Update JIRA Customfield value using java - java

I'm simply trying to update a customfield value in jira using java. I had created a method updateCustomField which accepts 3 parameters (customFieldCode, value, jiraId). Had tried using transition but all it did is change the jira status from "Open" to "Resolved 2". I googled everywhere but they suggest to use JSON which I have no idea how to apply.
here's my update method:
public void updateCustomField(String customFieldCode, String value, String jiraId) throws Exception {
final IssueRestClient issueRestClient = jiraClient.getIssueClient();
final Issue issue = issueRestClient.getIssue(jiraId).get();
FieldInput fieldInput = new FieldInput(customFieldCode, value);
List <FieldInput> fields = new ArrayList <FieldInput> ();
TransitionInput transision = new TransitionInput(1, fields);
issueRestClient.transition(issue, transision);

For those who want to simply update jira using java, you can try this jira-client library.


Create BE Initiative, BE Feature and CPM Feature using Rally Rest Client in Java

We are trying to automate the project migration from one Rally workspace to other. Everything seems to work fine like we are able to migrate project and related releases/iterations/userstories/tasks from one workspace to another workspace.
But while trying to migrate BE Initiative/BE Feature/CPM Feature we are getting some exception related to Null Pointer exception but the error we are getting in Response doesn't seem to give much info.
A sample of code is -
String oldProjectObjectId = "12345";
String newProjectObjectId = "67890";
String oldRallyWorkspaceObjectId = "32145";
String newRallyWorkspaceObjectId = "67894";
QueryResponse beInitiativeResponse = queryRally("portfolioitem/beinitiative", "/project/"+this.oldProjectObjectId, "/workspace/"+this.oldRallyWorkspaceObjectId);
int beInitiativeCount = beInitiativeResponse.getTotalResultCount();
if(beInitiativeCount >0){
JsonArray initiativeArray = beInitiativeResponse.getResults();
for(int i=0; i< initiativeArray.size();i++){
JsonObject beInitiativeObject = initiativeArray.get(i).getAsJsonObject();
String oldBeInitiativeObjectId = beInitiativeObject.get("ObjectID").getAsString();
String oldBeInitiativeName = beInitiativeObject.get("_refObjectName").getAsString();
String owner = getObjectId(beInitiativeObject, "Owner");
JsonObject BeInitiativeCreateObject = getJsonObject(oldBeInitiativeName, "/project/"+this.newProjectObjectId, "/workspace/"+this.newRallyWorkspaceObjectId, owner);
CreateResponse beInitiativeCreateResponse = createInRally("portfolioitem/beinitiative", BeInitiativeCreateObject);
String newBeInitiativeObjectId = beInitiativeCreateResponse.getObject().get("ObjectID").getAsString();
String mapKey = oldBeInitiativeObjectId;
String mapValue= newBeInitiativeObjectId;
this.beInitiativesHashMap.put(mapKey, mapValue);
String[] errorList;
errorList = beInitiativeCreateResponse.getErrors();
for (int j = 0; j < errorList.length; j++) {
queryRally and createInRally functions use Rally rest client to fetch and create the required projects and associated attributes like releases, iterations etc.
After executing CreateResponse beInitiativeCreateResponse = createInRally("portfolioitem/beinitiative", BeInitiativeCreateObject); when it's trying to execute if(beInitiativeCreateResponse.wasSuccessful()) it is instead going to else block and thus printing the below mentioned error.
An unexpected error has occurred.We have recorded this error and will begin to investigate it. In the meantime, if you would like to speak with our Support Team, please reference the information below:java.lang.NullPointerException2017-12-05 11:01 AM PST America/Los_Angeles
But the important point that is when trying to migrate projects and it's related attributes like release/iterations etc. withing same Rally workspace the above piece of code works just fine.
While analysing the issue I made the following observations -
The workspace in which I am trying to create the BeInitiative doesn't have BEinitiative, Be Feature, CPM Feature options in Portfolio items dropdown. Rather it has Theme, Initiative and Feature options in it.
Therefore, I think I was getting the previouly mentioned error. Now I made the following changes to the code.
CreateResponse beInitiativeCreateResponse = createInRally("portfolioitem/theme", themeCreateObject);
So now instead of creating the BEInitiative I am trying to create the theme only in new workspace but getting the following error -
Requested type name \"/portfolioitem/theme\" is unknown.
The object that i am passing to CreateResponse function is -
Also code for createInRally function is as mentioned below -
public CreateResponse createInRally( String query, JsonObject object) throws IOException{
CreateRequest createRequest = new CreateRequest(query, object);
CreateResponse createResponse = restApi.create(createRequest);
return createResponse;
The Unknown Type error was occurring as a result of not passing the workspace's object id in which we were trying to create the portfolio item.
So after modifying the createInRally function to include the workspace object id we were able to create the initiative portfolio item.
The modified createInRally function is as shown below-
CreateRequest createRequest = new CreateRequest(query, object);
createRequest.addParam("workspace", "/workspace/1333333333");
CreateResponse createResponse = restApi.create(createRequest);
return createResponse;
So this is definitely an error in the web services api. You should never get 500 responses with an unhandled nullpointer. My initial guess is that when you're creating your new object some field on it is still referencing an object in the old workspace, and when we try to correctly hook up all the associations it fails to read one of those objects in the new workspace. Can you provide some more information about what your actual object you're sending to create looks like? Specifically what object relationships are you including (that may not be valid in the new workspace)?

How to save and load the object's list to SharedPreferences with/without using Gson?

In my Android app, I used Gson in order to save/load the object's Arraylist in SharedPreferences. Follows are my code using Gson.
public static ArrayList<RequestModal> getModalList(Context ctx) {
Gson gson = new Gson();
String json = getSharedPreferences(ctx).getString("ModalList", new Gson().toJson(new ArrayList<>()));
Type type = new TypeToken<ArrayList<RequestModal>>() {}.getType();
return gson.fromJson(json, type);
In here "RequestModal" is the simple object include a bit of strings and integers.
It works well in case "online". But if internet is offline, forever works on below code.
Type type = new TypeToken<ArrayList<RequestModal>>() {}.getType();
How can I solve it? What is the way implement the feature like this with/without using Gson? Please help me anyone having a good idea.
Thank you in advance.
You can implement this without Gson:
public static EpisodeDetails parseEpisodeDetails(String content) {
EpisodeDetails episodeDetails = new EpisodeDetails();
try {
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(content);
episodeDetails.title = jsonObject.getString("title");
episodeDetails.subTitle = jsonObject.getString("subtitle");
episodeDetails.synopsis = jsonObject.getString("synopsis");
episodeDetails.ends_on = jsonObject.getString("ends_on");
JSONArray images = jsonObject.getJSONArray("image_urls");
if (images.length() > 0) {
episodeDetails.image_url = images.getString(0);
} catch (JSONException e) {
return null;
return episodeDetails;
What I'm doing is just taking the String, in your case the one saved on the shared prefs called ModalList and inserting the values on my structure, on my code the structure is called EpisodeDetails, on your code the correspondent is RequestModal. If you don't want to do it via code and want to try another library I recommend Jackson.
Another thing, on this line:
String json = getSharedPreferences(ctx).getString("ModalList", new Gson().toJson(new ArrayList<>()));
Your second parameter is not necessary. getString takes the key to load as first parameter and a default value as second paramter (in the case of empty result). You could change this to "" or null.
Well, another solution to your problem could be TinyDB. It makes use of Gson to save ArrayLists of objects in sharedPrefs, its usage is so simple as:
Person person = new Person("john", 24);
tinydb.putObject("user1", person);
ArrayList<Person> usersWhoWon = new ArrayList<Person>();
tinydb.putListObject("allWinners", usersWhoWon);
and that's it, check out my link given above to see the usage details.

OrientDB - Java create a field as EMBEDDEDLIST type

I try to create a field as type EMBEDDEDLIST from Java.
But when I try to create it, is considered as LINK.
If I define a field by Studio as EMBEDDELIST with linked class, Java works properly.
My code:
String fieldName = "trialEmbedded";
List<ODocument> fieldDataItem = doc.getData().field(fieldName);
DataItem di = DataItemFactory.create(dtValidita, importo, descrizione, db);
if (fieldDataItem == null) {
fieldDataItem = new ArrayList<ODocument>();
doc.setField(fieldName, fieldDataItem);
In the doc variable (type ODocument) when I save it, on DB (querying by Studio) I've got in column "trialEmbedded" a link (orange box with #rid clickable), if I specify field as EMBEDDEDLIST works properly.
I resolved in very simple way.
I used the signature of setField with OType parameter, like this:
this.data.field(fieldName, fieldDataItem, OType.EMBEDDEDLIST);

How to create a Netsuite customer search using the custom field as the criteria using the java api?

I am trying to find customers in Netsuite by using a custom id that has been populated. I have some code written and it isn't getting the customer as a result. Instead I am getting no records back. What am I doing wrong?
public SearchResult searchCustomerbyExternalId(String externalID) throws RemoteException {
CustomerSearch customerSrch = new CustomerSearch();
CustomerSearchBasic customerSrchBsc = new CustomerSearchBasic();
SearchStringCustomField custentity_externalid = new SearchStringCustomField();
SearchCustomFieldList searchCustomFieldList = new SearchCustomFieldList();
SearchCustomField[] SearchCustomFieldArray = {custentity_externalid};
SearchResult searchResult = _service.search(customerSrch);
Never mind this code works as is..

smartgwt SelectItem with empty value

I have a SelectItem, that fetches data from database. I need to add an emptyField to my select Item.
My code looks like that, and that works great.
SelectItem editor = new SelectItem(...);
editor.setOptionDataSource(new DataAllowableValuesDS('data id for database request'));
but after i've changed it to the code below, start_row and end_row fields in HttpServletRequest have been changed to "-1". How can I solve that?
SelectItem editor = new SelectItem(...);
editor.setOptionDataSource(new DataAllowableValuesDS('data id for database request'));
public DataAllowableValuesDS(String id) {
DataSourceField nameField = new DataSourceTextField("name", null, 2000);
Have you set valueField (="name") and displayField for the SelectItem?
Those attributes allow DataSource to map results to the SelectItem.
One thing I noticed in your code is, value passed to 'id' in DataAllowableValuesDS constructor is never used.
Also, results should have both key/value pair.
Try changing SelectItem and DataAllowableValuesDS as
SelectItem editor = new SelectItem(...);
public DataAllowableValuesDS(String id) {
DataSourceField keyField = new DataSourceTextField("key", "Key");
DataSourceField valueField = new DataSourceTextField("value", "Value");
setFields(keyField, valueField);
Other options
use a DataArrivedHandler to add an empty value
try sending the empty value as part of results from server side
Post your DataAllowableValuesDS code if possible.
