around, you will need some kind of synchronization / locking. For example, in your option (3) you need to avoid an unsubscribe() for a given subscription happening between delay() caching that subscription and removing its Future. The only way you could avoid that without some form of locking would be if you could use just one Future per subscription, kept continuously in place from the time it is enrolled by subscribe() until it is removed by unsubscribe(). Doing so is not consistent with the ability to delay an already-scheduled subscription.
As for the third solution, since the worker-thread has established the happens-before relationship cacheFutures.put() -> futures.remove(), and the atomicity of ConcurrentMap makes the controller thread see futures.remove(), does it also see the same happens-before relationship as the worker thread?
Happens-before is a relationship between actions in an execution of a program. It is not specific to any one thread's view of the execution.
Or does the atomicity only hold for the futures map with updates to other variables being propagated later?
The controller thread will always see the cacheFutures.put() performed by an invocation of delay() occuring before the futures.remove() performed by that same invocation. I don't think that helps you, though.
Should the cache-map be declared volatile?
No. That would avail nothing, because although the contents of that map change, the map itself is always the same object, and the reference to it does not change.
You could consider having subscribe(), delay(), and unsubscribe() each synchronize on the Subscribable presented. That's not what I understood you to mean about having a lock per subscription, but it is similar. It would avoid the need for a separate data structure to maintain such locks. I guess you could also build locking methods into the Subscribable interface if you want to avoid explicit synchronization.
You have a ConcurrentMap but you aren't using it. Consider something along these lines:
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
final class SO33555545
public static void main(String... argv)
throws InterruptedException
ScheduledExecutorService workers = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(16);
Subscriptions sub = new Subscriptions(workers);
sub.subscribe(() -> System.out.println("Message received: A"));
sub.subscribe(() -> System.out.println("Message received: B"));
final class Subscriptions
private final ConcurrentMap<Subscribable, Task> tasks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final ScheduledExecutorService workers;
public Subscriptions(ScheduledExecutorService workers)
this.workers = workers;
void subscribe(Subscribable sub)
Task task = new Task(sub);
Task current = tasks.putIfAbsent(sub, task);
if (current != null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Already subscribed");
private Future<?> schedule(Subscribable sub)
Runnable task = () -> {
if (Math.random() < 0.25) {
delay(sub, 5);
return workers.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, sub.getPeriod(), sub.getPeriod(), TimeUnit.SECONDS);
void unsubscribe(Subscribable sub)
Task task = tasks.remove(sub);
if (task != null)
private void delay(Subscribable sub, long delay)
Task task = new Task(sub);
Task obsolete = tasks.replace(sub, task);
if (obsolete != null) {
private final class Task
private final FutureTask<Future<?>> future;
Task(Subscribable sub)
this.future = new FutureTask<>(() -> schedule(sub));
void activate()
void cancel()
boolean interrupted = false;
while (true) {
try {
catch (ExecutionException ignore) {
ignore.printStackTrace(); /* Cancellation is unnecessary. */
catch (InterruptedException ex) {
interrupted = true; /* Keep waiting... */
if (interrupted)
Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); /* Reset interrupt state. */
interface Subscribable
default long getPeriod()
return 4;
void invoke();
I have several async methods (Annotatad #Asynchronous) Returning Future Objects. I have to execute them at once but it would be enough for me to get the result of the first one which ready, is there any nice and safe solutions for that that works on a Java EE container?
There's no standard API for this facility. Just check Future#isDone() yourself in an infinite loop on the current thread in an utility method which look like below:
public static <T> Future<T> getFirstDone(List<Future<T>> futures) {
while (true) {
for (Future<T> future : futures) {
if (future.isDone()) {
return future;
// Break if necessary infinite loop here once it reaches certain timeout.
List<Future<Foo>> results = collectThemSomehow();
Future<Foo> firstDoneResult = getFirstDone(results);
// ...
Here is an example of how it can works with Spring. In this example, the asynchronous job simply returns a boolean.
public void example(Job job) throws Exception
Future<Boolean> executor = jobExecutor.doJob(job);
//wait to be done
while (!executor.isDone()) {
The job executor class is annoted #Component.
public Future<Boolean> doJob(Job job) throws Exception {
boolean isSuccessful;
//do something
return new AsyncResult<Boolean>(isSuccessful);
Sometimes you can invert it - transfer function pointer to async method and call it:
AtomicBoolean executed = new AtomicBoolean(false);
Runnable r = () ->{
//do job
But be careful: this code is executed inside worker thread, not original thread.