Facebook OAuth error: Error validating verification code - java

I'm trying to get the access token for Facebook login, but got an error instead. All the answers that I found tell me about the wrong redirect_uri format.
This is the error I got:
"error": {
"message": "Error validating verification code. Please make sure your redirect_uri is identical to the one you used in the OAuth dialog request",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 100,
"fbtrace_id": "Ht12b5BKgRK"
And here is the redirect URI registered in Facebook App.
Steps that I do:
This link redirect me to
Then in the code i generate next URI:
Requesting this URI gives me error instead of access_token
I have tryied also redirect_uri= Still no results.
Also, I have tied the same steps using restFB library for Java. And got the same error.
ScopeBuilder scopeBuilder = new ScopeBuilder();
FacebookClient client = new DefaultFacebookClient(Version.LATEST);
String loginDialogUrlString = client.getLoginDialogUrl(APP_ID, "", scopeBuilder);
AccessToken appAccessToken = client.obtainAppAccessToken(APP_ID, APP_SECRET);
//On this step i got the same error
AccessToken userAccessToken = client.obtainUserAccessToken(APP_ID, APP_SECRET, "", appAccessToken.getAccessToken());

The one thing that bit me when I did this is to make sure that the redirect_uri is URL encoded. In Java my code did something like:
import java.net.URLEncoder;
URLEncoder.encode("", "UTF-8")
for my redirect URL. Don't encode the entire URL, just the portion that is your redirect_uri.


Android-Java Facebook API Error validating access token

I'm creating an social application in which I have Sign-up from Facebook. Everything work fine. But recently from user Facebook profile URL I'm not getting its profile picture.
First this URL "https://graph.facebook.com/" + id + "/picture?type=large" work fine, but after few days getting profile picture like this:
After that I looked on internet and Found we need to add Access Token. Now the new URL is this String url = "https://graph.facebook.com/" + id + "/picture?type=large&access_token=" + getString(R.string.access_token); After that getting the exception from that URL.
"error": {
"message": "Error validating access token: The session is invalid because the user logged out.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 190,
"error_subcode": 467,
"fbtrace_id": "Apk45eAb6DZG9oQGBd6vTmw"
Note: If still question is unclear, I would be glad if you add your contribution.
Found Solution:
You can just pass your app ID and app secret as the access_token parameter when you make a call:
curl -i -X GET "https://graph.facebook.com/{api-endpoint}&access_token={your-app_id}|{your-app_secret}"
Source: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/access-tokens

Not able to register webhook via postman in twitter app

https://api.twitter.com/1.1/account_activity/all/prod/webhooks.json?url=https://test.com not working
I have followed all steps to create a new application and getting consumer key, secret keys and also token details and try to create webhook via postman. I am getting follwing error
"errors": [
"code": 32,
"message": "Could not authenticate you."
I have tried delete and get methods for webhook and it is working fine.
They probably goofed in their example. You just need to move the url parameter from the query string to the form data. Use the x-www-form-urlencoded body.
Also - if you leave the nonce and timestamp blank, then Postman will auto-generate them for you.
enter image description here

Firestore import/export per API

I'm searching for a way to call the firestore import/export functionality programmatically from java code.
What i found so far is that the nice firestore client library does not yet support the import/export calls. But the more low level rest/grpc api already supports them. Using the java library i tried the following:
Firestore firestoreApi = new Firestore
.Builder(UrlFetchTransport.getDefaultInstance(), new GsonFactory(), null)
GoogleFirestoreAdminV1beta2ImportDocumentsRequest importRequest = new GoogleFirestoreAdminV1beta2ImportDocumentsRequest();
importRequest.setInputUriPrefix(String.format("gs://{}/{}/", BUCKET, image));
GoogleLongrunningOperation operation = firestoreApi
.importDocuments("projects/" + SystemProperty.applicationId.get() + "/databases/(default)", importRequest)
Which sadly ends with missing permissions when run in app engine:
com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonResponseException: 401
"code": 401,
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"location": "Authorization",
"locationType": "header",
"message": "Login Required.",
"reason": "required"
"message": "Request is missing required authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/devconsole-project.",
I cannot get the official way to login to work, because the firestore builder does not have a method to accept a instance of AppEngineCredentials.
I already checked the python client library which also seems not support these methods (yet).
Does anyone have a idea how i can either login with the old rest api or get a client library which supports these methods (some language which runs on app engine please :) )
Thanks for reading!
You can adapt this Cloud Datastore example for Cloud Firestore. See how they get an access token here:
import com.google.appengine.api.appidentity.AppIdentityService;
import com.google.appengine.api.appidentity.AppIdentityServiceFactory;
// Get an access token to authorize export request
ArrayList<String> scopes = new ArrayList<String>();
final AppIdentityService appIdentity = AppIdentityServiceFactory.getAppIdentityService();
final AppIdentityService.GetAccessTokenResult accessToken =
connection.addRequestProperty("Authorization", "Bearer " + accessToken.getAccessToken());

Scribe - restore access token with code (OAuth2 vs OAuth1)

In an OAuth1 process, I save my token and my secret and recreate my access token like the following:
accessToken = new Token(token, secret);
In an OAuth2 process, I only get a code. If I save this code and try to recreate the access token like following, the app crashes:
Verifier v = new Verifier(code);
accessToken = service.getAccessToken(null, v);
The response:
org.scribe.exceptions.OAuthException: Cannot extract an acces token. Response was: {"code": 400, "error_type": "OAuthException", "error_message": "No matching code found."}
How do I recreate an access token in an OAuth2 process?
I think the problem here is not with your Java code to extract the token (the bit that you're showing at least) - that looks fine from what I can tell.
The error message is a response back from the service you're trying to authorize with (e.g. twitter, or whatever it is in your case) saying that
is not known. That could happen if too much time has passed since you got that authorization code from the service, or simply that the authorization code you have is wrong for some reason.
In order to provide proper answer, I'd need to see a bit more code... how precisely are you getting the value of
that is going into the constructor of
? Please can you provide more of the code you're using for that?
[Sorry, I would have added this as a comment, but don't have enough reputation.]

Connecting Facebook to my Java Servlet

I followed an instruction fro a user here, about allowing users to automatically login using their facebook account in the app that i am creating . But, i am having errors.
String fbURL = "http://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?client_id=651066068265632&
redirect_uri=" + URLEncoder.encode("651066068265632") + "&scope=email";
this is the new error that I got:
The redirect_uri URL must be absolute
Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App's settings. It must match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the App's domains.
I tried to get a new example from Graph API, and i downloaded the whole project, but this is the error i am getting::
"error": {
"message": "Invalid redirect_uri: Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 191
what should i do?
Please use the instructions on https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/manually-build-a-login-flow/ or use already existing interfaces like RestFB or Spring (https://spring.io/guides/gs/accessing-facebook/)
