IntelliJ IDEA 16 can't resolve JDK1.8 - java

I have IntelliJ IDEA CE.
I did some practice coding (had some project in maven) and I was developing it in IDEA 15 CE. Then update came and I cannot build project again, because of error:
JComboBox usage generified after JDK 1.6 API which would couse compilation problem with JDK 5.0. (in maven is target JDK 1.8, in IDEA preferences is JDK1.8 and in project preferences is JDK 1.8. I Tried import settings from IDEA 15 (where it still works fine) with no difference, also I tried clean install IDEA... with no results.
Any help pls?

Finally I find out...
File -> Project Structure -> Module...
And for every module I had to set version 8...(there was version 5 I don't know why...)

You should be able to change it in File>Project Structure>Project>Project SDK and then either pick JDK 1.8 in the drop-down menu, or click 'new' and navigate to the JDK folder.


IntelliJ/Gradle Could not determine java version from '11.0.1'

I'm running a Linux Ubuntu 18 OS. Installed jdk in a custom local directory.
Normally, IntelliJ recommends that you use the default gradle wrapper. But in my case, I want to be able to change the Gradle Version on the fly whenever it's due for an update.
If you use IntelliJ with Gradle, and you bump into the following error:
Could not determine java version from '11.0.1'
If you use IntelliJ
Navigate to:
File >> Settings >> Build, Execution, Deployment >> Build Tools >> Gradle.
Alongside Gradle JVM:
make sure you select the correct version of Java.
Navigate to:
Right-Click 'Project Root Directory' & Select Open Module Settings. Project Structure windows shows-up. Make sure your JDK home path is added to the Platform Settings >> SDKs : JDK home path
Still, on the same window Project Structure, select correct SDK relevant to your project under
Project Settings >> Modules : Module SDK
Nvavigate to & open: gradle/wrapper/ & update the distributionUrl version to the latest version.
In my case (at the time of this post), my older version was:
And my latest version is:
As shown below:
In your build.gradle file make sure you set:
sourceCompatibility = 11
If you are using the latest version of intellijIdea.
In my case, 2019.1 -version
Delete the directory idea's jdk
then RESTART idea.
for detail see this pic
Hope this is working for you !
In chinese:
(If you can't read chinese,you needn't to read this.All you need to know have typed above already)
如果你是用最新版本的intellijidea.由于intellijidea默认安装了11的java。而且就算你输入java -verison,告诉你是java8,在ide里面也配置了java 8 idea还是告诉你这个错误。
Your gradle is too old for that JDK, upgrade your gradle or downgrade you JDK
I noticed a subtlety in the way you download the IDE from
You probably want JBR 8 and not JBR 11. Also, make sure your JDK is setup properly with jbsdk bintray downloader plugin.
I recently upgraded my Ubantu to 18 from 16. After that I am facing this issue. Problem was during ubantu upgrade java is automatically upgraded to 11 from 8. Hence getting this error. You can simply downgrade jdk using this to solve this. Works for me.
Reintalling Intellij Worked for me.
You need to uninstall first before reinstall. While uninstalling, ensure to select option to delete older cache and settings
check , maybe you have 2 times gradle in path
MODIFY default Boot JDK
OPEN the Action Dialog
SEARCH : switch boot jdk
SELECT the JDK installed by you rather than the intellij default
RESTART intellij idea
IGNORE this popup at right-bottom on IDE
HOPE this solution is work for you .

Getting error when trying to run new project in Android Studio 2.2.1

I just updated to Android Studio 2.2.1 for Mac. Then I updated the JDK to version 8. Tried to start a new project and run it. I got the following error:
Error:(1, 1) A problem occurred evaluating project ':app'.
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/android/build/gradle/AppPlugin : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0
I also tried going back to JDK version 7 as it says on google site that JDK 8 is unstable for Mac. still got the same error.
Check your android build tools dependencies. In your build.gradle if its something like:
classpath ""
It has likely downloaded the alpha of 2.2 and that can cause the error you are seeing.
classpath ""
If you are already using the right build tools version but keep getting this error, maybe one of the third party Android libraries you are using is causing the problem due to the same reason. You can force the dependency version to be used (including transitive) by changing
classpath ""
classpath('') {
force = true
Documentation: gist and official gradle docs.
I was also facing same problem. I upgraded Android Studio and as it forced to But we need to configure same in App Settings as well.
You can try to update JAVA_HOME to point to JDK 8 location.
In my case, I've updated Android studio project's SDK settings, changed java version in my PATH env variable, but still this error occured. Only updating JAVA_HOME helped me.
I was also facing the same problem. I upgraded Android Studio and as it forced to install JDK 8, downloaded and installed this as well. But we need to configure same in App Settings as well.
Select Project [Right click on the app module] -> Open Module Settings -> Select SDK Location from Left Menu - > Configured correct JDK Version i.e removed the old version and updated path of JDK. Save.
Sync Project.
Problem solved!
EDIT: Elaborated Project word.
If you are on Jenkins, check Java version in Jenkins->Manage Jenkins->Global Tool Configuration->JDK
I had to update mine to JDK 8.
I had same error in 2.3 beta 1 ,
Fixed as follow :
Download latest java jdk
In Android Studio , go to File > Project Structure > SDK Location > select JDK Location path to point to the new jdk installed (Ex: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_111 )
Done !
Ufff, I changed like everything I was able to find to jdk 8 and still no result but then I found Gradle settings in Intellij (preferences > gradle > GradleJVM) and it was ofc wrong, changed that and woala.
I meet the problem too, but I have changed nothing before it's happening. I think google is purposely. Google is trying to use openJDK instead of JDK because of the lawsuit between google and oracle. So, in the new version 2.2.0 of android, we found that there are some new files in the installed folder:
android studio 2.1 files
android studio 2.2 files
Then, I think we have two method to fix it:
Change the JDK environment variable of your OS.
Just click menu File --> Project Structure, choose Use embedded JDK (recommended). I chose this way and it work.
Good luck...
I had a same problem what is work for me is that .
*File>Settings>(on the panel left)Build,Execution,Deployment . then click on Gradle
There is option to Update Gradle. Click on that it will time 3 to 4min and after that error gone.
The simplest way is to update Android Studio to v2.2.3, it includes a fix of JDK8:
Bug fix for a JDK8/Kotlin compiler + dx issue (issue 227729)
It's solved my problem.

Intellij build after gradle refresh fails on wrong java version

I am using Gradle with intellij.
I refresh Gradle and then I rebuild my project.
I get the following
Notice the first line - Using:javac 1.8.0_65
But I get the error that I should use -source7 or higher.
I also set the following at the settings
(With all of the inner modules are set to project sdk (1.8))
But I still can't rebuild or compile without this error.
Any suggestions?
(obviously i deleted all my classes and jars and then Gradle refreshed and rebuild project)
Same issue; got it solved with the following:
Go to: File / Settings / Build,Execution,Deployment / Build Tools /
Gradle / Gradle JVM
Then choose: Use JAVA_HOME
As of your second screen, make sure that all your modules are using the project default SDK, like in the screen below. The module setting may somehow be set to point older java version.
I had this problem while trying to build Android Studio. I kept getting
Tools need to be compiled with Java 1.8, you are using Java 11
Everything in the Intellij global and "Project Structure" settings was set to Java 1.8 so I couldn't figure out what was going on. For whatever reason, what ended up working was going to Build, Execution, Deployment > Build > Gradle and selecting the Amazon corretto version of Java 1.8 as installed by sdkman. This is baffling since I'd already tried selecting two other options for Gradle JVM that said 1.8 and both of those still resulted in the same error message as a result of Java 11 being used.
I finally resolved this issue for myself. I'm on Windows and it turns out the order in which the JDKs are listed in the Windows environment variable matter, and overrode what IDEA had set.
Although my project has JDK11 listed everywhere, JDK17 was still being used. I was able to finally resolve this issue by moving their ordering to list JDK11 first.
before I swapped the env var order
after (hurray!)

IntelliJ, Maven and Java 7

So I opened an existing project in IntelliJ 10.5 as a maven project. I had first added the JDK 7 to my list of SDKs in order to try out the features. However for some reason my mvn commands would fail, so I switched the maven runner back to 1.6. But I'm getting a weird error where some maven commands are still being run with Java 7.
In the Maven Projects view when I right click on a lifecycle in the module and select Run Maven Build everything works correctly, however when I select Run " clean" it still uses the 1.7 JDK. I have removed the JDK 7 from my list and now I get an error saying it can't find JRE '1.7'.
I honestly have no idea how to fix this, but if anyone has any suggestions that would be great.
In the Maven Projects panel press the Settings button (or open Settings | Maven | Runner).
Make sure that JRE is set to the existing JRE configuration (1.6).

No Android project type in Eclipse->File->New-Project

I am running CentOS 5.5 x86_64 with JDK 1.6, Eclipse Galileo, and the 0.9.7 ADT is installed; however, after installation, the Android project type is not available. I have checked in the installed packages list and it is installed. Anybody encounter this problem before? Could it be due to my use of the 64-bit java VM that is installed on my system?
This usually happens when you dont select any android SDK in "Preferences > Android" You just have to reset the perspective in eclipse, Windows > Reset Perspective.
Hope this is still helpful.
Hope you have already set the Android Preferences if not Window -> Preferences-> Android and browse to the android SDK folder.
In rare cases even after doing this step, Android Project option doesn't show up in File -> New. But you can get it by File -> New -> Project .. and choose the android project from the options displayed.
Ok. I reinstalled eclipse and android. I think the problem was that I hadn't unpacked the android tools first. The plugin was installed, but it had nothing to talk to! Anyway, all the android related stuff now shows up in Eclipse.
Using Windows 7, 64-bit edition, with the latest Eclipse (Indigo) and the latest ADT plugin, I had the exact same problem. No Android project type, no Android in Windows/Preferences.
Like #Rubberman I solved the problem by totally re-installing Eclipse. Eclipse doesn't seem to use the standard Add/Remove Program stuff in Windows; I just deleted the Eclipse install directories and my Eclipse workspace directory, re-installed Eclipse, and re-installed the ADT plugin.
I would have liked to have just removed the plugin and re-installed without deleting the whole of my Eclipse install, but I couldn't figure out a way to do that. I don't see any way to remove a plugin, and when I tried to choose ADT for installation Eclipse gave me an error, saying "I can't install that because it is already installed."
I Know its a very old post..but still it may help someone with same problem...
I wanted to jst share that we can uninstall the plugins without the need of reinstalling simply going to 'already installed application' link and selecting all the android related options and simply clicking on uninstall button..Now you can add fresh android sdk to your ecllips..I have tried it and it works..
Hope, I helped aomeone..:-)
Ok, been looking for the answer to this for an hour, it's not well mentioned.
if you are using linux then you need to add 2 more things to install ADT correctly:
GEF from
WST Server Adapters from (modify for your release)
do it the same as the adt plugin install.
maybe you need to uninstall then reinstall the adt plugin after?
You have to install the Eclipse plugin called ADT.
