i have a MainActivity, where i call the public function of another class.
public class Sync {
static void StartSync() {
Boolean onSuccess = false;
if (response == true) {
onSuccess = true;
But i would like to give the onSuccess variable back to the MainActivity, to check if the result of StartSync() is true or false
Is there an way?
You can use AsyncTask and Brodcast.
In MainActivity register broadcastreceiver .
Complate task send broadcast
private class myTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String> {
protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
You can make the method return a value. Change the
static void StartSync() ..
static boolean StartSync()..
and then return a value from it, something like:
return onSuccess;
I am doing some coding stuff with android. Nearly I faced a problem and to solve this I need an anonymous AsyncTask class to execute. But I also need to pass and object to this class before execution. I tried the below code but it's not working and I did not find any solution by googling also.
public void saveCartToRoom(CartsPay cartsPay){
new AsyncTask<Void,Void,Void>(){
CartsPay cartsPay;
protected Void doInBackground(Void... voids) {
return null;
public void setRQ(CartsPay cartsPay){
this.cartsPay= cartsPay;
Here is how to pass a CartsPay parameter to an anonymousAsyncTask
new AsyncTask<CartsPay,Void,Void>(){
CartsPay cartsPay;
protected Void doInBackground(CartsPay... params) {
this.cartsPay = params[0];
// Your code ...
return null;
public AsyncTask setRQ(CartsPay cartsPay){
this.cartsPay= cartsPay;
return this;
You can just do it like that:
class CustomAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {
private YourParam mParam;
public CustomAsyncTask(YourParam param) {
mParam = param;
protected doInBackground(Void.. voids){
//do your thing.
And then using it:
new CustomAsyncTask(param).execute();
I have an asyncTask for making a request to a youtube API. I am trying to return data from the AsyncTask but it freezes as soon as I execute the youtube request
public class FindPreviousPlaylistTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, PlaylistListResponse> {
protected PlaylistListResponse doInBackground(Void... params) {
YouTube.Playlists.List playlistsListMineRequest = getYoutube().playlists()
ArrayList<Playlist> foundPlaylists = new ArrayList<Playlist>();
PlaylistListResponse response = playlistsListMineRequest.execute(); //Async call
return response;
return null;
private PlaylistListResponse getPlaylist(){
FindPreviousPlaylistTask previousPlaylistTask = new FindPreviousPlaylistTask();
return previousPlaylistTask.execute().get();
The whole point of the AsyncTask is make the youtube call outside of the main thread, but now I can't return the value of the youtube call.
If I call previousPlaylistTask.execute() without .get() it works fine
You return result will available in onPostExecute() method or you can create an Interface like this
public class FindPreviousPlaylistTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void,
PlaylistListResponse> {
public interface AsyncResponse {
void processFinish(PlaylistListResponse output);
public AsyncResponse delegate = null;
public FindPreviousPlaylistTask (AsyncResponse delegate){
this.delegate = delegate;
protected PlaylistListResponse doInBackground(Void... params) {
YouTube.Playlists.List playlistsListMineRequest =
ArrayList<Playlist> foundPlaylists = new ArrayList<Playlist>();
PlaylistListResponse response = playlistsListMineRequest.execute();
//Async call
return response;
return null;
protected void onPostExecute(PlaylistListResponse result) {
you can call it like this
private void getPlaylist(){
FindPreviousPlaylistTask previousPlaylistTask=new
FindPreviousPlaylistTask( new AsyncResponse(){
void processFinish(PlaylistListResponse output){
//here your AsyncTask response will be available in output valiable
//you can do whatever you want here
Your app freezes because you are calling get() which makes current thread wait for task to finish and get result. You should instead use the result given in onPostExecure(PlaylistListResponse result).
public class FindPreviousPlaylistTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, PlaylistListResponse> {
protected PlaylistListResponse doInBackground(Void... params) {
YouTube.Playlists.List playlistsListMineRequest = getYoutube().playlists()
ArrayList<Playlist> foundPlaylists = new ArrayList<Playlist>();
PlaylistListResponse response = playlistsListMineRequest.execute(); //Async call
return response;
return null;
protected void onPostExecute(PlaylistListResponse result) {
// Do something with your result
Hi I am trying to get an arraylist of data from a an async task class to another main class:
I was following the answer below but I am a little lost:
How to get the result of OnPostExecute() to main activity because AsyncTask is a separate class?
So I have my class that extends async task and calls to the database to get my object array:
public class GetVideoInfoFromDataBase extends AsyncTask {
// Paginated list of results for song database scan
static PaginatedScanList<AlarmDynamoMappingAdapter> results;
// The DynamoDB object mapper for accessing DynamoDB.
private final DynamoDBMapper mapper;
public interface AlarmsDataBaseAsyncResponse {
void processFinish(PaginatedScanList<AlarmDynamoMappingAdapter> output);
public AlarmsDataBaseAsyncResponse delegate = null;
public GetVideoInfoFromDataBase(AlarmsDataBaseAsyncResponse delegate){
mapper = AWSMobileClient.defaultMobileClient().getDynamoDBMapper();
this.delegate = delegate;
protected Object doInBackground(Object[] params) {
DynamoDBScanExpression scanExpression = new DynamoDBScanExpression();
results = mapper.scan(AlarmDynamoMappingAdapter.class, scanExpression);
return results;
public void onPostExecute(Object obj) {
There are no errors but I think I have done something incorrectly in it causing my error.
So in my main activity to call the results I have:
GetVideoInfoFromDataBase asyncTask =new GetVideoInfoFromDataBase(new GetVideoInfoFromDataBase.AlarmsDataBaseAsyncResponse(){
public void processFinish(PaginatedScanList<AlarmDynamoMappingAdapter> output) {
I have two problems here
I am getting the error:
"incompatible types: AsyncTask cannot be converted to GetVideoInfoFromDataBase"
In the mainactivity where i have:
`new GetVideoInfoFromDataBase(new GetVideoInfoFromDataBase.AlarmsDataBaseAsyncResponse()`
it wants me to cast it like this:
(GetVideoInfoFromDataBase) new GetVideoInfoFromDataBase(new GetVideoInfoFromDataBase.AlarmsDataBaseAsyncResponse()
That doesn't seem right but I thought i would check.
I am not sure how to return the result when overriding the onprocessfinished.
Thanks in advance for your help
First create an Interface
public interface AsyncInterface {
void response(String response);
Assign it in the asynctask class as below :-
Context context;
Private AsyncInterface asyncInterface;
AsyncClassConstructor(Context context){
this.context = context;
this.asyncInterface = (AsyncInterface) context;
Then inside onPostExecute method of asynctask class :-
protected void onPostExecute(String s) {
Then implement this interface in your activity :-
class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements AsyncInterface {
and then import the method of asyncInterface
public void response(String response) {
//Here you get your response
Log.e(TAG, response);
Modify Constructor of class.
Need default constructor. By the way, create method to set Interface.
public void setInterface(AlarmsDataBaseAsyncResponse delegate){
this.delegate = delegate;}
In MainActivity, push your logic in:
object.setInterface(new AlarmsDataBaseAsyncResponse(){
public void processFinish(PaginatedScanList<AlarmDynamoMappingAdapter> output) {
//your logic
I'm new in Java/Android and I come from c#. I've been taking a look into it and testing I found that when I execute an AsyncTask the mainthread keeps executing while the external task is doing it's work. I even found that I can only set the asynctask that execute an external task from the MainActivity.
My problem is that I want to execute an external class that when finished brings back the results(just like c#) to the maintask without setting the async class in the MainActivity.
So.. in code should be something like:
public onClickButton(View view) {
String result = SecondaryClass.DoAsyncTask();
private class DoAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Long, Integer, Integer>
protected Integer doInBackground(Long... params) {
String longString = ThirdAPIClass.GiveMeSomeCode(); //Or work here
return lognString;
protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
return result; //Somehow(?)
Any idea if there is something similar in Java/Android(?)
PD: I use AsyncTask as an example, I don't know if there is another instruction that do the same or something like that.
Class Singnature:
First Note is that if your result is a String then you need to change your extend clause to:
class DoAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Long, Integer, String>
Communicating with calling activity:
The AsyncTask's onPostExecute signature is void and it doesn't return data. The most common practices are:
To have this class as an inner class inside your activity, and onPostExecute you can call a method inside that activity.
Add a constuctor to you asyncTask class and pass the activity to it and then call the method using that instance of activity.
First Approach:
protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
Second Approach:
public class DoAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Long, Integer, String>
YouActivityName _activity;
public DoAsyncTask(YouActivityName activity)
_activity = activity;
protected String doInBackground(Long... params) {
String longString = ThirdAPIClass.GiveMeSomeCode(); //Or work here
return lognString;
protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
if(_activity != null) {
Then you create your AsynTask using :
new DoAsyncTask(this);
I'm a beginner in Java and coding for Android. When I was coding an app which makes some network requests, I got NetworkOnMainThreadException exception. I googled and found out the reason and solution. But I still have a question. My app makes requests on different sites and will does different actions with responses (first response on login action, it will be checked, second action is some api calls, third action is requesting images), I think I should not make three different classes for each case (doInBackground is the same, but different onPostExecute methods will be here). How can I fix this problem? Thanks
You can pass an aditional variable as doInBackground Params, save it as "global" class variable and switch in onPostExecute so u dont have to make 3 different classes
Like this
public class Async_DL extends AsyncTask<String, String, String> {
String type_of_request;
String url;
protected void onPreExecute(){
protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
this.url = params[0];
this.type_of_request = params[1];
doinBackground stuff....
protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
case a:
do some stuff
One solution would be to create an interface callback like this
interface Callback {
public void call (String response); //or whatever return type you want
Then you might extends your AsyncTask class like this
private class HttpTask extends AsyncTask <Void,Void,String> {
Callback callback;
HttpTask (Callback callback) {
this.callback = callback;
// your doInBackground method
protected void onPostExecute (String response) {
Then you might call your AsyncTask like this
new HttpTask (new Callback () {
public void call (String response) { /* Here goes implementation */ }
You dont need to make three separate classes for each action. You can extend only once the AsyncTask and i would suggest to add an interface call which can be implemented by your activity:
public interface RequestListener {
public void onLoginCall();
public void onApiCall();
public void onImageCall();
At the same time create an enumeration to hold the requests' types:
public enum RequestType{
Meanwhile you can extend the AsyncTask and call the necessary listener's methods per each case. You can use the second attribute to hold the type of the request:
public class RequestTask extends AsyncTask<Object, RequestType, Object> {
private RequestListener listener;
protected void onPreExecute(){
protected String doInBackground(Object... params) {
this.url = params[0];
this.type_of_request = params[1];
doinBackground stuff....
protected void onPostExecute(Object result) {
if(result is from login)
... and so on