I want to POST Logs to "Custom Logs" of Stackdriver. These feature is beta, and maybe therefore it has no description, how to use Logging with Java API on App Engine. Anyway I want to describe my problem: I use this API version:
So, first I build the Logging Object like this (I hope this is right):
public static Logging createAuthorizedClient() throws IOException {
// Create the credential
HttpTransport transport = new NetHttpTransport();
JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JacksonFactory();
GoogleCredential credential = GoogleCredential.getApplicationDefault(transport, jsonFactory);
if (credential.createScopedRequired()) {
credential = credential.createScoped(LoggingScopes.all());
return new Logging.Builder(transport, jsonFactory, credential).setApplicationName(SharedConstants.APPLICATION_ID).build();
After I get the Logging client, I try to push an Entry to the Log:
LogEntry lEntry = new LogEntry();
lEntry.setTextPayload("I want to see this log!");
WriteLogEntriesRequest writeLogEntriesRequest = new WriteLogEntriesRequest();
writeLogEntriesRequest.setLogName("My Super log");
List<LogEntry> listEntries = new ArrayList<>();
Logging logging = LoggingManager.createAuthorizedClient();
Write write = logging.entries().write(writeLogEntriesRequest);
WriteLogEntriesResponse writeLogResponse = write.execute();
But what I get is:
com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonResponseException: 400 OK
"code" : 400,
"errors" : [ {
"domain" : "global",
"message" : "Invalid resource id",
"reason" : "badRequest"
} ],
"message" : "Invalid resource id",
Thanks to mshamma. Here is complete code, how to send the data to the logging:
public boolean send() {
WriteLogEntriesResponse response = null;
try {
final String now = getNowUtc();
final String insertId = "entry-at-" + now;
final Map<String, String> labels = ImmutableMap.of("project_id", SharedConstants.APPLICATION_ID, "name",
"projects/" + SharedConstants.APPLICATION_ID + "/logs/" + this.logName);
Logging service = createAuthorizedClient();
MonitoredResource ressource = new MonitoredResource();
LogEntry entry = new LogEntry().setInsertId(insertId).setResource(ressource).setTimestamp(now)
.setLogName("projects/" + SharedConstants.APPLICATION_ID + "/logs/" + this.logName)
WriteLogEntriesRequest content = (new WriteLogEntriesRequest())
response = service.entries().write(content).execute();
} catch (Exception e) {
return response != null;
private static String getNowUtc() {
SimpleDateFormat dateFormatUtc = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'");
return dateFormatUtc.format(new Date());
This code works fine with the last version of logging api
Thereby the EntriesMap is:
private Map<String, Object> entriesMap;
I ran into the same issue in the unmanaged Python environment. I got things working and I can see at least two issues in your code.
The log name needs to follow the pattern: "projects/<project-id>/logs/<log-id>". See the documentation of the field here: https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/api/ref_v2beta1/rest/v2beta1/LogEntry#SCHEMA_REPRESENTATION
You should add a resource descriptor both to the log entry (lEntry) and the write log entry request (writeLogEntriesRequest). In the case of GAE, the resource type field should be set to "gae_app" and you must add three labels to the resource that identify your GAE deployment: "project_id", "module_id" and "version_id".
I hope that will help resolve your issue!
i'm trying to check user permissions from a keycloak server via the keycloak authzclient. But failing constantly, by now i'm not sure if i have some misconceptions about the process.
AuthzClient authzClient = AuthzClient.create();
String eat = authzClient.obtainAccessToken("tim", "test123").getToken();
AuthorizationResource resource = authzClient.authorization(eat);
PermissionRequest request = new PermissionRequest();
String ticket = authzClient.protection().permission().forResource(request).getTicket();
AuthorizationResponse authResponse = resource.authorize(new AuthorizationRequest(ticket));
The last call authResponse.getRpt() fails with a 403 forbidden.
But the following settings in the admin console evaluates to Permit?
keycloak evaluation setting
The Client config is:
"realm": "testrealm",
"auth-server-url": "http://localhost:8080/auth",
"ssl-required": "external",
"resource": "tv",
"credentials": {
"secret": "d0c436f7-ed19-483f-ac84-e3b73b6354f0"
"use-resource-role-mappings": true
The following code:
AuthzClient authzClient = AuthzClient.create();
String eat = authzClient.obtainAccessToken("tim", "test123").getToken();
EntitlementResponse response = authzClient.entitlement(eat).getAll("tv");
String rpt = response.getRpt();
TokenIntrospectionResponse requestingPartyToken = authzClient.protection().introspectRequestingPartyToken(rpt);
if (requestingPartyToken.getActive()) {
for (Permission granted : requestingPartyToken.getPermissions()) {
System.out.println(granted.getResourceSetId()+" "+granted.getResourceSetName()+" "+granted.getScopes());
Just gives me the "default resource"
7d0f10d6-6f65-4866-816b-3dc5772fc465 Default Resource []
But even when i put this Default Resource in the first code snippet
PermissionRequest request = new PermissionRequest();
request.setResourceSetName("Default Resource");
it fives me a 403 . Where am I wrong?
Kind regards
Keycloak Server is 3.2.1.Final.
keycloak-authz-client is 3.2.0.Final.
Minutes after posting found the problem. Sorry. I had to perform an EntitlementRequest.
AuthzClient authzClient = AuthzClient.create();
String eat = authzClient.obtainAccessToken("tim", "test123").getToken();
PermissionRequest request = new PermissionRequest();
EntitlementRequest entitlementRequest = new EntitlementRequest();
EntitlementResponse entitlementResponse = authzClient.entitlement(eat).get("tv", entitlementRequest);
String rpt = entitlementResponse.getRpt();
TokenIntrospectionResponse requestingPartyToken = authzClient.protection().introspectRequestingPartyToken(rpt);
if (requestingPartyToken.getActive()) {
for (Permission granted : requestingPartyToken.getPermissions()) {
System.out.println(granted.getResourceSetId()+" "+granted.getResourceSetName()+" "+granted.getScopes());
27b3d014-b75a-4f52-a97f-dd01b923d2ef testresource []
Kind regards
First, I want to say thanks to everyone that took their time to help me figure this out because I was searching for more than a week for a solution to my problem. Here it is:
My goal is to start a custom workflow in Alfresco Community 5.2 and to set some custom properties in the first task trough a web script using only the Public Java API. My class is extending AbstractWebScript. Currently I have success with starting the workflow and setting properties like bpm:workflowDescription, but I'm not able to set my custom properties in the tasks.
Here is the code:
public class StartWorkflow extends AbstractWebScript {
* The Alfresco Service Registry that gives access to all public content services in Alfresco.
private ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry;
public void setServiceRegistry(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) {
this.serviceRegistry = serviceRegistry;
public void execute(WebScriptRequest req, WebScriptResponse res) throws IOException {
// Create JSON object for the response
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
try {
// Check if parameter defName is present in the request
String wfDefFromReq = req.getParameter("defName");
if (wfDefFromReq == null) {
obj.put("resultCode", "1 (Error)");
obj.put("errorMessage", "Parameter defName not found.");
// Get the WFL Service
WorkflowService workflowService = serviceRegistry.getWorkflowService();
// Build WFL Definition name
String wfDefName = "activiti$" + wfDefFromReq;
// Get WorkflowDefinition object
WorkflowDefinition wfDef = workflowService.getDefinitionByName(wfDefName);
// Check if such WorkflowDefinition exists
if (wfDef == null) {
obj.put("resultCode", "1 (Error)");
obj.put("errorMessage", "No workflow definition found for defName = " + wfDefName);
// Get parameters from the request
Content reqContent = req.getContent();
if (reqContent == null) {
throw new WebScriptException(Status.STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, "Missing request body.");
String content;
content = reqContent.getContent();
if (content.isEmpty()) {
throw new WebScriptException(Status.STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, "Content is empty");
JSONTokener jsonTokener = new JSONTokener(content);
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonTokener);
// Set the workflow description
Map<QName, Serializable> params = new HashMap();
params.put(WorkflowModel.PROP_WORKFLOW_DESCRIPTION, "Workflow started from JAVA API");
// Start the workflow
WorkflowPath wfPath = workflowService.startWorkflow(wfDef.getId(), params);
// Get params from the POST request
Map<QName, Serializable> reqParams = new HashMap();
Iterator<String> i = json.keys();
while (i.hasNext()) {
String paramName = i.next();
QName qName = QName.createQName(paramName);
String value = json.getString(qName.getLocalName());
reqParams.put(qName, value);
// Try to update the task properties
// Get the next active task which contains the properties to update
WorkflowTask wfTask = workflowService.getTasksForWorkflowPath(wfPath.getId()).get(0);
// Update properties
WorkflowTask updatedTask = workflowService.updateTask(wfTask.getId(), reqParams, null, null);
obj.put("resultCode", "0 (Success)");
obj.put("workflowId", wfPath.getId());
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new WebScriptException(Status.STATUS_BAD_REQUEST,
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new WebScriptException(Status.STATUS_BAD_REQUEST,
"Error when parsing the request.",
} finally {
// build a JSON string and send it back
String jsonString = obj.toString();
Here is how I call the webscript:
curl -v -uadmin:admin -X POST -d #postParams.json localhost:8080/alfresco/s/workflow/startJava?defName=nameOfTheWFLDefinition -H "Content-Type:application/json"
In postParams.json file I have the required pairs for property/value which I need to update:
"cmprop:propOne" : "Value 1",
"cmprop:propTwo" : "Value 2",
"cmprop:propThree" : "Value 3"
The workflow is started, bpm:workflowDescription is set correctly, but the properties in the task are not visible to be set.
I made a JS script which I call when the workflow is started:
execution.setVariable('bpm_workflowDescription', 'Some String ' + execution.getVariable('cmprop:propOne'));
And actually the value for cmprop:propOne is used and the description is properly updated - which means that those properties are updated somewhere (on execution level maybe?) but I cannot figure out why they are not visible when I open the task.
I had success with starting the workflow and updating the properties using the JavaScript API with:
if (wfdef) {
// Get the params
wfparams = {};
if (jsonRequest) {
for ( var prop in jsonRequest) {
wfparams[prop] = jsonRequest[prop];
wfpackage = workflow.createPackage();
wfpath = wfdef.startWorkflow(wfpackage, wfparams);
The problem is that I only want to use the public Java API, please help.
Do you set your variables locally in your tasks? From what I see, it seems that you define your variables at the execution level, but not at the state level. If you take a look at the ootb adhoc.bpmn20.xml file (https://github.com/Activiti/Activiti-Designer/blob/master/org.activiti.designer.eclipse/src/main/resources/templates/adhoc.bpmn20.xml), you can notice an event listener that sets the variable locally:
<activiti:taskListener event="create" class="org.alfresco.repo.workflow.activiti.tasklistener.ScriptTaskListener">
<activiti:field name="script">
if (typeof bpm_workflowDueDate != 'undefined') task.setVariableLocal('bpm_dueDate', bpm_workflowDueDate);
if (typeof bpm_workflowPriority != 'undefined') task.priority = bpm_workflowPriority;
Usually, I just try to import all tasks for my custom model prefix. So for you, it should look like that:
import java.util.Set;
import org.activiti.engine.delegate.DelegateExecution;
import org.activiti.engine.delegate.DelegateTask;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
public class ImportVariables extends AbstractTaskListener {
private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ImportVariables.class);
public void notify(DelegateTask task) {
logger.debug("Inside ImportVariables.notify()");
logger.debug("Task ID:" + task.getId());
logger.debug("Task name:" + task.getName());
logger.debug("Task proc ID:" + task.getProcessInstanceId());
logger.debug("Task def key:" + task.getTaskDefinitionKey());
DelegateExecution execution = task.getExecution();
Set<String> executionVariables = execution.getVariableNamesLocal();
for (String variableName : executionVariables) {
// If the variable starts by "cmprop_"
if (variableName.startsWith("cmprop_")) {
// Publish it at the task level
task.setVariableLocal(variableName, execution.getVariableLocal(variableName));
I'm trying to set CORS properties on Azure using Java client. After executing code, I run HTML5 code to upload a file and facing following errors in chrome javascript console:
max block size = 47276
total blocks = 1
current file pointer = 0 bytes read = 47276
block id = block-000000
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (CORS not enabled or no matching rule found for this request.)
XMLHttpRequest cannot load
Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested
resource. Origin 'file://' is therefore not allowed access. The
response had HTTP status code 403.
What I'm wondering is why it didn't set CORS if Java client was executed successfully ? Also, how do I verify if rule Policy "champ" is configured properly, if my generated SAS is correct and CORS properties are created or not
Here is Java Client code:
public class CORS_and_SAS {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Define the connection-string with your values
final String storageConnectionString ="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;" + "AccountName=myacc;" + "AccountKey=B2q4AGp6YoRsTREXIkOv3e/Sxf46YzqzfnM9F8U+o7VA5Y3EiKc+CuritnvuyZxGXKNOQ5nJy2KfkniF970on1dQ==";
try {
// Retrieve storage account from connection-string.
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.parse(storageConnectionString);
// Create the blob client.
CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageAccount.createCloudBlobClient();
// Get a reference to a container.
// The container name must be lower case
CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.getContainerReference("mycon");
// Create the container if it does not exist.
// Set CORS support
//ServiceProperties blobServiceProperties = blobClient.GetServiceProperties();
ServiceProperties propers = getCORS();
SharedAccessBlobPolicy policy = new SharedAccessBlobPolicy();
GregorianCalendar calendar =
new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
calendar.setTime(new Date());
policy.setSharedAccessStartTime(calendar.getTime()); //Immediately applicable
calendar.add(Calendar.HOUR, 3000); //Applicable time-span is 3000 hours
SharedAccessBlobPermissions.WRITE, SharedAccessBlobPermissions.DELETE,
BlobContainerPermissions containerPermissions = new BlobContainerPermissions();
//Private container with no access for anonymous users
//Name the shared access policy: heath
containerPermissions.getSharedAccessPolicies().put("champ", policy);
//Generate the policy SAS string for heath access
String sas = container.generateSharedAccessSignature(
new SharedAccessBlobPolicy(),"champ");
System.out.println("The stored access policy signature:");
} catch (Exception e) {
// Output the stack trace.
private static ServiceProperties getCORS() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
ServiceProperties propers = new ServiceProperties();
CorsProperties corsprop = propers.getCors();
CorsRule cr = new CorsRule();
List<String> allowedHeaders = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> exposedHeaders = new ArrayList<String>();
EnumSet<CorsHttpMethods> allowedMethod = EnumSet.of(CorsHttpMethods.PUT,CorsHttpMethods.GET,CorsHttpMethods.POST,CorsHttpMethods.HEAD,CorsHttpMethods.DELETE);
//EnumSet<CorsHttpMethods> allowedMethod1 = EnumSet.of(CorsHttpMethods.GET);
List<String> allowedOrigin = new ArrayList<String>();
return propers;
I tried to reproduce the issue, and checked carefully the Java Client code & erros in JS console. I found that the issue was caused by using blob container Shared Access Signature for the uploading file url.
Here is the Java code modified by yours.
private static final String accountName = "<account-name>";
private static final String accountKey = "<account-key>";
private static final String connectionStringTemplate = "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=%s;AccountKey=%s";
private static final String containerName = "<block-blob-container-name>";
private static final String blobFileName = "<blob-file-name>";
public static void main(String[] args) throws InvalidKeyException, URISyntaxException, StorageException {
String connectionString = String.format(connectionStringTemplate, accountName, accountKey);
CloudStorageAccount account = CloudStorageAccount.parse(connectionString);
CloudBlobClient blobClient = account.createCloudBlobClient();
* Enable CORS
// CORS should be enabled once at service startup
// Given a BlobClient, download the current Service Properties
ServiceProperties blobServiceProperties = blobClient.downloadServiceProperties();
// Enable and Configure CORS
CorsProperties cors = new CorsProperties();
CorsRule corsRule = new CorsRule();
List<String> allowedHeaders = new ArrayList<String>();
EnumSet<CorsHttpMethods> allowedMethods = EnumSet.of(CorsHttpMethods.PUT, CorsHttpMethods.GET, CorsHttpMethods.HEAD, CorsHttpMethods.POST);
List<String> allowedOrigins = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> exposedHeaders = new ArrayList<String>();
int maxAgeInSeconds = 1800;
// Commit the CORS changes into the Service Properties
* Generate the SAS for the uploading url
CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.getContainerReference(containerName);
CloudBlockBlob blockBlob = container.getBlockBlobReference(blobFileName);
SharedAccessBlobPolicy sharedAccessBlobPolicy = new SharedAccessBlobPolicy();
GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
calendar.setTime(new Date());
calendar.add(Calendar.HOUR, 1);
String sas = blockBlob.generateSharedAccessSignature(sharedAccessBlobPolicy, null);
String blobUploadSASURL = String.format("https://%s.blob.core.windows.net/%s/%s?%s", accountName, containerName, blobFileName, sas);
Run the code and get the uploading blob SAS Url as the form https://<account-name>.blob.core.windows.net/<container>/<blob-file-name>?sig=<SIG>&st=2015-12-01T11%3A51%3A20Z&se=2015-12-01T12%3A51%3A20Z&sv=2015-04-05&sp=r&sr=b
Using PUT method with header x-ms-blob-type: BlockBlob for the URL to upload a file successfully.
Further details and sample ajax code to do this is available, please refer to the blog from the Azure Storage team http://blogs.msdn.com/b/windowsazurestorage/archive/2014/02/03/windows-azure-storage-introducing-cors.aspx.
I have registered my app engine app with my Office 365 environment and the callback URL is working, I receive an SPAppToken.
I want to get an Access Token using this java class:
My question is which of the values below map to the values I found in the SPAppToken ?
The credentials in ClientAuthentication are the applicationId and applicationSecret I asume. The redirectURI is to get back to my app.
I think the GenericURL should be populated with https://accounts.accesscontrol.windows.net/tokens/OAuth/2
But the I keep getting: Error: invalid_request
ACS90019: Unable to determine the tenant identifier from the request.
Below is the code xx means a variable that I need to replace and further below the SPAppToken (decoded from base64)
try {TokenResponse response = new AuthorizationCodeTokenRequest(new NetHttpTransport(), new JacksonFactory(), new GenericUrl(**"https://server.example.com/token"**), **"SplxlOBeZQQYbYS6WxSbIA"**).setRedirectUri("https://client.example.com/rd") .setClientAuthentication(new BasicAuthentication(**"s6BhdRkqt3"**, **"7Fjfp0ZBr1KtDRbnfVdmIw"**)).execute();
System.out.println("Access token: " + response.getAccessToken());
} catch (TokenResponseException e) {
if (e.getDetails() != null) {
System.err.println("Error: " + e.getDetails().getError());
if (e.getDetails().getErrorDescription() != null) {
if (e.getDetails().getErrorUri() != null) {
} else {
SPAppToken decoded:
----- new info 2012-26-11 ------
After changing the "code" field to contain the refresh token and using the aud entire value instead of just the applicationID I get this message:
ACS50001: The required field 'resource' is missing.
The question is: am I getting closer or not ?
I have also asked this question here: https://groups.google.com/d/topic/google-oauth-java-client/EZtlwDbY_wk/discussion
I modified the com.google.api.client.json.JSONParser.java and put this code in my servlet:
JsonWebSignature jws = JsonWebSignature.parse(new JacksonFactory(), req.getParameter("SPAppToken"));
JsonParser jsonParser = new JacksonFactory().createJsonParser(jws.getPayload().get("appctx").toString());
//Create my own AppTxc that extends GenericJSON
AppCtx appCtx = jsonParser.parse(AppCtx.class, new CustomizeJsonParser());
String appctxsender=jws.getPayload().get("appctxsender").toString();
String[] splitApptxSender = appctxsender.split("#");
//sharepointhost name is part of the resource field
String sharepointServerHostName = new URL(req.getParameter("SPHostUrl")).getHost();
// create the resource field
String resource = splitApptxSender[0]+"/"+sharepointServerHostName+"#"+splitApptxSender[1];
try {
AuthorizationCodeTokenRequest tokenRequest = new AuthorizationCodeTokenRequest(new NetHttpTransport(), new JacksonFactory(),
new GenericUrl(appCtx.getSecurityTokenServiceUri()), jws.getPayload().get("refreshtoken").toString());
new ClientParametersAuthentication(jws.getPayload().getAudience(), SharePointAppSecret));
tokenRequest.set("resource", resource);
tokenRequest.set("refresh_token", jws.getPayload().get("refreshtoken").toString());
TokenResponse response =tokenRequest.execute();
String accesstoken=response.getAccessToken();
} catch (TokenResponseException e) {
if (e.getDetails() != null) {
pw.println("Error: " + e.getDetails().getError());
if (e.getDetails().getErrorDescription() != null) {
if (e.getDetails().getErrorUri() != null) {
} else {
I am not sure if all information (like the redirectURL is necessary, but now I have got an accesstoken from Azure ACS.
Thanks to Nick Swan (lightningtools.com) for the initial help based on Ruby on Rails.
On of course thanks to Yaniv Inbar (https://plus.google.com/+YanivInbar/) for providing the google oauth java client library.
I had to raise a bug report though: http://code.google.com/p/google-oauth-java-client/issues/detail?id=62&q=Type%3DDefect&sort=priority&colspec=ID%20Milestone%20Summary
I wand to receive google docs info with paging using Java Client Library.
My code:
private static final String URL_STRING = "https://docs.google.com/feeds/default/private/full/";
public List<DocumentListEntry> getAllDocs() throws Exception {
URL feedUri = new URL(URL_STRING);
DocumentQuery query = new DocumentQuery(feedUri);
DocumentListFeed feed = client.getFeed(query, DocumentListFeed.class);
return feed.getEntries();
And processing entries:
List<DocumentListEntry> docList = gDocumentsRetriever.getAllDocs();
for (DocumentListEntry entry : docList) {
processEntry(oAuthToken, gDocumentsRetriever, entry);
I get two entries.But if I change
i get same two entries.
I found how this issue can be realized:
For other services it realizes in the same way.