writing old date with apache poi - java

I am using apache poi 3.14 to create an excel file, that must contains differents types of datas, including dates.
My code works fine in most of the cases.
I'm facing problems when writing specifics dates (java.util.Date) in cells.
Here is my code :
Date date;
// code where I get the value of date
Cell currentCell = currentRow.createCell(fieldPos++);
// line below doesn't work for date like '11/11/1811' but work for '11/11/2111'
Let's suppose I have 3 dates to write:
My excel file will look like that:
| 01/01/2009 | 11/11/2111 | blankcell |
The line currentCell.setCellValue(date) sets the value to -1 when date is equal to 11/11/1811 so in my excel file it appears blank ( according to my dateStyle)
Why it is not working for specific date and how can I fix this ?

Found the cause of this !
setCellValue(Date d) of Apache Poi try to convert a given java.util.Date into an excel "datenumber" :
Excel stores dates and times as a number representing the number of days since 1900-Jan-0, plus a fractional portion of a 24 hour day: ddddd.tttttt . This is called a serial date, or serial date-time.
That's why when given a date before 1900 setCellValue sets the value to -1 cause it can't make the convert operation.
Fixed my problem with calling setCellValue(String s) with the Date.toString() in case of setCellValue(Date d) sets -1 , the only remaining problem is that I alterate the data.


Compare two CSV files using Java with the condition to ignore a particular column in both

I need to to compare two CSV files using Java.
I have two CSV files (containing, for example, 10 columns). Among 10, one of the columns contains a Date-Time value. The files are generated at a different time, hence these values will never match. I have to compare these two files ignoring the Date-Time column.
Any help over this would be highly appreciated.
If you know the index of the columns that will contain the date time value ahead of time, simply check the index of columns before you compare them to make sure they are not the date time columns.
Otherwise, check the first value of the column, and if it is a date time value, then do not proceed.

Split date range into each day within the range with start and end date

I have a scenario where a row with a date range has to be split into multiple rows for all the days within that date range. Does anyone know how to obtain target (as attached) in this scenario in Informatica powercenter?
code start date end date
ADMISSION 01/01/2017 02:05:11 01/01/2017 04:20:53
TRANSFER 01/01/2017 04:20:54 01/03/2017 18:30:48
DISCHARGE 01/03/2017 18:30:49 01/03/2017 20:18:11
code start date end date
ADMISSION 01/01/2017 02:05:11 01/01/2017 04:20:53
TRANSFER 01/01/2017 04:20:54 01/01/2017 11:59:59
TRANSFER 01/02/2017 00:00:00 01/02/2017 11:59:59
TRANSFER 01/03/2017 00:00:00 01/03/2017 18:30:48
DISCHARGE 01/03/2017 18:30:49 01/03/2017 20:18:11
Thank you in advance!
Easiest is to have a table of dates which you join against each record (sql join in source qualifier) by virtue of the date record's day being greater than or equal to the start date's day and less than or equal to the end date's day. Then add extra logic later in the mapping to pick the start-time from the starttime field wben the days are the same otherwise from the datetablestarttime and similar for the end time
Please try with java transformation!
Find the difference between the start and end date,
Create the new records using rowgen in java transformation.
Hope this answers your question.
There is no native support for row multiplication in PowerCenter. Hence a workaround is needed. Calculate the date differences and use it to multiply rows. The options are:
Use Java Transformation to generate extra rows (here's an example)
Create a dummy table with data like [1,2,2,3,3,3,...] and use it to join on the date difference. Keep in mind the number of rows grows fast and it's not recommended for large numbers
Create active, noncached lookup that will return appropriate number of rows for given input. Use SQL query override to fetch required number of rows for each processed row*
*assuming you create a myNumbers table with an myNumber column type bigint and populate it once with a sequence from 1 to X, you could use the following query for lookup override: SELECT 1 FROM myNumbers WHERE myNumber = ?in_lookup_port_name?. Use dummy port with value of 1 as condition.

Validating the excel date for MM/dd/yyyy format

I am using Apache POI to read Excel file(.xlsx) and validate its contents.
We are having a date field in excel whcih should be in format MM/dd/yyyy.
Suppose if the date fild has two values as follows,
1) 04/24/2014
2) 04242014
I have to accept the first one and reject the second.
Since excel stores both these values in integer format, I am not able to differentiate them.
Please suggest if you have any idea about how to solve this.
Apache POI allows to check data format of the cell with:
which gives for your first cell:
and for second:

Using Hibernate's Restrictions.ilike() on a Timestamp

I've been thinking it over, and I'm starting to wonder if this is even possible.
User Perspective:
There's a table of data, and one column contains a date. The user can type in a search term like dec and get all rows that occurred during December.
Backend: A jqGrid is used for displaying the table. It sends the entered search terms to the server. The server uses the code
Criteria cr = session.createCriteria( DetailedLogEntry.class );
Disjunction disjunction = Restrictions.disjunction();
MatchMode matchMode = MatchMode.ANYWHERE;
disjunction.add( Restrictions.ilike( searchKey.getField(), searchKey.getData(), matchMode ) );
cr.add( disjunction );
to apply the search terms, and where DetailedLogEntry contains a Date variable to represent the database's TIMESTAMPfield.
Because searchKey.getData() returns a string, comparing it against a date object results in an empty set.
So I guess the question is...is it possible, preferbly through Hibernate, to apply a restriction against a Date object as if it were a String?
That's not possible. You'd need to use Restrictions.between() and give it an upper and lower date values. You could use SimpleDateFormat to convert from your String values to Date values and then perform the search?
If the user searched for Dec, would you expect all the log entries from December of every year to show up? Can they type in :"1, Dec" and expect to see all the logs from the 1st December for every year? If it is string matching on dates you are looking for, it might be easier to load all the data into your jqGrid and use javascript to filter the table based on the string formatted date values.

How to perform 'between' in Arabic (hijri) calendar and save it as 'date' in MySQL?

My question is actually my ultimate aim.
So far, I am having 2 issues.
How to save arabic date as a 'date' in mysql?
because, I have been converting Gregorian to Hijri and then, using preg_replace (php, for now, final is in Java) would change the numbers to arabic ascii hex... and then, save it in MySQL as varchar.
I know about collation cp1256_general_ci which allows us to store in arabic but, currently, for simplicity sake, I have put it aside. utf-8_general is doing fine too. So storing as varchar is not an issue, storing as 'date' is.
Performing queries on it.
I thought the requirements would end there but, now the task is to perform queries like date 'between' xyz and pqr... Also, the constraint is to 'store it in arabic only'.
Any inputs are much appreciated.
SQL dates
I'd think about it like this: the server actually stores a date as a reference to a given day. How it does that is no concern of yours. When storing data to or reading data from such a date column, the server represents that date using a specific calendar, which is gregorian by convention. What I'm trying to say is, I wouldn't consider the stored value to be gregorian, although it may well be. I would rather consider the transferred date to be gregorian.
So the best solution, in my opinion, is accepting that fact and converting between Gregorian and Hijri on the application side. That way, you could use normal between checks on that.
Strings made up from numbers
If this is not possible, due to the fact that the locale-dependent conversion is too complicated, or because the mapping betwen Hijri and Grogorian is not unique or not known in advance, then you will have to store the date in some other form. Possible forms that come to my mind are either a varchar containing strings of the form YYYY-MM-DD, with the letters signifying digits. This scheme ensures that strings would compare like the dates they represent, so you could still use between on them. Turning these strings back into spelled out dates would still be tricky, though.
One or more numeric columns
So I would actually suggest you use three columns., each containing a number signifying a date, You could then use 10000*year + 100*month + day_of_month to obtain a single number for each day, which you could use for comparisons and between. On the other hand, you could use the function ELT in your queries to turn the number for the month back into a name. If performance is an issue, you might be better of storing just a single number, and splitting it into parts upon selection. In a Gregorian calendar, this would look like this:
CREATE TABLE tableName (myDate DECIMAL(8));
SELECT myDate DIV 10000 AS year,
ELT((myDate DIV 100) MOD 100, "Jan", "Feb", …) AS month,
myDate MOD 100 AS day_of_month
FROM tableName
WHERE myDate BETWEN 20121021 AND 20121023;
Compatibility and convenience
If you have to maintain read-only compatibility with code that expects a single textual date column, you could use a VIEW to provide that. For example for a German Gregorian DD. MMMM YYYY format, you could use code like this:
CREATE VIEW compatibleName AS
SELECT CONCAT(myDate MOD 100, ". ",
ELT((myDate DIV 100) MOD 100, "Januar", "Februar", …), ". ",
myDate DIV 10000) as dateString,
* -- or explicitely name other columns needed for compatibility
FROM tableName
Decoding strings
If you need read-write access by another application using a string format, you'll have to parse those strings yourself. You can do that at the SQL level. Useful tools are SUBSTRING_INDEX to split the string into fields and FIELD to turn a month name into a number. You might want to add a trigger to the database which will ensure that your strings will always be in a valid format which you can decompose in this way. This question gives details on how to use triggers to enforce such checks.
you can store as date directly. I am usind normal date. my mysql functions are
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `kdmtest`.`IntPart` $$
CREATE FUNCTION `kdmtest`.`IntPart` (FloatNum float) RETURNS INT
if (floatNum< -0.0000001) then
return ceil(floatNum-0.0000001);
return floor(floatNum+0.0000001);
end if;
END $$
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `kdmtest`.`Hicri` $$
CREATE DEFINER=`root`#`localhost` FUNCTION `Hicri`(MiladiTarih date) RETURNS date
declare d,m,y,jd,l,n,j int;
set d=day(MiladiTarih);
set m=month(MiladiTarih);
set y=year(MiladiTarih);
if ((y>1582) or((y=1582) and (m>10)) or ((y=1582) and (m=10) and (d>14))) then
set jd=intpart((1461*(y+4800+intpart((m-14)/12)))/4)+intpart((367*(m-2-12*(intpart((m-14)/12))))/12)- intpart( (3* (intpart( (y+4900+ intpart( (m-14)/12) )/100) ) ) /4)+d-32075;
set jd = 367*y-intpart((7*(y+5001+intpart((m-9)/7)))/4)+intpart((275*m)/9)+d+1729777;
end if;
set l=jd-1948440+10632;
set n=intpart((l-1)/10631);
set l=l-10631*n+354;
set j=(intpart((10985-l)/5316))*(intpart((50*l)/17719))+(intpart(l/5670))*(intpart((43*l)/15238));
set l=l-(intpart((30-j)/15))*(intpart((17719*j)/50))-(intpart(j/16))*(intpart((15238*j)/43))+29;
set m=intpart((24*l)/709);
set d=l-intpart((709*m)/24);
set y=30*n+j-30;
return concat(y,'-',m,'-',d);
END $$
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `kdmtest`.`Miladi` $$
CREATE FUNCTION `kdmtest`.`Miladi` (HicriTarih date) RETURNS date
declare d,m,y,jd,l,n,j,i,k int;
set d=day(HicriTarih);
set m=month(HicriTarih);
set y=year(HicriTarih);
set jd=intPart((11*y+3)/30)+354*y+30*m-intPart((m-1)/2)+d+1948440-385;
if (jd> 2299160 ) then
set l=jd+68569;
set n=intPart((4*l)/146097);
set l=l-intPart((146097*n+3)/4);
set i=intPart((4000*(l+1))/1461001);
set l=l-intPart((1461*i)/4)+31;
set j=intPart((80*l)/2447);
set d=l-intPart((2447*j)/80);
set l=intPart(j/11);
set m=j+2-12*l;
set y=100*(n-49)+i+l;
set j=jd+1402;
set k=intPart((j-1)/1461);
set l=j-1461*k;
set n=intPart((l-1)/365)-intPart(l/1461);
set i=l-365*n+30;
set j=intPart((80*i)/2447);
set d=i-intPart((2447*j)/80);
set i=intPart(j/11);
set m=j+2-12*i;
set y=4*k+n+i-4716;
end if;
return concat(y,'-',m,'-',d);
END $$
