In Swing it was possible to connect action to a button and button was reflecting action's parameters like icon, enableness, text and so on.
Is this also possible with ControlsFX' Action?
If yes then how?
For an existing button you can use ActionUtils.configureButton(action, button).
To create a button bound to the action, use ActionUtils.createButton(action)
I'm currently learning Android development from a book and I've come to the topic of radio buttons. The book explains that you handle radio button clicks (within a RadioGroup) using setOnCheckedChangeListener() with an anonymous OnCheckedChangeListener class as an argument.
However, according to the Android documentation you can set the onClick attribute on radio buttons to simply refer to a method of your design and handle clicks there.
Is there a reason to choose one over the other? What I'm asking is if there is some difference between the two that I'm missing, or if they simply both do the same thing.
setOnCheckedChangeListener() is listening to checked state, so if it is changed programmatically your code will be triggered. onClick listener only detects changes on checked state only if the element is clicked.
Is there a possibility using Java Swing to add in a existing running Swing application a button as an example. The action of the button to have a call to an existing method in that application. Maybe using xml to define the structure of the button.
You can do it. When any action triggered you can create the button and set the listener for it.
But best practice is to create the button and listener at the build time. Here you need to hide/set visibility to false initially and when any action triggered, set the visibility to true.
Is there any way to delete an action listener off all components that have it attached?
Something like: Action.removeFromAll();
I have attached this Action to several different buttons and when any button is pushed it should no longer be possible to activate this action. So in the action performed of this action I want to delete it from all the buttons. Is this possible or will I just have to loop through all the buttons?
An easier work around would be to create an instance variable boolean shouldPerformAction = true on the action listener. And when you get the button pushed action, you set it to false. And in the actionPerformed() method, you check if the shouldPerformAction is false and return without doing any action.
I have an EditText that recieves input and prints in on the screen. I need to find a way wherein after click submit or enter, the phone will focus on the EditText
I tried
and it doesn't work..
requestfocus works during onCreate..
I'm thinking of manually triggering a click an edittext..
You can use ...
Button newButton.setOnFocusChangeListener(new View.onFocusChangeListener) {....}
to specify where will be the focus go next.
I have created in Java swing an option dialog with the JOptionPane.showOptionDialog method. This dialog includes different buttons, and among those a Cancel button. I would like to attach a listener method to this Cancel button so that once selected, the dialog is disposed.
My question is: how do I "retrieve" (or return) the dialog generated by the JOptionPane.showOptionDialog method?
I will assume you have read "How to Make Dialogs" tutorial from Oracle?
The return value from showOptionDialog() is an int, which indicates which button was chosen. Regardless of pressing OK, cancel or whatever, the window should dispose of itself. If you need more information back from the window then just which button was pressed, look at the other options like showInputDialog().