So im writing a method in which it finds the median of an n-numbered array. If the array has an odd number of elements it works fine, however if the array has an even number of elements, I want the program to output the higher of the 2 middle numbers rather than the lower of the 2. At the current moment, my code is outputting the lower number. This is the code:
public Long getMedian() {
long median = 0;
if (length % 2 != 0) {
median = elements[length/2];
} if (length % 2 == 0) {
median = ((elements[length/2]) + (elements[(length/2) - 1])) / 2;
return median;
For example, if the array with numbers [30 41 45 50] was inputted, the median would be 45, not 41. Please help!
Surprisingly it is most straightforward solution:
public Long getMedian() {
return elements[elements.length / 2];
in your code, I suspect that the variable length is not elements.length.
Anyway, I use this median function:
public static double median(int[] values) {
if (values.length == 0)
return 0;
else if (values.length % 2 == 0)
return ((double)values[values.length/2] + (double)values[values.length/2 - 1])/2;
return (double)values[values.length/2];
public double findmedian(int[] arr) {
int middlevalue = arr.length/2;
if (arr.length%2 == 1) {
return arr[middle];
} else {
return (arr[middle-1] + arr[middle]) / 2.0;
i think its best to return a double value when finding meadian. may be this approach will help you.
You can achieve the right border of your median like this:
median = elements[(length/2)]
for the even-case
There's a question I saw and I'm wondering if it's possible to solve it using recursion. It goes as follow:
Write an algorithm that, when given an array of input, finds the maximum product from those inputs. For example:
Input: [1, 2, 3]
Output: 6 (1*2*3)
Input: [-1, 1, 2, 3]
Output: 6 (1*2*3)
Input: [-2, -1, 1, 2, 3]
Output: 12 (-2*-1*1*2*3)
I'm trying to find a way of using recursion to solve it, but the algorithm I tried doesn't work. My algorithm, written in Java is as follow
Integer[] array;
public int maximumProduct(int[] nums) {
array=new Integer[nums.length];
return multiply(nums, 0);
public int multiply(int[] nums, int i){
if (array[i]!=null){
return array[i];
if (i==(nums.length-1)){
return nums[i];
int returnval=Math.max(nums[i]*multiply(nums, i+1), multiply(nums, i+1));
return returnval;
The problem with this algorithm is that it doesn't work well if there's an even number of negative numbers. For example, if nums[0]=-2, nums[1]=-1 and nums[2]=1, then multiply(nums, 1) will always return 1 instead of -1, and thus it will always see 1 as bigger than 1*-2 at multiply(nums, 0). I'm not sure how to solve this problem, however. Is there any way of solving this using recursion or dynamic programming?
If there is only one non-zero element in the array, and it happens to be a negative number, then then answer is either 0, if there is a 0 present in the input, or if the array contains only that single negative element, the answer is that element itself.
In all other cases, the final answer is going to be positive.
We first make a linear scan to find the number of negative integers. If this number is even, then the answer is the product of all the non-zero elements. If there are an odd number of negative elements, we need to leave out one negative element from the answer, so that the answer is positive. As we want the maximum possible answer, the number we want to leave out should have as small an absolute value as possible. So among all the negative numbers, find the one with the minimum absolute value, and find the product of the remaining non-zero elements, which should be the answer.
All this requires only two linear scans of the array, and hence runs in O(n) time.
What is the maximum product of integers?
To obtain the maximum sum, you will want to multiply all the positive integers with the product of the largest negative integers, with the number of negative integers included in the product being even to obtain a positive final result.
In an algorithm for a single traversal
I am going to treat the positive integers and the negative integers in the input separately. You will want to keep a running product of positive integers, a running product of negative integers and the largest negative integer (ie. the negative integer with the smallest absolute value) found so far.
Let us ignore the edge cases where the final answer is <= 0. That can be handled easily.
int [] nums // Input
int posProduct = 1;
int negProduct = 1;
int smallestNeg = 1;
//Input Traversal
for (int i : nums) {
if ( i == 0 ) {
// ignore
} else if ( i < 0 ) {
if (smallestNeg == 1) {
smallestNeg = i;
} else if ( i > smallestNeg ) {
negProduct *= smallestNeg; //Integrate the old smallest into the running product
smallestNeg = i; // i is the new smallest
} else {
negProduct *= i;
} else {
// i is strictly positive
posProduct *= i;
//Result Computation
int result = posProduct;
if ( negProduct < 0 ) {
// The running product of negative number numbers is negative
// We use the smallestNeg to turn it back up to a positive product
result *= smallestNeg;
result *= negProduct;
} else {
result *= negProduct
edit: In a recursive traversal
I personally find that writing the array traversal in a recursive manner to be clumsy but it can be done.
For the beauty of the exercise and to actually answer the question of the OP, here is how I would do it.
public class RecursiveSolver {
public static int findMaxProduct (int [] nums) {
return recursiveArrayTraversal(1, 1, 1, nums, 0);
private static int recursiveArrayTraversal(int posProduct, int negProduct,
int smallestNeg, int [] nums, int index) {
if (index == nums.length) {
// End of the recursion, we traversed the whole array
posProduct *= negProduct;
if (posProduct < 0) {
posProduct *= smallestNeg;
return posProduct;
// Processing the "index" element of the array
int i = nums[index];
if ( i == 0 ) {
// ignore
} else if ( i < 0 ) {
if (smallestNeg == 1) {
smallestNeg = i;
} else if ( i > smallestNeg ) {
negProduct *= smallestNeg;
smallestNeg = i;
} else {
negProduct *= i;
} else {
// i is strictly positive
posProduct *= i;
//Recursive call here!
//Notice the index+1 for the index parameter which carries the progress
//in the array traversal
return recursiveArrayTraversal(posProduct, negProduct,
smallestNeg, nums, index+1);
First, break the array in subproblems always you find a 0 in the list:
1 -2 4 -1 8 0 4 1 0 -3 -4 0 1 3 -5
|_____________| |____| |____| |_______|
p1 p2 p3 p4
Then, for each problem pi, count how many negative numbers are there.
If pi has an even number of negatives (or no negatives at all), the answer of pi is the product of all its elements.
If pi has only 1 negative number (say n), the answer will be the maximum between the product of all the elements in n's right and the product of all elements in n's left.
If pi has an odd number (bigger than only 1) of negative numbers, call the index of the leftmost negative number l and the index of the rightmost negative number r. Supposing pi has n elements, the answer will be:
pi[ 0 ] * pi[ 1 ] * ... * pi[r - 1],
pi[l + 1] * pi[l + 2] * ... * pi[ n ]
Knowing that, it's easy to write a recursion for each step of the solution of this problem: a recursion to divide problems at zeros, another to count negatives and another to find answers, in O(n).
Linear version
List<Integer> vals = new ArrayList<>(List.of(5,1,-2,1,2,3,-4,-1));
int prod = 0;
int min = 1;
for (int v : vals) {
if (v == 0) {
// ignore zero values
if (prod == 0) {
prod = 1;
prod *= v;
// compute min to be the largest negative value in the list.
if (v < 0 && min < Math.abs(v)) {
min = v;
if (prod < 0) {
prod /= min;
System.out.println("Maximum product = " + prod);
Recursive version
int prod = prod(vals, new int[] {0} , vals.size());
System.out.println("Maximum product = " + prod);
public static int prod(List<Integer> vals, int[]min, int size) {
int prod = 0;
if(vals.size() > 0) {
int t = vals.get(0);
if (t < 0 && min[0] < Math.abs(t)) {
min[0] = t;
prod = prod(vals.subList(1,vals.size()), min, vals.size());
if (vals.isEmpty() || vals.get(0) == 0) {
return prod;
if (prod == 0) {
prod = 1;
prod *= t;
if (vals.size() == size && prod < 0) {
return prod;
This is my solution - leaving it open for optimization and to figure out the runtime. This is a general purpose solution that finds the products of all the combinations of integers in a list. Of course, there is a O(n) solution but I present this solution as well.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class MaxProd {
int[] input = {1, 2, 3};
// int[] input = {-2, -1, 1, 2, 3};
public static void main(String[] args) {
MaxProd m = new MaxProd();
List<Integer> ll = m.max(0);
for (int i : ll) {
ll.sort((x,y) ->, y));
System.out.println("The max: " + ll.get(ll.size() -1 ));
private List<Integer> max(int index) {
if (index < input.length){
List<Integer> l = new ArrayList<>();
List<Integer> retList = max(index + 1);
for (int j : retList){
l.add(input[index] * j);
return l;
else return new ArrayList<>();
it prints:
The max: 6
If the requirements are constrained (as in this case) then one can get by without the need for generating all combinations resulting in a linear solution. Also, I'm sorting at the end. Note: you could easily get the result with a single pass on the returned list to find the maximum product as specified in other answers.
I wrote a simple program to calculate the maximum number of times square root can be calculated on a number , input is an interval from num1 to num2
if the input is (1,20), answer is 2, since square root of 16 is 4 , and square root of 4 is 2 .
int max = 0;
for (int i = num1; i <= num2; i++) {
boolean loop = true;
int count = 0;
int current = i;
if (i == 1) {
} else {
while (loop) {
double squareRoot = Math.sqrt(current);
if (isCurrentNumberPerfectSquare(squareRoot)) {
current = (int) squareRoot;
} else {
loop = false;
if (count > max) {
max = count;
return max;
static boolean isCurrentNumberPerfectSquare(double number) {
return ((number - floor(number)) == 0);
I get the answer, but was wondering wether this can be improved using some mathematical way ?
Any suggestions ?
To avoid more confusion here my final answer to this topic.
A combination of both previously mentioned approaches.
What 'Parameswar' is looking for is the largest perfect square formed by the lowest base.
Step 1 -
To get that calculate the largest possible perfect square based on your num2 value.
If it is outside your range, you have no perfect square within.
Step 2 -
If it is within your range, you have to check all perfect square formed by a lower base value with a higher number of times.
Step 3 -
If you find one that is within your range, replace your result with the new result and proceed to check lower values. (go back to Step 2)
Step 4 -
Once the value you check is <= 2 you have already found the answer.
Here some sample implementation:
static class Result {
int base;
int times;
static boolean isCurrentNumberPerfectSquare(double number) {
return ((number - Math.floor(number)) == 0);
private static int perfectSquare(int base, int times) {
int value = base;
for (int i = times; i > 0; i--) {
value = (int) Math.pow(base, 2);
return value;
private static Result calculatePerfectSquare(int perfectSquare) {
Result result = new Result();
result.base = (int) Math.sqrt(perfectSquare);
result.times = 1;
while (result.base > 2 && isCurrentNumberPerfectSquare(Math.sqrt(result.base))) {
result.base = (int) Math.sqrt(result.base);
result.times += 1;
System.out.println(perfectSquare + " -> " + result.base + " ^ " + result.times);
return result;
static int maxPerfectSquares(int num1, int num2) {
int largestPerfectSqr = (int) Math.pow(Math.floor(Math.sqrt(num2)), 2);
if (largestPerfectSqr < num1) {
return 0;
Result result = calculatePerfectSquare(largestPerfectSqr);
int currentValue = result.base;
while (currentValue > 2) {
// check lower based values
int newValue = perfectSquare(currentValue, result.times + 1);
if (newValue >= num1 && newValue < num2) {
result = calculatePerfectSquare(newValue);
currentValue = result.base;
return result.times;
Edit - My assumption is incorrect. Refer to the answer provided by "second".
You can remove the outer loop, num2 can be directly used to determine the number with the maximum number of recursive square roots.
requiredNumber = square(floor(sqrt(num2)));
You just need to check to see if the requiredNumber exists in the range [num1, num2] after finding it.
So the refactoring code would look something like this,
int requiredNumber = Math.pow(floor(Math.sqrt(num2)),2);
int numberOfTimes=0;
if(requiredNumber>=num1) {
if (requiredNumber == 1) {
} else{
while (isCurrentNumberPerfectSquare(requiredNumber)) {
Edit 4: for a more optimal approach check my other answer.
I just leave this here if anybody wants to try to follow my thought process ;)
Edit 3:
Using prime numbers is wrong, use lowest non perfect square instead
Example [35,37]
Edit 2:
Now that I think about it there is a even better approach, especially if you assume that num1 and num2 cover a larger range.
Start with the lowest prime number 'non perfect square' and
calculate the maximum perfect square that fits into your range.
If you have found one, you are done.
If not continue with the next prime number 'non perfect square'.
As a example that works well enough for smaller ranges:
I think you can improve the outerloop. There is no need to test every number.
If you know the smallest perfect square, you can just proceed to the next perfect square in the sequence.
For example:
[16, 26]
16 -> 4 -> 2 ==> 2 perfect squares
No neeed to test 17 to 24
25 -> 5 ==> 1 perfect square
and so on ...
#Chrisvin Jem
Your assumption is not correct, see example above
Added some code
static int countPerfectSquares(int current) {
int count = 0;
while (true) {
double squareRoot = Math.sqrt(current);
if (isCurrentNumberPerfectSquare(squareRoot)) {
current = (int) squareRoot;
} else {
return count;
static boolean isCurrentNumberPerfectSquare(double number) {
return ((number - Math.floor(number)) == 0);
static int numPerfectSquares(int num1, int num2) {
int max = 0;
if (num1 == 1) {
max = 1;
int sqr = Math.max(2, (int) Math.floor(Math.sqrt(num1)));
int current = (int) Math.pow(sqr, 2);
if (current < num1) {
current = (int) Math.pow(++sqr, 2);
while (current <= num2) {
max = Math.max(countPerfectSquares(current), max);
current = (int) Math.pow(++sqr, 2);
return max;
I need help on fixing my FactorX method. It needs to be like this>>.. The factors of x. (For example, if x is 120 then the factors would be 2, 2, 2, 3, 5).
ppublic static String factorX(long x){
String factor="";
long number = x;
long i = 2;
while (i < number) {
if (number % i == 0) {
factor += i+", "+i+", ";
number /= i;
} else {
return factor;
I need my method to show all factors, now it is showing only one. I was told about List, but I cannot make to work.
You have to increase i if i no longer divides the number. You can do this by dividing the number by i, or increase it otherwise:
long i = 2; // start with 2, not 1
while (i < number) { // and don't end with the number itself
if (number % i == 0) {
factor += i+", "; // add i, not x; and add it to factor, not to number
number /= i;
} else {
return factor; // return factor, not number
This also fixes the output to contain commas. You could alternatively use a List<Integer> to add all divisors to if you don't simply want to print the list, but use it in the code.
I have a practice who's task is to find the largest digit in an integer using recursion in java. For example, for the number 13441 the digit '4' will be returned.
I have been trying for a day now and nothing worked.
What I thought could work is the following code, which I can't quite get the "base case" for:
public static int maxDigit(int n) {
int max;
if (n/100==0) {
if (n%10>(n/10)%10) {
else if (n%10>n%100)
return maxDigit(n/10);
As you can see it's completely wrong.
Any help would be great. Thank you
This works by recursively comparing the right most digit with the highest digit of the remaining digits (those being obtained by dividing the original number by 10):
int maxDigit(int n) {
n = Math.abs(n); // make sure n is positive
if (n > 0) {
int digit = n % 10;
int max = maxDigit(n / 10);
return Math.max(digit, max);
} else {
return 0;
The simplest base case, is that if n is 0, return 0.
public static int maxDigit(int n){
if(n==0) // Base case: if n==0, return 0
return 0;
return Math.max(n%10, maxDigit(n/10)); // Return max of current digit and
// maxDigit of the rest
or, slightly more concise;
public static int maxDigit(int n){
return n==0 ? 0 : Math.max(n%10, maxDigit(n/10));
I won't dig into your code, which I think is more complicated than it has to be. But it seems to me that the cases are actually fairly simple (unless I'm missing something):
base case: parameter only has one digit, return that one digit as parameter
general case: return whichever is higher of (the first digit in the parameter) and (the maxDigit of the remaining digits in the parameter)
You may also write:
public static int maxDigit(int n, int max){
if(n!=0) {
if(n%10 > max) {
max = n%10;
return maxDigit(n/10, max);
return max;
This is the solution.
public static int maxDigit(int n, int max){
if (n!=0){
if ( n%10 > max){
max = n%10;
return maxDigit(n/10,max);
return maxDigit(n/10,max);
return max;
I am trying to find a way to reverse a number without
Converting it to a string to find the length
Reversing the string and parsing it back
Running a separate loop to compute the Length
i am currently doing it this way
public static int getReverse(int num){
int revnum =0;
for( int i = Integer.toString(num).length() - 1 ; num>0 ; i-- ){
revnum += num % 10 * Math.pow( 10 , i );
num /= 10;
return revnum;
But I would Like to implement the above 3 conditions.
I am looking for a way , possibly using the bit wise shift operators or some other kind of bitwise operation.
Is it possible ? If so how ?
PS : If 1234 is given as input it should return 4321. I will only be reversing Integers and Longs
How about:
int revnum = 0;
while (num != 0) {
revnum = revnum * 10 + (num % 10);
num /= 10;
return revnum;
The code expects a non-negative input.
This may or may not matter to you, but it's worth noting that getReverse(getReverse(x)) does not necessarily equal x as it won't preserve trailing zeroes.
How about this? It handles negative numbers as well.
public int getReverse(int num){
int rst=0;
int sign;
int lastNum = num%10;
return rst*sign;
Integer.MAX_VALUE or Integer.MIN_VALUE is not at all considered in any of the solutions.
For eg: if the input is -2147483647 or 2147483647 the o/p will be 1126087180 and -1126087180 respectively.
Please try the below solutions where both the conditions are handled, so if at any point of time the number is going beyond the boundary conditions i.e., INPUT_VALUE > Integer.MAX_VALUE or INPUT_VALUE < Integer.MIN_VALUE it would return 0
class ReversingIntegerNumber {
public int reverse(int originalNum) {
boolean originalIsNegative = originalNum > 0 ? false : true;
int reverseNum = 0;
int modValue;
originalNum = Math.abs(originalNum);
while(originalNum != 0) {
modValue = originalNum % 10;
if(reverseNum > (Integer.MAX_VALUE - modValue)/10) {
return 0;
reverseNum = (reverseNum * 10) + modValue;
originalNum /= 10;
return originalIsNegative ? -1 * reverseNum : reverseNum;