How to include non-maven Netbeans modules in Maven application? - java

I found the opposite version of this question here: How to include maven-based project into my non-maven project but didn't give me any light on the issue.
I know the long road to do this:
Mavenize the module in question.
Add as a dependency.
But this only works if:
You have access to the source of the original module.
The project is well structured as this would complicate mavenizitation.
All this seems unnecessary, there should be a better way. Any idea?

if you have an ant-based module you want to consume in your maven based platform, you will need these artifacts.
module .jar file
module's .nbm file
without these, you are out of luck.
If you have them, create a basic pom file, invent the Maven GAV for the module and use mvn install:install-file or mvn deploy:deploy file to upload the pom, jar and nbm file to a place where it can be consumed by the maven build.


Purpose of POM file dependency [duplicate]

I have just started working with Maven in Eclipse.
I tried running a sample program in it, and I encountered some problems. The errors were in my pom.xml file. What is the significance of the pom.xml file in Maven?
In short the pom.xml will have all information to build your project.
For example you want to build a project and you have only the pom.xml sent to you via mail. If there are enough entries in the pom.xml then that is all you need! You can import it to Eclipse, Maven will download your source code from CVS, download various dependency jars (like Spring, Apache Commons), run your test cases, build the jar/war, deploy to your jboss/app server, generate a report of your code quality (using Sonar, maybe). Each task you want to do will be mentioned as a goal.
The links already provided are good enough for reference.
POM is an XML file that contains the project configuration details used by Maven. It provides all the configurations required for a project.
POM means Project Object Model, and, as the name suggests, it defines the model of the project as well.
In the normal project development you will add JAR files and libraries as required. In Maven-based development, those JAR files, libraries are added to the project using this pom.xml. In the pom context we call those JAR files, libraries as dependencies.
Maven is a build tool and pom.xml is the main file for the project.
The pom.xml file is the core of a project's configuration in Maven. It is a single configuration file that contains the majority of the information required to build a project in just the way you want. The POM is huge and can be daunting in its complexity, but it is not necessary to understand all of the intricacies just yet to use it effectively.
For more reference, check Maven in 5 Minutes.
POM stands for project object model. It's the fundamental unit of work in Maven. It is an XML file that contains information about the project and configuration details used to build the project. It downloads required libraries easily using POM XML tags.
When there is no Maven, it needs to add all the library JAR files one by one to the project. But when there is Pom.xml there is no need to add library JAR files one by one.
Simply add the dependency to the Pom.xml, and it will automatically add the library JAR files to the project.
pom.xml is a file which describes the project, configures plugins, and declares dependencies. The POM names the project, provides a set of unique identifiers (called coordinates) for a project, and defines the relationships between this project and others through dependencies, parents, and prerequisites.
A POM file can include a modules section, which tells Maven which directories have POM files which need to be built.
In the build section you can define plugins for which you need to build the artifacts in your project.
Pom.xml is part of your maven project, using pom.xml, maven life cycle you can achieve it.
The pom.xml is a project object model which tells everything 3rd party tool dependencies and library's and required plugins it will give everything to your project like project means any java based web content like itself. once you create the maven project you will get the pom.xml blog which is everything to handle your project
If you want to test your project, you need to add testing dependencies which is the maven community it will provide you once added it will have everything tested.

How do I get a local Maven package to bring in its dependencies?

I have written a series of classes that I want to turn into a company library. Managing all it's dependencies was a pain so I made a Maven project for it to be handled automatically.
I have packaged my library project into a .jar and added it to my local Maven repository. I can now list it in my application project's pom.xml, it get's brought in just like any other dependency and works great.
The problem is the dependencies of my library do not get brought in. It seems like this should be straight forward but trying to copy other packages in the Maven repository doesn't work.
Right now my jar consists of two directories:
Where do I need to put the pom.xml file for Maven to go get my dependency's dependencies? Is there something else in the .jar build that I am missing?
The Maven POM file (pom.xml), which describes the project/module, is usually placed in the root directory.
The POM file can then be picked up by your Maven installation, which will automatically configure the project, which means also downloading dependencies from their repositories.
For an example of an artifact deployed to a repository, see

How to install a maven build project?

I want to install the following plugin:
Its a maven project. I already successfully build the plugin with maven. Now, I want to install it.
How can I install it? When I build the file with Maven, no Jar file was created that I can use for installation.
pom is container of sub-modules, I see a lot of sub-directories in the project.
Somewhere, nested within the project structure you will find artifacts (modules) with jar packaging. Maven generally builds everything into /target subdirectories of each module. So after mvn install look into target subdirectory in a module with jar packaging.
The link you have ( is the actual work code project of the plugin. (It is only interesting for the people working on the plugin or others who want to change/improve it).
According to AgileReview website, you'll have to simply do the old-way plugin installation. All the steps and infos are here

Idea IntelliJ. how creating maven project. what about pom.xml and .iml files

i just started with java, and created a project.
its maven project (i hadn't use maven yet)
so my project have two modules A and B.
and B depends on A, and A depends on some from remote maven repo. and B also depends on some remote repo.
its works fine in Idea IntelliJ and build jars fine.
but afaik .iml files are Idea IntelliJ specific. and pom.xml is maven specific.
and when i inspect files why all depedecy of project is written in .iml files and .idea dir instead of pom.xml(s)
if you want to see the real world source then here it is but its alpha project for learning java deeply.
and when i try to build project on it unable to resolve dependencies of project
I have forked your WebTrimmer repo here : and fixed a couple of issues which were preventing a successful build:
The travisci fails because you have three jars in the lib folder which are not available to the CI since it's doing a maven build. The fix was to remove those three jars and introduce corresponding maven dependencies as in this commit.
While adding the maven dependencies an exclusion was needed as noted here : The following artifacts could not be resolved: javax.jms:jms:jar:1.1
The WebTrimmerUI depends on the classes in it's sibling module WebTrimmerEngine, therefore a corresponding dependency is needed.
I have converted the project into a pure maven project which is IDE-agnostic. With the above changes, I can build the project from command line and expect that the travisci should be able to as well.
Regarding the question about why the dependencies are duplicated in .iml --- That's not the reason the CI job fails. The dependencies in that file are a snapshot of the dependencies in the pom.xml. This snapshot is updated when the maven project is re-imported manually by the user, or automatically if the maven project is set to 'Auto-Import'.
As Peter Lawrey mentioned in his comment above, if you add a jar to the project, maven does not know about it and it will be present only in the .iml file.
In general, to search and add a maven dependency, the following has always worked for me:
Hope this helps !
You need to add dependencies to the pom yourself. The .iml files are for storing project specific settings for whatever project you are currently working on.
Having the pom files allows your maven builds to be IDE independent where as the .iml files require you to have IntelliJ.
You can exclude the .iml files from and version control you are using. You can also open an existing maven project directly via IntelliJ by opening its pom.xml and IntelliJ can auto import everything specified in the pom file and will generate new .iml files.

use ivy java project in maven?

I have a big maven project with many subprojects that are also maven based.
I started using Red5, and red5 creates an ivy based project. I need to add that project to the dependencies.
list files of project main directory: build.xml ivy.xml ivysettings.xml lib readme.txt src www
how can I add this project as one of the maven project dependencies ?
using Java with Maven 3.0.4
Interesting... A lib directory in an Ivy project.
You can modify the build.xml to create one more target that calls the <ivy:makepom/> target. Just make sure that <ivy:resolve> is called first. This will create a small piece of the pom.xml file you need.
As for the rest. What's that technical term? Oh yeah, you're screwed.
The problem is that Ant and Maven have two completely different build philosophies. In Ant, you write a build.xml script that describes what you want to build and how you want to build it. In Maven, you describe your project via a pom.xml file, and Maven does all the build processing for you.
This isn't an issue of whether or not Whether Ant or Maven is the force of all that's good in the world and the other is only for luzers Apple Fanboys. This is a case of manually converting a pre-existing project into Maven.
You'll have to go through your build.xml and figure out everything it is doing. Then, you need to convert this over to a Maven pom.xml file. There's no way to automate this. Even worse, Red5 isn't setup like a Maven project, so you'll either have to move all the files around, or go into archaic pom.xml configuration hell trying to override how Maven assumes the build is suppose to take place. This can take days, even weeks to get right. And, in the end, you end up with a project you don't control that if you want to update will have to be done all over again from scratch.
Trust me, I did this before for another job where the System Architect decided that Maven was better than Ant, and all of our projects must be converted from Ant to Maven. And, who got stuck with this task? Not the developers who were too busy with other tasks, but I the Configuration Manager.
And, in the end, you will have a project you don't control that if you want to update will have to be done all over again from scratch.
There is an alternative: Ignore it.
Does it really matter if Red5 is an Ivy project? What do you need from this Red5 project anyway? Do you need that red5.jar or the distribution that gets built.
If you need the distribution, let it remain as an Ivy project. Simply set the ivysettings.xml to point to your Maven repository and let it know that it's in Maven 2 format. Ivy will have no problems getting stuff out of that. So what if it's Ivy?
If you just need that red5.jar file in your other Maven project, you can simply use the <ivy:makepom/> task to generate a pom.xml file for you. Then use mvn deploy:deploy-file to deploy that jar into your Maven repository:
$ mvn deploy:deploy-file -Dfile=red5.jar \
-DpomFile=pom.xml \
-DrepositoryId=$repoId \
Now, your red5.jar is in your Maven repository as a fully transitive downloading jar. If you really, really want to get fancy, you can embed the generated pom.xml file into the jar itself, so it is self referential just like Maven jars are. That will take about 30 minutes of hacking the current build.xml file. (Or, if your jar doesn't have to have the pom.xml embedded in it, a separate Ant file that just builds the pom.xml you need, and maybe even deploys it into your Maven repository for you. That way, if the project gets updated, you don't have to worry about the build.xml file being updated.
I've not used it myself, but I know Ivy has a task which can convert an ivy file to a maven pom. I'd explore an option where my CI environment runs that task to generate a pom after a successful build, and then get my maven project to look at the CI's latest artifacts for the jar and pom. You could skip the CI environment as well, and have maven resolve artifacts from the local file system.
I don't think you're going to get away without creating a JAR. Maven's whole dependency philosophy is built around JAR files in a repository - when one maven project depends on another the way it works is that the dependent project builds its JAR and puts it in the local repository, then the main project depends on it from there.
That said, you can fairly easily automate this using a combination of <ivy:makepom> and the Maven Ant Tasks. The idea is to make the Ivy project build its JAR and push that to the local Maven repository as part of every build, so it is immediately available for the maven projects to depend on.
<jar destfile="project.jar">
<fileset dir="classes" />
<ivy:makepom ivyfile="ivy.xml" pomfile="project.pom" conf="default,runtime">
<mapping conf="default" scope="compile"/>
<mapping conf="runtime" scope="runtime"/>
<artifact:pom id="project.pom" file="project.pom" />
<artifact:install file="project.jar" pomRefId="project.pom" />
Make sure your Ivy project has a version number that ends with -SNAPSHOT in its ivy.xml.
